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DLC Story Question?


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Hi all,


I have been with SWTOR from the beginning and have loved playing the class story missions. But as im a buys person i don't get to play this game as much as id like. Even tho i have been here from the start i am only just about to complete the final class story, the Trooper. I saved that one till the last.


So i have a question regarding the DLC. Dose each class have its own unique story for the DLC's, Rise of the Hutt Cartel, Shadow of Revan and Knights of the Fallen Empire? or is it just 1 unique story for the Republic/Empire?


Even tho im only just about to complete all the original class missions i have completed Hutt Cartel and Shadow of Revan with a Sith Warrior. I am eager to start Knights of the Fallen Empire, but first i want to make sure i have played all the story that comes before it?


So do i need to play the DLC with each class or just 1 class on each side?


Thanks Joe

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I kind of feel like a jerk for saying this but it is a huge pet peeve of mine, its not DLC its expansion(s). Ok, technically, it is DLC if we are going with downloadable content and not disc locked content definitions; but for us old schoolers they will always be expansions as it applies to MMORPGS.


Now that I have that out of the way...


Class stories end after Chapter III. Sure you get a few bits of dialogue that are class specific but basically its a one size fits all theme for the rest of the expansions. Sometimes it makes sense, sometimes it doesn't as per the story. Guess its one of the prices we paid for SWTOR going F2P.


I still enjoy the game though.

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Class stories end after Chapter III. Sure you get a few bits of dialogue that are class specific but basically its a one size fits all theme for the rest of the expansions. Sometimes it makes sense, sometimes it doesn't as per the story. Guess its one of the prices we paid for SWTOR going F2P.


I still enjoy the game though.


Thanks for the reply. So if the class stories end after chapter 3, this one size fits all for the expansion story is that for all 8 classes? or is their a 2 stories one from the republic side and one from the empire side? or is it one story for both sides?

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Rise of the Hutt Cartel has almost completely different story lines for each faction, so each faction has a seperate story for the events.

Shadows of Revan is more linear but so much dialogue, cutscenes etc changes for republic or Imperial faction, not to the extent of RotHC though.

Knights of the Fallen Empire is the most linear story, every class/faction does pretty much the same thing jsut with some dialogue changes to reflect imp/rep and class.

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So if i understand it correctly.


Each of the DLC/Expansion stories dont have different stories for each class, aside just some bits of dialog here and their. But they do have a different story for the 2 factions Republic/Empire.


Once I have finished off my trooper i will have done all 8 class stories, i have played the Hutt Cartel and Shadow of Revan with my Sith Warrior. So all i will need to do is pick a Republic character and play Hutt Cartel and Shadow of Revan with them, then i will be ready for the Knights of the fallen empire story?

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