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Have you received your 500 CC for the April 11th promotion?


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I am less than impressed that people who didn't sub got a better reward than those that have been subscibing for several months.


That's like worrying at age 15 that you didn't get as many presents under the tree as your sister who's age 5 without thinking about everything you've gotten in the past.


The new subscribers don't get our free gear, titles, Nico, mounts, pets, or anything else that we get for having subscribed for several months (or longer) every time we create a new toon.


Edit: I get 20+ plus things in my mail every time I create a new toon for having been a long-time subscriber. They don't.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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Hey folks,


We have seen a few questions about a special bonus for subscribing that some players had seen in their launcher. Some of you may not realize this but our launcher has new functionality which allows us to do very specific and very targeted campaigns. This particular promotion was a test of that functionality. We chose a sampling of active, non-subscribers, to give a special bonus offer for becoming a subscriber. Simply put, if you could see the offer in your launcher, then you were eligible and those coins will have been granted to you already. If you did not see it, then you weren't eligible for this test offer. This promotion was not "everyone who is subbed by 4/11 qualified," which is why it was not advertised outside of the targeted promo in the launcher.


Our goal is to see how well targeted offers go, so that we can look to roll out more offers to everyone in the future. I hope this clears up any confusion. Thanks!




So basically those who choose to support your game, and stay actively subbed, arent good enough to get the free CC

Duly noted.....

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So every time they have a targeted promotion, let's say everyone who has completed all 8 class stories gets -- for that month only and never ever again -- a new really cool mount that everyone's drooling over, everyone else not targeted in that campaign would complain bitterly for months on the forums.


Duly noted.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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This whole thread boils down to the same spat my nephews and nieces get into, and they're ages 5 and 7. One always thinks the toy I give one is better than the one they got, or if it's the other's birthday, the other one feels left out because they didn't get anything.


Seriously, this is where you are with this complaint.

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this promotion was a thing?


if it was i was subbed on that day yet didn't even get a wooden spoon


The message i get from this is "heeeey been subbing to this game for years have you?"

"well we don't care about you all of you just a select few"

yeah thanks caring about us bio ware

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I have also been subbed for a while, but have seen this promotion as well on the launcher. I had just figured up till now everyone subbed would have gotten the coins this was obviously unclear, as I am not the only one who thought they would be getting coins for already being subbed.
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I'm quite happy to take the community manager and his staff at face value. Yes, they've said things in the past that didn't come to fruition, but budgets and plans change, and I never pin people to the wall for that.


I built databases and other deliverables for a living for 29 years, and in that time, more than once I said a fix would be done in a few hours and it wound up taking me 3 or 4 days because I didn't see all the glitches up front. Not a lot, but it happened.


In this case, Eric was very much up front with his explanation and we've no reason to question it. If a trial targeted promotion had a glitch, it had a glitch. Tinfoil's on the way.


I could just as easily say the "test promotion" was to trick current subs into extending their sub time, thinking they'd benefit from this promotion. On what grounds are you so fully placing your faith in these greedy developers? They've already shown they're not above shady business tactics, seeing how they take advantage of gambling addicts with these ridiculous lottery packs. Not saying the packs are a "scam" necessarily, but it's still scummy.

Edited by ArkhaanPremiare
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The only right thing for Bioware to do right now and not cause an uproar here on the forums is just hand everyone 500 CC... but hey we all know they won't do that.


If it was a targeted promotion they should never hand it out to everyone. The only people who have the right to complain are those who got the message on their launcher before the 11th and still haven't received any coins.

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I could just as easily say the "test promotion" was to trick current subs into extending their sub time, thinking they'd benefit from this promotion. On what grounds are you so fully placing your faith in these greedy developers? They've already shown they're not above shady business tactics, seeing how they take advantage of gambling addicts with these ridiculous lottery packs. Not saying the packs are a "scam" necessarily, but it's still scummy.


Can you not recognize how utterly and pathetically paranoid you sound? There is no conspiracy here, great or small, and if you want to take it up with EA that you believe there is one, then rather than gripe on the forums where you'll just expose yourself to additional scorn, send a private message to Musco or Tait and have them clear the air for you, and if you don't trust them to give you an honest answer, then why continue subscribing to a game whose publishers you don't trust? Then you're being not only paranoid but illogical, so show those great, untrustworthy people what you think and walk off! You'll show them!

