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Why doesn't the Consular just shield himself from the Emperor?

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You said this in response to me telling you they've always assumed the player went through content that their participation in was vital to the story.


The loss of Styrak was a vital turning point in the story, it's what sent the remaining Dread Masters over the edge into madness and changed their plan from one of conquest to one of total annihilation.


However, the game does not presume that the particular player character you're doing the Oricon chain with participated in the killing of Styrak -- there is separate dialogue from multiple NPCs depending on whether that particular character had slain Styrak in S&V, or not.


I see no reason that the same sort of thing could not be done with post-KotFE content. My worry is that they won't do something that simple, and will take the lazy way out, and have the game treat ever single character as "an outlander".

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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The loss of Styrak was a vital turning point in the story, it's what sent the remaining Dread Masters over the edge into madness and changed their plan from one of conquest to one of total annihilation.


However, the game does not presume that the particular player character you're doing the Oricon chain with participated in the killing of Styrak -- there is separate dialogue from multiple NPCs depending on whether that particular character had slain Styrak in S&V, or not.


I see no reason that the same sort of thing could not be done with post-KotFE content. My worry is that they won't do something that simple, and will take the lazy way out, and have the game treat ever single character as "an outlander".


I said vital that the character participated in the content. It\s unliky after KOFT because bioware is setting you up as the Outlander, making you build an alliance that is probably going to stay (Since I doubt they would go through te troube of adding the alliance system and alerts if the Alliance would only be temporary). Everything afterwards will be partly about the alliance and the role of the Outlander in the galaxy.

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Once the character 'supposedly' devoured an entire planet, my eyes glazed over and I lost interest in how ever the story will continue. The only interesting parts for me, were the opinions and reflections of some of the companions as the story developed. Kaliyo Djannis for example. She even seemed exasperated. Which is hard to do to a chaotic neutral.


Once you start doing the world, universe, time continuum, whole alternate realities etc devouring/destroying bits, the story just becomes trifling.


So late to the party, but I finally got around to watching Force Awaken film a week or so ago. So IV has a space station the size of a small moon, VI has one somewhat larger.


Then VII has a planet size one that devours the energy of suns. So really, its like a kid saying 'how do you get off the island' and then adds sharks and pterodactyls, and what not as you describe you're attempts and then adds aliens that do everything to off chance any possibility that they have not thought of.

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Once the character 'supposedly' devoured an entire planet, my eyes glazed over and I lost interest in how ever the story will continue. The only interesting parts for me, were the opinions and reflections of some of the companions as the story developed. Kaliyo Djannis for example. She even seemed exasperated. Which is hard to do to a chaotic neutral.


Once you start doing the world, universe, time continuum, whole alternate realities etc devouring/destroying bits, the story just becomes trifling.


So late to the party, but I finally got around to watching Force Awaken film a week or so ago. So IV has a space station the size of a small moon, VI has one somewhat larger.


Then VII has a planet size one that devours the energy of suns. So really, its like a kid saying 'how do you get off the island' and then adds sharks and pterodactyls, and what not as you describe you're attempts and then adds aliens that do everything to off chance any possibility that they have not thought of.


That constant "oh, that's not enough, so now we add THIS!" is kinda childish, yes.

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I said vital that the character participated in the content. It\s unliky after KOFT because bioware is setting you up as the Outlander, making you build an alliance that is probably going to stay (Since I doubt they would go through te troube of adding the alliance system and alerts if the Alliance would only be temporary). Everything afterwards will be partly about the alliance and the role of the Outlander in the galaxy.


Other than the class stories, there is no content for which it's vital that any one particular player character participate in it -- it's only vital for future content that the past content took place, and SOMEONE accomplished the things in the story that are vital to the current events.


Unless Bioware has an epic failure and writes themselves into a massive corner, there's nothing about post KorFE that necessitates any one particular player character being the person who actually was the Outlander -- any more than Styrak's death necessitated every single character being THE character who killed Styrak.

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Other than the class stories, there is no content for which it's vital that any one particular player character participate in it -- it's only vital for future content that the past content took place, and SOMEONE accomplished the things in the story that are vital to the current events.


Unless Bioware has an epic failure and writes themselves into a massive corner, there's nothing about post KorFE that necessitates any one particular player character being the person who actually was the Outlander -- any more than Styrak's death necessitated every single character being THE character who killed Styrak.


A big caveat there; given the quality of writing from either Oricon or back half of Yavin onwards (depending on when you think the story went over the cliff, as opposed to just the edge). The "hard" part will be justifying "why isn't the outlander handling this?" It could be done, but will they bother?

