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Eternal Championship is a joke


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I have to disagree. It's designed as a training tool. Since they made Flashpoints into "Tacticals" - where you don't need to know any tactics and can still complete them - you need something to give you an introduction to Operations. With this, each boss is designed like an Operations boss, with all the different mechanics, and each fight is do-able, even with a lower geared player - I managed to get to boss ten with a 190-200 geared operative simply by knowing the mechanics and avoiding them where possible.


Calling for a nerf on this is pretty sad. It just says that people can't be bothered to learn, and want things to be awarded to them just for participating. There are plenty of options out there if you want some content you can play without knowing your class (tactical and solo FP's and heroics), don't make this another one.


I've been playing for a long time and I'm still learning new things about my characters (did you know that a PT tank gets 35% defence boost for 15 seconds with Explosive Fuel?) Try to see this as a chance to improve your knowledge, and if you learn your class better, you'll probably enjoy the game better.


^This. 100% this. This is not the time to demand a participation trophy. Take the opportunity it gives and run with it.

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I have to disagree. It's designed as a training tool. Since they made Flashpoints into "Tacticals" - where you don't need to know any tactics and can still complete them - you need something to give you an introduction to Operations. With this, each boss is designed like an Operations boss, with all the different mechanics, and each fight is do-able, even with a lower geared player - I managed to get to boss ten with a 190-200 geared operative simply by knowing the mechanics and avoiding them where possible.


Calling for a nerf on this is pretty sad. It just says that people can't be bothered to learn, and want things to be awarded to them just for participating. There are plenty of options out there if you want some content you can play without knowing your class (tactical and solo FP's and heroics), don't make this another one.


I've been playing for a long time and I'm still learning new things about my characters (did you know that a PT tank gets 35% defence boost for 15 seconds with Explosive Fuel?) Try to see this as a chance to improve your knowledge, and if you learn your class better, you'll probably enjoy the game better.


Stop the bus! CT and I agree! Woah...


Edited to add: Learn to love the Dulfy, people!

Edited by PennyAnn
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Op is right about the rewards.


LOL to death.

as far as the fights, well, i did solo plus with 3 people and helped them get fuzzball.

that's all they wanted: Bowdaar.

fights 6 thru 10 are a big PITA ( PAIN IN THE ARSE) but beatable.

heck, during test server with EC one day, one guy ran his Bhs thru like the bosses were water.

just surprised he didn't win the Sprint championship they had.

Edited by IslanderRebel
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I have to disagree. It's designed as a training tool. Since they made Flashpoints into "Tacticals" - where you don't need to know any tactics and can still complete them - you need something to give you an introduction to Operations. With this, each boss is designed like an Operations boss, with all the different mechanics, and each fight is do-able, even with a lower geared player - I managed to get to boss ten with a 190-200 geared operative simply by knowing the mechanics and avoiding them where possible.


I dont want and Need a Training tool for operations, because I dont want to Play operations. My Goal is collecting compaignions and decorations.

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I dont want and Need a Training tool for operations, because I dont want to Play operations. My Goal is collecting compaignions and decorations.


Then don't play EC. You can just redo the first boss over and over for the rep for the Wookiee. And before you say you want the decorations, there are plenty of decorations that only drop in OPs but you refuse to play them.

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I'm guessing most of the people who find it hard were not around during launch.


Soa Hardmode with insta kill lighting balls, and extremely tight enrage timer, now that was hard.

Denova Hardmode before augments made it a joke, that was hard.


Eternal Champ is not hard everyone in my guild who has done it has walked right through it. We are a pvp guild mind you. I doubt any one has gear above pvp sets.


The whole thread about nerfs is sad. Its like saying I don't know how to play plz make things easier. Keybinds, interupts, stuns, standing out of red stuff is too hard for me.


Every one of the fights needs to be buffed. I shouldn't be able to breeze through in pvp gear ignoring the mechanics on almost all the fights.


This man is a Legend! TimoneyTime please run for President of whatever country you live in, I would like to move there and vote for you.


As a player of only Moderate ability I have been as far as Round 8. I am confident I will get through all 10 when I have the time to get the strategies down. As someone who does not use any kind of Parsing data I am looking forward to using the Eternal Championship as a way to guage the combat capabilities of my different Alts.

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  • 6 years later...

Still doesn't need to be nerfed, it's not supposed to be easy. It's very doable, even the extra achievements, but you have to know your class and try a few times, like it should be. If you do not enjoy it, don't play it, it's not mandatory.

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6 hours ago, Whykara said:

Still doesn't need to be nerfed, it's not supposed to be easy.

Obviously, but just like certain boss fights within KOTFE/KOTET on master-mode,  it still should get a more current 'balance pass' to make it tuned more in-line with 7.2 era combat & pruning & levels, etc.

I would love to see anyone post video/pics of doing Sprint Champion ( under 15-minutes + zero deaths )  from present day SWTOR as one of the non-OP  non-FOTM  Class specs now in 7.2 era.

Good luck. ;)

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I guess it is still ok to do it (after reading this thread  I went in with a 332 Deception Assa without Legendaries/augments and a 35 comp) but the rewards seem to be lacking. I mean, it takes (realistically) about 20 mins - and as I recall you get nothing, not even conquest points.

Sprint Champion has always been leaning towards FOTM I guess, has anyone seen it done on a sniper? 

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