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How can low-geared/novice be useful?


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Thank you Ramalina. You are probably correct about these guys being total noobs. They just decided to dream up that my group of 4 was using bombers when in fact only 1 was. I expect the veteran players would be more likely to know what is going on and not dream up some dooms-day scenario that the secret to beating any opposing force is to send 4 noobs in, 1 with 0 damage, 1 flying bomber and somehow tricking the other side into thinking they are all flying bombers. The pure lack of intelligence they show proves your point Ramalina, I will consider this.
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It could have been a good thing for GSF having a large (1000 member) guild start to learn GSF, and now it seems unlikely. All due to one idiot.

Honestly, the kind of attitude you're sporting now is spiteful and vindictive.


If you're looking for a PVP experience where you never encounter a single moment of poor sportsmanship or have a personality conflict with someone, good luck finding it.


I pm'd you several days ago on here, to no reply, maybe you didn't see it or maybe not. If you just hadn't seen it, then perhaps you ought to take a look.


Suffice it to say that you are currently approaching this situation in as destructive a way as possible. Turn your attitude around and find a constructive way to approach things. Be a positive force. Take the high road. You are in control of your own behavior and reaction, and can choose to go about things differently. I urge you to do so.


- Despon

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1 flying bomber and somehow tricking the other side into thinking they are all flying bombers.

If the match in question is the one Lendul linked above, there is very clearly a point in the match where the side you were on is fielding five bombers out of eight players. I don't know who's who, and don't care, but if that is the match that is in question, there is direct video evidence. So maybe it is time to stop escalating this and try to move to a more constructive path forward.


- Despon

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If the match in question is the one Lendul linked above, there is very clearly a point in the match where the side you were on is fielding five bombers out of eight players. I don't know who's who, and don't care, but if that is the match that is in question, there is direct video evidence. So maybe it is time to stop escalating this and try to move to a more constructive path forward.


- Despon


Hi Despon, No I didn't notice your private message. I didn't try to ignore you, there was no alert that I had a message. I'll respond shortly. As far as the video, watch it. You'll see an extremely good large premade pretty handily killing the other side, and maybe it was a bit of a feeding frenzy as the video pilot couldn't help but to kill the obviously helpless Kira multiple times, possibly a good distraction from the goals of the war. Never thought of that huh, throw total noobies out as a diversion.


Ok, but seriously what the video shows is 2 players list screens and 2 times someone took a snap glance to see how many bombers the other side has, all the while doing tons of damage and piling up kills. But what the video doesn't show is what ships everyone was flying the whole time. My team barely even tried bombers there, except me. And it also DISPROVES irrefutably the claim that all 4 of my guild were bombers. Keep looking and tell me when Kira had a bomber.


You realize that level of skill that video poster and his buddies show are a year or two away from what me or any of my guild could do right? We are nearly brand new, and to counter that teams very impressive dominant performance my guild got 7 kills out of 4 players. That's an average of 1.75 each. I'm pretty sure that didn't cost the dominant team the win, loss of focus did.


Here is the real point though, lets not gloss over it. I'm new, I know 1 ship, I barely have the awareness to know what my teammates are doing much less what they are flying. The only thing I could possibly think to do better in this case would be to die a few times by constantly checking to see what others are flying, and anytime I see a few players on my team for 1 spawn only running more than a couple bombers all I can do is exit battle and leave my team short handed. Because I currently lack the skill set to choose a different ship in that scenario, so I either play or not play.


Enter the harassment: I play the one ship I can (not very well at that), I win 1 out of 25 matches (even though my contribution was tiny), and a chump comes over to harass me about my ship choice (when I only have 1 ship choice really to contribute). And the entire point of the OP's thread here is how can a noob begin to contribute. So here I am, trying to do exactly what a noob should do, try to contribute, and I get threats.


So went wrong? Well, for 1, you guys clearly had us out matched in skills and upgrades and it was your battle to lose. You let one get away from you, it happens, no-one can focus all the time. But if you are going to send a thug over to "warn" someone everytime you lose one maybe you should pick a name of someone who isn't a noob, maybe someone who actually knows how to play. Because all you have succeeded to do here is force a potential new group of "fresh blood" to consider leaving the seemingly toxic world of GSF.


Despon, if you think my replies here sound a bit angry, well I am a bit angry and shouldn't I be? I sort of doubt that it is within game rules to harass newbies on the other side, and we all know it is not good for the game's future.


I think anyone who watches the video should be very angry at the suggestion that they should come over an warn the noobies. Lets see if the community decides to self-police that group. We just wanted to play and try to enjoy with the rest of you.

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The game in question is the first match of the stream. One person asked if I felt a "talking" to was needed, my reply was "only if you want to". I did not condone or say no. However, you are correct in stating one person in your group was unable to field a bomber. I apologize for making my previous comment, that doesn't change the fact that you other three did chose to fly bomber at some point in the match. In addition to other two your team brought.

When you're sitting at a spawn, waiting to join the fight, look and see what other people are flying. If my team brings out multiple bombers, I look and see how many there are and choose something different or stay with a bomber IF we are not doing spam.

As I suggested before, fly all the different types of ships and see which one you like instead of learning to fly just one. My preference is GS, but usually go bomber. GS is the "best" starting ship to learn to fly. It can be one of the most deadly ship. The next one to learn is the t2 scout, the Sting/FF, is your counter to the GS and can be one of the most deadly ships. (It is my weakest ship) To this day, I am a poor scout at best and I've been flying since gsf launch.

