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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Pvpers - spoiled, or unsatiable?


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I dont know. Ask all the huttball deathmatchers.


Some people cant handle objective play. Some people need the simpleness of "kill him" as their only objective. I really dont wish my favorite mmo to make wzs catered to that market however. Its a little... simple.. for my taste. You enjoy yourself however. Do what makes you happy :)


problem with that is that for the moment this is the only warzone that is going to pop, mostly because they know people wouldent play it if they had a choice, as for the 'simpleness of kill him' as you bring up it is not really the case, with the other game modes you are encouraged into fights, either with few objectives ensuring that the figting and the objective capping will be concentrated, or in the case of huttball with the fact that unless your team is dominating compleatly you will have to fight their ball carrier in order to retake it at some point.


setting it us as having to either be about killing or objectives is poor designe, a well designed wz would combine those two

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Ranged have an advantage because they can burst me down and take the node.

I can't do anything about it, they either lure me off the node and cap it or kill me and cap it anyway.

If I approach the node ranged burst me down while I get to it. It's a no win situation.


It's not like I ignored objectives just to deathmatch before. Just ask Lhance. I stop caps, defend if I have to, etc.


How is this different than any other map if your using burst as the reason? If you are getting lured of blown away thats not the maps issue.


This map is a different style, you need to adapt, but if you are getting hammered as easily as you say then the map wont matter.


I'm not trying to insult you but I truly feel like this is more of a you not wanting to adapt than the map itself issue. If you stand there getting hammered that's you.... if they are attacking you from outside the zone find cover, they have to walk into it to cap it then you pounce. I'm not a melee player but a fixed control point favors you more than any ranged unless you sit there and take it

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problem with that is that for the moment this is the only warzone that is going to pop, mostly because they know people wouldent play it if they had a choice, as for the 'simpleness of kill him' as you bring up it is not really the case, with the other game modes you are encouraged into fights, either with few objectives ensuring that the figting and the objective capping will be concentrated, or in the case of huttball with the fact that unless your team is dominating compleatly you will have to fight their ball carrier in order to retake it at some point.


setting it us as having to either be about killing or objectives is poor designe, a well designed wz would combine those two


What are you talking about? This mode is not all objective and no kill. Your example was. This mode is highly objective and as most other maps, killing makes doing the objective far easier. Can you no kill and cap at NC or CW (or AHG)? Yes. Does killing make it easier. Ofc.


And there is no problem with only having the 2 new warzones pop for 48 hours. If you cant wait 48 hours to do regular wzs, i recommend you do ranked (new season btw...)

Edited by AndriusAjax
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Everyone here is right. The mode sucks, we get it. You want a map that has LoS objects if you're melee, has wide open spaces if you're ranged, and lets you solo cap from whoever is guarding.



I'm impressed by how many people think that they on their favorite class should be able to win against whichever class it is that's giving them pains... The map is not balanced perfectly for each spec. I'm sure everyone (who's honestly critical and not here for a whinefest) will agree that some points are better for melee, and some for ranged.


Not all classes will preform equally in all given situations. That will never happen. Just accept that, and enjoy a new game mode.


To those that for some reason think this map splits killing and objective play - how about you try out the map, and THEN comment? You clearly haven't, if that's your experience from it.

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everyone here is right. The mode sucks, we get it. You want a map that has los objects if you're melee, has wide open spaces if you're ranged, and lets you solo cap from whoever is guarding.



I'm impressed by how many people think that they on their favorite class should be able to win against whichever class it is that's giving them pains... The map is not balanced perfectly for each spec. I'm sure everyone (who's honestly critical and not here for a whinefest) will agree that some points are better for melee, and some for ranged.


Not all classes will preform equally in all given situations. That will never happen. Just accept that, and enjoy a new game mode.


To those that for some reason think this map splits killing and objective play - how about you try out the map, and then comment? You clearly haven't, if that's your experience from it.




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How is this different than any other map if your using burst as the reason? If you are getting lured of blown away thats not the maps issue.


This map is a different style, you need to adapt, but if you are getting hammered as easily as you say then the map wont matter.