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A big caveat there; given the quality of writing from either Oricon or back half of Yavin onwards (depending on when you think the story went over the cliff, as opposed to just the edge). The "hard" part will be justifying "why isn't the outlander handling this?" It could be done, but will they bother?


For the same reason you can have tabletop RPGs set during the Rebellion era of the OT and not constantly ask "Why aren't Luke, Leia, Han, and Chewie handling this?"


There are hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of inhabited worlds, plus remote outlaw stations, lost colonies, derelict ships, and whatnot. The combined fleets of the Empire and Republic in the vanilla game should have numbered in the many thousands of ships.


We're talking about an entire galaxy here, the scale and scope is immense.


And not every story has to be about The Fate of The Galaxy and All Things In It.

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For the same reason you can have tabletop RPGs set during the Rebellion era of the OT and not constantly ask "Why aren't Luke, Leia, Han, and Chewie handling this?"


There are hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of inhabited worlds, plus remote outlaw stations, lost colonies, derelict ships, and whatnot. The combined fleets of the Empire and Republic in the vanilla game should have numbered in the many thousands of ships.


We're talking about an entire galaxy here, the scale and scope is immense.


And not every story has to be about The Fate of The Galaxy and All Things In It.


They'd have to back away from the galaxy-shattering plots; which they ought to never have escalated to in the first place. The Revanites were enough, they didn't need to bring back Vitiate on top of it.


The only problem I see is that if they do allow you not to have been The Outlander to enter season 2, they have to limit the callbacks and "remember when"s; which is already a problem with some of the classes in some people's minds.


You will note that once you start KotFE, you are still assumed to be Character the Galactic Hero. And the KotFE missions are tagged as class quests... Which means even if you create a new character, advance to 60 by other means, then jump into KotFE, you're still "assumed" to have done your basic class story and the entire SoR chain (presumably with the "canonical" choices and no romance). You may not have done the planetary arcs, but those are the ones that "anyone" could have done. Past performance is no guarantee of future returns, but the odds are against being able to "not do" KotFE, even if you can skip the content. I do think it likely that you will be able to "skip ahead" to season 2 once you're at the starting level (65, probably) for it, just as you can jump to RotHC at 55 and Sor/KotFE at 60. But be prepared to have the assumption made that you were the Outlander, and made the "canonical" choices for your class; just as you can't really skip taking your class's backstory even if you bypass it in-game

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They'd have to back away from the galaxy-shattering plots; which they ought to never have escalated to in the first place. The Revanites were enough, they didn't need to bring back Vitiate on top of it.


The only problem I see is that if they do allow you not to have been The Outlander to enter season 2, they have to limit the callbacks and "remember when"s; which is already a problem with some of the classes in some people's minds.


You will note that once you start KotFE, you are still assumed to be Character the Galactic Hero. And the KotFE missions are tagged as class quests... Which means even if you create a new character, advance to 60 by other means, then jump into KotFE, you're still "assumed" to have done your basic class story and the entire SoR chain (presumably with the "canonical" choices and no romance). You may not have done the planetary arcs, but those are the ones that "anyone" could have done. Past performance is no guarantee of future returns, but the odds are against being able to "not do" KotFE, even if you can skip the content. I do think it likely that you will be able to "skip ahead" to season 2 once you're at the starting level (65, probably) for it, just as you can jump to RotHC at 55 and Sor/KotFE at 60. But be prepared to have the assumption made that you were the Outlander, and made the "canonical" choices for your class; just as you can't really skip taking your class's backstory even if you bypass it in-game


I'm not talking about season 2, I'm talking about post-KotFE entirely.


If the assumption in post-KofTE is that every single character was "the outlander" and went through the events of KotFE, then that would just guarantee that none of my characters ever see a moment of that post-KofTE content. None of my characters will ever do KotFE, none of them will ever be "the outlander", unless KotFE takes a major turn in course, story, feel, content, etc.


If KotFE gets Vitiate Sue out of the character's head soon, and gone, and there are no "but you're something more now!" lasting effects from all this nonsense, then maybe I can blow through the early chapters of KotFE with massive spacebar use and ignore all this garbage. If not, then forget it.

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I'm not talking about season 2, I'm talking about post-KotFE entirely.


If the assumption in post-KofTE is that every single character was "the outlander" and went through the events of KotFE, then that would just guarantee that none of my characters ever see a moment of that post-KofTE content. None of my characters will ever do KotFE, none of them will ever be "the outlander", unless KotFE takes a major turn in course, story, feel, content, etc.


