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Eternal Championship is a joke


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I've got a 220/224 Sorc healer with dps 50 Influence Lana but I keep falling short of the Sprint achievement. My first clear was 19 min, second clear was 17:03 and third clear was 16:19. But I still need to shave off 80 seconds. I think I'll have to swap to dps to do it, but then I'd have to have Lana heal for some fights...


I very much doubt Renata is interested in the speed run - seems utterly pre-occupied with dissing the content for no good reason. Kinda sad. Though, it may be an RP thing, idk.


Have to say, 16:19 for a healer/dps combo is actually, imho pretty impressive. I'm usually a healer and running this as dps/dps combination and I'm so damned close I can smell it. It's good for my dps though. More interesting than dummy play... which is kinda what its all about, innit?

Edited by leehambly
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I did it once. Blew through it. Never doing it again. Ten minutes of my life wasted to 208 drops and 3 titles.


10 minutes... Enjoy your time in London... we have a winner!


Wouldn't you have gotten 4 titles for a ten minute run? Or did you die during it too.. man, you could turn that into a 9 minute run if you did it clean.


But hey... wait a minute... you looted 208 gear? Are you sure you've done it?

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Status- Average player- average ability. Using normal 2 button mouse and clunky keyboard.

Trooper - Full vendor 220 coms gear 208 augs- All datacrons - companion/+50 influence Treek/heal mode.

Result - 1st run- round 1-5 completed without wipe- round 6-10 wiped lots, but managed to complete after 4/5 goes at each round. Had to switch out Treek from round 5 onwards.Treek doesn't seem to be working properly. As soon as i started using Aric, it felt a bit easier to complete.


Scoundrel healer - 216/208 mix, unaugmented- all crons- companion/ +50 Aric.


Result- 1st run got stuck on breaktown brawler. 10 tries then gave up. Got bored with most;y self healing.



And that's that. Wont be revisiting Eternal championship. Too much of a time sink for me. I dont do HM ops so no 224 gear to make it a walk through. Big thanks to Bioware for making this a fair competition.

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It's forgiving because solo players can't handle much more. It's not supposed to occupy experienced raiders, the only challenge you can find is how fast you can do it, and I'm saying if you are looking for challenge in the EC and are running a healer companion, you can ignore all the mechanics and laugh. That's easy. Doesn't mean everyone can do it, and it doesn't mean there aren't ways (at least right now due to the contest) to make it more challenging.


That being said, after the contest, it'll be boring as ****, agreed. But I honestly didn't think anyone was looking at this for challenge, if you want challenge from your solo content, go solo Lost Island HM. Triple dog dare you.


WTB actual endgame content plz.


I felt like this was created more to urge solo players into group oriented mechanic play styles than rather giving them something else to do. I know its not suppose to challenge supreme raiders or anything, but it would of been nice to receive additional rewards depending on how fast you did it rather than just your brain chemicals giving you a pat on the back saying you did a good job. I would of preferred anyway if it was more mechanically focused rather than focusing on a large intake of damage which means it focuses more on gear.



I'm tempted to start soloing tacticals now since my guild is kind of getting low on activity that pertains to my interest, and maybe after ill try some of the easier hard mode flashpoints. I love my guild and all, but I been wanting to get into more Hard mode operations and each time we do magically happen to get into one, we have to bring in newer players who are quite unfamiliar with hard mode which leads to hours of a wipe fest and no real progression. Either cough up a 250k repair bill or not do the operation at all and spend more time farming tacticals... meh.... I pick wipe fests.

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Big thanks to Bioware for making this a fair competition.


Is this sarcasm or no? Honestly its like walking into professional sports as a amateur and complaining that their better than you. Their isn't a amateur bracket or anything, its simply a competition meant for the highest skill of players, what normally a competition is from my own evidence.

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10 minutes... Enjoy your time in London... we have a winner!


Wouldn't you have gotten 4 titles for a ten minute run? Or did you die during it too.. man, you could turn that into a 9 minute run if you did it clean.


But hey... wait a minute... you looted 208 gear? Are you sure you've done it?


Lots of bragging done but no actual proof :confused:. It's one thing to state you simply completed it, but when you make outrageous claims like "completed it in ten minutes ignoring mechanics," I would like logs or something.

