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BW has got to do something about sorc/sages


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Don't think I'm getting too far off the thread topic, but when running my Con-Op (my main) in 65's I always have a very hearty chuckle when, at the start of an arena, someone tells me, "You go lock down that sorc/sage healer. We'll take of blah blah blah." And I'm just thinking, "Me? 1v1? Just go 'lock down that healer'? HA HA HA HA HA!"


I'm not a top tier Con-Op...but I'm dang sure way above average and I simply cannot "lock down" that healer long enough for the rest of the team to focus down another enemy player. Debilitate, Tendon Slice, whatever....it's not enough to keep that person pre-occupied long enough to matter one iota. I don't expect sorcs and sages to be defenseless, but it's beyond ridiculous.


Basically, here I am popping out of stealth on'em "Backstab, Debilitate, Volatile Substance, Shiv, Lacerationx2, Shiv again, Lacer....*poof* Phase Walk..." Now I have to hunt them down. If they don't phase walk they Force Speed away with 20% health left. I Tendon Slice...they lawlbubblehealtofull and....there ya go. Yeah, they just have way too....much.


By the way, any advice is greatly appreciated.


Edited for typo.

Edited by Volthammer
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Don't think I'm getting too far off the thread topic, but when running my Con-Op (my main) in 65's I always have a very hearty chuckle when, at the start of an arena, someone tells me, "You go lock down that sorc/sage healer. We'll take of blah blah blah." And I'm just thinking, "Me? 1v1? Just go 'lock down that healer'? HA HA HA HA HA!"


I'm not a top tier Con-Op...but I'm dang sure way above average and I simply cannot "lock down" that healer long enough for the rest of the team to focus down another enemy player. Debilitate, Tendon Slice, whatever....it's not enough to keep that person pre-occupied long enough to matter one iota. I don't expect sorcs and sages to be defenseless, but it's beyond ridiculous.


Basically, here I am popping out of stealth on'em "Backstab, Debilitate, Volatile Substance, Shiv, Lacerationx2, Shiv again, Lacer....*poof* Phase Walk..." Now I have to hunt them down. If they don't phase walk they Force Speed away with 20% health left. I Tendon Slice...they lawlbubblehealtofull and....there ya go. Yeah, they just have way too....much.


By the way, any advice is greatly appreciated.


Edited for typo.


well, if you are making them PW and then bubble, you pretty much are locking them down, that means they are not healing others if they have to pw and bubble due to your focus.

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well, if you are making them PW and then bubble, you pretty much are locking them down, that means they are not healing others if they have to pw and bubble due to your focus.


Well, that's encouraging to hear! Maybe I misunderstood what was meant by "lock them down"? LOL


Edited to say that I do definitely get'em to runnin' off. I just can't seem to kill one 1v1. Of course I mean if they're in full 208 PvP gear with augs.

Edited by Volthammer
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Just to update. Doing the daily (which is the only 2 pvp games I will play until this is fixed). Was in an arena team (and I'm not kidding - 7 sages and me. My team had 2 healing 1 dps (sages) and me (a vanguard) the other had 3 healing and 1 dps (sages).


Both rounds went into sudden death.


Besides sages/sorcs needing to be looked at, but the matching system is just ****ED. Jesus, is BW even gonna bother with it? Do they even know?


I'm gonna start taking screen shots and emailing them to BW. Better, post them on reddit/fb.

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You shouldn't be able to survive 2 PTs and a Mara railing on you for an extended period of time.


This isn't the point. I have *never* seen *anyone* survive 2 PTs and a Marauder. I'm astonished that you are even using this over-the-top argument at all, because it contains the sensitivity of a steamroller.


No, and you DO know this : The problems are neither PTS nor Marauders. Because they are almost overpowered in their damage themselves - leaving a dead fields behind them.


ANY Gunslinger will fall prey to 2 PTs+ 1 Marauder. I hope you won't deny that. But still you write :


You shouldn't be able to survive 2 PTs and a Mara railing on you for an extended period of time.


You did NOT write what class "you" would play in this constellation. So much about subtlety by yourself.


IF you re using sentences like that, then PLEASE use words like "Sorcs" IF you really MEAN Sorcs and not ANY OTHER class like - in my example - Gunslingers !


And, again : ANY Gunslinger will fall prey to 2 PTs+ 1 Marauder.

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This isn't the point. I have *never* seen *anyone* survive 2 PTs and a Marauder. I'm astonished that you are even using this over-the-top argument at all, because it contains the sensitivity of a steamroller.


No, and you DO know this : The problems are neither PTS nor Marauders. Because they are almost overpowered in their damage themselves - leaving a dead fields behind them.


ANY Gunslinger will fall prey to 2 PTs+ 1 Marauder. I hope you won't deny that. But still you write :




You did NOT write what class "you" would play in this constellation. So much about subtlety by yourself.


IF you re using sentences like that, then PLEASE use words like "Sorcs" IF you really MEAN Sorcs and not ANY OTHER class like - in my example - Gunslingers !


And, again : ANY Gunslinger will fall prey to 2 PTs+ 1 Marauder.


I've seen plenty of Sorcs survive two PTs and a marauder.

The Phasewalk and heal to full out of sight, then if **** gets too hairy again they pop barrier.

That's only if they are alone, if they are cross healed they don't even bother using defensives.

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I've seen plenty of Sorcs survive two PTs and a marauder.


NOW you write "Sorcs". You should have written that in the first place, simply to make clear what you mean.


With everybody interpreting words differently, forum communications can be a big minefield.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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NOW you write "Sorcs". You should have written that in the first place, simply to make clear what you mean.


With everybody interpreting words differently, forum communications can be a big minefield.


This is a thread about sorcs, who the **** else was I going to be referring to?

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Sorcs and sages are fine in PvE there is no need to mess about with them. You mess about with them in PvE too much and more and more people will find rank 30 healing companions a better alternative.


hmmm.... Sorcs in PvE are not as broken as they are in PvP but they are most certainly overtuned. Fantastic output, no weaknesses, trivial (at most) resource management, if you can call it that. They're ahead of the other two healers as well

Mercs do great too, but they have a delicate heat management, and their burst is quite limited outside a supercharged gas. Sorcs, well, is pretty much minding your cooldowns


And I don't fully understand what you mean with your comment about rank 30 healing companions. You can't use them in operations for starters. If a hm flashpoint can be healed by a companion then it's something wrong with the flashpoint or with the companion. And if you're talking about soloing stuff, well... yeah, a healing companion is usually the most common choice regardless

Edited by wainot-keel
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