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Want a 3D printed model of your favorite GSF ship (with choice of components)?


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There's a new designer on Shapeways who is making 3D ships. I tried to post a link to his shop, but it was removed by the mods.


If you're interested, send me a PM and I'll forward you the link.


Currently, he's got Sting, Blackbolt, Legion, Razorwire, and Decimus. I've asked him to make a special version of the Blackbolt with the components I always use :) I'm sure he'll take other requests!

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Do I have a deja vu? Wasn't there a thread about that dude a week ago or so?


I reported the last post and they must have taken it down for plaigerism. I have a sneaking suspicion that this "friend" with a 3D printer is actually nemarus trying to make a quick buck

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It wasn't my shop. I don't know how to 3D render.


But I do frequently shop on Shapeways for custom miniatures for the X-wing Miniatures Game. So imagine my surprise when I came across someone making beloved GSF minis! And not only that, but the designer was willing to offer custom component commissions!


So, as a courtesy, I wanted to help the designer (whom I don't know) get more business.


And more importantly, I wanted to make sure that my valued Eclipse Squadron ally, Krixarcs, knew about this opportunity. Surely he would want a custom Dustmaker model to keep on the nightstand by his bed, and to show his grandchildren someday.


After all, someday the queues will dry up on all servers, and wouldn't it be nice to have a few small mementos with which to remember this game we all love?


Alas, it looks like the store has been shut down. Somehow, BioWare learned about it.


But it's okay. I'm sure BioWare's copyright watchdogs went straight to Disney and Hasbro to inform them about the huge demand for custom GSF merchandise. I suspect we'll be seeing a new line of officially branded, Galactic Starfighter models, with swappable components and paint jobs. No doubt the Dustmaker will be in the first wave that is released.


So patience everybody! I'm sure they will probably hold off release of these models until they can make it coincide with the mega-GSF-update we know is in the works.

Edited by Nemarus
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I'm so glad their legal team doesn't have anything better to do. Hey, maybe they can pay the lawyers to buff strikes. Also sad fact: like nowhere has a model clarion.


Also, how would you houserule in old republic era ships anywhere? It seems unlikely a Clarion would be more capable than an X-Wing, for instance, and like most of those games, it uses small integers to distinguish things.

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Alas, it looks like the store has been shut down. Somehow, BioWare learned about it.

I'm so glad their legal team doesn't have anything better to do.

Somehow..How is this result surprising at all? The guy steals models that aren’t his from one of the most iconic brands ever and tries to profit off them and then Nemarus posts on the Official SWTOR forums about it. I mean come on, that’s like selling stolen merchandise outside the police station and saying, “wow, how’d they know?” Must be that top notch legal team. I highly doubt this was a multimillion dollar international legal operation, the original posts led them straight to the supplier. What were they supposed to do? Just let others illegally profit from their stuff? You can’t do that with something like Star Wars, it’s too big of a brand to adopt anything less than a zero tolerance policy.

Edited by SWCNT
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Somehow..How is this result surprising at all? The guy steals models that aren’t his from one of the most iconic brands ever and tries to profit off them and then Nemarus posts on the Official SWTOR forums about it. I mean come on, that’s like selling stolen merchandise outside the police station and saying, “wow, how’d they know?” Must be that top notch legal team. I highly doubt this was a multimillion dollar international legal operation, the original posts led them straight to the supplier. What were they supposed to do? Just let others illegally profit from their stuff? You can’t do that with something like Star Wars, it’s too big of a brand to adopt anything less than a zero tolerance policy.


Except the Internet is filled with unauthorized Star Wars merchandise. Sites like TeeFury, Teepublic, Woot, etc. post Star Wars T-shirt designs every day. None of them get cease and desist orders.


Shapeways also has many other designers who create models of ships from Star Wars, Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica, etc., including from SWTOR. Links to those have been posted in forums before, with no consequences.


The reason this store got taken down is because Krixarcs reported my post. Plain and simple.


I totally regret posting here, and I certainly bare some of the responsibility, but if not for Krixarcs, the store would still be up. It's not like anyone from BioWare looks at this forum without a report.

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Nem is correct, though throwing blame around is a bit mean. The net isn't just full of unauthorized SW stuff, the entire miniatures community is full of unauthorized EVERYTHING stuff. People not involved in tabletop aren't really going to react in the expected way. It's tolerated and in many cases encouraged, because it gets the community involved and it ultimately sells more miniatures- the whole "intellectual property" script is flipped in that universe, someone coming from outside isn't going to see that immediately.


A 3D printed GSF ship has purchase among the intersection of rabid fans who run miniatures games and also play SWTOR and also play GSF. So, basically about half the people who are reading this thread and literally no one else on this planet. There's not just the occasional niche GSF thing though, there's mainstream star wars stuff all around there too.


@Nem: Don't beat yourself up, you couldn't have guessed it would be reported. But there's probably not any malice in the heart of the reporter- from someone not intimate with the genre, it looks like piracy or something, and they just want cool star wars stuff too.

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Nem is correct, though throwing blame around is a bit mean. The net isn't just full of unauthorized SW stuff, the entire miniatures community is full of unauthorized EVERYTHING stuff. People not involved in tabletop aren't really going to react in the expected way. It's tolerated and in many cases encouraged, because it gets the community involved and it ultimately sells more miniatures- the whole "intellectual property" script is flipped in that universe, someone coming from outside isn't going to see that immediately.


A 3D printed GSF ship has purchase among the intersection of rabid fans who run miniatures games and also play SWTOR and also play GSF. So, basically about half the people who are reading this thread and literally no one else on this planet. There's not just the occasional niche GSF thing though, there's mainstream star wars stuff all around there too.


@Nem: Don't beat yourself up, you couldn't have guessed it would be reported. But there's probably not any malice in the heart of the reporter- from someone not intimate with the genre, it looks like piracy or something, and they just want cool star wars stuff too.


Wow, thank you, Verain. I really appreciate that. :)


The truth is I feel very frustrated and embarrassed about this whole thing. My whole intention was to unite a creator, who was taking the time to appreciate our underappreciated GSF, with the most likely audience. I thought I was doing both him and my fellow GSF fans a service. But in the end, I got his shop closed and a bunch of criticism here.


So thank you for understanding. I was really beating myself up over it all day.


Honestly I thought the only reason the designer wasn't posting here himself was because he wasn't a subscriber.


And indeed he is quite shocked he got the C&D, given what other Star Wars and SWTOR content is on Shapeways, TeeFury, TeePublic, etc.


As for whether Krixarcs reported my post with malice or not, I can't say. He is beyond my understanding. Certainly the rest of his posts suggest a pattern of him enjoying upsetting and denying others.

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April fools I never reported anything not my style


It seems exactly like your style.


And you said you did so two days before April Fool's Day, on March 30:


I reported the last post and they must have taken it down for plaigerism. I have a sneaking suspicion that this "friend" with a 3D printer is actually nemarus trying to make a quick buck


It really doesn't matter to me at this point. I realize it was a mistake to post the link here.


But you now claiming your admission of reporting my earlier post was as an April Fool's Day joke(?) two days before April 1st is pretty silly.


Besides, whether you reported it or not, I don't think anyone's opinion of you changes, so I wouldn't worry too much.

Edited by Nemarus
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