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Suggestions for much needed new GSF Content


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About bombers: be realistic. In order to kill a CP bomber without shields, you need to land seven pods... If he HAS shields, you'll need 16. The only way you're landing that many pods (don't forget they fire slower stock) is if that bomber went to make a cup of coffee.


As for stock bombers being a counter to bombers - seismic mines are incredibly abundant, and concussion mines aren't too rare either (not to mention interdiction). Both of these will kill a stock overcharged bomber in no time. Add to the the HLCs with shield piercing a mastered CP bomber has (as well as the turrets that constantly drain your shields), and you're in trouble. Having a mine every ten seconds isn't much of a help either.


I do agree that bombers can be useful a bit earlier than other ships, but you still need quite a bit of work to make them so - CP to second upgrade, deflection armor, crewmember and first upgrade on mines is a total of 13k ship req, and either 0 fleet req if you have the companion or 1250.


Turrets: again, killing turrets is hard even with the AP on pods. As a stock scout, you have QC shields and low evasion. Landing the amount of pods on three turrets while taking their damage will more than likely kill the scout, or even if they're extremely lucky and careful leave them almost dead for an enemy to finish off. A gunship could kill the turrets safely... If not for the fact that it needs two and a bit shots per turret, meaning that it will constantly run out of weapon power and help will arrive longe before it has cleared the node.


Killing evasion scouts if they fly into your mines is easy, of course. Otherwise, it's very hard. Even if you land a railgun shot on him, if he pops disto (and RI, TT if he has them) your chances of landing a second shot are now very low. Since he can also outrun you, your only chance that isnt heavily reliant on RNG is to hope for team help. As we all know, the great matchmaking system in association with premades and faction imbalance routinely give us unbalanced matches... So hoping for help isn't always an option.


In Dom matches, you can always land a shot and run back to the capship. It must be a fun strategy...


As for surviving mastered ions - yesterday I had a bunch of matches in a stock (almost) toon against fully mastered gunships. I thought QC + booster recharge must help against ion... Turns out, stock booster recharge doesn't. It refills your engines too slow for you to barrel out (even though I have the two first upgrades on BR), and anyway some players love their ion half shots. To make sure you stay still while they kill you, I guess. So no, that's certainly not a solution.


Gunship vs. gunship is an option, I agree. You must have superior positioning, though , and you can't afford to make mistakes. I flew my stock gunship in the same matches. The only kills I got was, when sitting on our single node with a bomber tick, an enemy gunship insisted to come and try cap it from us. Also, the fact that he ran feedbacks helped a lot.


The point I tried to make with that post was, that it's possible to do something, even with only few upgrades. Obviously things are more difficult without having fully upgraded and perfectly tuned ships, however in almost any situation it's possible to meaningfully contribute to a game and help ones team, just by using low-upgrade starter ships.

It's not necessary to solo-kill someone in an 1v1 situation to contribute to a game. Often it's enough to just keep them busy long enough for the situation to not be an 1v1 anymore.


(btw, CP doesn't work with shields, you can use primaries against shields anytime)

Edited by Danalon
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I don't know what your problem with gunships are. I've used a stock scout 0 upgrades destroy a fully upgraded GS my friend was using (it was also a solo kill) during domination. If your skilled GS cause you no problems, unless your a bomber and they keep ion shooting you (but i dont run manglers/quarals i use condor/dustmaker which is way better IMO with close and long range combat). And the ships are balanced where at least 1 ship will have an advantage over the other and have at least 1 disadvantage. Scouts tend to shred apart GS's quit easily and sf, and other scouts, but when its against a bomber its difficult. Overall don't get rid of a class.


Some new upgrades or ships to pre-existing classes would be nice but what most of us GSF players really want are new maps to use and abuse as well as game objectives.


