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Another great chapter. I often prefer to binge read, but with these postings I can't wait.


A minor detail, but a timeline problem still:



Thanaton doesn't take a seat untill well into the Inquisitor storyline. He succeeded his master Darth Arctis, who just happened to go off and... die.


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Another great chapter. I often prefer to binge read, but with these postings I can't wait.


A minor detail, but a timeline problem still:



Thanaton doesn't take a seat untill well into the Inquisitor storyline. He succeeded his master Darth Arctis, who just happened to go off and... die.


Agreed, as a hardcore SI fanboy I was a little miffed at this misstep, but I can forgive Luna for it since I'm sure she simply isn't as researched as I am on the Dark Council.

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Definitely another great read.



Was really interesting watching Liaseph probe Ravage for information (or at least, that's what I assume she was doing since she concealed her knowledge of Marr from him).


And of course it was Vowrawn at the end. Such diabolical machinations fit him perfectly.



Can't wait for more!

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Agreed, as a hardcore SI fanboy I was a little miffed at this misstep, but I can forgive Luna for it since I'm sure she simply isn't as researched as I am on the Dark Council.


I actually thought she did that on purpose. I often find Luna to be extensively researched in everything she writes but deliberately deviating from established lore at the rare occasion for story purposes. I assumed she'd done this simply because Thanaton is a far more familiar personality to most people/readers than his predecessor. :o

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Vowrawn you dirty piece of something, awful. :mad: So he obtained Lia and brought her to Kaas City as some kind of gift or whatever for Ravage, Marr's enemy of sorts and Ravage has no clue who she is but Vowrawn does? I don't know if I'm impressed, angry or loving his beautiful sick mind even more now. :o


And those dreams must be upsetting for Marr but he needs to look closer too because it seems as though she's protecting him by not mentioning him at all, and only speaking of Rylister while I'm sure Marr's on her mind the entire time.


Is that THE Broysc? As in the piece of filth we all love to maim, kill and space? Twit.


Wonderful addition Luna! Despite everything I do actually enjoy the chemistry or whatever you'd call it between Ravage and Lia... in a way it was somewhat sweet and endearing, if you ignore the circumstances for a moment. And a little sexy. Sigh.



Edited for spoiler markers because I rambled and don't wanna ruin things for others oops, sorry? :o


The dreams are upsetting, but as you say, she's gone to great lengths to protect Marr and what they have together, and she's no fool, she sees how temperamental Ravage is, so she's doing what she can to protect herself too. She'd thought about throwing out the knowledge that he's 'not the first' with her as he believes, but then thought that would mean she gets thrown out to work with the common masses...better to be entertainment for one, than for many so to speak.


And yes, that is in the Broysc back in the day when he was a younger man. :) I'm glad you enjoyed it. ^^



Did I read that right that Liaseph is Vowrawn's property? What the hell is he up to? Dissent in the council, Ravage's demise at the hands of Marr? The plot does thicken.


Liaseph is either going all Stockholm Syndrome or is learning to play the game, I haven't quite decided yet. And Ravage "presenting" himself to her like it was some sort of gift, phah!


I enjoyed the interaction between Tersus and Marr, seems that Marr chose wisely, and Broysc, really? Lol, shades of the madman Quinn hates so much, nice referral back to the SW story. :)


And then there is Rylester, the Jedi that Marr wants to get his hands on. It will be interesting to see how that plays out.



Excellent chapter, as always, opens up new avenues of thought and speculation.


Yep, you did read right. :D Liaseph belongs to Vowrawn (she is technically owned by Vowrawn's club, that is owned through several numbered companies and entities lol). One reason he knows a lot of things about a lot of people in the Empire.


Liaseph is going through a combination of both Stockholm Syndrome and learning to play the game. She's an Alderaanian noble...probing for info is what they're good at (for gossip reasons) but for her she wants to know as much as she can about where she is etc...stuff useful to getting away. But at the same time, she's slowly coming to feel badly for Ravage...as much of a jerk as he can be, she sees why...he's a lonely man, who is capable of being kind to those he cares about, but he hasn't had a chance to show that side. So for now, it's more of a pity thing, she sees that he doesn't interest or matter to even his own family, so she's the sort of soul that believes everyone should have someone. You can see where this kind of thinking eventually leads. :/


Broysc while insane and a thorn to my beloved Quinn, has in a sense fascinated me in that I wondered if he was always that way lol. :) I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter. ^^


I wonder what Vowrawn's goal is. Is it something as simple as keeping Marr focused on his job? Probably not. Setting up Ravage and Marr as enemies? Why? Is he doing it just for fun?


