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It's easy to make an MMO, why are some Devs so blind?


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I've made two detailed post disagreeing with you, you just choose to either no read them, ignore their content, or have no response. Saying 'you know I am right' doesn't make you right, it makes you dismissive.


You are a hypocrite in so many ways not acknowledging half of these points. Someone disagreeing with you isn't trolling, its you having no response to deal with it.


As I said to someone else, give it up. At this point we're just trying to tell a child who has his fingers in his ears going "La-la-la-la-la." His ideas will never on the face of the Earth be implemented or even valid for that matter because he has absolutely no respect for the hard work people do nor does he have any respect for compromise. It's just "My idea is right, you're wrong. You say I'm wrong? UTROLLIN." That always has and will be the mark of failure.

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Now you think your opinion is fact, and that anyone who disagrees with you is flaming and/or trolling.


Maybe some people think you have terrible ideas. And we're tired of seeing WoW brought up everywhere. If you like WoW's idea, go play WoW. Stop trying to make every game be WoW.


Also ganking isn't much of PvP, it's more of PKing. There's a pretty big difference.


I just find it funny that people are abusing me yet hardly anyone has commented on my post. It's the BW defence force at it's best here lol

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There no no more flames, start talking about my content :p


Acknowledge what I said (thats means you have to actually go back and read it) and I will have the respect to speak to you reasonably. You choose who to respond to, you ignore what you can't respond to. I can harass you as much as you harass everyone to acknowledge your points, which they have.

Edited by MrKenjisan
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I just find it funny that people are abusing me yet hardly anyone has commented on my post. It's the BW defence force at it's best here lol


Ah yes, the "well, everyone who disagrees with me is in the <target company> defense force!"


Instead of the, "Hm, maybe my ideas are just terrible."

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If someone gave me £130 million and said make a SW MMO I would have done this:


1. Make all planets seamless, no instancing at all. If you have to queue for a mob to spawn tough luck, get over it as these things happen when a mmo is launched. The world would be totally free, you can go where ever you like, it would be just like in the film, hop on your speeder and explore.


2. There would be a LFG facility but you would not be allowed to teleport to your flashpoint, you have to make your own way there to keep the game as realistic as possible.


3. From level 20 - 50 on there would be plot crossovers so meeting the enemy faction will happen very often when you quest. You would be rewarded for killing enemy players and even get quests to take out their leaders. Yes ganking would happen, roll PvE if you can't cope.


4. All towns would be protected by NPC guards but they would not respawn quickly and certainly not in HUGE numbers, towns would NOT be capturable but you could bring your entire guild and cause havok in them. The invaded faction would have to rally to expell the invaders.... If you do not like this we would have PvE servers.


5. I would copy the UI from WOW, it works and is excellent.


6. Priority would be given to crafting and the AH, I would copy from Rift.


7. World events and world quests like in Rift would be on every planet to make teaming up an attractive option.


8. Level design would be taken from WOW, love it or hate it that game has some awesome designed levels. A mix of very open terrain but with the odd choke point added for ambushes. Loads of life, small towns and HUGE Cities and the odd little outpost. No invisible barriers.


When you pay a fee to play, you need to feel you belong in the world, you need to be part of it, it's almost your second home. SWTOR feels more like a chore than a exciting adventure, it's just too linear and too boxed in for me.


Hello Mr. I could design an MMO but haven't ever even developed an android app, or even taken any type of programming class ever.


Let's look at some of your "game designs":


1. Terrible idea no thank you. Once an expansion releases I really don't feel like having to wait 15 minutes to kill one of the fifteen guys I needed for a quest. That sucks, MMO or not. Go anywhere? So you wanted an opensandbox? Here's the difference between a film and a game... one is a film one is a game.


2. Okay good idea EXPECT. Now everyone is sitting in the major town/ or said dungeon not talking to anyone waiting to hear that sound that lets them know the dungeon is ready and then they just fly, drive w/e their way there and never meet anyone. They do their dungeon and leave. LFD is a terrible design that kills mmos.


3. We already have that. NEXT!


4. We already have that. NEXT!


5. Are we talking about the default UI? I bet you are.. ROFL. That UI is terrible. Ask any player that doesn't suck what UI he is using and I doubt they will say the default one. They are using addons that change the UI.


