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How are there so many?


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Okay I do not understand something why are there so many knights of Zaakul even after half of them died in a battle against each other. Their thousands of them according to Gault but here is the thing while they rule the galaxy its only 5 years and they come from Zaakul. How can a planet give so many force sensitives. Even the jedi order who had a entire galaxy or at least more then half did not had that numbers. Well probably they did but it was by taking children from the entire galaxy why can Zaakul have so many?
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Okay I do not understand something why are there so many knights of Zaakul even after half of them died in a battle against each other. Their thousands of them according to Gault but here is the thing while they rule the galaxy its only 5 years and they come from Zaakul. How can a planet give so many force sensitives. Even the jedi order who had a entire galaxy or at least more then half did not had that numbers. Well probably they did but it was by taking children from the entire galaxy why can Zaakul have so many?


While I can't explain how there are so many in the first place, I would like to point out something regarding the fact that Arcann made them kill each other. In the cutscene at the end of this newest chapter, there's only like 6 Knights in the room. Compare that to how many HAD been there (I think the entire bridge to the throne was covered) it's very clear that their numbers have been severely weakened.

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Even the jedi order who had a entire galaxy or at least more then half did not had that numbers. Well probably they did but it was by taking children from the entire galaxy why can Zaakul have so many?

The Jedi Order had around 10,000 Jedi, which is way more than there are Zakuul Knights. Yet somehow they still managed to win? Huh?

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The Jedi Order had around 10,000 Jedi, which is way more than there are Zakuul Knights. Yet somehow they still managed to win? Huh?


Well I do not know if there 10,000 Zakuul knight but thousands they are and there all from one planet how could that be? Do the fact that the planet is a force nexus makes more people be born force sensitives?

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Well I do not know if there 10,000 Zakuul knight but thousands they are and there all from one planet how could that be? Do the fact that the planet is a force nexus makes more people be born force sensitives?

It's likely some plothole, it's unlikely (though not impossible) that all Zakuul Knights are from Zakuul itself.

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It's likely some plothole, it's unlikely (though not impossible) that all Zakuul Knights are from Zakuul itself.


Well it's never really stated how big the Eternal Empire is. Considering the planet the latest chapter takes place on, could be just as big as the Sith empire or Republic for all we know. I mean really Arcann had what 6 of his planets in wild space bombarded?


So how big is the Eternal Empire?

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It's likely some plothole, it's unlikely (though not impossible) that all Zakuul Knights are from Zakuul itself.


I think that as well. While the Eternal Empire is based on Zakuul, it seems unlikely that at no point they would have assimilated nearby planets into their ranks. Although not explicitly stated, it's hard to imagine this massive Empire only ruled on one planet for centuries before expanding.

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Okay I do not understand something why are there so many knights of Zaakul even after half of them died in a battle against each other. Their thousands of them according to Gault but here is the thing while they rule the galaxy its only 5 years and they come from Zaakul. How can a planet give so many force sensitives. Even the jedi order who had a entire galaxy or at least more then half did not had that numbers. Well probably they did but it was by taking children from the entire galaxy why can Zaakul have so many?


Well, the way I understood, they are being given the power [of the Force] for their good service. In the last chapter, while Marr and Satele talk about Jedi and Sith (or Jedi's and Sith's ?) understanding of the Force, they also mention how Zakuulans (Knights) perceive Force as a gift for their service to Eternal Empire. If that is so, and Valkorion really gave them more power every time they would succeed, then they could even be clones of each other because it would not matter are they force sensitive or not.


I could be 100% wrong, however. I did not listen much to what they were saying but if someone can find it, feel free to quote, so I can read it. It could also be their description of prophecy Zakuulans believe in...and nothing more.

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Well, the way I understood, they are being given the power [of the Force] for their good service. In the last chapter, while Marr and Satele talk about Jedi and Sith (or Jedi's and Sith's ?) understanding of the Force, they also mention how Zakuulans (Knights) perceive Force as a gift for their service to Eternal Empire. If that is so, and Valkorion really gave them more power every time they would succeed, then they could even be clones of each other because it would not matter are they force sensitive or not.


I could be 100% wrong, however. I did not listen much to what they were saying but if someone can find it, feel free to quote, so I can read it. It could also be their description of prophecy Zakuulans believe in...and nothing more.


Actually that makes sense, the amount of force users on Zakuul could be the result of Valkorian's influence. It's not like the force is just "given to them" like a gift, but Valk's immense power may have something to do with the amount of force users in one spot. As for what Marr and Satele said, that has to do with the fact that the Zakuul Knights get how the force works. They're not bound by the flaws of the Sith and Jedi, they understand it as a tool to bring about justice. They use the force properly which does make them quite a bit stronger than most Jedi and Sith.

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They don't explicitly say it, but I believe that the Eternal Empire spanned a few planets in Wild Space. It wasn't nearly as big as the Republic or the Empire, but I wouldn't be surprised if they have a few planets that they've expanded to over the years. Plus, I would not be surprised if Valkorian/Vitiate infused them with some of his power to make Force-users more common.


I have a theory, and there's not really any evidence to support it, but I started thinking about it when they talked about how no one knows where the Gravestone or the Eternal Fleet comes from- what if the same race that created the Fleet and the Gravestone were the ancestors of modern Zakuulans, and they, like the Sith, had a strong tendency to be born with Force powers? It would make sense then that they have a lot of Knights if they were genetically inclined to be Force-sensitive.

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