The problem is not 1 gunship... 1 is fine... put 5 together like i have seen ALOT of times lately and you get instant 1 shotted right when you spawn, its just not fun and you can hardly do anything with any ship. There should either be a cap for the ammount of bombers/gunships in the game or a nerf to the damage. 2 gs firing at the same target IS a one shot

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The problem is not 1 gunship... 1 is fine... put 5 together like i have seen ALOT of times lately and you get instant 1 shotted right when you spawn, its just not fun and you can hardly do anything with any ship. There should either be a cap for the ammount of bombers/gunships in the game or a nerf to the damage. 2 gs firing at the same target IS a one shot


I assure you, this isn't a gunship specific problem. It's a problem with the difference in power of the two teams in a match. If one team consists of mostly experienced pilots and the other of mostly inexperienced, the outcome of the match is somewhat predetermined. It doesn't matter what ships the experienced pilots use. You are correct, that 5 gunships can easily kill you right when you spawn, however, 5 bombers or 5 scouts can do the same. I've been in a lot of matches where a premade group of 3-4 scouts killed anything that spawned within seconds. It rarely happens with bombers, but it is possible to use the area-denial of bombers to make a spawn virtually un-usable.


The reason it happens moreoften with gunships is, that gunships are easier to fly than scouts, and gunships are more effective against inexperienced players. Less experienced players often don't know how to effectively counter gunships, and also new players tend to spawn at the same spawn over and over, making it even easier for gunships to focus them.


Also, if you get killed by 2 gunships which each shoot you once, it's literally not an one-shot by definition. You may die fast, and those two shots may hit you at almost the same time, but it's not an one-shot.

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I assure you, this isn't a gunship specific problem. It's a problem with the difference in power of the two teams in a match. If one team consists of mostly experienced pilots and the other of mostly inexperienced, the outcome of the match is somewhat predetermined. It doesn't matter what ships the experienced pilots use. You are correct, that 5 gunships can easily kill you right when you spawn, however, 5 bombers or 5 scouts can do the same. I've been in a lot of matches where a premade group of 3-4 scouts killed anything that spawned within seconds. It rarely happens with bombers, but it is possible to use the area-denial of bombers to make a spawn virtually un-usable.


The reason it happens moreoften with gunships is, that gunships are easier to fly than scouts, and gunships are more effective against inexperienced players. Less experienced players often don't know how to effectively counter gunships, and also new players tend to spawn at the same spawn over and over, making it even easier for gunships to focus them.


Also, if you get killed by 2 gunships which each shoot you once, it's literally not an one-shot by definition. You may die fast, and those two shots may hit you at almost the same time, but it's not an one-shot.

I agree with most of what you said, but to disregard their truthful point isn't going to get them to listen to you. They make a very good point about the power of gunships being multiplicative rather than additive. You must also consider that the rock paper scissors we have in GSF is not true across all skill levels. 8 scouts have the advantage over 8 Gunships at the Super Serious/Ace level however on the novice level 8 Gunships absolutely wreck 8 scouts.

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2) A Faction-less Map - In the Spirit of fighting the Zakuul as an Alliance


Two of the three servers I play on have an overly dominating faction. So much that people who GSF have abandoned their toon/ships on the losing faction.


I think you and your like minded friends would want to check This out. Post there if you like it!

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I agree with most of what you said, but to disregard their truthful point isn't going to get them to listen to you. They make a very good point about the power of gunships being multiplicative rather than additive. You must also consider that the rock paper scissors we have in GSF is not true across all skill levels. 8 scouts have the advantage over 8 Gunships at the Super Serious/Ace level however on the novice level 8 Gunships absolutely wreck 8 scouts.


I should have elaborated more, what I meant with "gunships are easier to fly than scouts". It's not only on novice level. Even on average level gunships outperform scouts. A lot of practice is required to be effective in a scout. I noticed that after I came back from a break. Picking up on my gunship was fairly easy, but I needed some games to get used to my scout again. Aside from that, forming a gunship wall needs close to zero coordination - just pick gunships, fire on whatever comes into sensor range, and evade the occasional surprise attack.

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I wouldn't say flying scout is strictly more difficult than flying gunship. It takes a lot of skill to still be able to put up big kills/damage numbers in a gunship while under heavy pressure from scouts. In this regard you actually need to have better dogfighting skills because you're winning dogfight battles in a sluggish ship with less evasion, speed, engines, and DPS than your opponent.


Flying a gunship when you have peels or a gunship wall? Yes that's much easier than flying scout because it becomes mostly about centering shots well, strafing effectively, and keeping an eye on the mini-map so that you can run from scouts and let something else kill them.

Edited by RickDagles
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