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New Player, Got my sub last night :)


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When I'm helping out new players in the game, their amazement at the sheer volume of content and options available to them is kind of eye-opening, because as a non-stop subscriber and player since launch, I've never had that view on the game. Everything was added in smaller or larger steps here and played through when it became available and was in itself only a fraction of the content.


So yeah, thanks for the reminder. :)


I am occasionally grateful that I've still got wide swaths of content I've never experienced (most of the Imp class stories, the Imp Makeb, a lot of group content).

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Am I late to the welcome party? Would have been here sooner but, have you tried walking across Tython in a pair of Manolos? Jedi, learn to pave your roads.


Welcome to the galaxy dear, may your stay be enjoyable. I brought croque monsieur for all. Ta.

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Because you are basically trying to tell the OP how to have fun, otherwise he is not having fun right.


Maybe he does not care about the cost, maybe just getting the most of his/her levelling experience is, things like hiding headslots etc. If F2P was perfect, there would not be another thread every week complaining that F2P restrictions need to be relaxed etc. Quite honestly I would not want to be levelling as a F2P player without paying for quite a few unlocks, even then I can't unlock everything.



I couldn't stand playing for a single day without hiding head slot, syncing colors or the limit on WZs.

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Well, well, well. Looks like we got some new meat. I need a broken google translate and a list of false statitics, by the end of the night WE SHALL DRAIN ALL OUNCES OF POSITIVITY FROM YOUR SOUL! And all you will be left with is the anger...The rage...MUHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHHAA- Welcome to the game.
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the sub let me create a lvl60 character to start the latest dlc, but i also created a new one to start fresh.


please please PLEASE! don't boost a level 60 as a new player cap your new character learn how the game works, even do raids FPs and the DLC on that character THEN boost a level 60


PvP and PvE is already full of "what is a lightsaber form" and "what do you know about sniper your a juggernaut"

Don't contribute to this mess


BUT. welcome to the party i hope you enjoy your stay!!!

Edited by benmas
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please please PLEASE! don't boost a level 60 as a new player cap your new character learn how the game works, even do raids FPs and the DLC on that character THEN boost a level 60


PvP and PvE is already full of "what is a lightsaber form" and "what do you know about sniper your a juggernaut"

Don't contribute to this mess


BUT. welcome to the party i hope you enjoy are stay!!!


i started fresh, i'm lvl14 so far on 1st zone/planet Jedi story.

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have the most fun you think you could have. brush off any negativity as best you can as there will always be folks who live off of the back end of life; always pushing wasteful air. and keep in mind the immortal words of Principal McGee, while not always true, "its better to play with a group than with yourself."
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I can't imagine coming fresh into this game as it is now. I'm complaining about nothing to do, but I've been here for four years. Maybe BW is trying to get old players to leave so they can start over. If the game had launched in this condition, it would have killed WoW.


But see, that's always going to be the problem with MMO's, players want new games to launch with years and years of content right out of the gate.




Day 1 / 2nd wave vet here Op, welcome aboard....unless your a pub.....:d_evil:

Edited by TKMaster
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Don't be deterred by the forums...a lot of us have been playing for years so we tend to sound bitter at times...but think about it...any game that can occupy our interest for literally YEARS on end, is one helluva game! I hope you enjoy it half as much as I have :)



we all have bad days which very often applies to how players post/respond to comments.

I hope you have many years of fun playing OP.

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