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Which Companion Romance was your favorite?


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Of the romances I have done, I was a pretty big fan of the Male Trooper/Elara romance. Female BH and Torian wasn't terrible either, although it felt a tiny bit weird since the BH in general seems to be a fair amount older than either gender's LI.
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I like to think I am a strong, independent woman who doesn't need no man, etc etc. and for the most part, I've rolled through most of the romances in a sort of 'eh, it's kinda sweet' sort of way.


But oh my sweet days, Aric Jorgan completely destroyed me. I folded in on myself squeaking like a pre-teen. I made gurgly bird noises. I even recall *blushing* at one point. It was mortifying, and I loved every second of it.


I'm also finding the Theron/Agent romance cute too, if only because I get to watch two deadly professionals act like complete dorks.

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From among all the original romanceable companions, which one tugged at your heartstrings the most? Which relationship was the sweetest? The most awkward? The spiciest? Multiple votes are allowed on the Strawpoll, but expounding on your answers is encouraged!




Do mini romances throughout the storyline count as well? Or really only those with actual companions?


(Spoilers for Imperial Agent)

Then it would be the romance with Aristocra Seganu, only available to female chiss Imperial Agents. It wasn't so much about the content, but the context. I must admit, it's too long ago, I don't recall the details of the story, but it comes at a time when the Imperial Agent is through a lot of mental games and being used by mind control stuff, falling as a double agent actually under the enemies control... and comes to question herself who she really is and what means something to her and why she's doing what she does. And then along comes a handsome man of her own kind and she learns that there is something more that she belongs to, something else that she can hold on to, if only for a moment.


Technically, my Imperial Agent had a romance with Vector and cheated on him. However, this was more important to the character then sharing a bed Killiks, however romantic "they" may be.


The most annoying attempt of a romance was clearly Doc vs. my female Jedi Knight. Well I did have some respect for his professionality, despite him being an arrogant jerk, he made it onto the my personal "comapnions I would airlock if I could" list, along with Kaliyo. I was only after influence points... in retrospect, I should have clicked those bloody responses that were in line with what Kira would have said. I absolutely adore her for the mind trick she played on him.


I found it cute that the game allows me to set Torian and Mako up with each other. And Mako's (unwarrented) moments of jealousy.

Edited by Rabenschwinge
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Then it would be the romance with Aristocra Seganu, only available to female chiss Imperial Agents. It wasn't so much about the content, but the context. I must admit, it's too long ago, I don't recall the details of the story, but it comes at a time when the Imperial Agent is through a lot of mental games and being used by mind control stuff, falling as a double agent actually under the enemies control... and comes to question herself who she really is and what means something to her and why she's doing what she does. And then along comes a handsome man of her own kind and she learns that there is something more that she belongs to, something else that she can hold on to, if only for a moment.


I remember that. I started off using flirts with him and stopped when I realized I was only doing it because I actually liked him instead of for some ulterior reason. Cheating on Vector was out of the question. It was an interesting sort of blip for my character, that she had to restrain her normal behavior for the sake of someone else's feelings.

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My favorite SWTOR character, and the reason I played the Sith Warrior first at early start 2011. Most people only think of Jaesa as a Psycho or a freak but I offer another view point. All her life she's been told what to do, what to feel, what not to feel. The Sith Warrior frees her from that and she then "binges" on emotion, so to speak. She takes feeling to the extreme edge and embraces the Sith lifestyle a bit too destructively. The Sith Warrior is able to re-direct that energy and there is the potential to romance her, as my character did. What was produced was a master and apprentice team, powerful and deadly. Unlike many other Sith Jaesa vowed not to betray you. Loyalty points as far as I'm concerned. When I saw her "break up" letter in KOTFE, I saw a woman grieving without knowing properly how. If she wasn't sad there wouldn't have been a letter to begin with, I think. Apparently she's found new companionship that will have to be eliminated when she comes back into my Warrior's life! ;)


K i will not be running my main through kotfe then, im glad i didnt, no way in hell am i losing jaesa

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OK I have only ever run romances with female companions but here we go:-


Kira - I enjoyed this romance and enjoyed the character all together anyway so 8/10


Nadia - Feels a bit forced and rushed also feels a little creepy since the voice actor delivers lines like a 30+ year old, along with the fact that I always felt for Nadia you replace her father figure so 4/10


Elara - I enjoyed this romance and like the character, though if I had the option of Jaxo as a permanent romance I would only romance Elara 50% of the time 7/10


Akavvi - OK I did enjoy this romance and will never do the Risha romance because I enjoyed this so much and feels right that my smuggler eventually settles down with someone without great wealth. 7/10


Risha - I have seen videos of this romance and its far too predictable so probably 5/10.


Jaesa - I can't exactly tell you why but this is someone who I will always romance on my Warriors, I can't even leave the romance once to do the romance with Lana instead. 10/10


Vette - I have seen this as a video and the whole thing just feels wrong for my sith who I always play DS nothing wrong with the romance if LS but overall 6/10


Mako - I love mako and its actually a pretty close call when it comes to her or Jaesa as my favourite. 9.5/10


Ashara - Another one that feels wrong if romancing as DS, since she never turned I would not have even had her on the ship unless the game forced her on me. 4/10


Kaylio/Temple - I like neither of these really well I much rather prefer watcher 2 during chapter 1. 4/10.


So summing up:-


1) Jaesa

2) Mako

3) Kira


But special props to Lana who I have taken to in kotfe.

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(Spoilers for Imperial Agent)

Then it would be the romance with Aristocra Seganu, only available to female chiss Imperial Agents. It wasn't so much about the content, but the context. I must admit, it's too long ago, I don't recall the details of the story, but it comes at a time when the Imperial Agent is through a lot of mental games and being used by mind control stuff, falling as a double agent actually under the enemies control... and comes to question herself who she really is and what means something to her and why she's doing what she does. And then along comes a handsome man of her own kind and she learns that there is something more that she belongs to, something else that she can hold on to, if only for a moment.


This, a thousand times over. And well explained! I took an immediate liking to him on my IA and couldn't figure out why but I was actually quite sad to never see him again. :(

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K i will not be running my main through kotfe then, im glad i didnt, no way in hell am i losing jaesa


Finally! A kindred spirit! Yeah I'm biding my time. Apparently they are bringing her back in season 2... if the season 2 is really a thing. So I'm just gathering level 6 companion gifts in the meantime so I can rush her to level 50 to take into battle again.

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1) Kira

2) Kira

3) Lana


Kira is the main reason why i used my Lvl 60 token on a new Jedi Knight. She is irresistible. The way her romance is integrated into the JK story is too smooth to be ignored. Hot, cute and funny. While the other romances are more like a sidestory romancing Kira enriches the JK main story from the beginning to the end. Can't wait to get her back. I hope via a full chapter about Kira and her attempt to save the Jedi order after Satele quit and ran away. Also i think there is great potential in the JK - Kira - Valkorion triangle.

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