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Alliance Proving Grounds


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Firstly, Thank you so much for the new War Zone, it's great fun and a breath of fresh air.


There are numerous players insta quitting because of the bias you are showing this new horrendous monstrosity of yours. Please PLEASE just put it into a normal rotation with all the others.


THANKS! no, really, I mean it.

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It's not on rotation it is caused by faction imbalance on servers. If 10 imps queue and 6 repubs queue have a guess what will pop? They either need to make APG faction only or remove factions from all wz's. This will continue to happen until this is corrected.
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The map mechanics are complex and interesting but it doesn't make the warzone fun. Most maps I find myself getting a bonus and everybody then stands around to defend with nobody contesting the capture. The map is too big and there are hardly any choke points that force the teams to fight each other. I've had some warzones where I don't see a need to fight anyone.


Most of the games I find are pretty peaceful with each team doing their own thing to get bonuses and capture points. Very little combat is involved and I don't find the slow pace of the warzone fun.

Edited by Fellow-Canadian
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The map mechanics are complex and interesting but it doesn't make the warzone fun. Most maps I find myself getting a bonus and everybody then stands around to defend with nobody contesting the capture. The map is too big and there are hardly any choke points that force the teams to fight each other. I've had some warzones where I don't see a need to fight anyone.


Most of the games I find are pretty peaceful with each team doing their own thing to get bonuses and capture points. Very little combat is involved and I don't find the slow pace of the warzone fun.


My impression of it too.

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I like it. It seems less "zergy" then say Voidstars, which is just "die die die die die die" till timer is up, which get olds fast, specially if the teams are lopsided.


Stealth is really fun in this WZ, you can really catch stragglers off guard and because the map is alittle more travel restrictive, you can have a proper 1v1 in a decent amount of time without the premade butt buddies coming to the rescue in 3 seconds. To each there own I suppose.

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The map mechanics are complex and interesting but it doesn't make the warzone fun. Most maps I find myself getting a bonus and everybody then stands around to defend with nobody contesting the capture. The map is too big and there are hardly any choke points that force the teams to fight each other. I've had some warzones where I don't see a need to fight anyone.


Most of the games I find are pretty peaceful with each team doing their own thing to get bonuses and capture points. Very little combat is involved and I don't find the slow pace of the warzone fun.


Precisely. I have found that actively avoiding combat is the best way to win the match. I always try to pick up a buff and then either slice an inactive spot, or help with an existing one. I actually run away from the enemy, and that is why I think the design is flawed. They need to combine PVP with objective play like basically all other warzones. Oh and yes they need to make all warzones cross faction, or stop doing it with this one exclusively. Too many pops.

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The map mechanics are complex and interesting but it doesn't make the warzone fun. Most maps I find myself getting a bonus and everybody then stands around to defend with nobody contesting the capture. The map is too big and there are hardly any choke points that force the teams to fight each other. I've had some warzones where I don't see a need to fight anyone.


Most of the games I find are pretty peaceful with each team doing their own thing to get bonuses and capture points. Very little combat is involved and I don't find the slow pace of the warzone fun.


this+a player able to pick the blue buff at will=win

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this+a player able to pick the blue buff at will=win


Was in a game yesterday where someone on my team grabbed the red buff, and then just stayed with "the group". I guess to keep the other team from getting it, but I was tbinking, "Jeesh, go use the thing!" Also had a nice 1v1 fight between myself, and I had the green buff, and a guy on the other team with the red. Felt like a metaphor somehow. I managed to eek out a win, and so I found out that in that situation the red buff I won replaced the green buff I already had. I was kinda hoping to get both. :D


And on topic, yes, pls find a way to mix the rest of the maps back in!

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It's a fun map objectives wise if anything I kinda think it would have been better as some kinda installment in the early Ilium days. The prob is like a previous poster stated its actually encourages staying out of combat to be ready to take points get mods and generally moving around faster sents/mara are huge on this map in terms of getting around.
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but I was tbinking, "Jeesh, go use the thing!"


I tried to say something similar to a team mate yesterday, and the game chat box came back with Player not same faction.... great. Perfect. Can't not whisper team mates of the opposite faction.

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It's not on rotation it is caused by faction imbalance on servers. If 10 imps queue and 6 repubs queue have a guess what will pop? They either need to make APG faction only or remove factions from all wz's. This will continue to happen until this is corrected.


^^ Pretty much this.


So sick of this WZ popping 9 times out of 10. Especially since it involves more running around between point A and B than actual PvP. Cool idea but terrible implementation.

Edited by AutoCocker
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