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Do we ever...


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**Potential spoilery spoils below, maybe, just putting this to be safe.**



Do we ever get to put Koth and Senya in their place about some things? They've gotten to act as if their world and their people are the only ones that suffer and the only ones that matter. Nevermind that their Immortal Emperor(Valkorian) turned an entire planet's surface to ash, had his fleet carve a bloody swath through the rest of the galaxy, and did all sorts of terrible things but no, thats not important to the Zakuulians. Koth complains that we shouldn't let Zakuulian civilians aid us, I guess he figures the rest of the galaxy should have to suffer more losses because of his stupid people. And Senya has the gall to act so disgusted towards Kaliyo because she "Bombs her people", uh lady pretty sure your people have done so much worse to everyone else so wheres that anger and disgust go for that?


It pisses me off that I haven't gotten a chance to say anything and that NO ONE has said anything about it to them. It's like screw the rest of the galaxy, it's all about Zakuul, everyone else can just die and it's no biggie but if one Zakuulian civilian dies it's the worst crime ever.




Anyone else feelin' this too? It's like the rest of the galaxy is marginalized and not cared about. At least as far as I have seen with the dialog choices I've made thus far.

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Senya actually do feel guilt when Arcann Bomb 5 planets . And if we weren't in charge she probably would have stormed to go and try to kick him in the quad .


As for ''her peoples did worse'' . Those are the Knights , and since she joined us she told us 'They are Gone Evil and I will kill any of them who stand in our Way'' . She also tell us that her childrens MUST pay for what they have done .


Now koth.....watever he is smoking must be Good . Zaakul Weed......:p

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Senya actually do feel guilt when Arcann Bomb 5 planets . And if we weren't in charge she probably would have stormed to go and try to kick him in the quad .


As for ''her peoples did worse'' . Those are the Knights , and since she joined us she told us 'They are Gone Evil and I will kill any of them who stand in our Way'' . She also tell us that her childrens MUST pay for what they have done .


Now koth.....watever he is smoking must be Good . Zaakul Weed......:p


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I wish OP. For now we the Outlander seem to be swallowing it all for most part. There's of course that one moment where you can trigger Koth to run off and leave but that's all and more a direct result of your actions on Zakuul rather than you telling him off. Maybe some day. :rolleyes:
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They're a reflection of a spoiled society. Remember that every whim is taken care of by droids, they've been secure from threats forever, they want for nothing.


So yeah when a couple of people die in a bombing its an amazingly huge tragedy.


I look at it as the first casualty in WW2 was probably hugely reported on and people knew about it and were pissed off about it, and reacted to it. By D-Day when thousands died in an hour, society was used to those losses and their reaction to the news would have been different.

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**Potential spoilery spoils below, maybe, just putting this to be safe.**



Do we ever get to put Koth and Senya in their place about some things? They've gotten to act as if their world and their people are the only ones that suffer and the only ones that matter. Nevermind that their Immortal Emperor(Valkorian) turned an entire planet's surface to ash, had his fleet carve a bloody swath through the rest of the galaxy, and did all sorts of terrible things but no, thats not important to the Zakuulians. Koth complains that we shouldn't let Zakuulian civilians aid us, I guess he figures the rest of the galaxy should have to suffer more losses because of his stupid people. And Senya has the gall to act so disgusted towards Kaliyo because she "Bombs her people", uh lady pretty sure your people have done so much worse to everyone else so wheres that anger and disgust go for that?


It pisses me off that I haven't gotten a chance to say anything and that NO ONE has said anything about it to them. It's like screw the rest of the galaxy, it's all about Zakuul, everyone else can just die and it's no biggie but if one Zakuulian civilian dies it's the worst crime ever.




Anyone else feelin' this too? It's like the rest of the galaxy is marginalized and not cared about. At least as far as I have seen with the dialog choices I've made thus far.