Now, I'm not going to apologize for the actions of another person and can only say sorry for my own and that was accusing your group of fielding four bombers. It was a mistake. I'm not trying to start a war, dispute or form any hostility here, but an honest apology for making a mistake.

Anyway, I think this has derailed the original topic of this thread. If you feel the need to discuss this topic further, send me a tell in game (Sixofone imp, Lucklessa pub) or message me on the forum here. Thank you.

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Because all you have succeeded to do here is force a potential new group of "fresh blood" to consider leaving the seemingly toxic world of GSF.

Ok, take a deep breath. Your grievances have been aired, your position has been staked out.


Obsessing over one match/incident/person is not a useful way to move forward.


You can choose to be a positive force, or a negative force. I urge you to be the former.


The overall tenor of the GSF community is positive and helpful to people who seek help learning the game. There will always be disagreements, misunderstandings, and trolling.


Taking a positive, constructive approach is the path I advocate for countering negative situations.


- Despon

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The game in question is the first match of the stream. One person asked if I felt a "talking" to was needed, my reply was "only if you want to". I did not condone or say no. However, you are correct in stating one person in your group was unable to field a bomber. I apologize for making my previous comment, that doesn't change the fact that you other three did chose to fly bomber at some point in the match. In addition to other two your team brought.

When you're sitting at a spawn, waiting to join the fight, look and see what other people are flying. If my team brings out multiple bombers, I look and see how many there are and choose something different or stay with a bomber IF we are not doing spam.

As I suggested before, fly all the different types of ships and see which one you like instead of learning to fly just one. My preference is GS, but usually go bomber. GS is the "best" starting ship to learn to fly. It can be one of the most deadly ship. The next one to learn is the t2 scout, the Sting/FF, is your counter to the GS and can be one of the most deadly ships. (It is my weakest ship) To this day, I am a poor scout at best and I've been flying since gsf launch.

Now, I'm not going to apologize for the actions of another person and can only say sorry for my own and that was accusing your group of fielding four bombers. It was a mistake. I'm not trying to start a war, dispute or form any hostility here, but an honest apology for making a mistake.

Anyway, I think this has derailed the original topic of this thread. If you feel the need to discuss this topic further, send me a tell in game (Sixofone imp, Lucklessa pub) or message me on the forum here. Thank you.


Ok, Despon is right. I will accept your apology. It should be realized that the "snapshots" of some my team using bomber were very short lived, the others die almost instantly in bomber, so it isn't representative of strategy on our part. I'm the only one who runs bomber much of the time. So I'll take it at face value:

1.) It was a mistake by someone on your side, as we were not doing any sort of advanced bomber strategy between our many deaths. Obviously it was mistaken perception, proven wrong. Mistakes happen.

2.) The harassment was meant to affect a change that cannot be changed so it will have no result providing I can convince my some guildies to return to the GSF.

3.) I want to assume it will never happen again (to any newbie or player).


Ultimately we are a nice bunch of people. Very friendly folks and we just wanted to participate in your game and if we can chalk this up as a big misunderstanding it is then just up to me to convince my friends to come back and keep trying GSF. I took deep offense, mostly because it ruined the game for my group mates. Since we have yet to hear from the instigator please self-police your guild-mate so the community can avoid future harassment. We just want friendly competition. Thank you.

Edited by Stellarcrusade
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You are incorrect, and that is the problem. There were 4 total people from my guild in there. 1 was brand new, didn't even OWN a bomber and scored 0 damage. That's right. 0 damage. She has the intro hanger of 2 ships. This just goes to show you how wrong you are about your claim. And of the 4 people, I'm the ONLY one who used bomber. And why did I use bomber? Because, like I said, its the only ship I have _barely_ learned how to play. So you are asking me to not fly the only ship I have _barely_ learned how to play so that you can have more easy kills. Nice. Maybe instead you should allow the other side to enjoy a win, since it is about 25 losses between wins for me. Idiot. Check your facts. Why scare away all the new players, when new players are the only thing that will save the future of GSF.


I do not know whats more idiotic here, that he decided to try to get a new group of players to quit the game, or that he did it based on completely incorrect information. And he will be glad to hear, since I told my guildies about the harassment they are considering not playing much anymore, and the poor guild mate who had 0 damage may never play again. Great job, I guess you win.


It could have been a good thing for GSF having a large (1000 member) guild start to learn GSF, and now it seems unlikely. All due to one idiot.


Looks like I've missed some GSF drama.


Looking at the stream that was linked by someone, I see a different story here (I won't expand on the *****ty flying or it will take me forever, but it's funny to see L2P comments from a person with such low level of skill):


First of all the fact that you say "you were the only one in a bomber" (meaning you probably Commandoar if you carefully watch the stream as you started in a bomber at 51:53). In reality, it's BS since we can see 2nd bomber Vartius at 53:57 who is your guildie; 3rd bomber at 55.24 who is a random and Vartius is still in a bomber since he has an active drone (at 56:02); your guilie Lairat went bomber as well at 56:26. (Holy S!it, it's been about 4.5 minutes from the start of the game and everyone on your team who could go bomber did so. Sounds legit to me, bro.) At 58:33 we can see 5 bombers, 3 of which are from your guild.


Second - your guild group started with 2 tensor scout for domination, I'm sure it's a 100% new pilot behavior to start a domination match with double tensor scouts or is it? Something doesn't look right to me. Something that just screams at you, it's not a new player behavior. What could it be?


