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A thing that Bioware couldn't do with companions...


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Warning: Long post

1. Give us a male Force-user romance

2. Give us a male romancable companion that isn't bodytype 2 (I like my men buff and tall)

3. Give us a non-romancable female companion (SCORPIO doesn't count).

So i'm writing a suggestion here about what could be a cool companion for females, and some males of course to romance. Seriously, we have like a dozen female ones, but no romancable male! Sexism much? Also I'm posting this in the general thread, since very few people read the suggestion forum. I also wrote a suggestion for a non-romancable female companion.


The companion suggestions are just suggestions that I think would be ncie to have, and I tried to make them not like every other generic companion. I made up the names myself, actually they're based on some of my ingame characters.

Their appearances are just my vision of how I would want them to look, feel free to comment, but be polite.


Kyron Zyleenium (Sith Sorcerer)


Primary weapon: Red Lightsaber

Likes: Violence, fighting, challenges, betrayal

Dislikes: Sensitiveness, mercy, sellessness


Born to noble parents on Serenno, Kyron Zyleenium was treated like a prince from birth and had everything his heart desired. As a young teenager, Kyron began to display Force-sensitivity and was sent to the Sith Academy on Korriban, like all Force-sensitive children. Proving to be a cunning and capable warrior, Zyleenium defeated all his rival acolytes and became the apprentice of Darth Arkous. Serving the Dark Lord on many quests, Kyron eventually became a Sith Lord and went his own way to search for power. After Arkous's betrayal, Kyron was disgraced by the empire, though his abilities allowed him to defeat any who dared stand in his way. After the Eternal Empire conquest, Kyron refused to recognize the authority of Sith Empress pretender Acina, brandishing her a "weak and foolish coward". After failing to overthrow her with his followers, Zyleenium left Sith space to travel the galaxy for power.


Recruitment quest: Finding Kyron on Dathomir, an ancient world, The Outlander has to help Zyleenium find an ancient artifact that will help him gain more power. Despite The Outlander's help, Kyron betrays them and tries to kill them. After his defeat, the player can choose to let him live and recruit him, or kill him. If spared, the player can eventually initiate a romance with him.


Caspian Axcalion (Jedi Master, de-facto leader of the Jedi Order)


Primary weapon: White lightsaber

Likes: Selflessness, courage, sarcastic comments, determination, helping people in need

Dislikes: Mercy for the evil, selfishness, abandonment, random cruelty


Born on the peaceful world of Raxus Secundus, Caspian Axcalion was raised by loving parents and enjoyed a happy childhood. Despite displaying his Force-sensitivity as an infant, Caspian's parents refused to give him up to the Jedi. Caspian grew up in way many children could only dream of. Affter reaching adulthood, Caspian joined the Jedi Order at last. Proving to be an exceptional duelist and Jedi, Axcalion became a Master at the age of 25. During his time as Jedi, Axcalion found a young girl on the streets, adopting her as his own daughter and giving her the name Kuvira. Showing such a strong connection to The Force that he didn't seem to age, Caspian was made a member of the Jedi Council after the Barsenthor's disappearance. Originally a fun-loving and funny young man, despite showing wisdom far beyond his age, Caspian's life was completely turned upside down by the invasion of the Republic by the Eternal Empire. Rallying to the side of his fellow Jedi, alongside his friend Kuvira, Axcalion fought bravely against the forces of Zakuul. Despite their success, many of his fellow Jedi were not as fortunate and sacrificed their lives. After Grand Master Satele Shan disappeared, and most of the Jedi Council was either killed, taken prisoner, or missing, Caspian was appointed Grand Master and leader of the remnants of the Jedi Order. Denouncing the now dictator Saresh, Caspian cut ties with the Republican government. The remaining Jedi made a new home on Ossus, the former home of the Jedi. Most of the order remains in hiding, waiting for the right moment to strike.


Recruitment mission: Travelling to Ossus, The Outlander has to convince Caspian to join their Alliance. If the right dialogue choices are made, Caspian joins without any problem. If not, The Outlander must defeat Caspian in a duel. After recruitment, Caspian can eventually be romanced.


Kuvira Laghima (Jedi Master)


NOTE: Why does no NPC have this hairstyle in the entire game?