If KotFE gets Vitiate Sue out of the character's head soon, and gone, and there are no "but you're something more now!" lasting effects from all this nonsense, then maybe I can blow through the early chapters of KotFE with massive spacebar use and ignore all this garbage. If not, then forget it.


For season 2, read post-KotFE.


Short-form; it appears you might get your wish as to the first part. The second part we'll have to see how it plays out.


He's gone, for now, anyway; and your training is in the hands of others; who have apparently had an epiphany of the Force. You certainly get the opportunity to tell V. Sue to take his ball and go home, if that's your desire



Like I said, before, I doubt it's going to be any more ignorable in your character's backstory for post-KotFE than your 1-50 class story is, even if you skip playing it by various means. But how much of an effect that backstory will have on the next one? WHo knows; I doubt even the writers do.

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Buck Murdock: Oh, cut the bleeding heart crap, will ya? We've all got our switches, lights, and knobs to deal with, Striker. I mean, down here there are literally hundreds and thousands of blinking, beeping, and flashing lights, blinking and beeping and flashing - they're *flashing* and they're *beeping*. I can't stand it anymore! They're *blinking* and *beeping* and *flashing*! Why doesn't somebody pull the plug!


"Irony can be pretty ironic sometimes."


You win the internet for the day with the Buck Murdock line.

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For season 2, read post-KotFE.


Short-form; it appears you might get your wish as to the first part. The second part we'll have to see how it plays out.


He's gone, for now, anyway; and your training is in the hands of others; who have apparently had an epiphany of the Force. You certainly get the opportunity to tell V. Sue to take his ball and go home, if that's your desire



Like I said, before, I doubt it's going to be any more ignorable in your character's backstory for post-KotFE than your 1-50 class story is, even if you skip playing it by various means. But how much of an effect that backstory will have on the next one? WHo knows; I doubt even the writers do.


I might keep arguing for why it doesn't have to be that way, but I'm very worried that you're right -- that KotFE will literally represent the bridge that some of us simply can't take our characters across, and that Bioware will put ALL new content on the far side of that bridge, even after KotFE is over.

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I might keep arguing for why it doesn't have to be that way, but I'm very worried that you're right -- that KotFE will literally represent the bridge that some of us simply can't take our characters across, and that Bioware will put ALL new content on the far side of that bridge, even after KotFE is over.


Not saying they can't set it up that way. But why should they let you skip your "class story?" They didn't let you skip it in character for the first part (even if you can bypass playing through it by levelling to 55/60 by other means and starting RotHC/SoR from your ship's terminal. (I guess you have to play to your ship to do that, though).


(I'm not trying to be confrontational; it's an honest question. I mean, the ME series may let you choose your options taken in the previous story by an out-of-game mechanism, but it's my understanding your ME sequel character did the previous game(s), even if you didn't.)

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Not saying they can't set it up that way. But why should they let you skip your "class story?" They didn't let you skip it in character for the first part (even if you can bypass playing through it by levelling to 55/60 by other means and starting RotHC/SoR from your ship's terminal. (I guess you have to play to your ship to do that, though).


(I'm not trying to be confrontational; it's an honest question. I mean, the ME series may let you choose your options taken in the previous story by an out-of-game mechanism, but it's my understanding your ME sequel character did the previous game(s), even if you didn't.)


The ME series is a different beast -- there is ONLY Shepherd, and in any playthrough she/he is THE only Shepherd. In SWTOR, there are at least 7 other major characters out there (several companions know each other, for example).


KotFE might be classified in the mechanics as "class story", but it sure as hell isn't actually class story. It's equivalent to Makeb, or SoR -- it's the post-vanilla equivalent of the planetary arcs.

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The ME series is a different beast -- there is ONLY Shepherd, and in any playthrough she/he is THE only Shepherd. In SWTOR, there are at least 7 other major characters out there (several companions know each other, for example).


KotFE might be classified in the mechanics as "class story", but it sure as hell isn't actually class story. It's equivalent to Makeb, or SoR -- it's the post-vanilla equivalent of the planetary arcs.


Fair enough.


But I doubt it's going to matter in the end - Bioware is proud of their New Story Focus; and it's The Story They're Telling. It'd be like asking Lucas to let the prequel trilogy or the Christmas Special out of canon.


I'm not going to urge you to play KotFE, again - this chapter could have been a fluke.While it IMO beat parts of some pre-Ilum class stories, it's merely their best work in KotFE, not the original story; but it's not their worst work compared to pre-Ilum story. It does give me a little hope that they can pull out of the slump, and maybe pull the story out. If they can keep it up, and get away from Vitiate Sue, I might suggest you try it, at least on a Consular. (Class chosen as the force user with the least amount of conflicting class-story baggage, IMO).

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