I am looking forward to find out more.


He keeps me guessing too :D Nothing is ever simple with Vowrawn, and even if his 'motives' are revealed you'll always have to wonder if it's the truth. I'm glad you enjoyed it and thanks for commenting! :)


Another great chapter. I often prefer to binge read, but with these postings I can't wait.


A minor detail, but a timeline problem still:



Thanaton doesn't take a seat untill well into the Inquisitor storyline. He succeeded his master Darth Arctis, who just happened to go off and... die.


Well, hello there :) Always nice to meet a reader. Thanks for the kind comment and for catching my slight foible. I appreciate you taking the time to tell me, because I do make extreme efforts to keep things accurate and only twist things if there is no documentation otherwise. I do know about Darth Arctis, but this week, I had forgotten about him...probably also because I was working on SI # 7, so Thanaton was fresh in my thoughts. Seeing as he doesn't have a role of actual importance in this, I edited out Thanaton's name and replaced it with Arctis. It still works, since no one really knows what Arctis is like.


Funny that I have to make a mistake to shake readers out of the woodwork, otherwise they just stay quiet lol. Thank you for reading and commenting! :)


Agreed, as a hardcore SI fanboy I was a little miffed at this misstep, but I can forgive Luna for it since I'm sure she simply isn't as researched as I am on the Dark Council.


Well, it was a misstep for the reasons I explained above, and has so been edited to reflect Arctis as the council member in the conversation, seeing as he doesn't have any part of importance in this, short of being hated by Ravage. :) You'd actually be surprised at the notes I make--I have a timeline that has saved me many times, and as Jenny said I'm a bit hardcore myself with research, but even the most hardcore researcher makes a flub now and again. My first glaring mistake in weekly postings over the past three years? I'd say I'm doing pretty well. Thanks for not gloating too much. ;D


Definitely another great read.



Was really interesting watching Liaseph probe Ravage for information (or at least, that's what I assume she was doing since she concealed her knowledge of Marr from him).


And of course it was Vowrawn at the end. Such diabolical machinations fit him perfectly.



Can't wait for more!


Thanks Wangxiu :) She was indeed probing for info she could use...she's a noble...good at getting people to relax, drink and reveal things. And yes, she's desperate not to reveal Marr or what they have. Vowrawn is evil lol. I live in fear of him out evilling me. His motivations scare me lol. :)


I actually thought she did that on purpose. I often find Luna to be extensively researched in everything she writes but deliberately deviating from established lore at the rare occasion for story purposes. I assumed she'd done this simply because Thanaton is a far more familiar personality to most people/readers than his predecessor. :o


Thanks Jenny, I do go to great lengths to research stories for accuracy and what I don't know I make up. I do and have deviated a bit on lore if it's important to the story. In this case, Thanaton isn't important to it, it was just that my mind was on him and not Arctis. I actually have Arctis noted in my notes as being a member of this time span, but hey mistakes happen sometimes. I edited out Thanaton's name and replace it with Arctis's cause it makes no real dif to this story. But I managed to shake another silent reader out of the woodwork lol. I keep wondering who the heck is reading. Many never say a word. Ever. :/


Another good chapter. :rak_03:
Thanks Paul. I'm really happy you're enjoying it. ^^ Edited by Lunafox
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Well, it was a misstep for the reasons I explained above, and has so been edited to reflect Arctis as the council member in the conversation, seeing as he doesn't have any part of importance in this, short of being hated by Ravage. :) You'd actually be surprised at the notes I make--I have a timeline that has saved me many times, and as Jenny said I'm a bit hardcore myself with research, but even the most hardcore researcher makes a flub now and again. My first glaring mistake in weekly postings over the past three years? I'd say I'm doing pretty well. Thanks for not gloating too much. ;D


Aww geez, now you made me feel ashamed lol. Sorry for the bragging, it happens when you're arrogant. Although I now feel a sudden urge to compulsively check every single chapter you've written to see if we (your readers) missed any mistakes lol ;) In any case I'm glad to hear that it was a simple brain fart (or whatever you want to call it) that caused that little mistake. I apologize (which isn't something I do often, so enjoy it XD) for being a little harsh while tooting my own horn.


Shoulda known better than to assume the worst of a published writer lol.


I keep wondering who the heck is reading. Many never say a word. Ever. :/


How do you think I feel? 3000 views in 2 months (oh there I go tooting my own horn again, will I ever stop? Shameless I say! Shameless! :p) and I have only 4 or 5 vocal readers/critics! Sometimes I wonder just who is reading, I don't think my title is clickbait...is it?

