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Stop Harassment in Warzones


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I never asked for player names. I merely want the context of each situation.


"I was a Commando on my way from the western spawn to the Northwest turret in Denova when an assassin came out of stealth when I was about halfway there. He got me. Respawned and tried going back up there, he got me again!"


A little more detail than that would be nice though.


Okay you want instances, I've had players attack just me in not one but mutiple warzones and knew what they were doing, I've had it happen 1 time where I left the warzone before it was done and the players found me on the Fleet and started doing dancing moves around me making light of the fact of what they've done. I have even had it where a player called me out in a specific warzone and say "I'm coming to get you (gave my username)." right at the beginning of a warzone when they saw me in it (an instane where my best friend and guild mate saw this happen to me.) and she and her entire team bullied me in the warzone and it happened again today where players were stalking killing and I left the warzone and the game entirely and have had enough.


The one on the imp fleet and the one where the player called me out was enough to rack my nerves and people wonder why I want this stopped?

Edited by DarthEnrique
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Okay you want instances, I've had players attack just me in not one but mutiple warzones and knew what they were doing, I've had it happen 1 time where I left the warzone before it was done and the players found me on the Fleet and started doing dancing moves around me making light of the fact of what they've done. I have even had it where a player called me out in a specific warzone and say "I'm coming to get you (gave my username)." right at the beginning of a warzone when they saw me in it (an instane where my best friend and guild mate saw this happen to me.) and she and her entire team bullied me in the warzone and it happened again today where players were stalking killing and I left the warzone and the game entirely and have had enough.

See... if you had led with that, you would have got more sympathy.

Report them, add them to ignore.

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See... if you had led with that, you would have got more sympathy.

Report them, add them to ignore.


I did and it's still happening. I've had enough and that's the point of this post to put an end to it. This is the fourth time I'm done reporting and nothing being done to stop it.

Edited by DarthEnrique
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I did and it's still happening. I've had enough and that's the point of this post to put an end to it.


If that's happening to you constantly (meaning people literally doing nothing but attacking you, ignoring objectives, ignoring other players), you must be in some pretty weird server. I have pvped quite a bit in Red Eclipse, Progenitor and Prophecy of the Five (mostly in lowbie, though) and have never seen anyone do anything like this..

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I did and it's still happening. I've had enough and that's the point of this post to put an end to it. This is the fourth time I'm done reporting and nothing being done to stop it.


Reporting on the forum is not going to resolve the issue. You need to just report in game via ticket or right click and report. That's the only way your going to get a resolution not here. You report in game enough times it will get taken care of may not be right away but it will happen. This is not something you handle here in the forum.

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Reporting on the forum is not going to resolve the issue. You need to just report in game via ticket or right click and report. That's the only way your going to get a resolution not here. You report in game enough times it will get taken care of may not be right away but it will happen. This is not something you handle here in the forum.


Done that it doesn't seem to do anything. For all I know it's the same person/people on different toons (which is highly possible I know because I have what 14 toons total.)

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See... if you had led with that, you would have got more sympathy.

Report them, add them to ignore.


Exactly. His beef seems to be with another guild/group of players, but then tries to act like it's a pervasive community problem where his whole server is harassing him. Given how he just loses his mind at getting killed, I wouldn't be surprised if he whines in gen chat about it, which only encourages people to focus him.


I belong to a PVP guild, and there are certain names that we recognize that we focus on first if we see them in matches. It is out of recognition of their abilities/skill, that if we don't, they will wreck us. But I can tell that isn't the case with the OP, because anyone that good/experienced would know exactly why they are being focused.

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Done that it doesn't seem to do anything. For all I know it's the same person/people on different toons (which is highly possible I know because I have what 14 toons total.)


Just keep reporting, the player(s) will eventually get banned. As someone else pointed out it may take a while primarily because Bioware (and all MMO publishers) require a LOT of "proof" to act.

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While I sympathize with you if they're calling you names, taunting you, focusing you to the detriment of their own team, calling you out before a match, etc...if you are going to continue queuing with these people and not wait for 5-10 minutes to get into another match with non-'bullies' why don't you use this to your team's advantage? Tell your teammates these idiots on the other team are going to waste 3-4 or however many of their players focusing on you the entire warzone. Drag them over to the corners of the map away from objectives, giving your teammates an opening to win the warzone because the idiots on the other team are wasting so much of their time harassing you. Nothing makes those sorts of imbeciles madder than turning the tables on them and winning despite their "harassment", and if they're even the tiniest bit smart, they'll realize this is an utterly stupid waste of their time to chase one person across the map.


Otherwise I'd advise you take a break from pvp for a little while and do something else in the game. After a while they'll forget about you and you'll hopefully forget about them. I've found giving up a particularly frustrating stretch of pvp for about a week or so is a healthier way to handle it than hoping someone at Bioware will see your post and give you some kind of buff that keeps people from attacking you in warzones.


Personally, I'd love it if people I ignore couldn't end up on my team or on the opposite team; I would not mind the extra queue times just to avoid the toxic players in pvp.

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Exactly. His beef seems to be with another guild/group of players, but then tries to act like it's a pervasive community problem where his whole server is harassing him. Given how he just loses his mind at getting killed, I wouldn't be surprised if he whines in gen chat about it, which only encourages people to focus him.


