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What ever happened to Jadus?


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Will Mr-second-most-powerful-Sith-Lord ever make a return or is he doomed like the rest of our personal stories?


from what was last noted, jadus left known space, not much else is known after that. chances are he may return and throw a massive curveball in the mix.


he always did want to lead the empire and democratize fear :p.

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from what was last noted, jadus left known space, not much else is known after that. chances are he may return and throw a massive curveball in the mix.


he always did want to lead the empire and democratize fear :p.


One thing that always surprised me was that Jadus was never even mentioned during the Dread Master Arc, I always thought he would of became a dread master.

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Darth Jadus, the only Dark Lord of the Sith that Valkorian thought was kinda neat (outside of the player).


I say bring back Jadus and Malgus once this Eternal Empire crap is done with to pick up the pieces and trigger a new Sith Civil War. And have the Republic storyline be about removing Dictator Saresh and restoring the Republic. Don't waste them as KOTFE mooks.

Edited by Nothing_Shines
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One thing that always surprised me was that Jadus was never even mentioned during the Dread Master Arc, I always thought he would of became a dread master.


The Dread Masters would mention him during the Oricon conversation if your character is Agent. They admit his way was a bit similar to them.



Raptus said it:


You learned the power of Lord Jadus, who sees much that we see.



Jadus was the only one who got some idea of the Emperor's doing among the DC during vanilla. I really think he chose to go seclusion because he knew about the Eternal Empire's conquest.

Edited by Slowpokeking
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Darth Jadus, the only Dark Lord of the Sith that Valkorian thought was kinda neat (outside of the player).


I say bring back Jadus and Malgus once this Eternal Empire crap is done with to pick up the pieces and trigger a new Sith Civil War. And have the Republic storyline be about removing Dictator Saresh and restoring the Republic. Don't waste them as KOTFE mooks.


Jadus knew some secrets of the Emperor.

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Darth Jadus, the only Dark Lord of the Sith that Valkorian thought was kinda neat (outside of the player).


I say bring back Jadus and Malgus once this Eternal Empire crap is done with to pick up the pieces and trigger a new Sith Civil War. And have the Republic storyline be about removing Dictator Saresh and restoring the Republic. Don't waste them as KOTFE mooks.


Thank god the game won't last that long ;)

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