Edited by MayhemofChaonus
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But I managed to shake another silent reader out of the woodwork lol. I keep wondering who the heck is reading. Many never say a word. Ever. :/

Yeah I've had the same happen. I intentionally deviated from established lore for my own purposes, and had a typo here and there recently and through that discovered mystery readers in my PM box! Then again, at least it gets read so that has me happy enough though personally I could never read and NOT comment when seeing just how much effort someone's put into their story.


How do you think I feel? 3000 views in 2 months (oh there I go tooting my own horn again, will I ever stop? Shameless I say! Shameless! :p) and I have only 4 or 5 vocal readers/critics! Sometimes I wonder just who is reading, I don't think my title is clickbait...is it?

Hi, guilty as charged! :o I've slowly been getting into your story whenever I have a non-ADHD moment but haven't gotten far enough yet to start replying—I usually hold off until I'm fully caught up so for the moment, I'm one of your mystery readers.

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Aww geez, now you made me feel ashamed lol. Sorry for the bragging, it happens when you're arrogant. Although I now feel a sudden urge to compulsively check every single chapter you've written to see if we (your readers) missed any mistakes lol ;) In any case I'm glad to hear that it was a simple brain fart (or whatever you want to call it) that caused that little mistake. I apologize (which isn't something I do often, so enjoy it XD) for being a little harsh while tooting my own horn.


Shoulda known better than to assume the worst of a published writer lol.




How do you think I feel? 3000 views in 2 months (oh there I go tooting my own horn again, will I ever stop? Shameless I say! Shameless! :p) and I have only 4 or 5 vocal readers/critics! Sometimes I wonder just who is reading, I don't think my title is clickbait...is it?


Oh don't feel ashamed, it's all good. :) I don't have anyone to edit, proofread or beta this stuff, it's all on me, so stuff might get missed, I'm sure. I comb through every now and again and find commas where none should be, and no commas where one should be lol. :)


That's really cool! Congrats on that! It's nice to see those numbers go up. And, quite honestly, there is no harm in tooting your own horn. That's a gift in itself, that many authors/writers could benefit from. It feels almost wrong to 'brag', but anyone who can plunk their butt in a chair and write a story start to finish and have it make some sort of sense in between and bring enjoyment to others deserves some recognition. Nothing wrong with that at all, so long as it doesn't hurt anyone else. Keep writing and keep on tooting! To be any sort of success you have to promote yourself :)


Yeah I've had the same happen. I intentionally deviated from established lore for my own purposes, and had a typo here and there recently and through that discovered mystery readers in my PM box! Then again, at least it gets read so that has me happy enough though personally I could never read and NOT comment when seeing just how much effort someone's put into their story.


So, we've discovered a way to lure out the readers :D Bait them with continuity errors and typos! :D *high fives*


All kidding aside, it's nice to know people are reading and even if people only have time to leave one here or there, it's still very much appreciated. Comments are the fuel that keeps a writer going.

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Yeah, I'm not a very good commenter (though that wasn't my first comment in this thread :p ), and popping up over an honest mistake makes it seem even worse.


Full disclosure: I'm currently reading this thread (having read every other story by Lunafox) and Defiant Devotion by JennyFlynn. I fear that if I mix in more at a time, they'll get jumbled in my head. That's where bingereading helps.

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Yeah, I'm not a very good commenter (though that wasn't my first comment in this thread :p ), and popping up over an honest mistake makes it seem even worse.


Full disclosure: I'm currently reading this thread (having read every other story by Lunafox) and Defiant Devotion by JennyFlynn. I fear that if I mix in more at a time, they'll get jumbled in my head. That's where bingereading helps.


It's ok! Some comments are better than none. And you're right, my bad, but in my defense, it was a little while ago (June), so I forgot. *hangs head in shame* Sorry about that.


I'm feeling really flattered right now, though, that you've read all the other stories I've done too. Thanks for that. ^^

I understand about the binge reading though, it does make life easier, and it helps to take a story in all at once. I do the same thing, and with tv shows as well. ^^

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Ok soon! Very soon, like probably Friday soon. ^^ Hopefully this weeks chapter will be worth the wait. :o


Friday night has probably become my favorite night of the week. =\ I mean I'm always giddy for new episodes to my TV shows as well but Friday night is like, Marr/Luna night and rather than get drunk in a bar I'll sit here with a keen eye on the forums waiting for an update. :o Probably sounds a little silly but to me it's no different than waiting for the new GoT episode to come on and your chapters are ALWAYS worth the wait.


No pressure though!!

