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It's easy to make an MMO, why are some Devs so blind?


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1. WOW did it and 11 million people did not mind


2. Not it's not because people will be travelling to and from the flashpoints. Also people do a lot more than flashpoints in mmo's.


3. No we don't, come on I was enjoying this as it's the first post that is constructive but now it's going downhill.


4. You can't kill npc's so again no we don't


5. I don't know anyone with the default UI, yes I am talking about all the addons people use, sorry I should have said that.


6. By priority I mean with the gameplay, crafting is essential to keep peoples time soaked up with activities. I would make crafting game design a top priority.


7. Same thing about doing quests then? At least it's a break from the grind, something different.


8. The only barrier I have seen in wow is the sea but please enlighten me it's a year since I played but am pretty sure Azeroth is surrounded by sea and not an invisible wall :p



half decent post but very bitter.


1. 11 million people played the game. How many of those people minded? You ran a poll?

Just because people played the game doesn't mean they liked every single aspect of it.


2. You're right they do a hell of alot more than flashpoints but giving them a LFD system will lead to this.

Que pops:

Tank grunts at dps and healers.

Healer grunts at dps.

One dps is talkative and wants to get to know everyone.

No one else says anything.

Another dps can only say GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO.

The healer tells the tank he sucks or vice versa.

The group is done with w/e they are doing and drop group as fast as possible.

Next dungeon... repeat.




4. I killed an NPC in a town the other day what are you talking about? Oh you mean kill Malgus and Satele?


5. Addons are quite possibly incoming give it time. There are so many issues that derive from addons it's not funny. Honestly I would rather not have them.


6. As your raiders and pvpers suffer. Not a good design.


7. That is what dungeons and pvp is for.


8. You could see Uldum for the longest time but a wall kept you from getting there, an big invisible one. There are walls everywhere near Karazhan. Did you ever do Karazhan?

Nagrand has walls galore.

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Anyway 1275 reads and only two replys that actually commented on my ideas, sure they are ideas stolen from other mmo's but thats the way it works.


I am off to bed now but I am sure deep down you all know SWTOR would have been a much better game had my short list of ideas (stole ones) been implemented into the game.


Good night all and stop being so nasty, it's just a game. :)

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Yeah because SWTOR never stole any ideas from other mmo's


In business we all steal ideas from eachother, it's how the world go around. Apple, Microsoft they all do it, come on children, live and learn.


There's a difference between stealing an idea, and changing it, and blatantly ripping it off and calling it your own.

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4. All towns would be protected by NPC guards but they would not respawn quickly and certainly not in HUGE numbers, towns would NOT be capturable but you could bring your entire guild and cause havok in them. The invaded faction would have to rally to expell the invaders.... If you do not like this we would have PvE servers.

NO ONE would like that. Imagine a small town invaded by a huge guild. Do you honestly think someone would go and save it? No. Players that were already there would be corpse-stuck. I had it happen, it's supper-annoying and causes even the the most calm of people to rage-quit.

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Anyway 1275 reads and only two replys that actually commented on my ideas, sure they are ideas stolen from other mmo's but thats the way it works.


I am off to bed now but I am sure deep down you all know SWTOR would have been a much better game had my short list of ideas (stole ones) been implemented into the game.


Good night all and stop being so nasty, it's just a game. :)


Deep down, all I know is... you don't know anything about designing an MMO.

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It's my 1st post on forums, yet i have registreted years ago....


Makin anything big and complex is NOT EASY.


If you think you are the only one genious over here - you are not.


Bioware working on game, you should just relax and play.

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I like how the OP made some pretty good suggestions, but few people even address those points.


80% of the people in this thread completely miss the point of this thread and focus in on the hypothetical if I was a Dev situation.

Edited by Valnarr
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If someone gave me £130 million and said make a SW MMO I would have done this:


3. From level 20 - 50 on there would be plot crossovers so meeting the enemy faction will happen very often when you quest. You would be rewarded for killing enemy players and even get quests to take out their leaders. Yes ganking would happen, roll PvE if you can't cope.


4. All towns would be protected by NPC guards but they would not respawn quickly and certainly not in HUGE numbers, towns would NOT be capturable but you could bring your entire guild and cause havok in them. The invaded faction would have to rally to expell the invaders.... If you do not like this we would have PvE servers.


5. I would copy the UI from WOW, it works and is excellent.


6. Priority would be given to crafting and the AH, I would copy from Rift.


When you pay a fee to play, you need to feel you belong in the world, you need to be part of it, it's almost your second home. SWTOR feels more like a chore than a exciting adventure, it's just too linear and too boxed in for me.


I trimmed a bit out there for brevity.


From a fundamental design standpoint, they obviously started with the look/feel and general structure of the two existing TOR games and built from there. Hardly surprising; it's what their core fan base wanted and expected. It's where they went from there that seems to be causing divisiveness.


Looking at Gankdalf's complaints, and those of several who have agreed with him here, World PvP elements are the biggest complaint. Since I have not heard of any MMO that does an excellent job of balancing PvE play with World PvP, I would have to say that it's probably for the best that BW focused on the PvE for initial release. Not only is it their core competence, but it's the element that ties in with the franchise. I will admit that, as someone who prefers the PvE parts of MMOs, I have some bias in favor of this portion of things.


As others have pointed out, just copying from other MMOs is IP theft, so borrowing design ideas from others has to be done carefully. There are already many bits that are dangerously similar to WoW. However, as additional patches come along, over the years the game is out, I'm sure that many ideas will be borrowed, given Bioware/TOR flavor, and implemented.