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Can you not recognize how utterly and pathetically paranoid you sound? There is no conspiracy here, great or small, and if you want to take it up with EA that you believe there is one, then rather than gripe on the forums where you'll just expose yourself to additional scorn, send a private message to Musco or Tait and have them clear the air for you, and if you don't trust them to give you an honest answer, then why continue subscribing to a game whose publishers you don't trust? Then you're being not only paranoid but illogical, so show those great, untrustworthy people what you think and walk off! You'll show them!


Walking off by myself does absolutely nothing to them. I need to open everyone's eyes to the truth. Or at least make it so people, including you, aren't just blindly believing everything they tell you. They may not lie outright and obvious, but they have subtle lies mixed with severely stretching the truth to make it seem believable. I don't buy into that polite "customer-friendly" attitude either. For the last 4 years, you've just been cash cows to them. They feed you just enough grass with just enough quality to keep you satisfied, never going that extra mile to REALLY improve the game. They have to do this "episodic" nonsense just to keep people subbed.

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Hey folks,


We have seen a few questions about a special bonus for subscribing that some players had seen in their launcher. Some of you may not realize this but our launcher has new functionality which allows us to do very specific and very targeted campaigns. This particular promotion was a test of that functionality. We chose a sampling of active, non-subscribers, to give a special bonus offer for becoming a subscriber. Simply put, if you could see the offer in your launcher, then you were eligible and those coins will have been granted to you already. If you did not see it, then you weren't eligible for this test offer. This promotion was not "everyone who is subbed by 4/11 qualified," which is why it was not advertised outside of the targeted promo in the launcher.


Our goal is to see how well targeted offers go, so that we can look to roll out more offers to everyone in the future. I hope this clears up any confusion. Thanks!




So you basically screw over loyal customers with this "Random Promotion." Typical Bioware. I'd much prefer those extra coins than Mays crappy subscriber reward.

Edited by Lil_Fusion
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Evil and subtle ways... I can feel those AM radio waves cooking my brain even now!




Mock me now, because I'm bringing back proof. I'm going to the Red Lobster closest to BW headquarters at the end of the month and I'm going prove they spend your Lottery Pack money on employee Red Lobster Day at the end of every month.

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Mock me now, because I'm bringing back proof. I'm going to the Red Lobster closest to BW headquarters at the end of the month and I'm going prove they spend your Lottery Pack money on employee Red Lobster Day at the end of every month.


Edit: I called you paranoid and a stalker in this sentence, but I think I'll be more general. In general, they probably don't enjoy paranoid stalkers and they probably aren't welcome.


2nd edit: I've /ignored you on the forums because this silly conversation has gone in circles enough. You and I are done here.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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Edit: I called you paranoid and a stalker in this sentence, but I think I'll be more general. In general, they probably don't enjoy paranoid stalkers and they probably aren't welcome.


2nd edit: I've /ignored you on the forums because this silly conversation has gone in circles enough. You and I are done here.


Typical fanboy that can't handle his developer gods being called out on.

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Hey folks,


We have seen a few questions about a special bonus for subscribing that some players had seen in their launcher. Some of you may not realize this but our launcher has new functionality which allows us to do very specific and very targeted campaigns. This particular promotion was a test of that functionality. We chose a sampling of active, non-subscribers, to give a special bonus offer for becoming a subscriber. Simply put, if you could see the offer in your launcher, then you were eligible and those coins will have been granted to you already. If you did not see it, then you weren't eligible for this test offer. This promotion was not "everyone who is subbed by 4/11 qualified," which is why it was not advertised outside of the targeted promo in the launcher.


Our goal is to see how well targeted offers go, so that we can look to roll out more offers to everyone in the future. I hope this clears up any confusion. Thanks!



Way to screw your loyal subscribers once more! I guess you no longer want us to subscribe long-term but rather have us cancel our subscriptions and wait for promotions? ;) Edited by Glzmo
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All you long-time subscribers crying over this special promotion to attract new ones are just coming off as whiny, entitled brats. People who weren't subbed before the first of April, but did by the eleventh, basically got one extra month of bonus CCs. Big deal.


People subbed since launch get Founder titles, party jawas, holo trainers, special mounts, an exclusive companion, and countless other benefits not shared by the formerly F2P/brand new players. You already got your reward for subscribing for months/years. Let the newbies enjoy theirs.

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This game is dead, they have one admin.. just move on... this is my last sub. Hackers running free in ranked solo ques, character transfers down forever with no word, it's just a joke a 0 customer service company... STOP PAYING THEM **** its a crap game anyways go play wow or FF14 even lmao
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