6. Wait what? What do you mean priority give to? As in before dungeons and PVP?


7. RIIIIIGHT. Expect when everyone gets tired of teaming up and fighting that Rift over and over again, so some poor shmuck is stuck trying to deal with it himself.

RIFT is that way ------>


8. There are invisible barriers in WoW and if you haven't found them you are not the explorer you think you are....



I have found HUGE issues with your designs. I thought that an MMO was easy to make?

No you see what is hard is not designing the MMO it is making sure it pleases the majority.

You sir are the minority.

You want an MMO that is tailor made to your specs go make it. Please I want to see it..

Edited by coffeoholic
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I read the OP, and after almost every point it was "I'd copy from [insert other MMO namesake here]". In all honesty, what you're asking for is the best of portion of every competative MMO on the market today, and that right there simply isn't fiesable or realistic. Hell, half the "complaints" on the forums are either about something another MMO does better, or something that SWTOR 'copied' from another MMO. In short, you can't please everyone and when it comes right down to it, the developers have to make the game that they want to make.


The business side of things notwithstanding, that's really what game development is all about - creating a world, a game, a project that you as a development team collectively want to make and balancing that with being enjoyable and playable by others. This is the hardest aspect of game development... Sometimes developer ideas simply clash with player expectations, especially when there is a plethora of other developers who are creating like products. Money doesn't magically create better games. Money doesn't magically fix complex and intertwining gaming systems.


I see a lot of people complaing about SWTOR because its not the MMO they thought it was going to be right our of the box, and I blame personal hype and expectations for that. Those of us enjoying the game kept our expetations lower and more realistic - the game isn't going to have everything and everything right away and its not going to be streamlined. Either way, I just don't know what people expect... I once thought of going into game development, but today's gamer is jaded by default with expectaions of the next biggest, most complex and more perfect product. That's simply not realistic.


Either way, I do hope the game evolves and improves in many areas, because it has a fanatastic base to grow from. I feel sorry for people who are impatient for it to happen and are so quick to finger point and rage.

Edited by IMatricksI
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I thought about posting, not posting, then posting again and decided to do it as I wait in the queue.

Also because I know Ray and Greg are likely too busy to respond but also because I think I am in a place to respond with some merit.

First off with/without "EA's 130 million" making an MMO is about the most complicated thing short of creating missile defense programming or security systems I would imagine, maybe tougher.

The difference is I DID put my money where my mouth is and am now 5+ years into this and tens of millions of my own money as well.

There is nothing, and I mean NOTHING, even remotely easy about what they did, or what we are doing.

Your game? You just spent 130 million dollars of someone else's money for a game that might, and I mean MIGHT, net you 10-50k subscribers, and likely only then if it was free to play.

Your game is fun to about 2%, maybe, of the MMO player base in my opinion. Maybe.

You didn't actually make a game anyway, you took every idea you liked from other MMO's and combined them into something that would end up being shotgun focused and execution light. I think that game would suck.

I'm an enormous fan of team, and I know the folks at Bioware who poured their hearts and souls into this thing and just got done losing their Christmas holiday to a 20th launch die just a little bit reading stuff like this.

Ya, maybe they shouldn't read it, but they're hard core gamers and they do, and posts like this kinda suck for them.

Me? I'm tipping my hat, I think they nailed this game, and I am loving it. It's the first MMO I've played in 7 years that I believe is good enough to finally cancel my WOW accounts, and for me that's something.

I';m impressed as hell. Are their issues? Heck ya, but given what I think I know about Ray and Greg they'll be addressed, this thing will get more polished and is going to leave it's mark, big time, on the MMO genre.

Given my team's head down focus on Copernicus I was really hoping SWtoR would NOT be great, for fear of a time sink NOT FOCUSED at work, but they did it imo....

Congrats to Bioware, and here's to an awesome year in the galaxy:)

Curt Schilling

Chairman/Founder 38 Studios


I really don't think you believe that at all.

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I really don't think you believe that at all.


You are jaded, a hypocrite, and arrogant. You are no telling others they don't believe what they are saying. I think you really are a troll at this point. I've made multiple posts asking you to go back and address my detailed posts (which address many of your points you are asking others to do)


Its insulting to us that you have no respect for this company, or the people participating in this conversation. I hate message boards because it allows you to behave how you please and act in manners that I doubt you would do in the public spectrum.


