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Digital Walk Out over Crystal Colors


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How realistic is it, that you will find even a single player, who would risk an interruption of his game time, for this idea of yours? People are alteady seriously addicted to this game and the last thing they would think of at this stage, is quitting their accounts.


Some people even take days off from work, to be online... They rant for hours, if the servers are off for maintenance.


I don't think this is the right way to go with this.

Just post your ideas in this thread and if many people like them and respond to them, bioware will read them and consider them. But be warned that not every player has the same oppinion as you.


I for instance like the current system, eventhough I wouldnt have connected the colors to the affliction, but to the faction instead. This way on battlegrounds, you would have a nice team effect. But the current system is fine also, this way you can see how people play their character from afar.

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Oh, I'm sorry. A digital Temper Tantrum. My apologies. *rollseyes*


That is exactly what crossed my mind when I read the post.


I wonder if the author has yet noticed that nobody who has responded is interested in this ridiculous, Quixotic crusade of his?

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How realistic is it, that you will find even a single player, who would risk an interruption of his game time, for this idea of yours? .


A 1 day cancellation of your account subscription, while time remains on your subscription, does not interrupt your game play, thus the comment "5 extra minutes on the internet"


i.e. re-enabling your subscription.

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Without RESTRICTION the CHOICE becomes meaningless...


Restriction only enhances the choices you make in game, and make it so you have to give more thought into the choices you make and give them more meaning for choosing what you choose....


It's not about restriction. Restrictions bring variety at the cost of effort, I agree.

Its about availability.


Let me ask you this. What makes more sense in terms of obtaining color crystals beyond the core Blue, Green, Yellow, Red and Orange:


1) Hours upon hours and hundreds of thousands of credits to raise Artifice to 400 and its all of its relative gathering skills.


2) Buying a SWTOR themed product from Razer Inc.


I am about to ding 50, have artifice at 400 and cannot make a single crystal that isnt offered at a vendor. That doesnt make sense, especially considering that a cannon correct Purple is no where to be found, yet people are running around with Yellow Black before they leave the starter planet.

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I thought I put this thread down an hour ago. Did no one see my /thread? Honestly even if you got 10k people to quit then renew, ea wouldn't care until they lost income. You would have to quit for at least a month en masse, and even then, 10k is like less than 1% of their subs, and how would you know if they fixed it of you quit for real?


Now let's try this again.



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I get what you're saying. I just think that a "Digital Walk Out" proposal is a bit too far.


Thats Ok, for some it may be extreme.


In terms of people posting on a forum and expecting just the post to get any results, Bioware is used to the "Sky is falling" forum mentality and so they ignore a large amount of concerns.


Whats left after this to voice our concerns in the world of digital media?

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Sorry, but the whole idea is like a child holding their breath to try and get what they want. There is a reason that adults don't employ that tactic, it doesn't work. In fact it would be foolish for Bioware to act on such an action, just as it would be foolish for parents to act on it with their children. It would only encourage more of the same behavior over every little thing that someone wants.



Have not seen anyone post in this thread who has even grasped what I proposed yet.


I think the problem is that you think your idea is much better than it really is.

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Without RESTRICTION the CHOICE becomes meaningless...


Restriction only enhances the choices you make in game, and make it so you have to give more thought into the choices you make and give them more meaning for choosing what you choose....


So... why is there an option to suppress affects to sith corruption?


And color of item used? My favorite color is what I use to show my favorite color. Not how evil / good I am.

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so you want us to cancle our subs for 1 day in order for the devs to put in a purple LSC? I love variety, trust me, i dig it but what you are asking is iTarded!! First, the game has been live for what, 7 days and already you are complaining about what you dont have ATM!! Give them time to introduce items into the game before you try to create chaos!!!
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I thought I put this thread down an hour ago. Did no one see my /thread? Honestly even if you got 10k people to quit then renew, ea wouldn't care until they lost income. You would have to quit for at least a month en masse, and even then, 10k is like less than 1% of their subs, and how would you know if they fixed it of you quit for real?


Now let's try this again.




Its because you have no power, you can't shut people up on forums or in real life.

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so you want us to cancle our subs for 1 day in order for the devs to put in a purple LSC? I love variety, trust me, i dig it but what you are asking is iTarded!! First, the game has been live for what, 7 days and already you are complaining about what you dont have ATM!! Give them time to introduce items into the game before you try to create chaos!!!


What I want IN game, WAS in game in beta, till Thanksgiving weekend, then removed with comment.

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I am a light side sith, and have already come across 5 modded light sabers with red color crystals that had no alignment restriction... This is not an issue.


As a dark side sith, I have come across ZERO options for blue or green light sabers without darkside restrictions.


This is an issue, and like the OP I have considered cancelling my sub because it is both a completely unexplained and illogical restriction (there is no in game explanation and the given one doesn't even match actual implementation). In addition to the color restriction, they made the other colors super rare, so dark side is stuck with THREE colors for the majority of the game, the complete opposite of most of the beta and the promotion of Artifice.


Basically, they added a rarity to the crystals to promote a grind, and added restrictions for a lame attempt at justifying the alignment system since it doesn't affect quests or NPC decisions in any way whatsoever.


The restrictions added to the game at the last minute are signs that they have changed from customization to standard grind based MMO design, and it does not bode well. The only players happy with it are the ones gloating that others are restricted because they don't like other players having choices.


There are many alternatives of course, such as a player setting like hide helmet which would make every other player's blades and lasers red or blue based on FACTION, so I could choose to see the rainbow and another player could see everyone with red or blue and they have their own purple. They could make the current restrictions remove the bonus from the 'wrong' crystals or reward a player that uses the iconic crystals with a bonus. Anything that still allows players to do something, even if it isn't as good as the preferred method, is preferable to more restrictions.


The saber colors have such an impact on the game's visuals, that the ability to customize is extremely important.

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