Third - the reason why you didn't do much for damage was simply due to the fact that you just ticked your bomber under C all game. I hope you didn't expect to deal damage across the map? Your guildies did well enough as bombers since top damage spots went to a gunship and scouts who were actively dealing damage. Do you know the purpose of the bomber? Area denial. A bomber or group of bombers may not deal a single point of damage and turn the game by making other players reconsider going to a satellite fully covered in red orbs of death or providing chain of beacons to get back to the node.


During the match in question there was someone (person #1) in that voice chat who was on the republic side and reacted to someone (person #2) saying about 5 bombers.

Person #1 looked up in /who names of pilots in the match for republic side while other people on the stream were on the imperial side.

People on voice chat compared the names of the bomber pilots and it was determined that too many bombers were from the same guild. (at 58:34 you can see team composition screen)

Then this Person #1 offered to talk to that guild and warn them (probably about doing an all or close to all bomber group in addition to the bombers that were already there.)

Person #2 said "only if you want to"


I would assume it's the Person #1 who talked to Stellarcrusade. To me it didn't sound like he was angry in the voice chat, or overly concerned with the loss of people in that voice chat. It seems that he wasn't even in that game since he was able to look up the match on pub side while the match was still going. lol at those comments about raging noob switching sides... some people on this thread are stupid to the point of not being able to gather evidence placed in front of them. Of course it would be interesting to see the screenshots of the conversation in order to see the truth of it. Can you provide screenshots to prove your story? So far what I can see from this thread is:


Stellarcrusade & Co.

A bunch of new players, but how new are they? Assuming that they weren't subscribers when GSF came out (otherwise why would they try GSF only now?) they started with 2 ships. In addition to those 2 ships 3 out of 4 in that guild group had 3-5 purchased ships minimum. 5k fleet requisition grant for playing one game can explain 1-2 ships, but they've earned a good amount of fleet requisition to buy the rest of the ships. Let's take a look:


Commador has T3 Strike(5k), T1 Bomber(2.5k), T2 Bomber(5k) = at least 7.5k of fleet requisition earned


Laiarat has T3 Strike(5k), T1 Gunship (2.5k), T3 Scout (5k), T2 Bomber(5k), T1 Bomber(2.5k) = at least 15k of fleet requisition earned


Vartius has T3 Scout (5k), T1 Gunship (2.5k), T1 Bomber(2.5k), T3 Strike(5k), T2 Bomber(5k) = at least 15k of fleet requisition earned


To me those are not new pilots unless Fleet Requisition is now either free in crazy amounts or they were converting it with CCs and converting is not something a noob who's trying GSF will do (they probably won't be able to even find how to do it).


Also, looking at this lineup of ships we can see a familiar pattern. 3 out of 4 people on Stellarcrusade's team have T1 Bomber and T2 Bomber. What a coincidence, or is it? To me it looks like a deliberate lineup to enable a bombargedon. I would love to know what was the first 2-3 ships purchased by Tira. I guess that will be 2 bombers to match the other 3 on the team.


Stellarcrusade claims to win 1 out of 25-100 games (based on what he feels like at the moment). Sounds pretty unreal to me as even the bads that I know of have a higher W/L. Maybe he can provide us with a screenshot of his overall win rate to back up this amazing in its unrealness claim of 1-4% win rate.


Stellarcrusade claims that this was because he went bomber while Maulkat (who many of us know and who is very supportive of GSF community) tells that the problem was that it was Stellarcrusade & Co. went with as many bombers as they could muster. I tend to believe Maulkat here and not some random "new player with enough matches to have 7.5k+ fleet requisition while bomber-ticking on the off node"


MaximilianPower seems to know something about it, since he? posted that there is more to the story than Stellarcrusade claims. Same with Maulkat. So far I see a whole bunch of people jumping to the call of a not very trustworthy pilot since his story doesn't match the facts.


As for Stellarcrusade's 1000+ guild of potential pilots, based on what I've seen - I'll pass. We don't need that many bomber pilots in GSF. And of course you can not guarantee that even 10 people from that 1000 would have tried GSF, so those words were nothing more than BS of a hurt noob.

Edited by WiseStranger
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Looks like I've missed some GSF drama.

And added to it after it was over.


Apologies have been made all around, things are largely resolved, let's let the embers die out and not fan them back to life.


I'll ask you to do the same thing I asked Stellarcrusade: act constructively and positively if possible. Thanks.


- Despon

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The responses in this thread are pretty disappointing. It's clear stellar isn't some seasoned vet running a premade on voice comm beating up on random pilots continuously and then making excuses that's its a faction fly night or that they're entitled to group and beat up on said randoms because they pay for the game.


Just a newer pilot fielding a bomber like he/she should in a dom match and getting waaaay too much hate from folks that are more than happy to stack teams and obliterate the randoms that happen to q into it.


If you run with a group on voice com you have absolutely no right to be berating random newer pilots for going bomber heavy on a dom match. Veteran pilots in a group on voice chat are forcing the other side to do everything in their power to compensate.


What are you expecting these lesser organized folk to do? Just die repeatedly for your pleasure?


When I get annoyed over bomber spam - the majority of the time the team they're doing it against lacks the requisition or experience to deal with bombers in general, let alone several. Try clearing sats in a stock ship undefended - now add turrets.... now add mines and bombers. Most people can't clear the turrets if even one turret.


