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Grand Galactic Starfighter packs are back as of May 17


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Last time I bought some was when they were at 75. And in my opinion even that was too much, considering all the useless stuff that's in them. I might buy them if they drop the price to a more appropriate level. Edited by Danalon
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While 110 CC feels a little steep given the relatively small number of items in the pool (especially considering most of us probably have many or all of them in some form or other), it probably wouldn't hurt us, as the GSF community, to give our presence a little boost on the radar by picking up as many of these as we reasonably can. Even if we all just pick up one pack with our subscriber grants, at least that's a way to sort of wave our hands to the money watchers who determine dev time and say: "Hi! We're still here!"
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While 110 CC feels a little steep given the relatively small number of items in the pool (especially considering most of us probably have many or all of them in some form or other), it probably wouldn't hurt us, as the GSF community, to give our presence a little boost on the radar by picking up as many of these as we reasonably can. Even if we all just pick up one pack with our subscriber grants, at least that's a way to sort of wave our hands to the money watchers who determine dev time and say: "Hi! We're still here!"


I did that last time when I spent ~ 7k CC (those accumulate anyway via sub and I don't care about most CC stuff). I dislike lottery systems in general, but after that experience I will certainly not buy them for 110 CC, but wait for a sale.

Edited by Danalon
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These packs actually have items that were never in the standard packs. I bought a bunch yesterday- while a Mailoc was in the list, the much more interesting beast to me was pink purple engine reactant. This was the Republic version: the internet thinks that there's an Imperial version. I don't know if these were in the packs before, but I know that they were never part of a more mainstream release around the time GSF was getting regular updates.


Also spotted: Dark Turquoise / Light Blue Republic color module, Dark Turquoise / Red Republic paint job, some Imperial paintjob with "Slate" as a color. Also, I think GR-05 paint job- is that new? It seems like their list of "everything GSF related" seems to include stuff that was in the data for a long time but not out yet.


Again, I don't know if this is any different than the first time these packs were available, as I totally missed that, and the description never made it sound like there was new stuff in them.


I'm really excited because I had all the cosmetic unlocks, and now there's more out there.

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If they didn't change anything, the packs have a chance to contain default colors for everything as well as the gunship paintjobs which were reserved for subsbcribers at GSF launch. Edited by Danalon
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The "valiant" paintjobs aren't just for gunships. There's one for scouts, strikes, and gunships. All were subscriber bonuses at GSF launch, and I've opened one (the scout), so I assume all are available.
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The "valiant" paintjobs aren't just for gunships. There's one for scouts, strikes, and gunships. All were subscriber bonuses at GSF launch, and I've opened one (the scout), so I assume all are available.


The gunship one is called Daring. Valiant was for scouts and strikes.


Thanks for the update Verain!

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The "valiant" paintjobs aren't just for gunships. There's one for scouts, strikes, and gunships. All were subscriber bonuses at GSF launch, and I've opened one (the scout), so I assume all are available.

If those really are included, that completely sucks. I have proudly used that paint job to show I was there from the beginning (of course people really can't see it but still).



Aside form that I did notice an engine color of pink purple on the GTN, I have never seen that before, so I'm guessing there could be new things in the packs. This makes the packs return even more of a hopeful thing.

Edited by mudtech
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Thrakhath, what was the stock item?


Mudtech, it is a bit of shame that the preorder bonuses are being made more generally available, but I will point out that there are still pretty damned rare even in the packs. At the very least, they won't be common. Plus the best bonus is the free gunship on every new alt :p

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Mudtech, it is a bit of shame that the preorder bonuses are being made more generally available, but I will point out that there are still pretty damned rare even in the packs. At the very least, they won't be common. Plus the best bonus is the free gunship on every new alt :p

Sadly, by the looks of the GTN they are not rare at all.




Thank you so much for ruining that little piece of pride BW. So what exclusive rewards are next to be on the CM?

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I... really don't think they are common, over the field of GSF players.


As far as not buying any because one of them is a stock item... I dunno, that's not how I rolled at all. I mean, that is objectively garbage, but most packs will not be useless garbage.


Frankly, I think you should:


1- Write a third ticket, and explain that you want your cartel coins back because the item is not usable by any character, freshly rolled or veteran, period.

2- Make a bug report in the bug forum. A "use and get a thing" item that is entirely unusable by any player character is a bug.

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Just thought I'd point out that the Grand Galactic Starfighter Pack is actually still available, in the Misc category of the CM.


That's very unusual, actually. I can't recall a time I've seen one of these Grand packs shift into Misc after their stint in rotation as a featured item. So there's a little voice inside of me hatching hope-filled (although possibly delusional) little conspiracy theories. When I was at the Cantina Tour in Anaheim last year, I made my way to Michael Backus (one of the lead designers on GSF) and made sure to speak positively about GSF and to thank him. The vibe I got from him (aside from being extremely grateful for the kind words) was that of a man who wished he could do more for GSF but whose hands were tied. So while it's more than likely just my wishful thinking, I can almost imagine someone sneakily shuffling the GSF pack into Misc so that we can continue to spend CCs on it, which would generate genuine data proofs of support for GSF that could be used to argue for some dev time and attention put to it.


While assuming that this was the intention may be just my rose-colored Hope Glasses, there's no harm in trying to make it reality by still throwing some CCs at it! If we all at minimum just dropped a bit of our monthly subscriber grants on a pack or two, at least we'll be giving them some numbers in the only place it ultimately matters ($$$$) to the folks who gatekeep developers' time.

Edited by JediBoadicea
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In the last dev stream, Michael was asked about future development for GSF (since he's now lead designer for the whole game). His answer was basically "if it becomes popular we'll develop it further".


Make of it what you will.

Edited by Greezt
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Heh, he knows it works backwards. If you develop it, it can become popular. Plus, it doesn't need much development- small cheap changes would reap some huge benefits at this point.


Basically the same rules apply now as before: expect that the devs will change something at some point, but don't be surprised when they don't.

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His answer was basically "if it becomes popular we'll develop it further".

I can't even quantify the amount of rage that answer instills in me (it is somewhere beyond 'large'), and how wrongheaded an approach it is for any number of reasons.


Maybe he ought to come talk to the people who care enough about the popularity of the game to do the things we do.


Maybe their Grand Galactic Starfighter packs could be a little more grandiose and include some content that wasn't made two years ago. I know it's expensive to pay an artist to take the time to move a couple RGB sliders around, but maybe some for-real-unquestionably-new colored items would have been grand.


Couldn't they find some other ship model from another part of the game to insultingly turn into a starfighter? That little triangular shuttle on Voss could surely be a new Cartel T2 strike. Or maybe the taxi from Nar Shaddaa could be a sporty new Cartel T3 scout that you don't have to tensorcide because it's open-air and you only live long enough to hit the Tensor Field button? C'mon devs, get creative with your regurgitation.


- Despon

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The sad thing is that they still use all the ship models made for GSF in many other parts of the game, including new ones.


And yeah, they definitely should develop the game if they expect it to gain popularity... Which is why I didn't get my hopes up when I saw that answer.


I kind of understand them, though. It's much easier to give out 30 minutes of content once a month than to develop reusable quality content. If it gets them their money, I can't argue with that...

Edited by Greezt
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In the last dev stream, Michael was asked about future development for GSF (since he's now lead designer for the whole game). His answer was basically "if it becomes popular we'll develop it further".


Make of it what you will.


Can you send a link to this dev stream you watched? Unless I am mistaken the most recent Producer's Livestream happened in the beginning of May and was hosted by Eric Musco, Ben Irving and Charles Boyd.

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