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Making strikes interesting


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Since strikes don't work anyway, I'd like to put here some builds meant to make them fun as well as annoying (at the very least). Try them out, and if you can record and share - even better.





Systems - Remote slicing (engine power reduction, shield suppression)

Secondary - Ion missiles (reactor ionization)

Copilot - Lockdown

Idea - Drain all the things! They probably won't die, but they'll wish they were...



Systems - Remote slicing (engine power reduction, shield suppression)

Secondary - EMP missiles (engine suppression)

Copilot - Lockdown

Idea - Stop them in place and you can kill them quickly.



Systems - Combat command (increased critical chance, improved targeting)

Copilot - Suppression/concentrated fire

Directional shields

Idea - Show scouts that strikes can dogfight too, and even have some burst.





Secondary - Cluster missiles (increased range, plasma warheads)

Secondary - EMP missiles (shield suppression)

Quick charge shields, C2-N2 as engineering

Idea - Force them to break with clusters, disable their disto with EMP and when they run you can chase and kill them with your blasters (in theory).



Secondary - Concussion missile (increased range, engine targeting)

Secondary - Ion missile (increased range, engine ionization)

Idea - The control Pike! keep them under a constant barrage of slows as you shoot at them.



Secondary - Concussion missile (increased range, engine targeting)

Secondary - Ion missile (increased range, reactor ionization)

Idea - Control Pike MK.2. Since slows don't stack , you can just make sure they never have the engine power to run.


Star guard



Primary - Ion cannon (drain engine power, drain weapon power)

Secondary - Concussion missiles (increased ammo, engine targeting)

Copilot - Lockdown

Idea - Control Star guard. You probably won't kill them a whole bunch, but they won't be killing anyone either at least.



Shields - Quick charge shields (Regen during damage)

Reactor - Regeneration reactor

Defensive - Doc

Idea - Fight with power to shields, and you get so much shield regeneration you might kill them. Then again, you might not...


If someone has a PC that (unlike mine) can cope with a streaming/recording program and is willing to try these builds out, maybe strikes will get some respect they clearly deserve.

Edited by Greezt
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I do pretty good in strikes...with heavies, concussion, directional, retro, range cap, regeneration ext, turbo shield, and power thrusters.










Wont win awards...but they know I am there, hehe.


This is for Starguard, my favorite...with the retro's, lol


Only thing missing is the second missile break...and it'd be good as a flash...with just a bit longer on the missile cool down.

Edited by philwil
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Since strikes don't work anyway, I'd like to put here some builds meant to make them fun as well as annoying (at the very least). Try them out, and if you can record and share - even better.





Systems - Remote slicing (engine power reduction, shield suppression)

Secondary - Ion missiles (reactor ionization)

Copilot - Lockdown

Idea - Drain all the things! They probably won't die, but they'll wish they were...



Systems - Remote slicing (engine power reduction, shield suppression)

Secondary - EMP missiles (engine suppression)

Copilot - Lockdown

Idea - Stop them in place and you can kill them quickly.



Systems - Combat command (increased critical chance, improved targeting)

Copilot - Suppression/concentrated fire

Directional shields

Idea - Show scouts that strikes can dogfight too, and even have some burst.


As the resident Clarion pilot I can say that I have tried a myriad of other builds in that thing to find what is truly the most effective.


The problem with the first two is simply that the missile lock is too long. Even with remote slicing a scout or gunship will still pass you before you can finish the lock, and if you're up against anything with charged plating you're screwed anyways. Otherwise though, coming up behind or beside a scout, and provided it doesn't turn out of your firing range/ninja break, it will work. Long range joust too, since they'll burn a lot of their engine out before they hit that 5000m remote slicing lock range, and won't have enough to pass you.


As for the third, well... yes and no. Frankly if you're going for dogfighting concentrated fire still isn't as ideal as wingman. You don't have the turning rate so what you have to do is build a jouster, and under those circumstances the stacking of Combat Command and Wingman will almost totally negate a scout's additional evasion and let you wreck a BLC with no problem. The Clarion isn't simply built for a turning fight.