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Friday night has probably become my favorite night of the week. =\ I mean I'm always giddy for new episodes to my TV shows as well but Friday night is like, Marr/Luna night and rather than get drunk in a bar I'll sit here with a keen eye on the forums waiting for an update. :o Probably sounds a little silly but to me it's no different than waiting for the new GoT episode to come on and your chapters are ALWAYS worth the wait.


No pressure though!!


*blushes* Well thank you :D I'm pretty chuffed up now, better than booze and ranking right up there with GoT. Colour me thrilled! LOL. Now if anyone tells me it's better than chocolate, there won't be any living with me anymore lol.


Seriously, though, thank you for this, I do appreciate it, and I know how it is, I keep my eye out for fun reading too! And there is plenty of it around here, including a certain Scourge fic! ;)

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Star Wars: The Old Republic



~Chapter Twenty-Seven~



The difficulty is not in making a choice, but living with it.


I had seen the signs before.


Every creature, both feral and tame burrowed deep into their dwellings. Even the vegetation recoiled, leaves curling in on themselves to shun the ebonizing mist rolling in from the heart of Kaas City.


Dark as soot, the sky churned, only to be split apart by unusually violent jags of lightning, and when the rains came, it was as if every being in the galaxy wept at once.


Water flowed counter to its natural direction—an occurrence that shouldn’t have been possible in our hemisphere.


The darkness in me quickened and I had no doubt of what it all meant: The Emperor had returned to Dromund Kaas.


Eight years ago, he’d sought an extension of his might—one who would hunt down and destroy his disgruntled apprentice, Exal Kressh.


Despite her illustrious beginning, she faded into history as a bit player—another failed apprentice chafing under her master’s control. While I played a part in the matter, it amounted to little more than a footnote in my own narrative.


I had dismissed Kressh, but I could never dismiss her master and what his presence meant. Nor could he dismiss me it seemed.


I answered his summons and stood before the throne in his personal sanctum.


This time, he sought to destroy entire worlds and I had been chosen as the architect of the Republic’s downfall.


I struggled with the insurmountable task of forging the military spheres into one cohesive unit. The very nature of the Sith railed against unity and loyalty. Herding Loth-cats would be easier than convincing my peers to work as one. I believe he sensed the brief levity of my thoughts and I was graced by his unsettling amusement.


He appeared little different from the man I remembered. He was human and what remained of his hair, was shorn close to his skull, so much so, that it could have passed for shadow. His eyes blazed, the shade close enough to flame, that the ancients might have believed him the embodiment of their sacred fire.


Deep purple veins fractured his pallid cheeks, and the commanding voice I remembered, spoke with a falsely patient whisper.


Not even my intimacy with the darkness was enough to shield me from his necrotic presence.


His commands clung to me like spider webs. My body was bound in them and I pitied anyone forced into prolonged contact with our Emperor. The more I considered him, the tighter the webbing burrowed into my flesh until I was forced to choose between understanding and the madness that came with it or to accept what I knew of him without question and keep my sanity intact.


Before the audience ended, a moment passed between us when I caught a glimmer of what the future held in store—specifically the moment of my death, but the full weight of the vision’s meaning eluded me. I only understood more fully what I had always known—death was our solace.


His parting words lingered and I wanted nothing more than to put them from my mind. I rarely felt such a relief to return home, but his words followed me there—an insistent and troubling notion that I failed to understand.


Your sacrifice will not be in vain—what is yours—one day, will be mine and when the darkness finds you, you will face it alone.


The holocom chimed and I was grateful for the distraction it promised. I accepted the encrypted transmission and waited until the winking blue image stabilized.


“Marr here.”


“My lord.” Tersus offered a curt bow before continuing. “I have something that may interest you—something you should see.”


“You know where I am. I’ll be waiting.”


“Understood, my lord.”


Not a half hour later, Tersus arrived, the thunder and rain following him inside my mountain stronghold. Livid purple flashes illuminated the great hall, and I indicated he follow me into my study, well away from the storm’s distraction.


“What have you learned? Did you locate Moff Broysc?”


“I have, my lord. My men found him in a local gentlemen’s club impaired by a substance they referred to as—Glitter Jack. I’m afraid he won’t be of much use to us in his current condition. I took the liberty of having him admitted to rehabilitation.”


“Some sort of spice, I take it?”


“Yes, my lord. I understand prolonged use makes one prone to delusions of grandeur, paranoia, and early onset dementia.”


“Perhaps it would be better to cut our losses now.”


“I admit the same thought crossed my mind, but his service record up until now has been exemplary. It seemed a waste to dispose of a seasoned officer for one lapse in judgment, but if you prefer, I need only give my men the word…”


“That won’t be necessary for the time being. What of the bounty hunter?”