I belong to a PVP guild, and there are certain names that we recognize that we focus on first if we see them in matches. It is out of recognition of their abilities/skill, that if we don't, they will wreck us. But I can tell that isn't the case with the OP, because anyone that good/experienced would know exactly why they are being focused.


You obviously don't seem to realize that people get tired of the same ******** over and over. You obviously don't know how tiring a situation can get. I love how I think that people need to stop doing exactly what causes these problems right here.


And being protective of myself by not giving instances where it's happened so I don't give other players ideas or get the same player(s) repeating what they've already done prior and just focusing on the smart solution to end it all by pointing out the flaws that cause it is wrong how? I'm not "losing my mind" I'm trying to prevent that by doing what is best for myself by not putting out what's happened to my toon in an area where the player who did it is likely to see it and have insentive to do it again or give people the idea to do it to me or other players. What sense does that make?

Edited by DarthEnrique
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Tell your teammates these idiots on the other team are going to waste 3-4 or however many of their players focusing on you the entire warzone. Drag them over to the corners of the map away from objectives, giving your teammates an opening to win the warzone because the idiots on the other team are wasting so much of their time harassing you. Nothing makes those sorts of imbeciles madder than turning the tables on them and winning despite their "harassment", and if they're even the tiniest bit smart, they'll realize this is an utterly stupid waste of their time to chase one person across the map.


Hmm that's actually not a bad idea, thank you.

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There is every reason to kill healers first.


I will again request, give us a run down of one or more specific instances of how you were harassed.


I run PVP occasionally with a sage to farm conquest points. Also, I genuinely enjoy PVP in moderation.


If other players weren't trying to kill my Sage constantly I'd start to worry that I wasn't playing my class right. That's sort of the point. It's kind of hard to win a PVP match if you can't melt opposing players because their healers are out healing your team's damage output.


Or as Yoda might have put it...


Legitimate tactics in consensual PVP do not harassment make.

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I don't care what anyone says, stalking a player and killing them multiple times is harassment as stalking is a form of harassment and is an abuse of a game mechanic to harass a player. I don't care what anyone says the point of warzones is to do the objective, your kills mean nothing if you lose the warzone but people do not get that through their heads


It's called player vs player for a reason. It's not called player vs objective that would be pve. Don't like it don't q up for pvp.

Here is a link that might help you out makes sure to read the oblectives introduction part.


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I was just waiting to see if this was going to turn out to be a thinly veiled "nerf premades" thread.


No its some person that is playing a healer in a warzone and doesn't understand why they are getting focused and burned down asap

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I don't care what anyone says...

Yeah there are some weirdos out there that may develop a thing about you for no good reason, but I think you're making a gross and unreasonable generalization. However I respect your right to be utterly wrong. :rak_07:


Maybe this partial list of reasons will help clarify things for you:


If you're good - You're probably going to get tunneled.

If you have good heal support - You're probably going to get tunneled.

If you're an easy kill - You're probably going to get tunneled.

If you killed someone who sucks at PVP and thinks it's personal for some reason - You're probably going to get tunneled.

If you killed someone who doesn't suck at PVP and likes a challenge - You're probably going to get tunneled.

If you're a decent tank vs. nublets - You're probably going to get tunneled.

If you play focused on objectives - You're probably going to get tunneled.

If you talk **** in /say - You're probably going to get tunneled.

If you're a healer - You're probably going to get tunneled.

If you cap like a ninja - You're probably going to get tunneled.

If you're a Merc/Mando - You're probably going to get tunneled.

If you're an aggressive melee DPS - You're probably going to get tunneled.

If you're a Sniper/GS and pissing everyone off - You're probably going to get tunneled.

If you're wearing pink and purple gear with a funny char or G name - You're probably going to get tunneled.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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I'm guessing that the OP must have done something to piss off his entire server. He's not playing a healer so he must be an easy kill, a PvP god that needs to be shut down, or just someone that is hated. Players don't get repeatedly focused for no reason.
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it's not often that i read through an entire 12 page thread, but this is some seriously good **** here. every poster in it tells him he is wrong, and he responds with "nothing can convince me!", "stop bullying me!" i suspect the reason he doesn't want to get into the details of it is something like, all of this started because he puts stuff like his posts into chat. that's assuming, of course, that they really are after him and not just killing the healer first like any decent pvper does.


@darthenrique: it is difficult to take anything you say seriously when you have spent most of this thread distorting and mischaracterizing what people have told you. numerous people tried to politely explain to you why you are wrong, and what might be happening, only to be told that that was bullying. i don't think that word means what you think it means. i seriously doubt you will get any different response from customer service than you got here, but please tell us about it. i love a good don quixote.

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"Waaaaaa! I need my Safe Space! Waaaaaaaa! Someone is killing my character in PVP! Waaaaa!"


I'm picturing an anime child with oversized features and big tear drops hovering around their face as waterfalls of tears stream from their eyes.


Who typically gets focused down? People who are good and the other side recognizes it, and people that clearly don't know how to defend themselves and burning them down takes little to no effort. I'm guessing you're not the first one.

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