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Romancing Andronikos with a lightside Sith


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So, finally got my little Sith-alt to Tatooine and have now recruited Andronikos. Wow... that voice. But I don't know how well he is reacting to my very light side sith. After playing through KOFTE with my main and being quite smitten with Lana I am tempted to let her stay single and develop a relationship with Lana instead.


Any recommendations, amazing voice but perhaps just a little bit too crazy for me. Lana feels more levelheaded. Don't want to cheat because then I would feel bad for the pixel-people. Does Andronikos and LS-sith turn out great, or does Lana + light side Sith or Lana+ Sith Inq have a really good chemistry?


... well... Quinn might will probably be replaced by Theron but that's another story.

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please take all the Andronikos (x4) from my ship! I even throw in a few pirates stuff lol


the con of said old companions is that once you hit that FLIRT....there is no <no dont wanna , let be just friends.


You could always look up the romance on YT and see if its something you wanna pursue ^


*force persuade* romance Lana..romance Lana....romance Lana... :D

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I romanced Andronikos with all but one of my light side Inquisitors. He does tend to question her good intentions, but it's not like a light side male Warrior with dark side Jaesa, or a dark side Knight romancing Kira. He does approve of some light side choices; overall he's more chaotic neutral.

His romance is pretty sweet. 10/10 would recommend.

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Hmm, well... my main is a LS inquisitor who skipped the Andronikos romance entirely. I was misinformed and thought Talos was romanceable, so I decided to wait for him and ignore the crazy pirate who sounded like Oghren from Dragon Age. :eek:


Eventually, though, I went back and made another inquisitor to check out the romance. It didn't end up being one of my favorites, but it's certainly interesting. Not as lovey-dovey as many of the others, a bit more uncertain, more of... a meeting of two very independent people. He's definitely got a dark streak to him. The inquisitor I romanced him with was much more neutral than my main, though, so that wasn't an issue.

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He's a bit on the dark side, but he's not fully opposed to light side options on everything. For sure, he's for killing someone who's trying to kill you, so yeah, not the type of guy to spare someone's life. :p


Romanced and married on one Inquisitor and romanced and cheated on another. Though, only cheated because the only way to break things off was to be really really cruel! I didn't want to be THAT cruel! :p

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I played a LS Inquisitor who romanced Andronikus, and I really enjoyed it. As others have said though, it's not a lovey-dovey romance and he's not a guy who likes to be tied down. He values his freedom and independence above all else. If you romance him, he'll make it clear that he cares about your Sith, but if she ever starts to think that he's 'hers', then he's out of there. He doesn't like possessiveness, and he's not possessive of you. That being said, if you continue the romance he will clearly begin to show signs of deep attachment to you, and at the end of his romance he basically says that he's around for as long as the Sith wants him (so presumably forever). Also his romance letter in KOTFE is wonderful.


Now, romancing him as a full LS Sith can be kind of tricky because he has a real sadistic streak and disapproves of mercy or letting people live when killing them would help you. But romancing him as a full DS Sith can also be tricky, because you take heavy approval losses if you kill unarmed civilians or people who have been upfront and honest with you. But if you're really into RPing and headcanons, you could make either one work. After all, every couple has their differences.



My LS Inquisitor got along well with Andronikus because they both had difficult backgrounds. The SI was born and raised in slavery, and had a tough time of it. Andronikus was raised by at least one abusive parent (he says the last time he cried he was six and his dad shot him in the foot to shut him up- I wish I could say I thought he was lying), and although he was a solider in the Republic for a time, he felt betrayed by them and became a pirate- where he was eventually betrayed again, and tossed into Imperial prison where he was tortured for a year. So he's a very distrustful and cynical person when it comes to relationships in general.


That works with my SI because, as a former slave, she completely understands why he wants to be foot-loose and fancy free, and she doesn't blame him at all. She's never been in a romantic relationship herself, so aside from a one-time thing with the Sith Urgal on Alderaan, he's her first ever real lover. When she was a slave she wasn't in a position to give or refuse consent. She's never opened up to the possibility of a true relationship because there was no point before, so this is all new to her.


But I loved his romance with my SI because even if he didn't approve of all her actions, he grows to trust and respect her, and then falls in love with her, which is implied has never happened to him before. And when he finally reaches that point, he's clearly willing to follow her through hell and back, because there's no one else for him but her.



My own opinion is that a romance with Andronikus is totally worth it if you're willing to deal with all the ghosts that follow him for a good part of the relationship. He's not what I'd call romantic, but he's got a very soft side when it comes to his Sith.

