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Stop Harassment in Warzones


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Wow, and here I'm getting bullied on the forum again.


Let me put it this way, there is nothing stopping anyone from not replying to this thread and yet it is getting turned on me and guess what all you're doing is causing me to make sure no one subscribes to this game cause I'm NOT the only one who sees it.

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Not enough information? Okay we are talking about either 1 or more players stalking 1 player in a warone and consistently killing them and that it doesn't matter what they are wether they be a healer/dps/tank that the behaviour is uncalled for. Not lack of information lack of reading.


So let me pose a scenario:


  1. you are playing a healing character
  2. several of your opponents see that you are healing
  3. they kill you so that you stop healing
  4. you go back to the same place (e.g. mid in ACW) and they are still there
  5. they kill you again (probably because they target marked you - you know the big colored symbols like green saber, blue lightning bolt, red flame, etc).

If this is what you call stalking and harassment it is not.


Other scenario

  1. you are playing a healing character
  2. several of your opponents see that you are healing
  3. they kill you so that you stop healing
  4. you decide to try another locale (e.g. snow in ACW) and they proceed to come to you
  5. they kill you again.


This MIGHT be considered stalking IF they do so repeatedly.

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Wow, and here I'm getting bullied on the forum again.


Let me put it this way, there is nothing stopping anyone from not replying to this thread and yet it is getting turned on me and guess what all you're doing is causing me to make sure no one subscribes to this game cause I'm NOT the only one who sees it.

And there is nothing stopping you from providing evidence or context of your claims... yet you haven't? Why not?


You say there is harassment, fine... give us a run down of one or more specific instances of how you were harassed.

Edited by azudelphi
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So let me pose a scenario:


  1. you are playing a healing character
  2. several of your opponents see that you are healing
  3. they kill you so that you stop healing
  4. you go back to the same place (e.g. mid in ACW) and they are still there
  5. they kill you again (probably because they target marked you - you know the big colored symbols like green saber, blue lightning bolt, red flame, etc).

If this is what you call stalking and harassment it is not.


Other scenario

  1. you are playing a healing character
  2. several of your opponents see that you are healing
  3. they kill you so that you stop healing
  4. you decide to try another locale (e.g. snow in ACW) and they proceed to come to you
  5. they kill you again.


This MIGHT be considered stalking IF they do so repeatedly.


Let me put it point blank then, It doesn't MATTER WHO the discipline is there is no reason to stalk any player whatsoever in a warzone. Try to fix a problem only to get bullied.

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Let me put it point blank then, It doesn't MATTER WHO the discipline is there is no reason to stalk any player whatsoever in a warzone. Try to fix a problem only to get bullied.

There is every reason to kill healers first.


I will again request, give us a run down of one or more specific instances of how you were harassed.

Edited by azudelphi
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Let me put it point blank then, It doesn't MATTER WHO the discipline is there is no reason to stalk any player whatsoever in a warzone. Try to fix a problem only to get bullied.


If you need to report in-game harassment, submit an in-game ticket or right click the character portrait and use the report function that way. Again that is the proper way to report what happened not coming to the public forum.

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Let me put it point blank then, It doesn't MATTER WHO the discipline is there is no reason to stalk any player whatsoever in a warzone. Try to fix a problem only to get bullied.


No, there is no reason to stalk players. Unfortunately, most people don't agree with you that killing enemy players in pvp is stalking. Again, if I try to capture an objective twice and you attack me twice, are you now harassing me?

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Give his prior posting history I doubt it...


Example A

Example B


And? I want the game to be fair? So? That's a problem how? I'm sorry but where is anyone's logic here? I'm tired of putting up with people's crap so what? I pay for this game just as the rest of you I don't have to put up with being bullied. I see a problem I say something. Standing up for what's right is a problem? Good God. I am old school and I put up with a lot of nonsense from this game. When I have enough I have enough. So what? Everyone has their breaking points and certain things push my buttons.


I'll put it this way. People may not care what others feel in this game but I do, I know I'm not the only one who doesn't want to put up with being stalked in warzones, healer or not, I'm not the only one who feels that prices on the GTN are greed, etc. At least I'm saying something. That's what matters to me. It may not matter to you guys but it does to me.

