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Costume Designer 2.0


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Take the current system and add some additional slots/functions on each tab.



New Slots added to the character sheet :


Weapon Slot - Desired weapon (including color crystal) placed in the slot on each tab. This will be the weapon appearance used when that tab is selected. Stats are pulled from the real weapon equipped on the main character page just like armor.


Weapon Tuning Slot - Applies affect to the weapon equipped on that designer tab


Armor Tuning Slot - (Same thing as weapon tunings, but for armors) Add a slot next to the head, chest, and gloves for various effects, or a whole-body slot that applies the armor tuning to the whole set of armor.



Legacy Perk: Random Appearance Ability - Randomly selects one the unlocked costume tabs to display as your appearance.

Edited by Holocron
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There are several threads about adding weapons to costume designer over in the suggestion box. I'm not sure if they include the weapons tuning slots since they are new. I would copy this and add it to one of the existing threads in the suggestion box:










I'm sure there are a lot more from the forums but here are a few of the existing ones if you want to add this to them.

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Take the current system and add some additional slots/functions on each tab.



New Slots added to the character sheet :


Weapon Slot - Desired weapon (including color crystal) placed in the slot on each tab. This will be the weapon appearance used when that tab is selected. Stats are pulled from the real weapon equipped on the main character page just like armor.


We could really use this, not sure why they haven't done it yet. Not having this feature is the main reason I purchased 0 weapon unlocks on recent CM discount event. It's a wasted opportunity for more profit...

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Take the current system and add some additional slots/functions on each tab.



New Slots added to the character sheet :


Weapon Slot - Desired weapon (including color crystal) placed in the slot on each tab. This will be the weapon appearance used when that tab is selected. Stats are pulled from the real weapon equipped on the main character page just like armor.


Weapon Tuning Slot - Applies affect to the weapon equipped on that designer tab


Armor Tuning Slot - (Same thing as weapon tunings, but for armors) Add a slot next to the head, chest, and gloves for various effects, or a whole-body slot that applies the armor tuning to the whole set of armor.



Legacy Perk: Random Appearance Ability - Randomly selects one the unlocked costume tabs to display as your appearance.


GREAT suggestions!


I support this idea fully and I support it being mostly available via the CM to make it more likely to happen.

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We could really use this, not sure why they haven't done it yet. Not having this feature is the main reason I purchased 0 weapon unlocks on recent CM discount event. It's a wasted opportunity for more profit...


Bioware did say at the time of costume designer that the weapon slot was different than the other gear slots and that implementing weapons in the designer would require a complete overhaul on the coding front and while they said they would not rule it out not to expect it at any point.

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Bioware did say at the time of costume designer that the weapon slot was different than the other gear slots and that implementing weapons in the designer would require a complete overhaul on the coding front and while they said they would not rule it out not to expect it at any point.


I think their statement was actually referring to switching weapons when we chose a given tab, rather than simply using the skin/art from that tab for that weapon the way that armor in the designer tabs work now.

Edited by Holocron
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Bioware did say at the time of costume designer that the weapon slot was different than the other gear slots and that implementing weapons in the designer would require a complete overhaul on the coding front and while they said they would not rule it out not to expect it at any point.


So it's a problem for my char but it's not a problem for my companion? Let me guess, they don't have the 'technology' to do that? Lame excuses...

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