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if you just gonna leave the flashpoint cause of non spacebarers


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Honestly just seperate the gf que into 'story' and 'farm' sections. Obviously in story it is mandatory to skip and in farm its mandatory to spacebar (or just disable dialogues).



This way everyone gets what they want and u can kick people not abiding to this system.

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That cuts both ways when dictating how others players play.


I believe in democracy so if its three people that want to spacebar and one wants to watch the cut scenes, I believe the majority should win. Usually if its split two and two and I'm on a bad day ill bring up the decision to roll, but I hardly ever do that. However keep in mind the player watching the cut scenes dictate how others play in a messed up sort of way as well, even though it at times may be intended.


As I said, in that very post, it's one thing to set some ground rules. This involves actual discussion before the group gets moving though, instead of harassing a player or players for not hitting the SB fast enough. The problem there is, of course, that people that are in that much of a hurry don't have time to be democratic about it, they expect everyone to play a certain way, and then demand that they do so. We've seen an example of that in this very thread.


The issue isn't "I want to skip the cutscenes", the issue is how one goes about "enforcing" that choice. It's amazing what 2 minutes of discussion before running in with both guns/sabers blazing can accomplish to that end, as opposed to "ZOMG, SB1111!!!!eleven!!111".

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That's silly - it's generally random first of all, and just because I have time to run through it, doesn't mean I have the time or the desire to let you immerse yourself in a story I care nothing for. I do group content because I enjoy the challenges and the social aspect of it.


One of these statements has to be false. Enjoying the social aspect of it would mean being sociable in the group, and demanding that people spacebar through conversations that they may not have seen, or frankly that they may enjoy is antisocial.


If you can't play well with others, don't queue. I'll let someone watch the cut-scenes if they want, but I'll also ask them to spacebar if I'm tight on time. I have no problem saying something right away.


Good advice. I take it you have established premades, as opposed to "ZOMG SB!!!!111!!!1eleven"? The problem with these two split stated positions is that they are diametrically opposed to each other. You have time to run it, but you don't have the time, or the desire to let someone immerse themselves in a story you care nothing about, and yet, you also claim that you have no problem with doing just that?

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It depends on the queue and the FP - I'd assume anyone in HM has seen the SM FP already, and if there is a solo mode for the FP, I'd be a lot more sympathetic to (polite) requests to spacebar.



(I'm here for the story; I'll usually let a cutscene run on my own)

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The more demanding a player is, the less likely I am to spacebar.


I've already entered flaspoints I've run umpteen times, fully intending to spacebar, but refusing to once someone started shouting OMG SKIP because another player hadn't hit spacebar fast enough.


This has been me for the past two years and I've never been booted. I remember last year a guy had the audacity to tell me in a fp "If you want to watch the cinematic and dialogue, do it on your own time. I'm doing speed runs so you'll just have to come back for it". I laughed in his face and I, him, group & all sat through every millisecond of cinematics and dialogue for the rest of the fp. I wouldn't have minded skipping but for him to suggest that my enjoyment didn't matter within the group confines and I was simply a tool for his ascension got me steaming under the collar. Some people have no comprehension of audacity.

Edited by Aeristash
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Actually I do, because then I abort the sequence and remove them from the group; and there ain't a *********** thing you can do about it. Whine and complain and whiteknight and think mean thoughts about me all you want; it doesn't change a thing about how I conduct myself inside of this game.


You know what? YOU don't get to tell ME what I queue for. I queue for a flashpoint to clear mobs, get crystals and usually I'm in there helping level somone up. I do not queue for cutscenes; and you don't get to decide that I do. I don't give a **** if the cutscenes are included in the flashpoints or not. The class story quests are included in the base game and I have several 65s despite only doing sorc story once because the writing is embarrassing.

Good post, despite peoples attempts to tell you otherwise.

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It takes two votes to kick...which means you need one other person to agree with you. If you're consistently running with a friend and kicking people together because you don't like their non-gameplay choices, then there's a strong chance that you're more of a bully than an arbiter of justice.


There is no rule for conversations. There may be an unwritten rule about skipping convo's when running with friends, but it ends there. No one's time is more important than the others and when you add a stranger to the mix, the unwritten rule is null and void. If you don't like the idea that someone is going to watch the cut scenes (and there can be many reasons why someone would do this other than actually watching them), it is far more noble to remove yourself from the group than it is to become a self-appointed zealot of unwritten rules.