If you get into a turning fight against a (assuming an equally skilled pilot) BLC/Q&P flashfire in a Clarion, you're screwed, period. If you do get stuck in a turning fight, then lure them into your lines where they'll be brushed off by an ally. If they don't die, and run, you can turn and chase them if you've been managing your engines right. Sometimes if you're lucky they've already popped disto and retro and you can protorp them.









I can't say what's best for other ships, but I find Copilot: Iresso, Offensive: Qyzen, Defensive: Naadia, Tactial: Iresso, and Engines: Tharan to be very effective in the FT-7B Clarion. The Consular class is more or less perfect for the ship.


~ Eudoxia

Edited by FlavivsAetivs
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The builds here aren't serious. You could go for a serious build, but that won't help you in a serious game... Because you'd still be flying a strike.


The 3rd Clarion build actually works. I've flown it with concentrated fire and out-dps'd (as well as killed) burst scouts, and Myralli has killed some decent burst scouts head on with LLC and suppression. Of course a scout will win a turning fight, but there's nothing that can be done about that.


Remote slicing is the CP counter, assuming you pop it before they use CP. Actually, in all of those builds CP is the least of yoyr concerns.


What I want to see is people denting the meta with strikes. Preferably on record, for lols.

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As the resident Clarion pilot I can say that I have tried a myriad of other builds in that thing to find what is truly the most effective.


The problem with the first two is simply that the missile lock is too long. Even with remote slicing a scout or gunship will still pass you before you can finish the lock, and if you're up against anything with charged plating you're screwed anyways. Otherwise though, coming up behind or beside a scout, and provided it doesn't turn out of your firing range/ninja break, it will work. Long range joust too, since they'll burn a lot of their engine out before they hit that 5000m remote slicing lock range, and won't have enough to pass you.


As for the third, well... yes and no. Frankly if you're going for dogfighting concentrated fire still isn't as ideal as wingman. You don't have the turning rate so what you have to do is build a jouster, and under those circumstances the stacking of Combat Command and Wingman will almost totally negate a scout's additional evasion and let you wreck a BLC with no problem. The Clarion isn't simply built for a turning fight.


If you get into a turning fight against a (assuming an equally skilled pilot) BLC/Q&P flashfire in a Clarion, you're screwed, period. If you do get stuck in a turning fight, then lure them into your lines where they'll be brushed off by an ally. If they don't die, and run, you can turn and chase them if you've been managing your engines right. Sometimes if you're lucky they've already popped disto and retro and you can protorp them.




I can't say what's best for other ships, but I find Copilot: Iresso, Offensive: Qyzen, Defensive: Naadia, Tactial: Iresso, and Engines: Tharan to be very effective in the FT-7B Clarion. The Consular class is more or less perfect for the ship.


~ Eudoxia

Who didn't take time to read the first sentence in the OP? That guy^^^^^^

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Irrelevant of the opening sentence, even as a "nuisance build" it largely wouldn't work against anything but bombers.


This is assuming normal competetive matches of course. Would work fine on a strike night or something. Actually I may use the 1st or 2nd one on the next clarion night.


~ Eudoxia

Edited by FlavivsAetivs
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Dogfighting t1:

Primary: Ion

Primary: Quads

Secondary: conc or cluster (preference)

Shield: Directional

Engines: Retro or Barrel roll (preference)

Freq capacitor

Large shields

Turning thrusters

Recharge capacitor


Strategy: Ion through shields, swap to quads and lock missiles. High burst with survivability. Go evasive and use directional shields to the front when jousting.


Piercing T2:


Primary: HLC

Secondary: EMP w/ engine ability disable

Secondary: Proton Torp

Shield: Directional

Engine: roll

Range capacitor

Munitions cap extender

Large shields

Heavy armor


Strategy: everything you have pierces shields to an extent, bypassing most of the HP ships have. Lock EMP and fire. If they use and an engine ability, swap to Protorps and they can't evade that one. If it hits, EMP disables their engine ability. Same result. HLC piercing to finish them off. This is particularly effective at mid range and against bombers and strikes. Still works on scouts and GSs too. Distortion field can throw off your rhythm, though.

Edited by Kintosi
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