I'm not trying to insult you but I truly feel like this is more of a you not wanting to adapt than the map itself issue. If you stand there getting hammered that's you.... if they are attacking you from outside the zone find cover, they have to walk into it to cap it then you pounce. I'm not a melee player but a fixed control point favors you more than any ranged unless you sit there and take it


Being lured away and killed is not the issue, it's the fact that there is literally no way that I can counter this on this map. If I move away from the node we stop getting points for it, so all he has to do is lure me away or kill me. He has no incentive to get within my range.


There is no hard cap, if I'm not there nothing happens. Do you understand?

If the fixed point is lost the moment I step out of it then ranged inherently has the advantage.

Edited by Ruhun
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Everyone here is right. The mode sucks, we get it. You want a map that has LoS objects if you're melee, has wide open spaces if you're ranged, and lets you solo cap from whoever is guarding.



I'm impressed by how many people think that they on their favorite class should be able to win against whichever class it is that's giving them pains... The map is not balanced perfectly for each spec. I'm sure everyone (who's honestly critical and not here for a whinefest) will agree that some points are better for melee, and some for ranged.


Not all classes will preform equally in all given situations. That will never happen. Just accept that, and enjoy a new game mode.


To those that for some reason think this map splits killing and objective play - how about you try out the map, and THEN comment? You clearly haven't, if that's your experience from it.


I just find it funny that a map with such close quarters against classes with all kinds of leaps and gap closers that this is somehow unbalanced in favor of ranged classes. Most of these rooms are far smaller than my max range, that puts me at an automatic disadvantage as a merc.


It will always vary some from class to class but close quarters maps have generally always favored melee classes unless the melee are doing it wrong. Huttball used to favor me till they went Oprah and gave everyone leaps and pulls for example, now... not so much unless they have burned their cooldowns

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Being lured away and killed is not the issue, it's the fact that there is literally no way that I can counter this on this map. If I move away from the node we stop getting points for it, so all he has to do is lure me away or kill me. He has no incentive to get within my range.


There is no hard cap, if I'm not there nothing happens. Do you understand?

If the fixed point is lost the moment I step out of it then ranged inherently has the advantage.


Just use all your DCD and milk the clock all you can. The rounds arent long, and you jugs essentially have 2-3 lives anyway.


And ya, try to guard the nodes catered to melees (the small ones, South East and West I believe) Dont guard north alone.

Edited by AndriusAjax
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I just find it funny that a map with such close quarters against classes with all kinds of leaps and gap closers that this is somehow unbalanced in favor of ranged classes. Most of these rooms are far smaller than my max range, that puts me at an automatic disadvantage as a merc.


It will always vary some from class to class but close quarters maps have generally always favored melee classes unless the melee are doing it wrong. Huttball used to favor me till they went Oprah and gave everyone leaps and pulls for example, now... not so much unless they have burned their cooldowns


Huttball generally favors Snipers, Ops, Sorcs, and Jugs for different reasons.


In this new map there hasn't been a single point where I felt like melee was the way to go. Ranged and Sorcs with their slows and pushbacks are clearly favored here.


Just use all your DCD and milk the clock all you can. The rounds arent long, and you jugs essentially have 2-3 lives anyway.


And ya, try to guard the nodes catered to melees (the small ones, South East and West I believe) Dont guard north alone.


I rarely play Jug. Mara is my main.

Edited by Ruhun
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Huttball generally favors Snipers, Ops, Sorcs, and Jugs for different reasons.


In this new map there hasn't been a single point where I felt like melee was the way to go. Ranged and Sorcs with their slows and pushbacks are clearly favored here.




I rarely play Jug. Mara is my main.


i think your view is a little skewed and you need to make adjustments, again no offense but it feel like you are approaching it wrong based on the points youve mentioned.


Oh and dont lump all ranged in with the Sorc overlords, all ranged are not created equal, lol

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Seriously, look at all the new threads... Almost all of them are complaints about how the new map sucks, is too hard for a pug, etc. What is wrong with you?


First of all, the new map is hard? What's wrong with that? Why do you want an easy map?


Premades have an advantage? Where don't they? This is seriously a joke.