Whoever bothered to whisper and berate you is not representative of the general experience. Even when I see vet pilots spam bombers against my teams that are mostly random new people I don't bother to swap sides to yell at them - altho there was a time I did - and at least I recognized the majority of the names.


I learned to accept that some people value winning over competition and will make a myriad of excuses to justify it. A lot of vets I've seen who have flown for longer and far more matches than I have plateau in skill level because they almost exclusively fly in groups. It's a lot easier to do well when you guarantee at least half of your team aren't going to be random new pilots, or even just lesser experienced ones.

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Getting some practice with all ship types has already been mentioned but I would also stress getting in a scout especially if your preferred ship is a bomber. No matter how good you get 2 gunships will give you nowhere to hide on a sat and unless you are grouped with a decent scout pilot you may be the only one who is able to switch to scout and take them out.
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Looks like I've missed some GSF drama.


Stellarcrusade & Co.

A bunch of new players, but how new are they?


As for Stellarcrusade's 1000+ guild of potential pilots, based on what I've seen - I'll pass.


Yup, this moron has figured out my secret. I'm really a dominant player, as witnessed I guess by my 2 kills and 2503 damage in the battle in question. Its this type of idiot that started the whole problem. You do not get to choose who plays here or not.


Despon is again right, this is a dead topic, a mistake was made, I accepted apology and you can keep your opinion to yourself about who _gets_ to play the game. I consider it over and we all can move on as friends.

Edited by Stellarcrusade
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Getting some practice with all ship types has already been mentioned but I would also stress getting in a scout especially if your preferred ship is a bomber. No matter how good you get 2 gunships will give you nowhere to hide on a sat and unless you are grouped with a decent scout pilot you may be the only one who is able to switch to scout and take them out.


Thanks for the tip, thats why I come to the forum for helpful people like yourself (and the other helpful ones not mentioned).

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Yup, this moron has figured out my secret. I'm really a dominant player, as witnessed I guess by my 2 kills and 2503 damage in the battle in question. Its this type of idiot that started the whole problem. You do not get to choose who plays here or not.


Despon is again right, this is a dead topic, a mistake was made, I accepted apology and you can keep your opinion to yourself about who _gets_ to play the game. I consider it over and we all can move on as friends.


Aren't you a rare specimen...


I never said that you were a dominant player, I just said that you (and your group) may not be as new and bad as you would like others to think. There is a big difference. You get 0 points for this attempt to twist my words.


Your 2 kills and 2503 damage were explained well enough by the fact that you ticked in your bomber on the off-node the entire game while all the action was happening at B. Your 464 objective points provide sufficient proof of where you were all game. As a matter of fact some good players may have similar stats when they are guarding off-node that is not being attacked all game. Your attempt to use stats to prove your crippled point falls short.


Moving on... the idiot here is not me, I just provided the analysis of the stream. You however qualify for the title since you're desperately trying to avoid real facts. Even this post you've made quoted and replied to not-very-important information instead of facts.


You've repeatedly blew everything out of proportion and picked and twisted facts to present yourself in the best light possible (aka poor noob threatened by some big and scary thug who lost a game to your single bomber or GSF is filled with mean, toxic people because you had one questionable interaction). Considering this and how vague you're about the incident, I doubt that things happened exactly how you've described them. Just look at how saying "A bunch of new players, but how new are they?" turned into "you said I'm a dominant player" in a blink of an eye.


As for opinions, give me a good reason why should I keep them to myself?. You don't bother keeping your opinions to yourself right? You accepted an apology, but have you given one in return? Of course you want to consider this matter over, since you just want to walk away looking clean with your head lifted high. How about apologizing for all the BS you've sprouted in the thread without anything to back it up (i.e. you being the only bomber in your group and short lived "snapshots" of your guildies using bombers before quickly dying)? How about properly apologizing to Maulkat and her group since they didn't send anyone to talk to you and in was done by a single individual out of his own volition? After that is done - feel free to move on.

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Aren't you a rare specimen...


Everyone can see through your bull. The nice players in this thread have tried to convince me that you are the rare case, not the norm. That most GSF players are actually smart and not toxic to the player base, and welcome new players. I tend to believe them, but lets see if I can dumb down what happened far enough for you to understand so we can move on. Instead of your meaningless bull to distract the issue, here are just the facts:

1.) They thought that there was an organized unfriendly strategy that involved a team of 4 skilled players all using bombers. They were wrong as the facts have clearly shown. (Our group averaged 1.75 kills each, one of us got 0 damage, one of us doesn't even OWN a bomber.) It is clear that my little group isn't why we won that war. Also that we were barely able to contribute to our team. The video shows why the large team on voice chat with huge amounts of damage and tons of kills didn't win, and it wasn't because 4 noobs on the opposing side were secretly tactical geniuses. You may not like it but some new players, like myself, tend to try to learn bomber first.

2.) One single person from their guild decided to harass/bully new GSF players on the other side. This is against the game rules and if reported would have been subject to punishment. More importantly this is GREATLY disapproved of from the GSF community. It is clear new players are needed and trying to harass them into quitting the game doesn't help.

3.) Once shown that the assumption in #1 was incorrect, an apology was offered and graciously accepted. This event is in the past now, no hard feelings because it was simply a mistake based on a false assumption.


So, lets trim it down a bit more for you, just in case it still needs clarification for you.

- Against the rules act: Harassment/Bullying.