Yes, it's annoying. I have watched them all and have no desire to see them again. But, who am I...or anyone else...to tell another player they can't watch them because I have? Further, with all of the new players running around, I assume this is even more common than before 4.0. Regardless, from a personal viewpoint, I find the people making constant demands far more annoying than the movie watchers. I can empathize with the desire to watch them or take a quick break. I have a hard time empathizing with a person who can't play well with others.


If I'm in a FP where someone is losing their mind because people won't adhere to their demands, I'll either vote-kick that person or vote against any idea they have....just on principle. An ignore follows shortly thereafter. More often than not, these are the people ruining the experience for others...not the movie watchers.


There's a huge difference between being slightly annoyed about having to wait, and going nuts because you don't get your way. Those who automatically go from the former to the latter seem to be the larger problem to me. :rolleyes:

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One of these statements has to be false. Enjoying the social aspect of it would mean being sociable in the group, and demanding that people spacebar through conversations that they may not have seen, or frankly that they may enjoy is antisocial.

Watching cut-scenes is about as social as going to a movie alone and pretending it was a social event because there were other people watching it as well.

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Watching cut-scenes is about as social as going to a movie alone and pretending it was a social event because there were other people watching it as well.


Except that going to a movie isn't a social event, unless you go with friends, in which case it is a social event. I realize that this is a difficult concept, hence you snipped out the last half of my post, but that doesn't make it any less true. Being antisocial to people who want to do something because you don't want to do it isn't being social, and isn't enjoying the social aspects of it. Now, we can try to twist concepts, that's a pretty common ploy when people type before thinking, but frankly, it's not going to change anything. You contradicted yourself in one post, claiming that you have no problem letting someone watch them if they want, all the while stating that you have neither the time nor the desire to do so. One of those statements is false. So I take it that this post is an admission to "I have no problem letting them do so if they want" is the false statement?

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It's not self-entitled, it's getting what you pay for, plain and simple. You're the one that feels you are entitled to "get a vote" on how someone uses the game they pay for, that's self-entitlement.


Actually, yes he does. With another person in the group to tell that person adios.

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Except that going to a movie isn't a social event, unless you go with friends, in which case it is a social event. I realize that this is a difficult concept, hence you snipped out the last half of my post, but that doesn't make it any less true. Being antisocial to people who want to do something because you don't want to do it isn't being social, and isn't enjoying the social aspects of it. Now, we can try to twist concepts, that's a pretty common ploy when people type before thinking, but frankly, it's not going to change anything. You contradicted yourself in one post, claiming that you have no problem letting someone watch them if they want, all the while stating that you have neither the time nor the desire to do so. One of those statements is false. So I take it that this post is an admission to "I have no problem letting them do so if they want" is the false statement?

Bob...you need to stop reading things that aren't said.


If I have time, I have no problem letting someone watch the cut-scenes. If it's someones first time, I enjoy telling them what to expect and I'm more than happy to answer any questions anyone may have.


If I'm short on time, I make sure it's known ahead of time that I'm short on time so I don't hold anyone back. Since the majority of FPs tend to be speed runs, I never really encounter any issues over this...but I tell people out of courtesy.


And thank you for acknowledging and confirming my point about a movie not being a social event.

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then just dont join




i SB and i hate waiting but i hate people more that complain over everything you bunch of self serving donkeys


Agree with you OP. They are also the main ones complaining that no one wants to do groups anymore. Gee I wonder why?


However as others in this thread have said, work this stuff out before you join a group.

Edited by DreadtechSavant
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Bob...you need to stop reading things that aren't said.


If I have time, I have no problem letting someone watch the cut-scenes. If it's someones first time, I enjoy telling them what to expect and I'm more than happy to answer any questions anyone may have.


If I'm short on time, I make sure it's known ahead of time that I'm short on time so I don't hold anyone back. Since the majority of FPs tend to be speed runs, I never really encounter any issues over this...but I tell people out of courtesy.


And thank you for acknowledging and confirming my point about a movie not being a social event.


Firstly, discussing what one would like to happen beforehand is my preferred method of FP running, if I'm pugging. I believe you'll find I've stated that very thing in this thread, even.