“Regrettably, he received departure clearance before we could detain him. I am, however, monitoring the usual locations his sort frequent.”


I folded my arms. “I trust you have more than this…”


“Yes, my lord. As we suspected, the Jedi was taken into custody. Admittedly, the means in which I extracted this information is rather unconventional, but it seems to have proven effective.”




“I pulled the sound and visuals from a torture droid’s ocular and auditory inputs.”


“A torture droid?”


“Yes, my lord. Initially, I’d hoped to obtain a security recording, however, it would appear those are not permitted inside the inquisition chambers.


“I took the liberty of transferring the data from the droid’s inputs to this spike for more efficient playback. May I, my lord?” He indicated the display terminal, the recording trapped between his fingers.




“I’ve tidied the visuals as much as possible, but it’s the audio portion I think you’ll be interested in most, my lord.”


“We shall see. Initiate playback.”


Tersus tapped the console and stood off to one side to allow a clear view.


The image was little more than a mottled blur of flesh tones at first. The torture droid’s oculus zeroed in on the subject, revealing barely creased flesh, wisps of flaxen hair and a dark durasteel band bridging the temples.


The lens drew back and refocused to reveal the countenance of a male Miralukan Jedi. Even before the imaged cleared, I recognized Rylister’s body pinioned to the interrogation table.


He didn’t speak or flinch, which led me to suspect he was unconscious. I strained to listen to a pair of muted voices in the background.


“Increase audio—filter and clarify,” Tersus commanded.


I tipped my head forward, my brows pinching beneath my mask as I listened.


“Truly outstanding work—a job well done. You are to be commended,” the male voice oozed.


“Vowrawn,” I hissed in recognition.


Tersus nodded and lowered his gaze to continue listening.


“Thank you, my lord. It was an honour to serve you,” the second voice squawked. The pitch already grated on my nerves with the few words spoken.


“Moff Broysc,” Tersus clipped.


A shadow loomed over the Jedi’s face as if someone had leaned in closer to study the man’s features.


“I trust you made no mention of our little acquisition on your manifest?”


“No, my lord. Exactly like you wanted! And I blew the scab’s ship to smithereens. Boom! Barely knew what hit ‘im!” A rapid staccato of squeaky gasps suggested Broysc’s laughter and I cringed.


“Excellent.” Vowrawn’s words fell from his lips like iced silk. “I knew I could count on you. I foresee a career filled with great highs—and to show you the depths of my appreciation, I’ve secured this for you—a token of my gratitude in light of your service.”


“My lord—an aurodium pass! I don’t know what to say.”


“Say nothing. The delights are nothing short of intoxicating—something for every taste and persuasion. No appetite is too depraved—and discretion is the better part of vice, I say.”


“Thank you, thank you, my lord.”


“Oh no. Thank you. In fact, if I might suggest the Glitter Jack—a favorite recommendation of mine. The blend is remarkable. I daresay it will carry you to new heights of ecstasy…”


“With such a recommendation, I will make a point of it. Thank you, my lord.”


“Now, if you’ll excuse me…our Jedi friend will not interrogate himself. But there is one more thing before you go—just between us,” Vowrawn whispered.


“Yes, my lord?”


“There was no Jedi…and I was never here.”


“There…was…no Jedi and you were never here…” Broysc parroted in a dreamy tone.


“Now be gone. Don’t tarry, you have spice to sample.”


A few moments of silence passed before Vowrawn spoke again. “IR-T8, would you kindly revive our guest?”


The droid gurgled its agreement and a soft pfft sound suggested the application of a stim.


Rylister groaned as he came to. Pale and dotted with sweat, he sucked in one raspy breath after another through dry cracked lips.


“Good of you to join us,” Vowrawn chirped.


“Who—urgh…who the hell are you?” Rylister wriggled against the bindings pinning him to the table and a branch of electricity licked up his arms to spread over his torso until his entire body shook.


“Your new master.”


“You’re Sith…”


“As you will be soon enough.”


“The hell I will. What d’you want?” Rylister rasped.


“Why—to thank you, of course.”


“You’ve got a funny way of showing gratitude.” Rylister licked his lower lip and winced at the taste of blood oozing from it.


“I assure you, your ears do not deceive you, my friend. You performed admirably. I couldn’t have asked for better if I’d asked.”


“What the hell are you talking about?”


“Because of you, an obstacle was removed and I was able to acquire several properties I’ve had my eye on for some time. The former owner had the poor sense to refuse my most generous offer. Can you imagine?”


“I’d rather not.”


“No only that, the damages you and your Jedi cohorts incurred had a profound effect on the price. Even with the renovations, you’ll have saved me millions—and instigated a most profitable war as a bonus.”


