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Stop Harassment in Warzones


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Where is there a difference between what people who bully in high school do and in warzones? There isn't it's the same thing. You're picking on a player for whatever reason, wether it be a healer, a weaker player, whatever, it doesn't matter. 1 player killing a player once okay, twice fine, but over three or higher, is ridiculous and not doing the objective of the warzone. You have goals in the warzone that don't just revolve around killing 1 single player consistently, to me that is not helping your team achieve their objective in the warzone. You're not helping get a turret, or placing a bomb whatever you are just being a down right bully.

I mean, you're wrong... but you seem pretty dead-set in your beliefs that PVP is bad. Just avoid PVP and you will never be "harassed" or "bullied" again.


If you want to have an intelligent discussion on the matter, I'm sure players would want to engage you. But you've merely repeated the same diatribe against this specter of harassment without even giving the slightest of context and absurd personal rules of engagement you feel necessary to enforce on others. Rules that would ruin PVP not make it better; and I am (in my limited time for the game) mostly a PVE player.


3 kill limit against each opponent? What a joke.

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Okay, let me put it this way, what people do in warzones is no different then high school bullies, if anyone remembers this, people where picked on for being different, where they not? Whether they were gay, disabled, unpopular, etc.


Where is there a difference between what people who bully in high school do and in warzones? There isn't it's the same thing. You're picking on a player for whatever reason, wether it be a healer, a weaker player, whatever, it doesn't matter. 1 player killing a player once okay, twice fine, but over three or higher, is ridiculous and not doing the objective of the warzone. You have goals in the warzone that don't just revolve around killing 1 single player consistently, to me that is not helping your team achieve their objective in the warzone. You're not helping get a turret, or placing a bomb whatever you are just being a down right bully.


But if you are standing between me and that turret or being able to place that bomb, what am I supposed to do? Just keep trying to place that bomb or capture that turret while you are standing there breaking my channel? If you put yourself in the path of obtaining the objective, I am going to get you out of that path and that usually means killing you.

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Okay, let me put it this way, what people do in warzones is no different then high school bullies, if anyone remembers this, people where picked on for being different, where they not? Whether they were gay, disabled, unpopular, etc.


Where is there a difference between what people who bully in high school do and in warzones? There isn't it's the same thing. You're picking on a player for whatever reason, wether it be a healer, a weaker player, whatever, it doesn't matter. 1 player killing a player once okay, twice fine, but over three or higher, is ridiculous and not doing the objective of the warzone. You have goals in the warzone that don't just revolve around killing 1 single player consistently, to me that is not helping your team achieve their objective in the warzone. You're not helping get a turret, or placing a bomb whatever you are just being a down right bully.

No, that's not even close.


This is more like you going out for football as a running back and then whining that people are trying to tackle you.


You know the rules. You know what to expect. Either join PvP and PvP, or don't.

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But if you are standing between me and that turret or being able to place that bomb, what am I supposed to do? Just keep trying to place that bomb or capture that turret while you are standing there breaking my channel? If you put yourself in the path of obtaining the objective, I am going to get you out of that path and that usually means killing you.


He's not allowed to attack you more than twice or he's bullying you, though. Just die twice when he attacks you to break your cap and he's not allowed to attack you anymore.

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Okay, let me put it this way, what people do in warzones is no different then high school bullies, if anyone remembers this, people where picked on for being different, where they not? Whether they were gay, disabled, unpopular, etc.


Where is there a difference between what people who bully in high school do and in warzones? There isn't it's the same thing. You're picking on a player for whatever reason, wether it be a healer, a weaker player, whatever, it doesn't matter. 1 player killing a player once okay, twice fine, but over three or higher, is ridiculous and not doing the objective of the warzone. You have goals in the warzone that don't just revolve around killing 1 single player consistently, to me that is not helping your team achieve their objective in the warzone. You're not helping get a turret, or placing a bomb whatever you are just being a down right bully.