Secondly, I didn't confirm it. In fact, I stated, quite clearly, in the first line of the post you quoted that if you go with friends, which is a closer analogy to running a FP than going solo to the movies, it is, in fact a social event. The problem isn't that I read something you didn't say, the problem is that I read what you did say, even if what you did say wasn't what you meant. I can't interpret meaning, I can only read what's presented.


It would seem that we agree: Laying out the ground rules before the run starts is a "must". If everyone's on the same page, there can be no misunderstandings, and no demands set. If someone isn't on board, the group can be changed w/out the need to get harsh, or confrontational. This is a non issue, and should be happening from the get go. The issue comes in when it's "understood" that this is what's happening, when the reality is, it's not. Assumptions are bad, and should be eliminated from the conversation.

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then just dont join




i SB and i hate waiting but i hate people more that complain over everything you bunch of self serving donkeys


The only FP I will do this in is Ess/BT simply due to the shear number of convos (watching all the convos takes as long as the rest of the FP). but even then I will state ahead of time, "please let me know now if you are not going to spacebar, I have done this FP too many times to sit through the convos again. I will leave. Thank you."


All other FPs, I may or may not spacebar but I never request it from others. If someone else asks nicely to spacebar I will.

Edited by psandak
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If 3 of 4 players want to skip... stop being selfish bastard and skip. When 3 of 4 players dont want to skip... the same.

Logic always win

This is always how I do it. Even if I hadn't done the FP, I always went with what the group was doing.

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So because people want to enjoy the full experience of what they paid for, you want to kick and ignore. How did I see this comment coming, as I've said before, it's really sad that so many people with anti-social personality disorder find their way to MMO's.


Its really sad when people project their own issues on others. I hate to burst your bubble, but when YOU decide, over the 3 other people in the group that YOU want to watch the cutscenes and screw everyone else it is YOU that is being anti-social. They paid for their game just as much as you have. THEIR choice is just as valid as yours.

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It takes two votes to kick...which means you need one other person to agree with you. If you're consistently running with a friend and kicking people together because you don't like their non-gameplay choices, then there's a strong chance that you're more of a bully than an arbiter of justice.


There is no rule for conversations. There may be an unwritten rule about skipping convo's when running with friends, but it ends there. No one's time is more important than the others and when you add a stranger to the mix, the unwritten rule is null and void. If you don't like the idea that someone is going to watch the cut scenes (and there can be many reasons why someone would do this other than actually watching them), it is far more noble to remove yourself from the group than it is to become a self-appointed zealot of unwritten rules.


Yes, it's annoying. I have watched them all and have no desire to see them again. But, who am I...or anyone else...to tell another player they can't watch them because I have? Further, with all of the new players running around, I assume this is even more common than before 4.0. Regardless, from a personal viewpoint, I find the people making constant demands far more annoying than the movie watchers. I can empathize with the desire to watch them or take a quick break. I have a hard time empathizing with a person who can't play well with others.


If I'm in a FP where someone is losing their mind because people won't adhere to their demands, I'll either vote-kick that person or vote against any idea they have....just on principle. An ignore follows shortly thereafter. More often than not, these are the people ruining the experience for others...not the movie watchers.


There's a huge difference between being slightly annoyed about having to wait, and going nuts because you don't get your way. Those who automatically go from the former to the latter seem to be the larger problem to me. :rolleyes:



Well said, and correct from beginning to end. I don't care to see em after about twice, but some, like my wife, like to see their new clothes in the movies and the people, even if they don't understand what's being said, lol. Really funny to see someone lose their mind about her not spacebarring, but I'm glad she can't read it. It's crazy how people lose their minds over a few minutes total, I can't imagine them in traffic, though they prob rarely leave their basements :-P

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Actually, yes he does. With another person in the group to tell that person adios.


And people wonder why the player base is shrinking? With anti-socials like this running around, there's no wonder. I'm guessing your also contribute to the vapidity of gen chat? Way to ruin/shrink/kill off the game faster with your anti-social personality disorder.

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Agree with you OP. They are also the main ones complaining that no one wants to do groups anymore. Gee I wonder why?


However as others in this thread have said, work this stuff out before you join a group.


The REALLY bad part is that it's not just making people not want to do group activities, it's making people leave the game. What should be a fun social game experienced is being ruined by a certain number of people here with basement personality disorder and ruining the fun and driving people away from the game.

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