“I’d rather die than help you.”


“Dear boy, why so testy? It would have been rude to overlook your part in my little scheme. I think you’ll be quite useful in my future endeavors.”


“Go to hell.”


“Vowrawn chuckled. “Look around you, Master Jedi. What makes you believe we are not already there? We are in hell and I am the master of ceremonies. IR-T8, if you would be so kind as to administer a course of serums to our guest.”


The torture droid produced a syringe appendage.


“Get the kark away from me!”


A stream of vibrant green liquid shot from the droid’s needle as it prepared the treatment. It hovered over Rylister and jabbed the syringe into his neck. He struggled against his bonds until lightning arced over his body in thick purple bands. He thrashed until his bones creaked and he bit his tongue to keep from screaming.


Vowrawn said nothing, but his shadow moved over the Jedi, as the droid injected course after course of whatever serum he’d decided to torture him with. The Jedi moaned and coughed, spittle leaking from his mouth. His skin paled and rills of sweat snaked down his face to pool under his Adam’s apple.


Tersus tapped the console. “Needless to say, this continues for some time. In the interest of efficiency, I would suggest advancing the recording, my lord.”




Rylister’s blurred features streaked by until the recording slowed to resume.


Pale and shaking, the Jedi panted. “Why…are you…doing this?”


“Because your betrayal set the pieces in motion—you informed the SIS where Marr would be; they ordered their infiltrator, Cipher 7 to kill him. And our Keeper dispatched an agent to eliminate him—which alerted me to the fact that our trusted Keeper was one of yours.”


You had them killed…”


“Oh not me personally, of course. We observe something called a chain of command.”


“How would you know?”


“Consider this—who would send a neophyte agent barely out of the program to kill a cipher? Sheer foolishness. It was an action doomed to fail.”


“But…he succeeded.”


“Ah yes, so he did. Unlike your infiltrator. He was the one who made my business transaction possible.”


“You did all this to monopolize the slave trade?”




“If you…if you know all this. Why do you need me?”


“Because there is one small detail that puzzles me…and I do hate puzzles. I much prefer games.”


“What makes you think I know anything, and if I did, that I’d tell you?”


“I have a few reasons, but for now they’ll remain my own. There is at least one more infiltrator…the one who removed the Minister of Intelligence—someone on the outside—someone no one would expect. I want to know who it is.”


“I don’t know,” Rylister hissed, blood tinged spittle spraying from his lip as he spoke.


“And here I thought you had more sense. I’ll need to find a more effective means of prying the name from your mind. Our conversation, you’ll find was quite pleasant by comparison. I shudder to think what will become of your mind…and I dare say, your precious Jedi sensibilities.”


Rylister roared and flung himself as far as his restraints would allow in a last effort to free himself. Prongs of lightning kindled his flesh. The Jedi convulsed. A thread of bloody spittle stretched off his lower lip until it grew into a dollop and fell onto his chest. The light behind his visor faltered as his attempt to summon the Force failed him.


Vowrawn sighed. “My dear boy, if you are to play a game, you must realize, there are different levels of devils. IR-T8…send in the bounty hunter.”


A gravelly voice asserted itself in the chamber. “Exalted Boss of Bosses.”


“Rise, Captain Vex. Hunting is treating you well, I trust? Your rivals must be twisting with fury at your latest success?”


“Heh, that’s puttin’ it mildly, Boss. I had some stiff competition this year. So what’s the deal with the Jedi? I need him to collect my bounty and I need him alive.”


“I wouldn’t dream of depriving you of your hard earned pay…in fact…I will transfer three times the amount the bounty is worth to your accounts and you inform your employer, that the bounty is beyond your reach, but not beyond his. I’m certain he will take your meaning.”


“And what if he takes the news poorly? I’d rather keep on living.”


“That’s why you will contact him from your ship. Here is your clearance to depart. At the conclusion of my business with him, I will transfer a token of my appreciation to your accounts. I trust that arrangement will suffice?”


“Yeah, yeah, it’ll suffice, Boss.”


“Excellent. Then consider yourself dismissed. We’re finished here. IR-T8, be so kind as to take yourself offline and shut down for the remainder of the day.”


Tersus returned to the console. “End playback.”


No sooner had the recording ended, the com unit chimed and I cursed the interruption.


“Marr here,” I barked, my saber hand coiling into a fist. “What is it, Admiral?”


Vilks bowed and then straightened. “My Lord, the Erinyes has completed refuel and resupply and the fleet is ready to move out at once.”