To be honest you will never truly understand what all of us are trying to get across to you. So the best advice I can give you if you have not done it already is please report these people to Customer service for harassing you that is one of things that Customer Support is supposed to be there for. But if for some reason after contacting customer support you don't get the desired results then may I submit to you that you should just unsub from the game because in all honesty if you are being stalked in the game and you are paying for the privilege then just wasting good money on something that is upsetting you.

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Let me ask this, there are 8 people in a warzone, why single out 1, why not focus on one player then another, then another, etc. I'm sorry but when I notice me coming right out of the exit area and the same player is on my *** then something is wrong. That's not the point of a warzone.


It depends on the specific WZ. i.e. ACW - if they are standing there at the ledge to mid then go to snow or grass (whichever has the WALL between you and them), if they follow you...that might be stalking.

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Okay obviously people don't seem to realize that there is no reason to stalk a player in a warzone. I'm sorry but I see 8 people in a warzone I wouldn't be focused on just one player doesn't matter I'd be focused on keeping the team form their objective not stalking 1 player and consistenly killing them, regardless of if they are weak, a healer, whatever it doesn't matter.


You go into a warzone, you are to do the objective, I don't care. You have other people to focus on not just 1 single player, regradless of who they are or what their discipline is or if you are more powerful then them or not. It doesn't matter, there is no stragetic in it whatsoever nor are you helping your team by going and doing the objective.


Where does taking out 1 player show you capturing a turret, gathering orbs, etc. I'm sorry but I've seen it several times where teams are focused on just killing and while I don't have a problem with being killed by different players in a warzone, the same player over and over again is a problem. If you can't even get out of the exit area without the same person up your *** then something needs to be done cause those types of players should not be warzoning.

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Sorry, OP. As much as I understand your frustration- This point in your quotation of the harassment rules


"a genuine attempt to alleviate the situation should be made by leaving the area or the offending player"


You can leave the wz or indeed stay in the wz and go to another objective.

If indeed you are getting repeatedly owned by 1 or more players, then you are actively preventing that player/players from doing what they are supposed to be doing. Killing you over and over whilst doing nothing else is not helping his team- its helping yours.

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It depends on the specific WZ. i.e. ACW - if they are standing there at the ledge to mid then go to snow or grass (whichever has the WALL between you and them), if they follow you...that might be stalking.


That's pretty much what I'm getting at. Cause it happens to me on SEVERAL occasions and I'm getting tired of it.

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Okay obviously people don't seem to realize that there is no reason to stalk a player in a warzone. I'm sorry but I see 8 people in a warzone I wouldn't be focused on just one player doesn't matter I'd be focused on keeping the team form their objective not stalking 1 player and consistenly killing them, regardless of if they are weak, a healer, whatever it doesn't matter.


You go into a warzone, you are to do the objective, I don't care. You have other people to focus on not just 1 single player, regradless of who they are or what their discipline is or if you are more powerful then them or not. It doesn't matter, there is no stragetic in it whatsoever nor are you helping your team by going and doing the objective.


Where does taking out 1 player show you capturing a turret, gathering orbs, etc. I'm sorry but I've seen it several times where teams are focused on just killing and while I don't have a problem with being killed by different players in a warzone, the same player over and over again is a problem. If you can't even get out of the exit area without the same person up your *** then something needs to be done cause those types of players should not be warzoning.

You do know you get points for killing in Ancient Hypergates, right?

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And? That still no excuse for a player to stalk another player.

How are you being stalked? You have yet to describe the incident that has given us this thread.

Edit: What warzone were you in? What class were you playing? Where were you on the map? How close were you to an objective? How close were you to a team mate? What abilities were you using at the time?


All those factors matter. Stop dodging the questions.

Edited by azudelphi
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Sorry, OP. As much as I understand your frustration- This point in your quotation of the harassment rules


"a genuine attempt to alleviate the situation should be made by leaving the area or the offending player"


You can leave the wz or indeed stay in the wz and go to another objective.

If indeed you are getting repeatedly owned by 1 or more players, then you are actively preventing that player/players from doing what they are supposed to be doing. Killing you over and over whilst doing nothing else is not helping his team- its helping yours.


