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Awkward Shadow Stride Animation?


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I loved the idea of the Jedi Shadow finally getting a proper leap/charge ability, but to be honest, the animation was a tad lazily made. When the description writes the jedi shadow leaps through the shadows to their target it sounded really cool and had so much to live for but it turned out to be a jerky and awkward animation.

Is it in anyway possible we could get a new animation with maybe a more natural animation? I think all of us would appreciate that!

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  • 4 weeks later...
screw that how about a Phantom stride that actually god D@* F !@#ing works! don't know how many times I hit it and just get the dam speed buff because I hit a pebble or the terrain was too hilly. Typical lazy dev's I think their mantra is do it half donkey all the way! Of course these are the ones that gave us a crafting system that doesn't craft and a space sim that isn't a sim just sales gimmicks to lure unsuspecting MMO players into trying the game. Here's a hint Mr. Dev an actual crafting system means the player crafts UNIQUE ITEMS not replicate stock crappy ones that everyone playing can make! As for space sim you all might want to go old school and play xwing vs tie fighter or wing commander and see why 20 year old games are way more fun to play than your crap donkey/half donkeyed version and whoever heard of a space sim with no joystick support? Edited by Kazz_Devlin
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The reason it doesn't work is imperfections in the soil you're passing through. It stops at literally everything that comes in its way. It's terrible, but you can at least prevent sitting duck if you keep an eye for theise things.
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The code of GSF isn't capable of supporting a joystick function. That's why. And it's actually really fun, but it has balancing issues and learning curve issues, amongst other things.


Shadow stride bugs out all the time. So does phase walk. I've even had resilience not work and died because it didn't give me my immunity.


~ Eudoxia

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