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Let me put it point blank then, It doesn't MATTER WHO the discipline is there is no reason to stalk any player whatsoever in a warzone. Try to fix a problem only to get bullied.


Help me understand how you are now being bullied in this forum. A forum by definition is a place where people can come together and discuss a particular topic and it is not required that they agree with one another. So since I read all the posts I still don't know how you can say that you are being bullied and that all that is happening is that people are saying they don't agree with you and stating reasons that support their position.

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No, there is no reason to stalk players. Unfortunately, most people don't agree with you that killing enemy players in pvp is stalking. Again, if I try to capture an objective twice and you attack me twice, are you now harassing me?


You know the old saying "Three strikes you're out?" My limit is three.

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You know the old saying "Three strikes you're out?" My limit is three.


So, if you have attacked me twice to prevent me from capturing an objective, and I try to capture that objective for the third time, you are now obligated to stand there and do nothing while I steal your objective?

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You know the old saying "Three strikes you're out?" My limit is three.


Ok so what you are suggesting is that if a specific player kills another specific player three times they can no longer kill that player.


Please explain how that does not break WZs when if you have ANY part in an engagement you get a kill. i.e. even if you are strictly healing your allies if they kill a target YOU get a kill.

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Help me understand how you are now being bullied in this forum. A forum by definition is a place where people can come together and discuss a particular topic and it is not required that they agree with one another. So since I read all the posts I still don't know how you can say that you are being bullied and that all that is happening is that people are saying they don't agree with you and stating reasons that support their position.

Okay, let me put it this way, what people do in warzones is no different then high school bullies, if anyone remembers this, people where picked on for being different, where they not? Whether they were gay, disabled, unpopular, etc.


Where is there a difference between what people who bully in high school do and in warzones? There isn't it's the same thing. You're picking on a player for whatever reason, wether it be a healer, a weaker player, whatever, it doesn't matter. 1 player killing a player once okay, twice fine, but over three or higher, is ridiculous and not doing the objective of the warzone. You have goals in the warzone that don't just revolve around killing 1 single player consistently, to me that is not helping your team achieve their objective in the warzone. You're not helping get a turret, or placing a bomb whatever you are just being a down right bully.

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Ok so what you are suggesting is that if a specific player kills another specific player three times they can no longer kill that player.


Please explain how that does not break WZs when if you have ANY part in an engagement you get a kill. i.e. even if you are strictly healing your allies if they kill a target YOU get a kill.


Let me ask this, there are 8 people in a warzone, why single out 1, why not focus on one player then another, then another, etc. I'm sorry but when I notice me coming right out of the exit area and the same player is on my *** then something is wrong. That's not the point of a warzone.

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Okay, let me put it this way, what people do in warzones is no different then high school bullies, if anyone remembers this, people where picked on for being different, where they not? Whether they were gay, disabled, unpopular, etc.


Where is there a difference between what people who bully in high school do and in warzones? There isn't it's the same thing. You're picking on a player for whatever reason, wether it be a healer, a weaker player, whatever, it doesn't matter. 1 player killing a player once okay, twice fine, but over three or higher, is ridiculous and not doing the objective of the warzone. You have goals in the warzone that don't just revolve around killing 1 single player consistently, to me that is not helping your team achieve their objective in the warzone. You're not helping get a turret, or placing a bomb whatever you are just being a down right bully.

Difference: killing is part of the game, and is productive to the team. Calling someone gay is not.

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Okay, let me put it this way, what people do in warzones is no different then high school bullies, if anyone remembers this, people where picked on for being different, where they not? Whether they were gay, disabled, unpopular, etc.


Where is there a difference between what people who bully in high school do and in warzones? There isn't it's the same thing. You're picking on a player for whatever reason, wether it be a healer, a weaker player, whatever, it doesn't matter. 1 player killing a player once okay, twice fine, but over three or higher, is ridiculous and not doing the objective of the warzone. You have goals in the warzone that don't just revolve around killing 1 single player consistently, to me that is not helping your team achieve their objective in the warzone. You're not helping get a turret, or placing a bomb whatever you are just being a down right bully.


Unless of course you are killing the player to prevent them from interrupting someone else getting a turret, or placing a bomb.

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