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To stop being 'farmed'


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If you feel, after a few matches, that your teams are being 'farmed', best thing to do is stop q'ing.


I always say 'Let THEM kill each other.'


After a few matches of fighting themselves, some will leave or move to the other side.


Give it about an hour and try again.


Doesn't always work. But it is somewhat effective.


One or two matches does not equate to farming. But, if they are sitting over there and you keep q'ing, they aren't going to budge from that side.


I almost forgot to add...


If you decide to switch to the 'winning' side, live fire matches won't be far behind. Which means you will be 'farmed' again, but from your own faction.


So, best to group up!

Edited by philwil
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I know, I know, the best thing to do with threads like these is to ignore them. I can't help myself. This is bad advice and it displays a fundamental misunderstanding of how PVP works.


If you feel, after a few matches, that your teams are being 'farmed', best thing to do is stop q'ing.


No, if you feel you're being farmed, the best thing to do is to group up so multiple people stop beating you solo. A single player will not beat a team. Teams beat teams.


If you're on a team and still losing, it is because your team is outmatched. That's fine. One side has to lose. That side will always be yours if you always stop playing when the competition outclasses you.


I always say 'Let THEM kill each other.'


After a few matches of fighting themselves, some will leave or move to the other side.


While this is true, it isn't because you quit. Most of us swap regularly so one side doesn't end up getting stomped. It doesn't really have much to do with avoiding competition. The players who are good enough to farm you know that they will not improve in doing so.


Give it about an hour and try again.


Doesn't always work. But it is somewhat effective.


See above. It's not effective in the least. It's the same thing that would have happened if you kept playing. The only difference is that you didn't get to face the challenge so you never improve.


One or two matches does not equate to farming.


This is correct.


But, if they are sitting over there and you keep q'ing, they aren't going to budge from that side.


This isn't.


I almost forgot to add...

If you decide to switch to the 'winning' side, live fire matches won't be far behind. Which means you will be 'farmed' again, but from your own faction.


Again: you're not being farmed, you're just losing. As long as you avoid the games where that happens, it's going to keep happening because you'll never improve. I get that you're frustrated, but this sort of post accomplishes nothing.



So, best to group up!


This is good advice. It's the only good advice you had to offer.

Edited by DakhathKilrathi
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Na. You are wrong.


It does work.


You might want to ignore it. But the fact is, good pilot or bad, if your team is consistently losing because of lack of skilled pilots, the other side will continue to q until they have had their fill.


I was born, but I wasn't born yesterday.


And I didn't just start playing since yesterday.


It gets that way. Believe it or not.


I have been on the winning side of lopsided matches. If there are a few like that, I tend to switch sides. Usually the first an only one...because people like shooting me. :D


But, your point of view is from an Ace's perspective.


Not your average Joe GSF.


Just trying to do a weekly can take you seven games. And not at any time had anyone jumped from the other side to help This is more than one time. Same people from the first to last. It happens. Because you don't see it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.


Like I have said before I am an average pilot with over 8k matches under my belt. I have seen things

Edited by philwil
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Na. You are wrong.


It does work.


You might want to ignore it. But the fact is, good pilot or bad, if your team is consistently losing because of lack of skilled pilots, the other side will continue to q until they have had their fill.


I was born, but I wasn't born yesterday.


And I didn't just start playing since yesterday.


It gets that way. Believe it or not.


I have been on the winning side of lopsided matches. If there are a few like that, I tend to switch sides. Usually the first an only one...because people like shooting me. :D


But, your point of view is from an Ace's perspective.


Not your average Joe GSF.


Just trying to do a weekly can take you seven games. And not at any time had anyone jumped from the other side to help This is more than one time. Same people from the first to last. It happens. Because you don't see it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.


Crash (I'm going to call you that because it amuses me, unless you have a problem with it): I like you, I have no problem with you personally. I know you have a lot of matches under your belt. But I do think you're a little off here. A tad pessimistic. I bolded one comment above because I think it's not entirely fair. Yes, the scenario you describe happens, we've all seen it. But not everyone is a bloodthirsty noob-crushing monster. Some of us go out of our way to bolster the health of the queue. Check out what SRW is doing on SL - the queue-balancing effort going on there is impressive.