Still not an excuse to allow it to happen.

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Okay obviously people don't seem to realize that there is no reason to stalk a player in a warzone. I'm sorry but I see 8 people in a warzone I wouldn't be focused on just one player doesn't matter I'd be focused on keeping the team form their objective not stalking 1 player and consistenly killing them, regardless of if they are weak, a healer, whatever it doesn't matter.


You go into a warzone, you are to do the objective, I don't care. You have other people to focus on not just 1 single player, regradless of who they are or what their discipline is or if you are more powerful then them or not. It doesn't matter, there is no stragetic in it whatsoever nor are you helping your team by going and doing the objective.


Where does taking out 1 player show you capturing a turret, gathering orbs, etc. I'm sorry but I've seen it several times where teams are focused on just killing and while I don't have a problem with being killed by different players in a warzone, the same player over and over again is a problem. If you can't even get out of the exit area without the same person up your *** then something needs to be done cause those types of players should not be warzoning.


What you are describing here does happen and it is bad play. But IMO it is extreme to call it "stalking." If the above happened AND you got says that were threatening/derogatory/demeaning/anything else that would be against TOS (as you posted), AND/OR you were followed to fleet and got taunted, THAT would be stalking.

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Wow, and here I'm getting bullied on the forum again.


Let me put it this way, there is nothing stopping anyone from not replying to this thread and yet it is getting turned on me and guess what all you're doing is causing me to make sure no one subscribes to this game cause I'm NOT the only one who sees it.


Oh for the love of..dude seriously grow up. No one here is bullying you. In PvP to be effective you need to focus important people and more importantly the whole reason to PvP is to kill people.

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How are you being stalked? You have yet to describe the incident that has given us this thread.

Edit: What warzone were you in? What class were you playing? Where were you on the map? How close were you to an objective? How close were you to a team mate? What abilities were you using at the time?


All those factors matter.

You know why? Cause that violates the terms of service, that's calling out specific players, regardless if I give an instant a player will know that I'm talking about them and I will not do that. I'm not risking my account over any player. I signed an agreement when I joined this game just like the rest of you and I take it very seriously. I should not have to give instances that legitally call out a player.


Also I'm trying to protect myself cause if the player or playes involved recognize it's me they'll only do it more and I don't want that.

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Lol can't believe I read all this. I think the OP is off (or on) some kind of meds, because I've never seen anyone so paranoid af about everyone in warzones (and now the forums) is out to get him. 9 pages in, and still not a single detail about what class he plays, if it's a particular guild that's after him, or if there's just a whole server-wide conspiracy against his Legacy.
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What you are describing here does happen and it is bad play. But IMO it is extreme to call it "stalking." If the above happened AND you got says that were threatening/derogatory/demeaning/anything else that would be against TOS (as you posted), AND/OR you were followed to fleet and got taunted, THAT would be stalking.


I've actually had that happened where I was stalked on the fleet. Was not thrilled...

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You know why? Cause that violates the terms of service, that's calling out specific players, regardless if I give an instant a player will know that I'm talking about them and I will not do that. I'm not risking my account over any player. I signed an agreement when I joined this game just like the rest of you and I take it very seriously. I should not have to give instances that legitally call out a player.


Also I'm trying to protect myself cause if the player or playes involved recognize it's me they'll only do it more and I don't want that.

I never asked for player names. I merely want the context of each situation.


"I was a Commando on my way from the western spawn to the Northwest turret in Denova when an assassin came out of stealth when I was about halfway there. He got me. Respawned and tried going back up there, he got me again!"


A little more detail than that would be nice though.

Edited by azudelphi
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Lol can't believe I read all this. I think the OP is off (or on) some kind of meds, because I've never seen anyone so paranoid af about everyone in warzones (and now the forums) is out to get him. 9 pages in, and still not a single detail about what class he plays, if it's a particular guild that's after him, or if there's just a whole server-wide conspiracy against his Legacy.

And why should I not be protective of my toon to keep it from making it worse?

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