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What happened to General Garza?


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My tropper always felt like General Garza was his "mother figure". Sort of. He gotten to like and respect her (and her amazing butt). Was wondering, I haven't started KOTFE yet (with this tropper) and was wondering; any news about her? is she dead? Cause that would be sad.



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My tropper always felt like General Garza was his "mother figure". Sort of. He gotten to like and respect her (and her amazing butt). Was wondering, I haven't started KOTFE yet (with this tropper) and was wondering; any news about her? is she dead? Cause that would be sad.




Gross. Her butt? Lol.


Personally I hope she's rotting in prison or dead. She always seemed corrupt in my Trooper's eyes, especially after the Rishi Trooper quest.

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Did you do SoR?

Did you do the Trooper Class quest in SoR?



Depending on the choice you made at the end of the quest she in jail or working Republic Intelligence. This quest was the closure to Trooper story. Since it could be one of two choice of what happen to her. She most likely will not return in KotFE.


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Did you do SoR?

Did you do the Trooper Class quest in SoR?



Depending on the choice you made at the end of the quest she in jail or working Republic Intelligence. This quest was the closure to Trooper story. Since it could be one of two choice of what happen to her. She most likely will not return in KotFE.


Yes i did. About to finish SOR.



She was loyal to me so I was loyal to her. To the end. She's in SIS now.



I was just wondering if there was any mention of her in KotFE,

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What pay? You didn't work for five years, so you don't get paid those five years. Last I checked being a pow wasn't clocked pay.



Using the US Military as an example. Prisoner of War is an official duty status. You continue to collect pay and benefits while a POW. Even Bowe Bergdahl continued to receive pay, and even promotions while he was listed a POW. Granted, if he is convicted of the charges he faces, he'll have to pay it all back, but that's not the point in question. Assuming the Republic had the Trooper listed as KIA, they would have to go back and update his record to reflect his Prisoner of War status, and assuming the Republic follows a process similar to what the US, and most nations, military follows, he would be eligible for pay and benefits, and that time would count towards time in service and time in grade requirements for promotions, as well.


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Using the US Military as an example. Prisoner of War is an official duty status. You continue to collect pay and benefits while a POW. Even Bowe Bergdahl continued to receive pay, and even promotions while he was listed a POW. Granted, if he is convicted of the charges he faces, he'll have to pay it all back, but that's not the point in question. Assuming the Republic had the Trooper listed as KIA, they would have to go back and update his record to reflect his Prisoner of War status, and assuming the Republic follows a process similar to what the US, and most nations, military follows, he would be eligible for pay and benefits, and that time would count towards time in service and time in grade requirements for promotions, as well.



Under article 53 of the Geneva Convention, the detaining country is paid by the pow's country for their upkeep. In return, POWs are paid for any work that they undertake. I assume Bowe was working, but the trooper was simply frozen on his back.


Edited by Aeristash
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Under article 53 of the Geneva Convention, the detaining country is paid by the pow's country for their upkeep. In return, POWs are paid for any work that they undertake. I assume Bowe was working, but the trooper was simply frozen on his back.



I'm not referring to the home country paying the detaining country. I'm referring to the fact that soldiers listed as POW and MIA continue to receive pay and benefits. If they have dependents, such as a wife or children, then the check is sent to them. If not, then the government establishes a bank account and deposits the money there, and that money is then given to the soldier upon his return (or, if he is declared KIA, then that money goes to his next of kin, or other individual designated by the soldier in his or her paperwork. POW and MIA are pay collecting status, as opposed to AWOL or Deserter, which are non-pay statuses.


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Seriously!? Getting a steady check for getting caged behind enemy lines? While I can see the sense in the money going to the wife and children, I can't see why a singular soldier would still be getting rewarded for failing their mission. What a frivolous waste of money. Leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I shall hope that the republic is not so weak, but being the upstanding goodie goodies they are I know it to be true. At least the empire knows how to justly reward failure.




Now, the argument could be made that since he has not returned to the Republic since his rescue, that the Trooper is technically AWOL, or even a deserter at this time, which would cause him to forfeit at least the amount of pay and allowances accrued since his rescue, though he would still be entitled to those accrued during his captivity, since he was on an officially sanctioned mission when captured.


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Now, the argument could be made that since he has not returned to the Republic since his rescue, that the Trooper is technically AWOL, or even a deserter at this time, which would cause him to forfeit at least the amount of pay and allowances accrued since his rescue, though he would still be entitled to those accrued during his captivity, since he was on an officially sanctioned mission when captured.



Was it official? I haven't played chapter one in some time, but I thought it was just renegade pub/imp forces on a joint military excursion like in sor. As for the trooper not returning to the republic, that's only a technicality in regards to republic space. I'd think the republics supplying of resources to the alliance would signify some blessing to their semi official blessing to their actions. :p


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I take back wanting my title. Digging through my titles again, it actually was added, just not with the other rank titles.



What's the title again and where is it? I saw nothing last time I logged into my Trooper.


I also like all this spoiler box talking.


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Seriously!? Getting a steady check for getting caged behind enemy lines? While I can see the sense in the money going to the wife and children, I can't see why a singular soldier would still be getting rewarded for failing their mission. What a frivolous waste of money. Leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I shall hope that the republic is not so weak, but being the upstanding goodie goodies they are I know it to be true. At least the empire knows how to justly reward failure.




You, obviously don't know anything about the military. All members of the armed services are on duty 24/7. They don't get paid by the hour. They get a salary based on their time in service and time in rank. If they become a POW/MIA, they are still considered "active duty" until deemed otherwise (AWOL / KIA).


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What's the title again and where is it? I saw nothing last time I logged into my Trooper.


I also like all this spoiler box talking.



Colonel. When Originally looking for it, I was expecting it to be with the other story based titles like the previous ranks were, but it was at the bottom of the list for me.


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Colonel. When Originally looking for it, I was expecting it to be with the other story based titles like the previous ranks were, but it was at the bottom of the list for me.


Yeah, i found it. I wonder if they added it in a patch because I swear it wasn't there before.

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