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I played a LS Inquisitor who romanced Andronikus, and I really enjoyed it. As others have said though, it's not a lovey-dovey romance and he's not a guy who likes to be tied down. He values his freedom and independence above all else. If you romance him, he'll make it clear that he cares about your Sith, but if she ever starts to think that he's 'hers', then he's out of there. He doesn't like possessiveness, and he's not possessive of you. That being said, if you continue the romance he will clearly begin to show signs of deep attachment to you, and at the end of his romance he basically says that he's around for as long as the Sith wants him (so presumably forever). Also his romance letter in KOTFE is wonderful.


Now, romancing him as a full LS Sith can be kind of tricky because he has a real sadistic streak and disapproves of mercy or letting people live when killing them would help you. But romancing him as a full DS Sith can also be tricky, because you take heavy approval losses if you kill unarmed civilians or people who have been upfront and honest with you. But if you're really into RPing and headcanons, you could make either one work. After all, every couple has their differences.



My LS Inquisitor got along well with Andronikus because they both had difficult backgrounds. The SI was born and raised in slavery, and had a tough time of it. Andronikus was raised by at least one abusive parent (he says the last time he cried he was six and his dad shot him in the foot to shut him up- I wish I could say I thought he was lying), and although he was a solider in the Republic for a time, he felt betrayed by them and became a pirate- where he was eventually betrayed again, and tossed into Imperial prison where he was tortured for a year. So he's a very distrustful and cynical person when it comes to relationships in general.


That works with my SI because, as a former slave, she completely understands why he wants to be foot-loose and fancy free, and she doesn't blame him at all. She's never been in a romantic relationship herself, so aside from a one-time thing with the Sith Urgal on Alderaan, he's her first ever real lover. When she was a slave she wasn't in a position to give or refuse consent. She's never opened up to the possibility of a true relationship because there was no point before, so this is all new to her.


But I loved his romance with my SI because even if he didn't approve of all her actions, he grows to trust and respect her, and then falls in love with her, which is implied has never happened to him before. And when he finally reaches that point, he's clearly willing to follow her through hell and back, because there's no one else for him but her.



My own opinion is that a romance with Andronikus is totally worth it if you're willing to deal with all the ghosts that follow him for a good part of the relationship. He's not what I'd call romantic, but he's got a very soft side when it comes to his Sith.


I wholeheartedly agree with you with how they set up Andronikos' moral code. I was actually pretty surprised to see him approve of some of the choices I made. I turn off my indicator when playing, so I don't know which is the light or dark side choice. Of course if it says kill said person in parenthesis, that's a no brainer.



He has no qualms about sticking it to either the Republic or the Empire if given the choice and I noticed he gave big approval when Inquisitor mentions that she holds no love for the Empire once or twice. He loves to cause chaos, but seems to have a slight moral compass that peeks out now and again. Best advice though is to give your Inquisitor full rein to back talk to whomever she wants. There was at least one approval from Andronikos in every conversation she had because my Inquisitor always had the upper hand in them.



I re rolled my Inquisitor and kept her neutral up until the end of Chapter 1. I've made a lot of dark side choices since then. But that's partly due to the fact that since becoming a Lord, showing any kind of mercy or sign of light without some kind of benefit behind it is basically painting a target on your back in the Sith empire. It's worked pretty well with romancing Andronikos, but even better since most of the light side choices I made he approved of too.


Personally this is my favorite of the romance options. I can't wait til we get him back in KOTFE. Fingers crossed it's this season.......

Edited by h_weber
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I'll analyse this from the point of view of a male player of a female SI, playing 100% DS. (Well, in the end, no, but for other reasons, see the first addendum.)


I liked watching this romance develop. He is a bad man, and she is, quite possibly, actually worse. (I hesitate to use the word "bad", see the second addendum for why.) The romance opens...


Well, not quite. We see the beginnings of it before the side-flirts on Alderaan, but at that point, it is not fully serious yet - Andronikos actually encourages you to go with the PBSith so that he can take some time with a bit of fluff he's found there. It develops, and there is this sense of two thoroughly bad people who grow to respect and admire each other's badness, and through it, each other.


And after the final conversation, he sends her a letter where he opens his shell a bit and shows off a fragment of the soul of a philosopher.



Addendum the first: Why do I say not 100% DS? Well, she started that way. Any time there was a DS option, she would pick it. By the time she reached Belsavis, however, the crazy was getting to her, and a few choices went neutral even though there was DS available. Still no light.