Primary weapon: Blue double-bladed lightsaber

Likes: Seriousness, stubbornness, logic, courage, selflessness, helping people in need, sarcasm, insulting corrupt authority

Dislikes: Romance, flirting, relaxation, abandonment, random cruelty, mercy for the evil


Born on Coruscant to poor, unknown parents, Kuvira had a troubled childhood. Being abandoned by her parents at the age of 8, Kuvira became an orphan and roamed the streets of Coruscant alone, begging people for food and water. A few months later, she was found by Caspian Axcalion, a Jedi Master. Giving her the name Kuvira, for her courage, Caspian took in the girl as his own daughter, despite the opposition of the Jedi Council. Proving to be Force-sensitive, Kuvira was trained in the ways of the Jedi. Despite Caspian's love for her, Kuvira's parental abandonment scarred her for life and she became a serious and stern young woman. That was, until she was befriended by Esper Zeron, a fellow Jedi. Zeron showed Kuvira how to have fun and enjoy life, and Kuvira seemed to be truly happy. During the Eternal Empire conquest, Kuvira fought against the forces of Zakuul alongside Caspian and Esper. During a battle, Esper was mortally wounded. After telling Kuvira to "never stop having fun", he died in her arms. Nearly falling to the Dark side, Kuvira ultimately resisted and gave herself the last name Laghima afterwards.Esper's death left Kuvira shattered, and she reassumed her old personality.

Kuvira called Satele Shan a coward after she went into exile and continued to fight against the forces of Zakuul. Like Caspian, she denounced Saresh, organizating protests and even entering politics. Kuvira remains one of the few to openly oppose Saresh and despite support from many, she has not managed to impeach Saresh yet.


Kuvira rejects the idea of romance and hates the concept of love in general, like all Jedi should, according to her.


Recruitment mission: The Outlander decides to confront Saresh, who has become a tyrant and dictator. Seeking allies, The Outlander is contacted by Kuvira Laghima, who offers them her support. After either The Outlander gives a speech to the senate,or lets Kuvira do it, the Senate votes to impeach Saresh, who is shocked. Despite the decision, Saresh refuses to resign. Entirely corrupted, she attempts to "abolish the senate" and declare herself "Supreme Leader". The Outlander has to option to brutally kill her, force Kuvira to do it, or have her stand trial. After the quest, Kuvira joins the Alliance. Kuvira rejects any attempt by The Outlander to romance her, calling it either a waste of time, annoying or nonsensical.


While I don't see Bioware implementing my idea, I hope they will really give us something similar to what I suggested, as my many female characters would like to romance someone cool and who shares their Force-sensitivity. Perhaps I shouldn't have gone as far as this, but I really enjoyed writing these ideas. :D

Let me know what you people think of my ideas.

Edited by Axcalion
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1. Give us a male Force-user romance

2. Give us a male romancable companion that isn't bodytype 2 (I like my men buff

3. Give us a non-romancable female companion (SCORPIO doesn't count).

1-Let me romance the Old companions aka Mako , Akaavi and so on as a female !!

2-You think that is bad ? my JK is Body 3 and Doc has ABS and he is Body 2!!! MY ABS DAMMIT!!!

3-I have plenty of those.,...from Lvl 1-50..I get to Hump the ship..so maybe make the Ship a Vromance ? :p

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Make you wonder if they did it to force players to play DS...


Can you turn her DS and romance her still as a LS ?

To the best of my knowledge, once you have her she is whatever version you got regardless of future choices.. so if you get Darkside version of her and then grind up lightside, I assume you could still trigger all the romances.

Edited by thepilk
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Warning: Long post

1. Give us a male Force-user romance


They sort of did already with Lord Cytharat on Makeb. Sort of, in the sense that we've no idea what happened to anything Makeb related since then. Another example of Bioware's attention to continuity.


3. Give us a non-romancable female companion (SCORPIO doesn't count).


We have a ton of those. For all intents and purposes, all the old LI's are not romanceable at the moment. Amongst the new comps and "allies", only Lana is. That means nothing for Senya, Veroa Denz, Hylo Viz, Deadeye Leyta, Tora or Sana-Rae, and more recently, Satele Shan.

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That means nothing for Senya, Veroa Denz, Hylo Viz, Deadeye Leyta, Tora or Sana-Rae, and more recently, Satele Shan.

Most of those people do not actively reject the player, and Satele is not a companion, neither is Sana-Rae, Tora or Hylo. Leyta isn't romancable because she's too alien.

They sort of did already with Lord Cytharat on Makeb. Sort of, in the sense that we've no idea what happened to anything Makeb related since then. Another example of Bioware's attention to continuity.

Cytharat was not a companion, and he was ugly and uninteresting. And he was only romancable by males.

1-Let me romance the Old companions aka Mako , Akaavi and so on as a female !!

I would support that, also gender inverted.

So theres like, half of a non-romanceable female companion.

That's hardly satisfying.

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Because, no matter how intelligent she is, she is still a robot. Unless she was an actual person whose mind was upload into a robot or something.

Also, did anybody bother to read my 3 companion suggestions?

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