- Victim: Me and 3 other newer gsf players.

- Result: Apology offered to victim, victim accepts, case closed.


So this is the end of this topic. No need to post another 20 paragraphs of meaningless fluff. The point is, IT IS NOT ACCEPTED BY EITHER GAME RULES OR THE GSF COMMUNITY TO BULLY PLAYERS. No matter what you say you cannot change it, no matter how much you really really wish it was not true, it remains true.


I have no problem with anyone involved, I hope to form friendships with all of them and compete with and against in friendly combat. If I as play long as you, I can guarantee that I will not be so self important that I feel I get to approve the potential new players, or feel that I can "pass" on their entire guild from participating because it suits me.


We are just a friendly group that wanted to try to learn the game, we never expected harassment.

Edited by Stellarcrusade
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When you're sitting at a spawn, waiting to join the fight, look and see what other people are flying. If my team brings out multiple bombers, I look and see how many there are and choose something different or stay with a bomber IF we are not doing spam.


Haven't you and a number of people said they aren't critical of what people fly and how they DON'T DICTATE what people should fly? And what do you mean IF you aren't doing spam?


- newer players with low req flying bombers in a dom match are doing exactly what people have suggested they do - They lack the upgrades and ships to clear sats efficiently and rely on attrition to compensate. Sure, its not pleasant to fight but given their limited tools to work with it was the most logical choice. Lesser experienced pilots in low req bombers alone don't really make for bomber spam - It's when you have experienced pilots in high req/mastered ships fielding multiple bombers against teams where most players don't even have the tools or experience to clear sats undefended, let alone sats covered in mines.


Stellar got way more hate than he should have, not just in game but even in these forums. It really doesn't bode well when we tell newer pilots to invest in bombers so they're more effective as newer players than turn around and berate them for using the ship we suggested they use in the first place.

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The video shows why the large team on voice chat with huge amounts of damage and tons of kills didn't win, and it wasn't because 4 noobs on the opposing side were secretly tactical geniuses. You may not like it but some new players, like myself, tend to try to learn bomber first.


We are just a friendly group that wanted to try to learn the game, we never expected harassment.


Like I mentioned before - one thing you'll learn is that there are people who prioritize winning over competition. Whoever bothered to insult you directly in game clearly was upset that their premade didn't get their guaranteed win. A number of pilots stack the teams greatly in their favor and when they're beaten rarely are they gracious in defeat. You're far more likely to have someone come over and say good games after they've beaten you over and over than they will if they actually lose. For some reason they seem to think they're entitled to their fun at the expense of others.


The other night one-side was so dominant that people just started to refuse against that group. They essentially expected that skilled pilots capable of competing at that level would magically appear and become readily available out of the blue. They could have easily resolved the issue by splitting up to be on both sides so they all had an equal stake in trying to win. Instead they chose not to do so and in turn people chose not to queue. They didn't feel it necessary to make things fun and pilots didn't feel like like dying repeatedly for their pleasure.


The hardest part about improving in GSF is sticking around long enough to do so.

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Everyone can see through your bull. The nice players in this thread have tried to convince me that you are the rare case, not the norm. That most GSF players are actually smart and not toxic to the player base. I tend to believe them, but lets see if I can dumb down what happened far enough for you to understand. No more of your meaningless bull that really has nothing to do with anything here, just the facts.

1.) They thought that there was an organized unfriendly strategy that involved a team of 4 skilled players all using bombers. They were wrong as the facts have clearly shown. (Our group averaged 1.75 kills each, one of us got 0 damage, one of us doesn't even OWN a bomber.) It is clear that my little group isn't why we won that war. Also quite clear we barely know what is going on enough to barely help our team. The video clearly shows why the team with huge amounts of damage and tons of kills didn't win, and it wasn't because 4 noobs on the opposing side were secretly tactical geniuses.

2.) One single person from their guild decided to harass/bully new GSF players on the other side. This is against the game rules and if reported would have been subject to punishment. More importantly this is GREATLY disapproved of from the GSF community. It is clear new players are needed and bullying detracts from that.

3.) Once shown that the assumption in #1 was incorrect, an apology was offered and graciously accepted. This event is in the past now no hard feelings because it was simply a mistake based on a false assumption.


So, lets trim it down a bit more for you, just in case it still needs clarification for you.

- Illegal act: Harassment/Bullying.

- Victim: Me and 3 other newer gsf players.

- Result: Apology offered to victim, victim accepts, case closed.


So this is the end of this topic. No need to post another 20 paragraphs of meaningless fluff. The point is, IT IS NOT ACCEPTED BY EITHER GAME RULES OR THE GSF COMMUNITY TO BULLY PLAYERS. No matter what you say you cannot change it, no matter how much you really really wish it was not true, it remains true. No matter who you think you can hand-pick to play SWTOR with you, you do not get to choose.


I have no problem with anyone involved, I hope to form friendships with all of them and compete with and against in friendly combat. Some day when I've been playing as long as you, I can guarantee that I will not be so self important that I feel I get to approve the potential new players, or feel that I can ban their entire guild from participating because it suits me. At this point it seems you are the one who wants to harass.


Everyone can see through my bull? Oh... you mean facts based on evidence? Of course everyone can see those facts and verify them against the stream and your posts. Sadly my posts use facts and yours use imagination.


Just in case you need to clarify for yourself what harassment is (just click and read, you might be surprised). Harassment is a repetitive behavior in case you didn't know and becomes one only after one party tells to the other party that they dislike certain behavior while other party continues to behave in unwanted way.


