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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

if you just gonna leave the flashpoint cause of non spacebarers


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THANKFULLY, with level 50 comps you tanks aren't all that needed anymore. I've gotten fp's like rishi and the tank drop bc he has low HP and I can use comp tank just fine on many HM FP's, not all, but MANY, and the tacticals, as long as it doesn't bug out, a lvl 50 comp does just as good, same for lvl 50 healer comps, it goes just fine. Blood Hunt tactical bugs out and the comp ends up just laying on the ground animation, I think they got knocked off, but yeah, tanks, not that special anymore for FP's.


So this is much ado about nothing then, right? You're just here to assert your will because us peon Americans shouldn't have any right to play the game the way we want because what, we required that you actually work for a living while you were here, instead of your waiting on a corner for handouts? Maybe one of those "mean Americans" stole your lunch money?


As an aside, if you're capable of not liking the politics and choosing to not "join that group" as far as countries go, why is it so hard for you, since you claim you can replace a tank or healer with a comp, to not like the politics in a group and refuse to join it in favor of running with your comp? Is it because you don't get to passive aggressively assert your will over a comp, since they will blindly follow you in a FP? You can't get your vengeance on those "evil Americans" by running the FP in solo mode, so you can't run it in solo mode? Yet you're calling me antisocial?

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What class does he do that too? Not inquisitor or Mara right??


So far, I've completed all 6 starfortress hard modes on Inquisitor, Warrior, Trooper, Bountyhunter, Agent, and Jedi Knight. When him and Miot are picking me up at the end, he's hauling me up onto the lowered gang plank. From my perspective, he grabs me between the legs to haul me up. Could be a slight glitch, but his hand and arm are all up in my girly bits.

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So this is much ado about nothing then, right? You're just here to assert your will because us peon Americans shouldn't have any right to play the game the way we want because what, we required that you actually work for a living while you were here, instead of your waiting on a corner for handouts? Maybe one of those "mean Americans" stole your lunch money?


As an aside, if you're capable of not liking the politics and choosing to not "join that group" as far as countries go, why is it so hard for you, since you claim you can replace a tank or healer with a comp, to not like the politics in a group and refuse to join it in favor of running with your comp? Is it because you don't get to passive aggressively assert your will over a comp, since they will blindly follow you in a FP? You can't get your vengeance on those "evil Americans" by running the FP in solo mode, so you can't run it in solo mode? Yet you're calling me antisocial?

he's also here to call us selfish not not doing exactly as he wants us to do
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Actually it is the perfect use of the kick function. If 3 people in a HM FP are asking for 1 person to spacebar, then that 1 person is being Selfish, and shows Disrespect to the others 3 players by refusing to do so. They are wasting 3 other peoples time. That alone is worth a kick from group. Almost every single FP has a Solo mode to it now. Want to watch the cut scenes do solo mode. If that is unacceptable to you, ask 3 guildies to join you. Asking 3 random people in GF to sit there waiting while you watch a video is just wrong. With that being said, If the majority of the group wants to watch the cutscenes, then the rest should sit back and relax and let them watch.


Those are my feelings exactly.


I also want to add that older players should not have to cater to new players, and using group finder is not being social. Being social is actively joining a guild, making game buddies, talking to those buddies/ your guild, participating in what your guild is doing or just playing with other people from your guild. If you aren't doing that, then you are not social.

Edited by cool-dude
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I also want to add that older players should not have to cater to new players

First of all, nobody should ever "have to" do anything.


But I personally don't mind "catering" to new players if I'm using the group finder. The more people that enjoy running group content, the more likely I am to find groups. Today's "new player" may be tomorrow's "raid buddy".

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First of all, nobody should ever "have to" do anything.


But I personally don't mind "catering" to new players if I'm using the group finder. The more people that enjoy running group content, the more likely I am to find groups. Today's "new player" may be tomorrow's "raid buddy".

BINGO!!! I treat everyone like a future guildmate...however, I treat my guildmate's like ****, but they still hang around for some reason ;)

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First of all, nobody should ever "have to" do anything.


But I personally don't mind "catering" to new players if I'm using the group finder. The more people that enjoy running group content, the more likely I am to find groups. Today's "new player" may be tomorrow's "raid buddy".


Agreed, 100%. It also is somewhat related to free player hate too. Oh the free players are all scrubs, f*** them! That attitude will destroy this game. Make a bad experience for a new/free player and are they going to shell out a subscription fee? They're a lot less likely. Plus, you don't even know if a new player is free or not, so again if they're a subscriber are they going to cancel their account if everyone in the game are A-holes? Pretty likely.


And, on the side note... I am firmly in the camp of "If you demand I spacebar, I'll milk it for maximum time" however... if two things happen, I'll gladly spacebar.


1. Everyone wanting to spacebar is polite about it. Ask, dont' demand.


2. Everyone else agrees to spacebar. When it comes to spacebar, I don't really care one way or the other, but I don't do kindly to demands and I think that if even one player wants to watch them, they should be able to.


3. The above doesnt' apply as strictly in Hard Modes, though I still will say something if you are demanding...


You get more flies with honey than vinegar, as they say.

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