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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Lack of Legacy info undermines alt creation


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They can fix this by allowing you a chance to change your character race and appearance when you unlock a new customization. Or every so many legacy levels.


Agreed. That would be a valid announcement to settle the uncertainty: the knowledge that you can apply anything unlocked to characters you've already made. This removes the opportunity cost of making the character now before the unlockable perks are released.

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I know enough of the legacy system to not want to create alts. It's for me all about the surname, I just want one for my main that fits that character, but I don't want to use that as surname or legacy title for my alts, so I don't create any alts (at least not on the same server, and maybe not too soon at all).


You can also set it to not display. So you can get the surname on your main, and turn it off completely on all the others.

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OP is right.



Invalidates the argument to level several characters to 50, I'm done with my first one and can't bring myself to get my other ones over 12 since I might have to delete them and start over given the (hopefully) nice new legacy options.


I highly doubt you will be forced to delete your alts to get the benifites of Legacy

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I would love to see an update of info on whats going to happen with the Legacy system. OP is right we don't need pictures or a video showing us, just basic info. This race will be available for this class ect, just so we can make an informed decision instead of being left in the dark.


This is what the OP is getting at for the people that lack comprehension skills.


I create a Human Sith warrior as an alt knowing that only Cyborg, Human, Zabrak, and Sith Pure Blood can be chosen. I get it to level 30 and the Legacy system launches. I soon find out that Miraluka can be chosen, a race I really wanted to play. Now I have the choice of restarting this Sith Warrior I spent a lot of time playing or keep going regretting not being able to play a Miraluka.


Me and a friend are in the same boat as the OP. Just some basic info Bioware, please.

Edited by Vunak
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I highly doubt you will be forced to delete your alts to get the benifites of Legacy


Depending on what they unlock, which they haven't told us, you might. Race/Class combos for instance, unless they give us an option to recustomize at each unlock.

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bioware has 90 days to figgure it out

and if Alot of issues are not fixed beofre the first wave of timecards die...

well it will be just like Aion, War, Tabula,Conan. subs will drop by 75%


I don't think anyone is saying they will quit over this. Those most interested in this feature are those who enjoy the game, intend to keep playing, and want to roll alts to experience different aspects of the game.

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I would love to see an update of info on whats going to happen with the Legacy system. OP is right we don't need pictures or a video showing us, just basic info. This race will be available for this class ect, just so we can make an informed decision instead of being left in the dark.


This is what the OP is getting at for the people that lack comprehension skills.


I create a Human Sith warrior as an alt knowing that only Cyborg, Human, Zabrak, and Sith Pure Blood can be chosen. I get it to level 30 and the Legacy system launches. I soon find out that Miraluka can be chosen, a race I really wanted to play. Now I have the choice of restarting this Sith Warrior I spent a lot of time playing or keep going regretting not being able to play a Miraluka.


Me and a friend are in the same boat as the OP. Just some basic info Bioware, please.




I see this as especially important for those on RP servers, although that's not me.


Not asking for a lot, just some basic info.

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OP is right.



Invalidates the argument to level several characters to 50, I'm done with my first one and can't bring myself to get my other ones over 12 since I might have to delete them and start over given the (hopefully) nice new legacy options.


Same here - I'm an altaholic and while I play empire on one server and republic on another and thus have 2 characters to play with (since they unlock seperate legacies and are both my mains on the respective servers), I also can't bear to play any other characters besides those 2 now that I know the legacy system will unlock additional character creation options.


Until I know what those are, I don't want to level up any alts I may need to re-roll.


Would really like more info!

Edited by Amarinth
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My totally baseless guess was that you could choose to start your new character at a higher level if you have enough legacy levels (hopefully with all quests still available - just a bit of a speed boost through the early content as you are over-levelled).


If my random guess is the kind of thing they are planning, I certainly would like to know before I start an alt as the idea of having to do non-class quests (which are almost identical between different classes for a given faction) in order to level up alts is a major detractor which will likely cause me to be very grumpy while I do so. (Although I might still do it since I want to experience the class story line.)

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OP has it right!! I have created one of each class (and AC mirrors), filling up my 8 character slots. ATM I have every character leveled off the starter planet with their AC, with most of them in their mid 20's. Now I am dying to try out Merc Healing, but my merc is my only Empire toon I haven't leveled into his 20's yet, which means if I go ahead and level him and new race options come out, I'll just have to delete him and reroll!! This would take nothing more than a "Yes, there are new races" or "No, there aren't new races" from Bioware. They could keep their cloak of vagueness while letting altoholics level every class without regretting every level. Come on Bioware, don't start doing stupid things like this to us now after giving us such a great game!
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  • 2 weeks later...
I would love to see an update of info on whats going to happen with the Legacy system. OP is right we don't need pictures or a video showing us, just basic info. This race will be available for this class ect, just so we can make an informed decision instead of being left in the dark.


This is what the OP is getting at for the people that lack comprehension skills.


I create a Human Sith warrior as an alt knowing that only Cyborg, Human, Zabrak, and Sith Pure Blood can be chosen. I get it to level 30 and the Legacy system launches. I soon find out that Miraluka can be chosen, a race I really wanted to play. Now I have the choice of restarting this Sith Warrior I spent a lot of time playing or keep going regretting not being able to play a Miraluka.

Me and a friend are in the same boat as the OP. Just some basic info Bioware, please.


Um oops?



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You can also set it to not display. So you can get the surname on your main, and turn it off completely on all the others.

I know that, still it makes me not happy. I want separated surnames for each of my characters, and maybe the same surnames as other players have. I still hope that BioWare is going to remove the connection between the legacy name and surnames, because it was a truly stupid decision to put both in this way together.

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I agree with the OP.


The Current set up with hinting at what might be available makes it unclear if a month and a half down the line I am going to be re-rolling my main cause a new species has been released or all legacy characters get +5 to each stat and my PvP main can't live without that bonus.


Or if there is nothing worth holding off for and I can roll alts now and play away and when the system comes out take or leave it. If I do roll a new alt and get a new hair cut then maybe I will pick or maybe I wont.


Not asking for everything just the character creation options tied to the legacy system that wont be available retroactively. If everything the legacy system offers can be applied to an existing character then I will happily wait till march leveling my characters as I want to. But don't want to get to level 50 with multiple characters only to find I have to do it all over again cause the legacy system brings something in that for me is a must have.

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