Next - someone said something, so what? It's internet, grow a thicker skin it will do you good in real life. Also, based on how you ignore or twist facts in this thread when they are shoved in your face, as well as the fact that you can't produce a single piece of evidence, I don't think your word about someone harassing you can be really taken seriously. (Again refer to what harassment really means).


Nobody in this thread tried to convince you about anything regarding me. After my first post in this thread Greezt made some irrelevant post, caederon suggested to act constructively and positively if possible (and he got my reply in PM), SeCKSEgai made the usual complaint about premades (doesn't look like he? bothered to watch the stream or pay attention to factual info) and aakrea gave you a reasonable suggestion. But please do point me to the post that tried to convince you about me.


The only meaningless BS in this conversation is coming from you since you're trying to go against clear evidence (stream) of what happened on the imperial side with voice chat clearly captured. Keep denying it, I don't mind, you just showcase more and more why people shouldn't take you seriously.


Now here are the corrections to remove BS coming from your wild imagination:


1. They never said anything about you being skilled players.

2. The only mistake that was made is the inclusion one 2 shipper from your guild as a pilot capable of fielding a bomber.

3. Your guild fielded 3 bombers (as can be seen on a stream) therefore it's irrelevant what your team got as average kills. Bombers do area denial not kills. Kills are the job of scouts and gunships. You were sitting on C all game and you weren't disturbed much, hence your low kills and damage and extremely high objective score. Why do you even bring up your damage and kills if you just ticked on the off-node?

4. Two other bomber from your guild did quite well considering they had close to 200 objective points each in addition to good number of assists and medals. Death count was also fairly low (both teams had approximately the same number of deaths). Unlike you they were where the action was or in other words B.

5. Combination of 3 bombers from your guild with bombers from the other 2 pilots (one of which did slightly worse and other did slightly better) was a significant contributing factor to your victory. People who played GSF for a while know quite well what can 5 bombers do in Domination game mode even when they are not very organized or geared. (Also in Domination it's not the side doing most damage and kills that would win. It's the side that controls the satellites.)

6. One of the people in the voice chat on the stream decided to talk to you. What was actually discussed remains unknown as you didn't provide any screenshots. If it was something so outrageous you would have taken screenshots and submitted them along with a ticket against the individual who spoke with you. If it was so bad and you are so sure that a punishment would have been handed out, you would have filed an official complaint right that moment. You tell us that you didn't do either. Why? If it was as bad as you want everyone to believe I'm sure there wold have been some official action from BioWare. Though, maybe it wasn't as bad as you're trying to make it look... that would explain no screenshots and no ticket filed.


While one side made a mistake in thinking there were 4 bombers from your guild and there were 3 it doesn't change the fact that you tried to lie to everyone that you were The Only Bomber and I still don't see any apology from you about that lie.


You called the entire GSF community toxic based on one interaction with someone and you can't even provide anything about it and you didn't even feel that filing a complaint was reasonable so you didn't. You insulted the entire community and I don't see any apology from you.


As for what's accepted by the game and what's not - go read Rules of Conduct and EUALA, you will be surprised at your limited understanding.

In terms of GSF community and disliking some individual pilots and focusing them down... Krixarcs!!!! Where are you??? I guess he's not around anymore. Get on a wrong side of a community by bomber-ticking or causing bombergedon or some other action/behavior that the community dislikes and no rule will keep you safe in the skies. I'm pretty sure each GSFer who's been around long enough has one or more names they will obliterate at any cost.


So again... act the way you want to act, it doesn't change the facts.

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Everyone can see through my bull? Oh...


Dude, you ramble on but you have no point, it is all just noise.


So lets get this straight. You watched that video and from that video, the same one the rest of us watched, you in all your expertness believe that my group of 4 employed some sort of advanced organized strategy that caused an expert large team collaborating on voice to lose. You claim that our 1.75 kills per person is what did it?


You seriously are going to try to make people believe that, when they can also just watch the video and see what really happened? So, you want everyone to believe a group of 4 that includes players who put up 0 damage, and 2k damage are able to take out any highly skilled highly organized large team collaborating on voice chat just because they choose bomber and put up tiny amounts of damage? Is that the story you are sticking with? I'm just glad someone actually had the video to prove you wrong.


Instead of my guild running around in 4 bombers the entire war employing an advanced strategy, we see that the attacking group was a bit distracted enjoying all the juicy kills away from the bases.


Start of battle: Load screen clearly shows my guild doesn't have 4 bombers.

53:18: Vart dog-fighting - no bomber here. Easy kill.

53:41: Two people engaging Tira's fighter - obviously helpless no where near a base. Time wasted.

53:56: Load Screen clearly shows my guild doesn't have 4 bombers.

54:17: Two people engaging arrikeen, not near base. (i dont know what he is flying)

54:59: Attacking Tira, again she is not challenging the base, just strafing to learn controls.

55:51: Another of my guildies, in a dogfight. Fighter? Not bomber.

59:26: Gunshipping down Tira, again she is not challenging (or guarding) a tower. Waste of time.

1:00:46: Again, engaging Tira, not affecting a base, floating aimlessly.

1:01:03: Again Tira, not near base.

1:01:46: Load Screen, clearly shows my guild doesn't have 4 bombers.

Finish: Shows my guild barely had any affect on the war at all.


