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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The new warzone


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Hey folks,


We have seen quite a few questions about the rate that the Odessen Proving Grounds are popping in the Warzone queue. We want to let you know that it isn’t a bug that is causing this to happen. As you know, this Warzone allows players on both Factions to be on the same team. One side effect of this is that it is far easier for this Warzone to pop than the others as it only requires 16 players, and not a specific Faction distribution of those players. This has caused you to see more of Odessen than you might expect. Even though it isn’t a bug, the team is looking into options to create a larger spread among the Warzones that pop in the future. I will pass on any further information as I have it.


Thanks everyone.




Just nerf it like you did with original huttball YEARS ago (used to pop constantly for most populated faction).

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There is a very simple solution! Make all warzones cross faction ... BAM just fixed your problem. Now give me my CC.


Too... smart... for... them...



Stop trying to poison tor with your parody play. Even if you don't have a shred of respect for the lore, there are those of us who do.


Have you seen last SWTOR addon/expansion/whatever? Alliance storyline? Must be no. :rolleyes:

Edited by Glower
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Hey folks,


We have seen quite a few questions about the rate that the Odessen Proving Grounds are popping in the Warzone queue. We want to let you know that it isn’t a bug that is causing this to happen. As you know, this Warzone allows players on both Factions to be on the same team. One side effect of this is that it is far easier for this Warzone to pop than the others as it only requires 16 players, and not a specific Faction distribution of those players. This has caused you to see more of Odessen than you might expect. Even though it isn’t a bug, the team is looking into options to create a larger spread among the Warzones that pop in the future. I will pass on any further information as I have it.


Thanks everyone.


Seriously Mr Musco,


Please do not insult the communities collective intelligence. we already know this!

The question is... What are you going to do about it..


This is a MAJOR issue... Because if it not resolved in good time you are going to see a negative effect on the PvP community beyond what is already evident...


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This behavior (with the 30 second wz abort) was happening on the first day, before people started leaving. There is some aspect to this wz that causes it to do this.

Yeah, I think you're right. I just saw the auto-shutdown every game and kind of jumped to a conclusion. I do see quite a few "Player has left" messages in chat, though. But I guess it's usually not enough to start the shutdown process.

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the new map is broken boring and favours certain classes


with the force shroud utility an assassin can run into a capture point and deactivate it whilst the defender is powerless


sorcs can bubble yet still cap points


stealth classes cant guard from stealth and cant stealth with a battle pickup


if you have knock back win win for you


aoe/dot classes and superior to there single target burst partners


you cant stealth cap


most of the time you are stood on a point doing nothing


^ Quoted for truth...


I finally logged in and gave it a try... Nice idea, but it really does suck... balance is horrible, it does favor some classes over others. The "pull-toss" trick for example, and the endless kickbacks, knockbacks...


It is a crappy warzone and because it pops so much, I've already stopped queuing...

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No, that's where the alliance is personally within the kotfe bubble. The empire and republic are still in open war with each other. You didn't know this? Might want to brush away the clouds of convenience over those eyes and take a nice long look in the codex. Nice try attempting to twist it into my personal headcanon tho. :o


Is there codex about the Republic being in open war with the Republic ? Also a codex with the Empire being in open war with the Empire ? The second you can face your own faction like that in all the other WZs kinda trashed the whole immersion/lore/whatever for me.... And what about Huttball ? If you think of it in terms of the war and the lore, etc,etc, it's the dumbest thing ever.

Warzones are the last place one should look for lore and immersion imo

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Hey folks,


We have seen quite a few questions about the rate that the Odessen Proving Grounds are popping in the Warzone queue. We want to let you know that it isn’t a bug that is causing this to happen. As you know, this Warzone allows players on both Factions to be on the same team. One side effect of this is that it is far easier for this Warzone to pop than the others as it only requires 16 players, and not a specific Faction distribution of those players. This has caused you to see more of Odessen than you might expect. Even though it isn’t a bug, the team is looking into options to create a larger spread among the Warzones that pop in the future. I will pass on any further information as I have it.


Thanks everyone.




Yeah, I wrote the same in my first message of this thread: "This is happening because it's much easier for system to make a combined group of reps and imps instead of making reps vs imps or imps vs imps (because of well-known faction imbalance),". It is not a bugg but still it ruins warzone system because one player can have OPG 13 times in a row. So, on behalf of pvp community iam very grateful that developers are looking into it and we hope that developer team will do something.

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Been tracking my pop rate for just over a day. So far it's the Odessen Count is 18 / 26 or 70%


I get you're claiming this is WAI and that the map will naturally pop more but if you seriously expect me to take a 70% pop rate for one warzone as WAI you're mental.

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Been tracking my pop rate for just over a day. So far it's the Odessen Count is 18 / 26 or 70%


I get you're claiming this is WAI and that the map will naturally pop more but if you seriously expect me to take a 70% pop rate for one warzone as WAI you're mental.


Based on the response, you could have potentially not had a warzone 20-30% of the time or waited an extra 5-10 minutes for each one to pop and had fewer overall. Just depends on if a non cross-faction option could have even potentially popped.

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Based on the response, you could have potentially not had a warzone 20-30% of the time or waited an extra 5-10 minutes for each one to pop and had fewer overall. Just depends on if a non cross-faction option could have even potentially popped.


Except that I've never had problems with queue times at peak times.


I get what they are saying, I'm just saying the premise is hugely flawed and the result even more so.

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All WZs should be cross faction. The whole Empire vs Republic thing went out the window a long time ago. Not sure why they WZs still consider this at all. Would see more pops and a wider variety of classes playing. Just do it already.
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