The Rakata prisoner on Belsavis, however, was a step too far. No matter how many DS points it awarded, releasing the prisoner into the galaxy was so insanely stupid that she couldn't do it, and took her first (and probably last) LS points.



Addendum the second: When used about people, "bad" has at least five different meanings. A "bad man" is, while not utterly depraved, certainly an evil-doer. A "bad woman" has connotations of sex, which become more intense when we change to "bad girl" while speaking of an adult. A "bad boy" is more positive, but tends to speak of interpersonal faults rather than scheming evil. Finally, both "bad boy" and "bad girl" simply mean some degree of naughtiness when referring to a child. In the above, I want to speak of the female SI using the "bad man" sense of "bad", which is awkward, since there isn't really a female version of that.

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That depends on what you want from the romance, I think. If you want a romance where the NPC agrees with the majority of your actions, neither Lana nor Andronikos is a good match for a pure light side character.


If you don't mind getting disapproval and the character questioning your choices, it's more a matter of how well you think the personalities match. Their personalities and interests are pretty different even if Lana would probably approve of a lot of the same things Andronikos does with different justification (killing so as not to leave loose ends instead of doing it for funsies, for example).


I did both romances with more neutral characters - Lana with a Warrior, so I can't comment on how the Inquisitor/Lana chemistry is (there is a fun flirt that makes Lana angry if you save the reactor in chapter three though). Andronikos is a lot sweeter than he initially comes across and being a vanilla romance, has more depth. If you can work with his love of chaos and self interest, his romance is definitely worth doing. If that doesn't work, Lana's the better option.

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Voice. Yep! Honestly, I could never imagine playing SI without romancing Andronikos. I would take Andronikos over 10 Lanas and 20 Therons. Lana and Theron have been given major rolls, yet I cannot compare their characters to Andronikos of how much better Andronikos' character is...and he is just a companion. This is my opinion, of course. I played both of my Sith as Dark Side, but the second one was less Dark than the first one. It played out okay.


My favorite romance companion is Andronikos. After him comes Vector. :cool:

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That depends on what you want from the romance, I think. If you want a romance where the NPC agrees with the majority of your actions, neither Lana nor Andronikos is a good match for a pure light side character.


If you don't mind getting disapproval and the character questioning your choices, it's more a matter of how well you think the personalities match. Their personalities and interests are pretty different even if Lana would probably approve of a lot of the same things Andronikos does with different justification (killing so as not to leave loose ends instead of doing it for funsies, for example).


I did both romances with more neutral characters - Lana with a Warrior, so I can't comment on how the Inquisitor/Lana chemistry is (there is a fun flirt that makes Lana angry if you save the reactor in chapter three though). Andronikos is a lot sweeter than he initially comes across and being a vanilla romance, has more depth. If you can work with his love of chaos and self interest, his romance is definitely worth doing. If that doesn't work, Lana's the better option.


I'll have to disagree a little bit here. I don't think Andronikos kills because of the funsies. It felt like he kill because like Lana justification/loose ends. He just enjoyed it when he did have the reasons to do it.

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I'll have to disagree a little bit here. I don't think Andronikos kills because of the funsies. It felt like he kill because like Lana justification/loose ends. He just enjoyed it when he did have the reasons to do it.


This is true. ^^ The phrasing was a joke - Lana would justify (not killing means they'll come back), Andronikos would kill because the opportunity was presented, he benefits from it, and he likes killing. His enjoyment of violence is a factor (although perhaps not a primary motivator, unless it was an act of revenge), where it really isn't with Lana, even if they'd approve of a lot of the same kinds of actions.


Edited because I am scatterbrained and should wait to post until my thoughts are actually in order.

Edited by leviathanmirror
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Thank you all kindly for the replies! :)


Now I would really like to romance the both of them and then continue the conversation. The sith in question is not a 100% LS, so I think that it will work out. After reading your replies and thinking about it again it is actually not the LS-choices but a bit of a clash of personality. The current SI will wait for Lana and then when I want to play on the empire-side again I will reroll a new one that better matches Andronikos. After an entire PT spent in his company I should know more what kind of character I would like to romance him with. It is nice knowing that you have something good to look forward too :p


Thanks for the help, I would have been stranded on ship not knowing if I wanted to move forward with the relationship or not. Given the treatment my Agent gets when it's time for tricky choices it could have been weeks of indecision. Much more fun to play :D

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