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The "I did it, naked, with the sun in my eyes, one hand tied behind my back and blindfolded" really does little, so far as I'm concerned other than point out that whilst they certainly do have a handle on content in a video game, they're lacking in other areas.



Well said.

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Lots of bragging done but no actual proof :confused:. It's one thing to state you simply completed it, but when you make outrageous claims like "completed it in ten minutes ignoring mechanics," I would like logs or something.

Agreed... Renata clearly exaggerates, and well.. the 208 gear comments is revealing, either paid no attention to it or well, it didn't happen... but w/e.


Re: the comment above... about sarcasm, I think its probably related to a post in another thread that Eric made about wanting to give everyone a chance of winning. Obviously we know anyone not in 224 gear has NO chance of winning.

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Agreed... Renata clearly exaggerates, and well.. the 208 gear comments is revealing, either paid no attention to it or well, it didn't happen... but w/e.


Re: the comment above... about sarcasm, I think its probably related to a post in another thread that Eric made about wanting to give everyone a chance of winning. Obviously we know anyone not in 224 gear has NO chance of winning.


And whichever class has the best speed boost has more chance too! Tanks and healers have zero chance of winning

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Hmmm... I am starting to get worried about this Speedrun Challenge.


I am not interested in an actual competition; there are players who are better than me with equipment better than the stuff I got. However, I do want the achievement for the 15 minute eventually. That is still possible after this challenge ends, isn't it? So far I have never tried Eternal Championship more than once with the same character. My best equipped character has an average of about 216 (mostly 216, relics 212, chest, offhand and earpiece 220).


Does anyone know what defense those guys have? I the have only 5% defence chance it's probably a waste to barge in there with 110% accuracy, 105% would be sufficient. Did anyone, who has more than 105% but less than 110% accuracy record and analyse the logs? Did you have misses?


For now I focus on the Legendary Champion achievement. I already reaped the low hanging fruit, which was Consular, Agent, Inquisitor and Knight for me. I do have 65s which are mostly through the story for the remaining classes, but none of them in decent equipment, not to mention my relative lack of experience with those classes. I have been working on my trooper and my warrior yesterday, but doing a heroic star fortress with the latter, I actually died three times in the last room before the exarch (208 gear, no augments, stims or other consumable gear whatsoever, 192 relics, 200 main hand weapon from chapter XII). The Exarch itself was not difficult but it took too long for my taste. If I have problems at a lousy heroic star fortress, I don't need to try Eternal Championship.


I think my personal limit is about 212 on average throughout all 14 slots, including a 216 main hand weapon (for classes that actually use their main hand weapon) and augments in all, plus med-units, adrenals, stims and, depending on the class, stun grenades. The companion should at least be level 15. With this setup it won't necessarily be easy ("easy" meaning I die no more than four times and never twice on the same boss), but doable.

Edited by Rabenschwinge
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Hmmm... I am starting to get worried about this Speedrun Challenge.


I am not interested in an actual competition; there are players who are better than me with equipment better than the stuff I got. However, I do want the achievement for the 15 minute eventually. That is still possible after this challenge ends, isn't it? So far I have never tried Eternal Championship more than once with the same character.


For now I focus on the Legendary Champion achievement. I already reaped the low hanging fruit, which was Consular, Agent, Inquisitor and Knight for me. I do have 65s which are mostly through the story for the remaining classes, but none of them in decent equipment, not to mention my relative lack of experience with those classes. I have been working on my trooper and my warrior yesterday, but doing a heroic star fortress with the latter, I actually died three times in the last room before the exarch (208 gear, no augments, stims or other consumable gear whatsoever, 192 relics, 200 main hand weapon from chapter XII). If I have problems at a lousy heroic star fortress, I don't need to try Eternal Championship.


I think my personal limit is about 212 on average throughout all 14 slots, including a 216 main hand weapon (for classes that actually use their main hand weapon) and augments in all, plus med-units, adrenals, stims and, depending on the class, stun grenades. With this setup it won't necessarily be easy ("easy" meaning I die no more than four times and never twice on the same boss), but doable.


I assume you're using legacy gear? Helps a lot

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I assume you're using legacy gear? Helps a lot


Not so far, but I might try that. I am not sure whether any of my characters has an excess of glowing data crystals, though. However, I am well stocked with Exotic Isotope Stabilizers and Strategic Resource Matrices. I'll use my Artificer to craft a (non-mod) 216 mainhand weapon for the warrior, plus two 212 relics.