And speaking for myself - whenever I'm on, I always make an effort to balance factions, and a lot of other folks I know (particularly on JC) will do the same. If, say, I'm the only experienced guy queueing imp side and we're getting slaughtered, I'll stick it out no matter what...and eventually, some good folks will join me, and things will balance out. At some point, it all evens out. Getting there can be painful at times, sure, but that's the nature of the game.


I also believe strongly in the "whatever doesn't kill me makes me stronger" philosophy - those really tough games make me better in the long run.

Edited by MaximilianPower
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Na. You are wrong.


It does work.


You might want to ignore it. But the fact is, good pilot or bad, if your team is consistently losing because of lack of skilled pilots, the other side will continue to q until they have had their fill.


I was born, but I wasn't born yesterday.


And I didn't just start playing since yesterday.


It gets that way. Believe it or not.


I have been on the winning side of lopsided matches. If there are a few like that, I tend to switch sides. Usually the first an only one...because people like shooting me. :D


But, your point of view is from an Ace's perspective.


Not your average Joe GSF.


Just trying to do a weekly can take you seven games. And not at any time had anyone jumped from the other side to help This is more than one time. Same people from the first to last. It happens. Because you don't see it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.


Like I have said before I am an average pilot with over 8k matches under my belt. I have seen things


^^^Lack of queue does seem to be the stronger motivator.

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The best thing for GSF is definitely for people to keep queing, but the best thing for the individual player may very well be to take a break and come back later. Not everyone is going to want to have super tough matches to test their boundaries. Having hard matches every now and then is great, but if there are a long series of losses it's going to send the message to a player that their time may be better off spent doing something else.
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Crash (I'm going to call you that because it amuses me, unless you have a problem with it): I like you, I have no problem with you personally. I know you have a lot of matches under your belt. But I do think you're a little off here. A tad pessimistic. I bolded one comment above because I think it's not entirely fair. Yes, the scenario you describe happens, we've all seen it. But not everyone is a bloodthirsty noob-crushing monster. Some of us go out of our way to bolster the health of the queue. Check out what SRW is doing on SL - the queue-balancing effort going on there is impressive.


And speaking for myself - whenever I'm on, I always make an effort to balance factions, and a lot of other folks I know (particularly on JC) will do the same. If, say, I'm the only experienced guy queueing imp side and we're getting slaughtered, I'll stick it out no matter what...and eventually, some good folks will join me, and things will balance out. At some point, it all evens out. Getting there can be painful at times, sure, but that's the nature of the game.


I also believe strongly in the "whatever doesn't kill me makes me stronger" philosophy - those really tough games make me better in the long run.


I have been called a lot worse, lol. And Crash is fine, or any one of my toons you may call me. :D


I know there are people that do switch sides and try to even things out. But for those times they don't.


I know it sounds like I am angry, but I'm I'm not. Just explaining the facts of life to new GSF'ers. If they feel they are being farmed. I will stop q'ing myself after 2 bad losses in a row. Switch servers, or what ever.


It's just an out for them. Stop q'ing and come back a little later.


I have had my rage moments. And that is when I began taking sabbaticals from GSF. Usually a month and I do ground work.


I come back refreshed and ready to kill again.

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The best thing for GSF is definitely for people to keep queing, but the best thing for the individual player may very well be to take a break and come back later. Not everyone is going to want to have super tough matches to test their boundaries. Having hard matches every now and then is great, but if there are a long series of losses it's going to send the message to a player that their time may be better off spent doing something else.


Yeah..you said it better than I did. Thank you. :D

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Had my first flights on new toons on Ebon Hawk the other day.


I flew the imp first.


1 kill 4 deaths 20k damage in stock


I flew the pub side next.


7 kills 5 assists and zero deaths for near 50k damage.


I am thinking imps need help there. If one can get a pop, lol.

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I am thinking imps need help there. If one can get a pop, lol.


I could have told you that. lol

When I start on a new server, I always start imp and clearly remember my first flight on TEH. It was over a year ago and one of the few I'll never forget. lol

Recently I've pretty much given up on pops for TEH and even moved my imp flyer to Harb. My pub flier remains there though.

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