“My lord, it’s imperative we leave at once. The Emperor—”


“—Admiral Vilks—the fleet will remain where it is until I give the order.”


“My lord, you must join us at once. We can’t abide any further delay.”


“Abide this.” I snatched the air before me and tightened my grip. Vilks’s image rose before me and clutched at his throat gasping.


I will determine the moment of our departure. Understood?”


Vilks choked and writhed, but managed to gain enough quarter to answer. “U-unquestionably.”


I released my hold on the officer and smashed out the connection with the com. “Marr out.”



((To be continued…))

Edited by Lunafox
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One thing is for sure, I don't envy Marr his meeting with the Emperor! Your description makes me glad I wasn't there.

I like the contrast between always cheerful Vowrawn and bad-tempered Marr at the end. The latter at least gives you the advantage of knowing it's time to tread carefully.

As always, I am looking forward to the next part.

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“Yes, my lord. I understand prolonged use makes one prone to delusions of grandeur, paranoia, and early onset dementia.”

I lol'd... perfect way to set Broysc up for his future failures and I guess Vowrawn's to blame for that too.


The entire description of Marr meeting with the Emperor gave me chills. It was so vivid and fitting. The task he presented Marr with sure isn't an easy one either, don't envy him one bit right now.


Oh Vowrawn... he's such a deviant in this story but I have to admit, I'm enjoying every second of it. Intelligent minds can be so appealing and his is way up there and though I know he's likely to become responsible for more bad stuff before this is over, I can't wait to see his next move.


And then we go from the calm and suave Vowrawn to Marr who seems like he's about ready to explode though really Vilks, you don't ever tell a Sith he 'must' do anything, silly!


Wonderful addition Luna, definitely worth the wait in my eyes! Morning coffee with Vowrawn is just as good as having him before bed. :p

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I agree with Jenny, coffee and breakfast with a side order of Marr and Vowrawn. It is yummy.



I enjoyed the portents of the emperor's return very much, that an entire planet's nature would bend to his presence was wonderful imagery. Marr is the only logical choice to bring military and other forces together for the assault on the republic but the emperor never leaves anyone with just a task, he seems to delight in adding that last little bit of torment of reminding Marr of his impending death.


And Vowrawn, his calm is most unnerving. At least with an angry sith, you pretty much know where you stand, with Vowrawn, he sows seeds of dread and doubt like a tick in the mind that constantly feeds until it is ready to pop. And he takes such pleasure in doing so, plans within plans, the ultimate trickster. I really do love your take on him.


Although I sometimes wonder if Vowrawn knows that Marr knows, and he is just winding him up like a toy, now that would be a tricky situation. Surely Vowrawn is not that suicidal, but ya never know with him. Bah, there my mind goes being all illogical again.


Oh and let's not forget Broysc and Glitter Jack, it really jacked him up alright. lol.



Great chapter, can't wait to see what happens next.

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One thing is for sure, I don't envy Marr his meeting with the Emperor! Your description makes me glad I wasn't there.

I like the contrast between always cheerful Vowrawn and bad-tempered Marr at the end. The latter at least gives you the advantage of knowing it's time to tread carefully.

As always, I am looking forward to the next part.


Thank you :D I was hoping for just that effect. For me personally, I think it was the sensation of spider webs touching that did it, nothing is more panic-inducing than that lol.


I'm glad you enjoyed the differences between them...Marr tends to threaten and choke and what not when he's annoyed. Vowrawn's regular charming sense of humour becomes deadpan or sarcastic...then when you least expect it, he'll steal your property, have his way with your partner and arrange to have womprat ***** added to your caf. :D Life is like a box of chocolates with Vowrawn lol. Thanks for reading and your lovely comment. ^^



Awesome as always.


Also, I saw this when I was dropping some stuff off at a charity shop and had to buy it. I don't know what it is .. or rather was ... but it's Darth Marr now.


Thanks :D So glad you enjoyed it. I don't know what your statue is either, but it looks pretty Darth Marr-ish to me. That is an excellent find, I probably would have bought it too. That's awesome. ^^


Loved the first part of this chapter.......as usual, your powers of description are unrivaled. As for the rest, I'm afraid I'll never be able to think of Vowrawn as "the nice Sith" ever again! Looking forward to the next part:)


Thanks :D I'm so happy that you feel that way. Vowrawn, isn't really as nice as people think. Kind of like Zash that way, you have to really watch out for the 'nice' ones. They're probably more evil than the evil ones lol. Thanks for reading and commenting.


I lol'd... perfect way to set Broysc up for his future failures and I guess Vowrawn's to blame for that too.