The trooper is a different matter. My armstech is my smuggler which currently lingers on level 53, the smuggler with which I am actually going to do it is token created, but doesn't have crafting skills. The trooper herself is armormech.

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Big thanks to Bioware for making this a fair competition.


Is this sarcasm or no? Honestly its like walking into professional sports as a amateur and complaining that their better than you. Their isn't a amateur bracket or anything, its simply a competition meant for the highest skill of players, what normally a competition is from my own evidence.


I assume he is saying that it's a unfair competition if you need 224 gear and rank 50 companions to achieve or even stand a chance at the competition.


I take it that the average player in levelled 208's probably want even stand a chance at getting close to this target.


The rules may as well say you need 220 rated gear or over to enter, as I can tell you as someone who never does operations or HM Flashpoints I would struggle to get gear anywhere near that level, its not competition for the masses but those who basically find EC a joke ie has ran operations before and has all the gear necessary which means the competition is for the few.


For what it's worth I did suggest in the PTS that BW should have bolstered every ones gear to 224 and remove the issues related to gear when balancing the bosses it would have come back down to skill and mechanics rather than gear.

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I assume he is saying that it's a unfair competition if you need 224 gear and rank 50 companions to achieve or even stand a chance at the competition.


It's somewhat unfair as it depends a little on your class and spec. That only the best of the best can win, and they need the best gear in game to stand a chance is a given. But I strongly suspect it's going to be a damage dealer, not a tank or healer.


And amongst those probably someone who does not have to use channelled and charged abilities all too often. While I am not playing in that league and the fights evolve differently if you take them out faster (the more complicated effects do not kick in), I bet 100k credits (on The Progenitor) that the winner is going to be a Combat Sentinel / Carnage Marauder. Yes, they depend on Blade Dance / Ravage for their damage, but they can delay their central combat and fire it out whenever needed for a massive amount of burst damage in relatively short time due to the alacrity boost.


(Note that I will only hold that bet to the first who asks. :D )

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It's somewhat unfair as it depends a little on your class and spec. That only the best of the best can win, and they need the best gear in game to stand a chance is a given. But I strongly suspect it's going to be a damage dealer, not a tank or healer.


And amongst those probably someone who does not have to use channelled and charged abilities all too often. While I am not playing in that league and the fights evolve differently if you take them out faster (the more complicated effects do not kick in), I bet 100k credits (on The Progenitor) that the winner is going to be a Combat Sentinel / Carnage Marauder. Yes, they depend on Blade Dance / Ravage for their damage, but they can delay their central combat and fire it out whenever needed for a massive amount of burst damage in relatively short time due to the alacrity boost.


(Note that I will only hold that bet to the first who asks. :D )


PT > Mara

keywords: close and personal & pyro shield cheese

go try it ;)

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My problem with this is....ok I managed to get to round 7 I think but I have very little desire to start back at round 1 again to go all the way through and find I get stuck again....I really don't care if never do it again....its uninspiring and I don't see any reward in doing it.


Love lots of things in the game so I won't get bent out of shape over it but it seems a pity to have such an uninspiring product come out with such a fanfare of anticipation and to leave me ( a founder player who has subbed all the way through) feeling so emotionally detached.


Maybe if there where some sort of mini rewards for each level you pass it would inspire some participation but otherwise I'd rather do something else in game.

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I did it again in 204 PvP gear and it was still easy. I died twice. I died because I was eating dinner at the same time so I was using one hand most of the time. Not sure why people have a hard time with EC. I recommend people who have a hard time clearing it, to stick with a group. That way you can at least complete it.
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My problem with this is....ok I managed to get to round 7 I think but I have very little desire to start back at round 1 again to go all the way through and find I get stuck again....I really don't care if never do it again....its uninspiring and I don't see any reward in doing it.


Love lots of things in the game so I won't get bent out of shape over it but it seems a pity to have such an uninspiring product come out with such a fanfare of anticipation and to leave me ( a founder player who has subbed all the way through) feeling so emotionally detached.


Maybe if there where some sort of mini rewards for each level you pass it would inspire some participation but otherwise I'd rather do something else in game.


