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Stop Harassment in Warzones


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Bullies excuse, no call or reason to do that and not focus on the objective. Again please read rules of conduct.

Actually, if you can cause attrition to your opponent with relative ease, that's standard tactics...


Likewise, if you can remove their ability to resist attrition, that's standard tactics...


Removing the enemy from the battlefield hastily translates to a simpler time handling the objectives.

Edited by azudelphi
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I'm not giving into this bullying nonsense. You all want to act like high schoolers go right on ahead but know that I'm gonna work to put a stop to it cause it's ridiculous. I don't care what your excuses are there is no reason to stalk a player and kill them multiple times. If people do not understand that stalking is a form of harassment then I don't know where this world is going.
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So you got stalked by a player... Big deal. If you are any good you can either a. solo that player, b. stun/slow the player, c. deal with it, or d. stop PvPing, because God forbid you die in a warzone.


Also please share with us the rules of conduct where it states killing in a warzone is wrong. We'll be waiting.

Edited by AndoEyrune
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I'm not giving into this bullying nonsense. You all want to act like high schoolers go right on ahead but know that I'm gonna work to put a stop to it cause it's ridiculous. I don't care what your excuses are there is no reason to stalk a player and kill them multiple times. If people do not understand that stalking is a form of harassment then I don't know where this world is going.

Context for your "stalking"?


Are you out of range of allies? Without support? Alone protecting an objective?


We know nothing of the incidents of the so-called "bullying" beyond your repeated use of the word and calling for an end to harassment. If they were PM'ing you after every death going, "Got ya again! Gonna desecrate your corpse d-bag" and you had pics of it, then you'd have a really solid case to report them through the normal harassment channels.


But right now, you've given the general public nothing of substance to go off of... which makes it extremely hard for anyone to support your suggestion and even harder not to approach it with a distinct sense of skepticism.

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According to your logic, if try to capture an objective and you attack me, I try to capture the objective again and you attack me again, you are harassing me.


Not to mention that there's "no reason to kill a player multiple times"? What the heck am I supposed to do at the warzone after I have killed every enemy player once? Sit at spawn and /clubdance? :D

Not to mention the times I have something like 40 killing blows... I must have stalked the whole enemy team at the same time! :eek:

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According to your logic, if try to capture an objective and you attack me, I try to capture the objective again and you attack me again, you are harassing me.


Not to mention that there's "no reason to kill a player multiple times"? What the heck am I supposed to do at the warzone after I have killed every enemy player once? Sit at spawn and /clubdance? :D

Not to mention the times I have something like 40 killing blows... I must have stalked the whole enemy team at the same time! :eek:

I mean, keeping with the Star Wars theme, I guess Admiral Ackbar was a bully for calling the Rebellion to, "Concentrate all firepower on the Super Star Destroyer"

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I'm not giving into this bullying nonsense. You all want to act like high schoolers go right on ahead


^Example of bullying.


The vast majority of the posts here have been disagreeing with you in a polite, but firm way, which is not bullying. However, telling people they are acting "like high schoolers" (in a negative way) is actually bullying.


The point a lot of people are making is that there could be a lot of reasons why someone is going after you. Are you playing an operative? Are you putting an kolto probes out? If so, someone probably thought you were a healer (even if you weren't), and so someone on the other team marked you, and so everytime you came up, they focused right on you. There are plenty of other reasons as well, as previous posters have all said.

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Let's look at the terms of service shall we?

Harassment Policy


Our goal is to build a strong community that offers a comfortable atmosphere for all of our players. This means seeing that players have the ability to combat antisocial behavior.


Harassment consists of misuse and/or abuse of game mechanics and verbal harassment with the intention of distressing and offending other players. Game mechanics allow players to interact with the world and each other. For example, the ability to block a doorway is a game mechanic. Use of game mechanics like these is by no means considered harassment in and of itself. The key to determining whether the mechanic is being misused or abused is to determine "intent." Reported incidents are not considered harassment until it is determined by the SWTOR CS that it was done to intentionally to cause distress or to offend other players.


Harassment is also any behavior that is incessant, inescapable, derogatory and directed specifically at you or your group. Before reporting, a genuine attempt to alleviate the situation should be made by leaving the area or the offending player, or asking them politely to stop. If a sincere attempt has been made to solve the problem and the offending player persists in the behavior, it should be reported.


Behavior that is always considered harassment includes derogatory and/or hateful comments that are sexual, racist, religious, or related to gender or creed.


A judgment of valid harassment can result in penalties placed on the harassing party up to and including immediate account closure, based on the severity of harassment and the player's past account history.


Player versus Player (“PvP”) activities, where available, are not exempt from this policy.


All that is in bold supports my argument I don't care what any of you got to say after this as it is clear in the terms of service that harassment should not be going on including stalking, I don't care if it is a healer/dps/tank, there is no excuse for any of it and no reason a player(s) should not be focused on the warzone objective. Period. Enough said good day and Bioware uphold your stuff.

Edited by DarthEnrique
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I was doing Imperial PVP awhile back and there was this one player also on the Imp side that ended up being on the other team every time. We were both powertechs and we kept going after each other pretty much settling one score after a next, it was quite fun. The next day she was on the Republic side (as a vanguard) I could tell by the similar name, and I greeted her with an emote, we continued where we left off the previous day and we did this for almost a week.



Of course that must be considered stalking and harassment....

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DarthEnrique, I'm really trying to better understand your position, but you have been less than detailed about any specific incidents.


Did the person/character in question ACTIVELY seek you out? In other words did they actively bypass other potential targets to get to YOU?