Someone at that point came over and said we were running 4 bombers during that war, employing an advanced strategy that includes bombers (I forget what the strategy is called), and basically gave me no choice since I barely know only 1 ship type, to quit playing the game or be targeted from that point on. Seeing the above video is it more likely that the superior team just got distracted with the easy kills instead of grabbing bases, or that you can hand pick out the 4 worst players on the other side and credit them for the result. The strong team just lost focus, it happens, and they already realize their spur-of-the-moment conspiracy theory was false.


So, once again, you are proven wrong. And it is really too easy to do so because the proof is so clear. I know how much you hate facts, but there they are, none are in dispute. But what is your motivation? You obviously would like new players to just fly around and get killed for your enjoyment. It is too bad that new players choose to learn bomber and that offends you. You are the problem. You would prefer a newer player quits the game if he only knows bomber.


What else can you really feel to accomplish here? Lets be clear. I have not been with the game long enough to learn more than 1 ship. As many had suggested since new I try bomber first. I did what they suggested, and in a tight battle where I might actually, in my own 2k damage way, contribute and help my team this offends you. You would rather I take that as the perfect time to roll out the naked never been flown fighter or scout for the first time to sabotage my team. You would rather that a weaker team always loses to a stronger team, you would rather that we do not even play the wars because just by the initial skill set of each team we know how the war SHOULD end?


And through all of your word pollution here all you are trying to do is prove my initial claim in this thread that I thought newbies shouldn't dare try starfighter because if you try to use the easiest ship to contribute with, EVER, you will offend the veterans. You sir, are working very hard to prove this point that the good people of the community have been trying to convince me and potential other new players that read this otherwise. Either way, it shows how some people treat new players, it is no wonder why there are not enough.


Go away, your bullying will not get the result you want. I'll delete my other ships since they have not been used anyhow then maybe you'll stop being fixated on preventing newer players from using bomber.

Edited by Stellarcrusade
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Dude, you ramble on but you have no point, it is all just noise. (You mean my posts have facts and logic... something your posts lack)


So lets get this straight. You watched that video and from that video, the same one the rest of us watched, you in all your expertness believe that my group of 4 employed some sort of advanced organized strategy (never said anything about advanced strategy, this is your typically pathetic attempt to twist my words) that caused an expert large team collaborating on voice to lose. You claim that our 1.75 kills per person is what did it? (Another pathetic attempt to twist facts. I never said that your kills that were irrelevantly averaged mattered.)


You seriously are going to try to make people believe that, when they can also just watch the video and see what really happened? (People who GSFed for a while will be able to see it and it's all that matters) So, you want everyone to believe a group of 4 that includes players who put up 0 damage, and 2k damage are able to take out any highly skilled highly organized large team collaborating on voice chat just because they choose bomber and put up tiny amounts of damage? Is that the story you are sticking with? I'm just glad someone actually had the video to prove you wrong. (Prove me wrong? My posts are actually based on that stream and compared against your BS story you want everyone to believe. A veteran pilot in a stock starter scout NovaDive/BalckBolt can go the entire domination not doing any damage and just denying a cap to the enemy team. At the final score board he may have no damage, kills or assists but have highest objective points and be the reason why the team won. However it's unlikely you will understand that for domination kills and damage do not assure victory. And just so we're clear here, I didn't call you nor anyone from your team a veteran pilot)(Also... why don't we ask someone respected like Despon/caederon if I'm incorrect with my analysis of the stream?)


Instead of my guild running around in 4 bombers the entire war employing an advanced strategy, we see that the attacking group was a bit distracted enjoying all the juicy kills away from the bases. (Again I never said that your guild had 4 bombers.)


Start of battle: Load screen clearly shows my guild doesn't have 4 bombers. (Indeed it doesn't, it has a bomber and 2 tensor scouts instead, a by-the-book move for domination games)

53:18: Vart dog-fighting - no bomber here. Easy kill. (And not even 39 seconds later he is a bomber, that makes 2/4)

53:41: Two people engaging Tira's fighter - obviously helpless no where near a base. Time wasted. (I never said the streamer was a good pilot who makes good decisions, right? Also it's a 2 vs 3 fight where a gunship that is not in the field of vision shoots Eeztahnli and Kazbiel kills the streamer. Oh... did I by accident ruin your cool story bro?)

53:56: Load Screen clearly shows my guild doesn't have 4 bombers. (I never said anything about 4 bombers, but it already has 2 and there will be more)

54:17: Two people engaging arrikeen, not near base. (i dont know what he is flying) (I understand that you're having fun playing a total idiot here... The type of ship he's flying is written at the bottom of the top right window... It's a gunship. Attention to details = 0)

54:59: Attacking Tira, again she is not challenging the base, just strafing to learn controls. (You know there is a tutorial where one can learn controls and ensure they understand the rock bottom basics in a non-hostile environment? I know the tutorial isn't amazing, but you can still use it to get the basics of movement right.)

55:51: Another of my guildies, in a dogfight. Fighter? Not bomber. (Indeed, a tensor scout he started with, you need to wait about 30 seconds and at 56:26 he's in a bomber. That makes 3 bombers from the same guild. Are you not getting tired of embarrassing yourself?)

59:26: Gunshipping down Tira, again she is not challenging (or guarding) a tower. Waste of time. (That's relevant how? Why did you skip a juicy timestamp of 58:33 that shows 5 bombers where 3 of those are from your guild? Didn't you claim you were The Only Bomber from your guild? Oh... that's probably because that doesn't fit with your story... I see.)