I wash my hands of this mess.

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You are jaded, a hypocrite, and arrogant. You are no telling others they don't believe what they are saying. I think you really are a troll at this point. I've made multiple posts asking you to go back and address my detailed posts (which address many of your points you are asking others to do)


Its insulting to us that you have no respect for this company, or the people participating in this conversation. I hate message boards because it allows you to behave how you please and act in manners that I doubt you would do in the public spectrum.


I wash my hands of this mess.


If he's not a troll then he's just moronic. At this point I think it's just a combination of the both.


Oh, and he'll never read them because I guess Armchair devs are just as "Blind," as the regular ones, so his blindness reflects his ability to see beyond what he says.

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Hello Mr. I could design an MMO but haven't ever even developed an android app, or even taken any type of programming class ever.


Let's look at some of your "game designs":


1. Terrible idea no thank you. Once an expansion releases I really don't feel like having to wait 15 minutes to kill one of the fifteen guys I needed for a quest. That sucks, MMO or not. Go anywhere? So you wanted an opensandbox? Here's the difference between a film and a game... one is a film one is a game.


2. Okay good idea EXPECT. Now everyone is sitting in the major town/ or said dungeon not talking to anyone waiting to hear that sound that lets them know the dungeon is ready and then they just fly, drive w/e their way there and never meet anyone. They do their dungeon and leave. LFD is a terrible design that kills mmos.


3. We already have that. NEXT!


4. We already have that. NEXT!


5. Are we talking about the default UI? I bet you are.. ROFL. That UI is terrible. Ask any player that doesn't suck what UI he is using and I doubt they will say the default one. They are using addons that change the UI.


6. Wait what? What do you mean priority give to? As in before dungeons and PVP?


7. RIIIIIGHT. Expect when everyone gets tired of teaming up and fighting that Rift over and over again, so some poor shmuck is stuck trying to deal with it himself.

RIFT is that way ------>


8. There are invisible barriers in WoW and if you haven't found them you are not the explorer you think you are....



I have found HUGE issues with your designs. I thought that an MMO was easy to make?

No you see what is hard is not designing the MMO it is making sure it pleases the majority.

You sir are the minority.

You want an MMO that is tailor made to your specs go make it. Please I want to see it..


1. WOW did it and 11 million people did not mind


2. Not it's not because people will be travelling to and from the flashpoints. Also people do a lot more than flashpoints in mmo's.


3. No we don't, come on I was enjoying this as it's the first post that is constructive but now it's going downhill.


4. You can't kill npc's so again no we don't


5. I don't know anyone with the default UI, yes I am talking about all the addons people use, sorry I should have said that.


6. By priority I mean with the gameplay, crafting is essential to keep peoples time soaked up with activities. I would make crafting game design a top priority.


7. Same thing about doing quests then? At least it's a break from the grind, something different.


8. The only barrier I have seen in wow is the sea but please enlighten me it's a year since I played but am pretty sure Azeroth is surrounded by sea and not an invisible wall :p



half decent post but very bitter.

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If he's not a troll then he's just moronic. At this point I think it's just a combination of the both.


Oh, and he'll never read them because I guess Armchair devs are just as "Blind," as the regular ones, so his blindness reflects his ability to see beyond what he says.


Well I do appreciate you at least reading what I have to say, its quite frustrating to be completely ignored by the OP when you make multiple attempts. Its quite immature on his part.

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1. WOW did it and 11 million people did not mind

You seem to have the incorrect assumption that 11 million subscriptions = 11 million players. You fail to understand it could mean 11 million people have a sub, but maybe a bunch of them forget they're subscribed, or they're waiting for new content, etc. Doesn't mean they play.


Nor does it mean they LIKE the game either.

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You are jaded, a hypocrite, and arrogant. You are no telling others they don't believe what they are saying. I think you really are a troll at this point. I've made multiple posts asking you to go back and address my detailed posts (which address many of your points you are asking others to do)


Its insulting to us that you have no respect for this company, or the people participating in this conversation. I hate message boards because it allows you to behave how you please and act in manners that I doubt you would do in the public spectrum.


I wash my hands of this mess.


Sorry but I never replied because I stopped reading half way through as your attitude was very abusive. Just like it is in your latest post.

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