There are weeklies for beating 3 of the bosses (5, 7, and 10, I think). For me, the process itself has given me a taste of what progression raiding is all about, on a very small scale

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I did it again in 204 PvP gear and it was still easy. I died twice. I died because I was eating dinner at the same time so I was using one hand most of the time. Not sure why people have a hard time with EC. I recommend people who have a hard time clearing it, to stick with a group. That way you can at least complete it.


Because not everyone is at your skill level; but would like to get there? As I noted upthread, I was unable to complete on either of the two characters I tried on, but got further on one than the other.


Think of this as progression raiding for the single PvE'r

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Because not everyone is at your skill level; but would like to get there? As I noted upthread, I was unable to complete on either of the two characters I tried on, but got further on one than the other.


Think of this as progression raiding for the single PvE'r


I found it better to do it as a healer spec than a DPS spec. Just because I don't have to rely on my companion for a heal or force them to heal me. When I did it as a healer I was in full 224 as a corruption sorc. When I did it again, I went DPS spec in 204. I did the first 3 rounds with my companion as DPS, then after that I switched Ashara to heal spec and she was terrible at healing. I literally had to force her to heal me because she wouldn't. All she did was attack. I should've used a ranged companion as a healer. Would have been easier. I recommend range companions as healers and melee as DPS. Also, try and save the kolto stations for the last 3 rounds. I had to use like every Kolto station in round 7 or 8. Lol.

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I found it better to do it as a healer spec than a DPS spec. Just because I don't have to rely on my companion for a heal or force them to heal me. When I did it as a healer I was in full 224 as a corruption sorc. When I did it again, I went DPS spec in 204. I did the first 3 rounds with my companion as DPS, then after that I switched Ashara to heal spec and she was terrible at healing. I literally had to force her to heal me because she wouldn't. All she did was attack. I should've used a ranged companion as a healer. Would have been easier. I recommend range companions as healers and melee as DPS. Also, try and save the kolto stations for the last 3 rounds. I had to use like every Kolto station in round 7 or 8. Lol.


I went further as a shadow tank w/ PvP 204s and Senya healing than I did with a Vig guardian with Blizz healing, DPSing, OR tanking, or Qyzen doing same. Admittedly, the tank, while the gear was "worse," and I'm a lot less experienced with the tank (token 60 vs leveled the long way), had a Inf 30 Senya, and the sage had Inf 20 comps.


Point being, I learned a lot from being a dummy - and TEC is purportedly aimed at people like me, who are getting ready to Operate for the first time.

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I went further as a shadow tank w/ PvP 204s and Senya healing than I did with a Vig guardian with Blizz healing, DPSing, OR tanking, or Qyzen doing same. Admittedly, the tank, while the gear was "worse," and I'm a lot less experienced with the tank (token 60 vs leveled the long way), had a Inf 30 Senya, and the sage had Inf 20 comps.


Point being, I learned a lot from being a dummy - and TEC is purportedly aimed at people like me, who are getting ready to Operate for the first time.


If your doing better on your shadow as a tank, I would switch it to Infiltration (DPS) for burst damage. Also, recommend using your skill points in talents that provide damage reduction and immunity. Some talents you might need to change per round. Also, bring in adrenals and use a mastery stim for a boost in DPS. Make sure you have healing stims. I'm assuming cloaking out resets the fight? If so, then you won't be able to double heal stim the fight if needed which is a downer.

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If your doing better on your shadow as a tank, I would switch it to Infiltration (DPS) for burst damage. Also, recommend using your skill points in talents that provide damage reduction and immunity. Some talents you might need to change per round. Also, bring in adrenals and use a mastery stim for a boost in DPS. Make sure you have healing stims. I'm assuming cloaking out resets the fight? If so, then you won't be able to double heal stim the fight if needed which is a downer.


I'm not killing the charge droids in wave 7 fast enough before the insta-death; and if I pop my heroic moment that should fix it. I'm not having any issues with health prior to that.

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I have done it on 3 characters and found it fun the first time through, though definitely not hard. I did it in PvP (208) gear with companions of various levels.


I just don't really feel like this is an MMO anymore. I play the content they put out once a month solo, while sitting in mumble with my friends talking about how we wait for a ranked (teams) 4s pop that never comes because for some odd reason we still haven't had server merges.


I mean everyone says Lotro is a dead game but there are far more people playing on my Lotro server than on ANY of my servers in Swtor :(

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