1:00:46: Again, engaging Tira, not affecting a base, floating aimlessly. (How is that relevant to the fact that you said you were The Only Bomber on your team?)

1:01:03: Again Tira, not near base. (How is that relevant to the fact that you said you were The Only Bomber on your team?)

1:01:46: Load Screen, clearly shows my guild doesn't have 4 bombers. (Did I ever say your guild had 4? Again what you and your guild are being called out on was fielding as many bomber as they only could causing 5/8 ships on your team to be bombers. Vartius got out of the bomber sometime after 1:00:40)

Finish: Shows my guild barely had any affect on the war at all. (Shows that you like to believe it, but final scoreboard tells a different story which experienced pilots can read much better than you think they can.)


Someone at that point came over and said we were running 4 bombers during that war, employing an advanced strategy that includes bombers (I forget what he called the strategy), and basically gave me no choice since I barely know only 1 ship type, to quit playing the game or be targeted from that point on. Seeing the above video is it more likely that the superior team just got distracted with the easy kills instead of grabbing bases, or that you can hand pick out the 4 worst players on the other side and credit them for the result. (When I sort by objectives, your guildies that fielded bombers end up #1, #3 & #4. But we already understand that you like to pretend that you don't understand how bombers work in Domination Games. That's why 3 our of 4 people on your team had 2 bombers in the lineup, right?) The strong team just lost focus, it happens, and they realize their spur-of-the-moment conspiracy theory was not to blame. (I see no superior team in the stream, the streamer can't even shoot stationary targets straight. If according to your words you were threatened/bullied and you felt so bad about that, why didn't you take screenshots? Looking at how you like to twist the words of others as well as some comments from others that there is more to the story than you tell, I don't think your word alone can be trusted.)


So, once again, you are proven wrong. (in your imaginary world.) And it is really too easy to do so because the proof is so clear. (or this is something you would like to believe in.) But what is your motivation? (Just to pass the time on the train) You obviously would like new players to just fly around and get killed for your enjoyment. (New players will get killed regardless of what they fly and there is little enjoyment in that.) It is too bad that new players choose to learn bomber and that offends you. (It doesn't offend me when a new player learns a bomber, but I think the problem arises when every new player fields a bomber as a solution to any problem) You are the problem. (Based on what your imaginary monkeys in your imaginary world told you?) You would prefer a newer player quits the game because he only knows bomber. (Not really, a single player playing a bomber doesn't make it a problem, but I have a solution... why don't you arrange for the day & time when you can field 8 guildies and the opposition will go 5-8 bombers on you in domination. That will quickly get the point across. Though likely you will not have what it takes to do it.)


What else can you really feel to accomplish here? Lets be clear. I have not been with the game long enough to learn more than 1 ship. As many had suggested since new I try bomber first. I did what they suggested, and in a tight battle where I might actually, in my own 2k damage way, contribute and help my team this offends you. (It doesn't offend me, but I find it funny how you stir the conversation away from the BS you were called on - your claim that you were The Only Bomber on your guild team. The only thing that is required from you is to apologize to people for that BS the same way others offered you an apology for saying you fielded 4 bomber out of 5 and not 3 our of 5) You would rather I take that as the perfect time to roll out the naked never been flown fighter or scout for the first time to sabotage my team. (Again, I don't think it was about you personally to begin with, at the very least the conversation on the stream suggest otherwise.) You would rather that a weaker team always loses to a stronger team, you would rather that we do not even play the wars because just by the initial skill set of each team we know how the war SHOULD end? (How did you derive this again? Back to the 2 problems that I have with you: you throw BS around and when confronted with facts you don't have the manly parts to apologize; you called the entire GSF community toxic based on a single interaction and haven't issued a formal apology.)


And through all of your word pollution (/yawn) here all you are trying to prove my initial claim in this thread that I thought newbies shouldn't dare try starfighter because if you try to use the easiest ship to contribute with, EVER, you will offend the veterans. (Go back to the bottom of previous paragraph. My issue with you is your BS) You sir, are working very hard to prove this point that the good people of the community have been trying to convince me and potential other new players that read this otherwise. Go away, your bullying will not get the result you want. (There is no bullying, mostly facts and opinions. If they were invalid you would pay them no mind and walked away. I do not issue you any threats or promise any consequences, I just call you out of BS because I want to.) I'll delete my other ships since they have not been used anyhow then maybe you'll stop being fixated on preventing newer players from using bomber. (You can do whatever you want, but take it as an advice: people who have a pure bomber line up or a single ship tend to draw more of unwanted attention. Been there, done that with a T2 scout and didn't like the result. It's up to you what you do with your GSF time.)


I understand it's quite hard for you to admit and accept the truth.



Anyone getting the feeling that Wisestranger was the one doing the threatening?

Would I be stupid enough to fan the flames in that case? Logic may not be one of your strong points, but I tend to believe it's one of mine. My work requires digging for the facts and it's something I enjoy so I should thank you for your stream, it helped me to pass the time while travelling.

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The message you have entered is too short. Please lengthen your message to at least 5 characters.


BTW I asked the question already knowing the answer. You are a liar. I will leave it at that. Those that know you can now rest assured that you will in fact bold faced lie. You have made an effort to keep your in game and forum presence separate. If you wish for that to remain the status quo I would suggest dropping this.

Edited by Lendul
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