Senya Is Actually Pissed Off With The Things Arcann Has Done And I Think If It Wasn't For The Commander/Outlander/PC,She Would Have Stormed The Eternal Throne Herself When Arcann Bombarded Those 5 Worlds For Physicological Warfare But Koth Always Whine Regardless Wheter You Choose To Save The Civilians By Letting Havoc Train Them Or Just Leave Them Armored And Have Havoc Act As Your Main Squad,And Another Fellow Said,They Are A Spoiled Society,Kaliyo Is Right When She Says Some Alderaanian Nobles Have More Backbone.

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Senya, just like Koth was before his boo hoo I'm going home BS must not have been listening to my character or observing his actions. My Sith Warrior Varixx is 100 percent committed to destroying the entire planet and everyone on it. Valkorian's children have murdered billions, worlds have be set on fire, the galaxy is being pumped for riches and resources, and the socialites of Zakuul watch people of the galaxy die in bloodsport competitions, many of the contestants unwilling participants. I rolled my eyes when Senya got upset over bombings by Firebrand.


If I have my way: Everything about the Eternal Empire will be destroyed, burned, or taken for the restoration of the Sith Empire. Arcaan and his sister will die. Valkorian will be banished.


I have a feeling at some point she and I are going to have issues....

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Their ignorance annoys me (There is no ignorance, there is knowledge. There's no...) Luckily my 2 mains are an unorthodox JK and a LS SI, so even though I'm Light V, my char's conscious can hate Zakuul with all of their hate. Sure, I'll give Zakuuls one chance to switch sides. I'll give Arcann and Vaylin a chance to redeem themselves (just as I did with Vitiate in JK story). ONCE. No more. After (if) they refuse, I'll build a Death Star, blow Zakuul to molecules then throw the ashes in a black hole. Ofc, first I'll make an announcement from the Throne smashing into those pea brains who am I. Seriously, I'll Force Choke the next person who calls me Outlander. Senya will have a chance to redeem herself, too.

Koth will be fed to flesh eating bacteria, then threw on Ziost to see what his worshipped Emperor did, then he shall experience what a full-scale orbital bombardment feels like.

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Yes, I do feel this way too. This amasing patience Outlander listen to Koth with - it's not something that many Outlanders will posess, ever.


They're a reflection of a spoiled society. Remember that every whim is taken care of by droids, they've been secure from threats forever, they want for nothing.


So yeah when a couple of people die in a bombing its an amazingly huge tragedy.


I look at it as the first casualty in WW2 was probably hugely reported on and people knew about it and were pissed off about it, and reacted to it. By D-Day when thousands died in an hour, society was used to those losses and their reaction to the news would have been different.


I think that's spot on. The trouble with Koth and Senia that they protect people who have seen none of the horrors Republic and Empire have been leaving for many years. They demand special attention for that poor citizens of Zakuul who are so bored that they play terrorists, watch a reality show of Alderaanian nobles killing each other on Saturday evening and clap and giggle then they see a pile of burning droids. Granted, not all Zakuulians are good white little ships, we seen people on the run, people in the slums, people wanting to make a stand against the ruling family. But Koth wants every Zakuulian to have special treatment and be put above Reps and Imps. That annoys me. It's like real life stories of people who had a fit because they had to wait for a hole in their roof to be fixed after hurricane. While fixers were too busy digging their neighbors from the the wreckage. Or had no *********** way to fix that roof without breaking a neck.


It makes some sense for a lightsider to put up with all that. Up to a point, since even if you choose to take risks and protect people at any turn and try to make sure that they can do so themselves Koth is still upset. Why? So he or Senia have some insane troll justification to turn on Outlander and story demands that there will be a betrayal? Because Zakuulians will have to face a horror of not having a morning cup of cocoa and actually help?


I can understand the shock, stress, pressures that they face. I can not understand the fact that there is no way to point out that they are not the only ones having a hard time and Outlander is not a god to snap his/her fingers to fix it all. Actually, it may be the reason... From Koth's POV, we do have a God Emperor in our heads and Koth may expect Outlander to walts into Ethernal Trone room and kick Arcann out of the chair and put Valyn into corner.


Ehh, anyway, suddenly going for realism and trying to show us how people will react to war is somewhat questionable decision. We will see how it will resolve itself. But I guess that getting Koth and Senia to visit Ziost or planets bombed or just tell them to go and do all they want themselves is too much to dream about.

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