Could this simply be a case of you being a "high value target?" You could have been target marked by the other team and this one player smartly watched for target marked opponents and took you out many times as a result. That is just smart play not stalking.


The latter happens to me ALL THE TIME on my healers. And I honestly do not have a problem with it, because I know what is going on: so long as I am able to heal anyone my opponents will have a harder time killing, so they come after me first

Edited by psandak
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^Example of bullying.


The vast majority of the posts here have been disagreeing with you in a polite, but firm way, which is not bullying. However, telling people they are acting "like high schoolers" (in a negative way) is actually bullying.


The point a lot of people are making is that there could be a lot of reasons why someone is going after you. Are you playing an operative? Are you putting an kolto probes out? If so, someone probably thought you were a healer (even if you weren't), and so someone on the other team marked you, and so everytime you came up, they focused right on you. There are plenty of other reasons as well, as previous posters have all said.

Turning the tides on me. Nice! LMAO! Not bullying if calling it like it is.

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I'm not giving into this bullying nonsense. You all want to act like high schoolers go right on ahead but know that I'm gonna work to put a stop to it cause it's ridiculous. I don't care what your excuses are there is no reason to stalk a player and kill them multiple times. If people do not understand that stalking is a form of harassment then I don't know where this world is going.


If someone disagrees with you doesn't make them a bully. Just means they disagree. I don't play warzones because I don't like to pvp, yet I disagree with your suggestion as there simply not enough information other then you were killed a lot.


Also like others have said those that are skilled in PvP will target either healers first or those that are less skilled in order to prevent said player from stopping their team from achieving the objective.



Also if your correct about those terms of service, coming onto the forums to talk about it is not the correct way to resolve the issue. As per the terms, needs to be reported, the forum is not how you report. Your supposed to right click the player portrait in game and report it or submit and in game ticket. Again not the forums because all your going to get is the responses from other players your getting. Plus if the thread goes the wrong way all BW will do is lock or delete it since your. It using the correct method to report something.


Want to report something done in game, need to use the proper channels.

Edited by Nightblazer
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"Harassment is also any behavior that is incessant, inescapable, derogatory and directed specifically at you"


Being stalked in a warzone't inescapable if you know how to play, and it's definitely not incessant or deragatory.

Edited by AndoEyrune
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Hi! The fact is that what is happening to you I know for a fact does happen to other players in back to back PVP matches. But unlike you all the people that have related such stories to me have never said that they where being stalked. A big part of PVP is literally Player Vs Player combat hence PVP. I can't explain why these people target you but unless you have shared anything personal with them then I seriously doubt that they really care about who or what you are and they are simply targeting you because it is easy for them to do and for no other reason. So please stop taking all this so personally when it is most likely not personal and please keep in mind some advice a friend once gave me. Its only a game.
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Let's look at the terms of service shall we?



All that is in bold supports my argument I don't care what any of you got to say after this as it is clear in the terms of service that harassment should not be going on including stalking, I don't care if it is a healer/dps/tank, there is no excuse for any of it and no reason a player(s) should not be focused on the warzone objective. Period. Enough said good day and Bioware uphold your stuff.


Bioware isn't going to do anything for following good strategy to take out the biggest threats first or perhaps the weakest links if there is no healers present. It's not harassment at all...


But yeah let's all have a 6v6 at mid and only do 1v1 fights... Instead of the logical scmerio and take one out at a time, preferably healers, than high damage dealers, than tanks/ whoever is left.

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Harassment consists of misuse and/or abuse of game mechanics and verbal harassment with the intention of distressing and offending other players.

Has there been verbal harassment? Has there been an abuse of game mechanics? What misuse of the game mechanics have you witnessed?

Harassment is also any behavior that is incessant, inescapable, derogatory and directed specifically at you

How is it inescapable? How is it derogatory? Do you have proof that it is specifically targeted at you?


If you have solid answers for these, then you need to report the players to Bioware through the normal channels. If you don't have proof, then what is Bioware supposed to do?

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Isnt it smart to track and kill the healers first? :confused:

Of course it is. Healers are absolutely focused right away - that's SMART play. Without the healer, you can focus down DPS...as long as a healer is alive on the other team, you won't plant your bomb in VS if they have any clue how to play.


Focusing players isn't harassment OP...that's the only way to get TO the objectives to complete them. Consider the enemy team a "hurdle" to get to the objective. Focusing on one hurdle at a time is smart play.

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If someone disagrees with you doesn't make them a bully. Just means they disagree. I don't play warzones because I don't like to pvp, yet I disagree with your suggestion as there simply not enough information other then you were killed a lot.


Also like others have said those that are skilled in PvP will target either healers first or those that are less skilled in order to prevent said player from stopping their team from achieving the objective.


Not enough information? Okay we are talking about either 1 or more players stalking 1 player in a warone and consistently killing them and that it doesn't matter what they are wether they be a healer/dps/tank that the behaviour is uncalled for. Not lack of information lack of reading.

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This has to be a bait thread.


I refuse to believe that anyone would actually seriously argue that killing people in a PVP warzone constitutes harassment.

I tried treating them as though they had an honest complaint, but I am in agreement with you at this point.

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"Harassment is also any behavior that is incessant, inescapable, derogatory and directed specifically at you or your group. Before reporting, a genuine attempt to alleviate the situation should be made by leaving the area or the offending player, or asking them politely to stop."


Basically, it's only harassment if it continues after you have pressed the "leave warzone"-button. You volunteerary queue to a game mode where the point is to harass the enemy team to make that enemy team incapable of stopping you from achieving your objectives. If you decide this game mode is not for you, you can leave any time you wish.

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