The entire description of Marr meeting with the Emperor gave me chills. It was so vivid and fitting. The task he presented Marr with sure isn't an easy one either, don't envy him one bit right now.


Oh Vowrawn... he's such a deviant in this story but I have to admit, I'm enjoying every second of it. Intelligent minds can be so appealing and his is way up there and though I know he's likely to become responsible for more bad stuff before this is over, I can't wait to see his next move.


And then we go from the calm and suave Vowrawn to Marr who seems like he's about ready to explode though really Vilks, you don't ever tell a Sith he 'must' do anything, silly!



Wonderful addition Luna, definitely worth the wait in my eyes! Morning coffee with Vowrawn is just as good as having him before bed. :p


I was rather amused by the idea that Vowrawn was behind Broysc's downfall. I have the feeling Vowrawn is behind many people's downfalls lol.


I'm glad you're enjoying Vowrawn's deviance and depravity :D He really is a very clever chap, which worries me, because he's far more clever than I am, and I have to write for him. There are times, he doesn't make it easy lol.


I like to think of Marr and Vowrawn as opposites that compliment each other for the most part, each has a skill set the other lacks. Working together, they'd be unstoppable, as they were against Taxon.


Mmm, breakfest with Vowrawn...yeah, I could totally get into that...*lecherous laugh*

Thanks for reading and commenting! ^^



I agree with Jenny, coffee and breakfast with a side order of Marr and Vowrawn. It is yummy.



I enjoyed the portents of the emperor's return very much, that an entire planet's nature would bend to his presence was wonderful imagery. Marr is the only logical choice to bring military and other forces together for the assault on the republic but the emperor never leaves anyone with just a task, he seems to delight in adding that last little bit of torment of reminding Marr of his impending death.


And Vowrawn, his calm is most unnerving. At least with an angry sith, you pretty much know where you stand, with Vowrawn, he sows seeds of dread and doubt like a tick in the mind that constantly feeds until it is ready to pop. And he takes such pleasure in doing so, plans within plans, the ultimate trickster. I really do love your take on him.


Although I sometimes wonder if Vowrawn knows that Marr knows, and he is just winding him up like a toy, now that would be a tricky situation. Surely Vowrawn is not that suicidal, but ya never know with him. Bah, there my mind goes being all illogical again.


Oh and let's not forget Broysc and Glitter Jack, it really jacked him up alright. lol.



Great chapter, can't wait to see what happens next.


That does sound like a yummy breakfest lol :D I'm thrilled that you enjoyed it, and like you guys say, I wouldn't wish Marr's task or situation, or the choice he has to make on anybody. Vowrawn is probably one of the more evil Sith, but you're never know it lol. I like the way you describe his antics and the way he preys on people. I'm glad that's coming across. And that you're enjoying his trickster nature. The trickster part comes easily enough, but the hard part is that he's terribly clever and I worry about being able to keep up with him and doing right by him. Definitely a case where the character is more clever than his writer lol. Gotta try to keep from outsmarting myself, if you know what I mean.


I don't think Vowrawn is suicidal, but he does like to glide along a razor's edge...it's all about the thrill of getting caught or getting away with something.


I was rather taken by the idea that Vowrawn is like the devil, he's a bit responsible for most people's troubles in some way lol. You could play Six degrees of Separation with the trouble he makes, he's connected to just about all of it lol. Name a person, and he's likely done something. :) Thanks for reading and for commenting. Your insights really mean a lot. ^^

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Of course it was Vowrawn that was pulling at the marionette's strings. That sly weasel! Can't wait to see what's next.


My favorite bit: a twisted and dread-inducing beauty in the language.



Every creature, both feral and tame burrowed deep into their dwellings. Even the vegetation recoiled, leaves curling in on themselves to shun the ebonizing mist rolling in from the heart of Kaas City.


Dark as soot, the sky churned, only to be split apart by unusually violent jags of lightning, and when the rains came, it was as if every being in the galaxy wept at once.


Water flowed counter to its natural direction—an occurrence that shouldn’t have been possible in our hemisphere.


The darkness in me quickened and I had no doubt of what it all meant: The Emperor had returned to Dromund Kaas.




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Of course it was Vowrawn that was pulling at the marionette's strings. That sly weasel! Can't wait to see what's next.


My favorite bit: a twisted and dread-inducing beauty in the language.







A sly weasel, that suits Vowrawn to a T. :D I'm so glad you enjoyed that bit of opening there. Like Misha pointed out, I like the idea of the Dark Side on DK being affected by the Emperor, to the point it's even affecting the actual world and the peope, flora and fauna living on it. ^^ Thank you for reading and commenting, and I do hope you have a lovely holiday season and many good times! :)

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