Edited by Pythagoreas
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If someone gave me £130 million and said make a SW MMO I would have done this:


1. Make all planets seamless, no instancing at all. If you have to queue for a mob to spawn tough luck, get over it as these things happen when a mmo is launched. The world would be totally free, you can go where ever you like, it would be just like in the film, hop on your speeder and explore.



This is not possible at the current level of technology.


Also, what you are describing is EverQuest at launch (as far as mob spawning)... I remember standing in line to get a mob in EQ... I am glad that they instance everything here!

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While one or two of your points are valid the rest are just plain ridiculous. If you want a fail mmo you really need to adapt a few of your "ideas".


As for a seamless world, that is a tough one, it's mostly down to the engine they're going to use and of course the technology advances.


For example daoc(10 years old) has a seamless "world", so does WoW. WAR does not, yet it uses the same engine as daoc. I do agree that a big world with minimal loading is always the way to go. A game like daoc or WoW can easily crash when you get a ton of people in the same area. Swtor would not crash because it's instanced. Once the people limit is reached it will silently create a new instance.

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I agree it's very easy to make a MMO...for yourself. When you are aiming at millions of gamers, besides the horrible deadlines, making a MMO is very difficult.


I am 100% positive that if a MMO is made with exactly what the OP wrote there would be the same type of thread in those forums.


Also, remember if your game is 100% seamless your environment would be copy/paste or your graphics would be trash(or some other cut backs). Ever hear of FFXIV? They have "seamless" environments and everything looks EXACTLY the same. This isn't some single player game so get the fantasy out of your head kid.


A lot gamers starts out with the same "I can do better attitude" until they become a developer and have a publisher breathing down their necks(Lets just completely ignore the hardware/software/stability/bug issues which is just an added headache).

Edited by Bloodynightmare
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Originally Posted by Ngruk

Also because I know Ray and Greg are likely too busy to respond but also because I think I am in a place to respond with some merit.

Me? I'm tipping my hat, I think they nailed this game, and I am loving it. It's the first MMO I've played in 7 years that I believe is good enough to finally cancel my WOW accounts, and for me that's something.

I';m impressed as hell. Are their issues? Heck ya, but given what I think I know about Ray and Greg they'll be addressed, this thing will get more polished and is going to leave it's mark, big time, on the MMO genre.

Given my team's head down focus on Copernicus I was really hoping SWtoR would NOT be great, for fear of a time sink NOT FOCUSED at work, but they did it imo....

Congrats to Bioware, and here's to an awesome year in the galaxy

Curt Schilling

Chairman/Founder 38 Studios

I really don't think you believe that at all.


<Yoda>That is why you fail.</yoda>

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It's easy to make an MMO, If someone gave me £130 million and said make a SW MMO I would have done this.


Ok well if it's so easy and you have all the ideas, why don't you rock up to a publisher the idea and get an advance to get into production?


After all having your own business gives you a proven track record and knowledge of how business works.

But then that's something a real business man would actually do.


Your comments are probably the most arrogant and ignorant comments I've seen on these forums and that's really saying something.

Even though you say you own a business I strongly suspect you are lying and you have no idea how businesses work, I would guess 14 and delivering newspapers for money more like.

Yes businesses copy each other but then they also sue the pants off each other for copyright infringement, no publisher is going to want that for a new game.

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When you say you are about development and not he business side, that pretty much renders any of you future arguments useless.


If you now developed a game called XYZ, which would be like a WoW/Rift/SW:ToR superchild, had all the best features of an mmo and then some. Then chances would be that you would be more like to fail than not....and the reason being. Nobody ever heard about XYZ, nobody wants to commit to something they know nothing about from a developer no one ever heard about.


The budget was massive, because the property developed was massive, because the developer is massive, because the advertising costs are massive. Regardless of what the budget was, you don't know how much actually went directly to the developers/designers

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You are so arrogant its sickening. You probably thought of programmers, but what else do you need?


-Voice Actors

-Script Writers

-Script Editors

-People to manager the writers and script editors

-Quality Control

-Graphic designers for characters

-World designers

-Concept Artists

-People to program abilities

-People to make sure abilities are not over powered

-People to create the hundreds, if not thousands of quests


Hey, here's some more


-Someone has to read through all the dialogue, do you have any idea how much profreading that would require?

-People to add new music, and remaster some of the old scores

-PvP Balance

-PvP maps

-People to create, code, and name every piece of stupid gear out there

-People to create the hundreds of different vendor trash you can find

-People to make companions seem more than just a pet

-People to correct the physics engine

-People to examine the millions of parts of data that had to be analyzed from all the betas

-Accountants to dictate where the budget goes

-Someone to write the credits


Hey, I found some more over here!


-People to rewrite the entire gosh darn text of everything in French

-People to moderate these forums

-People to get the forums working

-People to maintain the servers

-People to set up new servers

-People who examine the game economy constantly to make decisions who credits are placed in the game

-Space combat creaters

-People who write out space combat missions

-Technical support who constantly try to fix bugs

-Staff to create completely new content

-People who come up with flashpoint scenarios

-People who give flashpoint bosses some character

-People who construct flashpoint floor plans


I am probably not thinking of a thousand more things you need to think of. Did you get all that? Did you think of all that? Can you manage all that? Are you managing a multi-million dollar company with thousands of employees? Do you have the ability to create a story, and attempt to make a massive universe out of that? A functioning universe? Do you have all the knowledge to run a successful company like BioWare?



This was some massive ownage that the OP tried to ignore it.





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