Complicated to understand? Firsy of all, it's not that complicated. Secondly, you finally have a map where you can't kill your way to a win, and that seems like a good thing to me.


Even S7 gets complaints... Geez

And before all the "we pay, we deserve this" comments - you pay for what you get, not the other way around.


Try enjoying the new stuff, instead of crying rivers.


Preach brotha...



Only that I was tired of doing it 100% of every queue, I've just stopped queuing wz till Thursday.


This is actually a valid complaint. Doing the same WZ over and over gets tired, no matter how good the map may be. BW definitely needs to fix the queues. Odessen will fit nicely in a rotation with the other WZs.


In the meantime, if you get tired of Odessen...just queue Yolo, or GRanked. :cool:

Edited by DarthOvertone
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This is actually a valid complaint. Doing the same WZ over and over gets tired, no matter how good the map may be. BW definitely needs to fix the queues. Odessen will fit nicely in a rotation with the other WZs.


In the meantime, if you get tired of Odessen...just queue Yolo, or GRanked. :cool:


I agree that is a valid complaint. In fact, it's the only legitimate one I've seen. And yeah - Do some ranked or wait two (2) days. No one will die.

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Preach brotha...





This is actually a valid complaint. Doing the same WZ over and over gets tired, no matter how good the map may be. BW definitely needs to fix the queues. Odessen will fit nicely in a rotation with the other WZs.


In the meantime, if you get tired of Odessen...just queue Yolo, or GRanked. :cool:


which works great for those who have any interest at all in ranked, the rest of us, not so much

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i think your view is a little skewed and you need to make adjustments, again no offense but it feel like you are approaching it wrong based on the points youve mentioned.


Oh and dont lump all ranged in with the Sorc overlords, all ranged are not created equal, lol


Sorcs tower above all.


I get the objectives, the map itself isn't that hard.

It's just difficult to coordinate now more than ever, so if I'm playing objectively like I usually do I'm going to be steamrolled by several ranged players camping at the node.

If I manage to get it, 1 or 2 ranged players can take me down or force me off the node.


People always assume I have two leaps, but as Carnage I have one and the Saber Ward immunity utility lasts around 4/5 seconds. So I'm out of that node pretty gosh darn quickly or dead.


On the other hand Solo Ranked has been popping near instantly, so there's that.

I don't know about GSF, but I am feeling that itch again.

Edited by Ruhun
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Sorcs tower above all.


I get the objectives, the map itself isn't that hard.

It's just difficult to coordinate now more than ever, so if I'm playing objectively like I usually do I'm going to be steamrolled by several ranged players camping at the node.

If I manage to get it, 1 or 2 ranged players can take me down or force me off the node.


People always assume I have two leaps, but as Carnage I have one and the Saber Ward immunity utility lasts around 4/5 seconds. So I'm out of that node pretty gosh darn quickly or dead.


...then what were you doing at that node in the first place? If its 2~3 ranged camping on a single node, surely the rest 5~6 players who are spread apart at the least in two different nodes can't be all ranged. Go hit other nodes. That's the point of domination game flow -- constant movement rather than a fixed node defense.

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...then what were you doing at that node in the first place? If its 2~3 ranged camping on a single node, surely the rest 5~6 players who are spread apart at the least in two different nodes can't be all ranged. Go hit other nodes. That's the point of domination game flow -- constant movement rather than a fixed node defense.


2/3 of the other players are wandering around aimlessly. Some on purpose because **** this map.

The others are trying to cap the next node, to no avail.

This has been my experience in every single match I've been in.


I'm glad that you have been gifted with extremely skilled Pugs, but that is not the case for me.

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Sorcs tower above all.


I get the objectives, the map itself isn't that hard.

It's just difficult to coordinate now more than ever, so if I'm playing objectively like I usually do I'm going to be steamrolled by several ranged players camping at the node.

If I manage to get it, 1 or 2 ranged players can take me down or force me off the node.


People always assume I have two leaps, but as Carnage I have one and the Saber Ward immunity utility lasts around 4/5 seconds. So I'm out of that node pretty gosh darn quickly or dead.


Noone is going to take down "several" players or even 2 most of the time. If thats what you think you are supposed to be able to do you are mistaken. Getting caught with all your cooldowns blown after a fight is also usually bad if the other guys has his most of the time.

Whatever... its clear there is no middle ground to be had but i strongly suggest you consider altering your methodology on this map.

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Noone is going to take down "several" players or even 2 most of the time. If thats what you think you are supposed to be able to do you are mistaken. Getting caught with all your cooldowns blown after a fight is also usually bad if the other guys has his most of the time.

Whatever... its clear there is no middle ground to be had but i strongly suggest you consider altering your methodology on this map.


I am able to take down 2 players every no and then.

AOE roar to stun then burst the squishy one down, there's no science to it.


Issue is that I can't leave the node or they cap it, so I'm a sitting duck.

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I am able to take down 2 players every no and then.

AOE roar to stun then burst the squishy one down, there's no science to it.


Issue is that I can't leave the node or they cap it, so I'm a sitting duck.


As i said, most of the time... Even a horrible Merc like me can take down 2 on occasion and get a cap so im sure others can.


Read what you just wrote though... cant leave the node or THEY cap it. Dont stand in the square and be a sitting duck, stay close enough that when they walk in you srping into action.


I dont know what else to say, its clear you want it handed to you. im done... good luck

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As i said, most of the time... Even a horrible Merc like me can take down 2 on occasion and get a cap so im sure others can.


Read what you just wrote though... cant leave the node or THEY cap it. Dont stand in the square and be a sitting duck, stay close enough that when they walk in you srping into action.


I dont know what else to say, its clear you want it handed to you. im done... good luck


I know how the map works dude, like I said before I just don't like it.

I have to get up in their grill to be effective, but it's just not possible to prevent cap while doing so.

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"Secondly, you finally have a map where you can't kill your way to a win"


Umm..... we pvp so..... killing is what we kind of want to do. There are plenty of maps where you don't kill your way to a win- they are called pve ops..........


Not me. Please put me out of that "we".


To me, PvP was *never* about killing other chars. To me, it was about *contest* ...

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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PVPers are in no way spoiled in this game, lmao. First new warzone in 2 years. Should be a new arena and a new warzone every year (same with a new raid every year). Who cares about flashpoints? How about some steady, legit endgame content (warzones/arenas and raids). Oh wait, this game is for casuals and Bioware needs to (understandably) remain profitable. Edited by Hoppinswtor
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Sages and VG will have a blast. You destroy people from a distance.


I'm on Jugs and Maras all day. I need to get up close and personal, and if I am going to play objectively and not deathmatch as others assume I do I am going to have a very, very hard time.


I'm on Sentinels and Juggs all day as well. And i think the map is well designed. Ranged cant take the node without stepping in. Step out. Los. Step in to keep node. Step out. Los. Rinse Repeat. You shouldnt be dominated like you claim to be.


If the nodes them selves favor ranged, then most certainly the tunnels favor melee. Only two directions for them to go unless they want to run into a wall.


As for the LOS of nodes, I guess you might have to just use ops chat to call out inc and to read and respond to inc calls. If you practice this enough, you might get good at it and actually do it in other wzs too where you have visibility as well.


Also im always in top 3 in damage on my team AND top 3 in objective points. It can be done, I do it every time.

Edited by Mikeieveli
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I'm on Sentinels and Juggs all day as well. And i think the map is well designed. Ranged cant take the node without stepping in. Step out. Los. Step in to keep node. Step out. Los. Rinse Repeat. You shouldnt be dominated like you claim to be.


If the nodes them selves favor ranged, then most certainly the tunnels favor melee. Only two directions for them to go unless they want to run into a wall.


As for the LOS of nodes, I guess you might have to just use ops chat to call out inc and to read and respond to inc calls. If you practice this enough, you might get good at it and actually do it in other wzs too where you have visibility as well.


Also im always in top 3 in damage on my team AND top 3 in objective points. It can be done, I do it every time.


Except that Ranged don't have to step out. If I LoS them why would the chase me?

If the ranged is playing objectives and not chasing kills he will not get out of the node.

I have to get out to do damage, ranged can open on me from the node.

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