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Arsenal Mercenary is completely overpowerd


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The greatest change that i felt is when you heal yourself quickly during non pressure moments then go back to dps.

For example when you los + heal while in a 1v1 vs a sniper guarding a node in Civil War. Or when you defend vs 2 or 3 and delay while reinforcements arrive. Etc...

Edited by Kaedusz
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the 30% crit damage of arsenal sincerly needs to be nerfed.


even in 208 gear i received a 25k damage with my assa. their ability to do insane range damage+ perma snare+ electronet is from far better than any other range spec in regs.


they nerfed sniper, PtT, they just need to stop the 30% crit damge of an easy instant capacity which just recquires a traced missile (often instant) to hit hard.


ps : and rail shot that can do 15k, average better than mag shot on IO spec, is quite "fun" to see...for not saying it's not logic at all.

Edited by Thaladan
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the 30% crit damage of arsenal sincerly needs to be nerfed.


even in 208 gear i received a 25k damage with my assa. their ability to do insane range damage+ perma snare+ electronet is from far better than any other range spec in regs.


they nerfed sniper, PtT, they just need to stop the 30% crit damge of an easy instant capacity which just recquires a traced missile (often instant) to hit hard.


ps : and rail shot that can do 15k, average better than mag shot on IO spec, is quite "fun" to see...for not saying it's not ligic at all.


lol... just, lol.

can we please just let this troll post die... please

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lol... just, lol.

can we please just let this troll post die... please


Wise words, but I couldn't let this one go ;) I laughed out loud so hard when I saw the title of this thread I literally woke up a baby. When someone is so utterly detached from reality that they start demanding nerfs to the absolutely, unquestionably, irrevocably most underpowered class in the game, all you can do is have a hearty laugh and thank the op for a rousing bout of much needed humor.


Ever seen the scene in game of thrones where The Mountain is killing helpless weaklings in preparation for his trial by combat? Nerf the helpless weaklings.

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Wise words, but I couldn't let this one go ;) I laughed out loud so hard when I saw the title of this thread I literally woke up a baby. When someone is so utterly detached from reality that they start demanding nerfs to the absolutely, unquestionably, irrevocably most underpowered class in the game, all you can do is have a hearty laugh and thank the op for a rousing bout of much needed humor.


Ever seen the scene in game of thrones where The Mountain is killing helpless weaklings in preparation for his trial by combat? Nerf the helpless weaklings.


Well.. i dont think its fair to say we are underpowered.... but in the context of PvP we are the least survivable. There a fairly big difference there. I do not feel underpowered by any means, i just cant live long enough for it to matter under pressure.

Thats not to say we would be OP if we did, we are not head and shoulders above others, but when you add in the lack of survivability its rather pointless either way.

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Well.. i dont think its fair to say we are underpowered.... but in the context of PvP we are the least survivable. There a fairly big difference there. I do not feel underpowered by any means, i just cant live long enough for it to matter under pressure.

Thats not to say we would be OP if we did, we are not head and shoulders above others, but when you add in the lack of survivability its rather pointless either way.


If dying before you can use whatever middle of the road damage you have at your disposal isn't underpowered, I don't know what is.

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If dying before you can use whatever middle of the road damage you have at your disposal isn't underpowered, I don't know what is.


I'm just saying that there is a huge difference between being under-powered and not living long enough to use it.

Our issues are not that we are over or under powered, i think we are fine in that regard... the problem is just that we have huge survivability issues.

There is no correlation between being over/under powered and having issues with survivability, i see them as very different things personally.

Edited by Floplag
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I'm just saying that there is a huge difference between being under-powered and not living long enough to use it.

Our issues are not that we are over or under powered, i think we are fine in that regard... the problem is just that we have huge survivability issues.

There is no correlation between being over/under powered and having issues with survivability, i see them as very different things personally.


How you can't see survivability as a defining element (if not the defining element) of determining the relative power of classes in pvp, then I honestly don't know what to tell you. If we had some sort of ability that let us one-shot people before our rapid and inevitable death, I might see where you were coming from. In the stark absence of such an ability, I can't possibly see how you come to determine that the merc class is anything but under powered.

Edited by DsevenO
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the 30% crit damage of arsenal sincerly needs to be nerfed.


even in 208 gear i received a 25k damage with my assa. their ability to do insane range damage+ perma snare+ electronet is from far better than any other range spec in regs.


they nerfed sniper, PtT, they just need to stop the 30% crit damge of an easy instant capacity which just recquires a traced missile (often instant) to hit hard.


ps : and rail shot that can do 15k, average better than mag shot on IO spec, is quite "fun" to see...for not saying it's not logic at all.

I would LOVE 15k average railshots. those are crits though. average is like 8 or 9k. and arsenal is the most interruptable spec in the game. very easy to shutdown. the high burst is pretty poor compensation for that, imo. I can do a lot more dmg on AP PT. and the prot provided by taunting is far more significant than the wasted gcds on offheals.

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The only people commenting on this post are Mercenary's and Commandos, trying to defend their OP damage. Thats the absolute truth. Mercs have arguably the strongest offensive ability in the game = Electronet, and in Arsenal spec they are rather tanky. Arsenal out performs specs like deception assassin, concealment operative, fury marauder, Marksmanship sniper in terms of raw damage potential. You mercs just wanna be able to 1 shot everything you see, while using your hydraulic overrides and pressing s key. Skilled players can destroy just about anything with Arsenal, aside from maybe a vengeance juggernaut, and concealment operative in a 1v1 situation. Even then they can still give them a run for their money. Defensive wise, mercs are right where they should be. They just need to lose that 30% critical damage like the other burst specializations. There is nothing in the game that can do in 2 GCD's what an Arsenal Mercenary can currently do. Maybe if you Mercs learn how to kite instead of backpedal and facetank you would see how powerful this class really is. I love when a Merc comes up to me in melee range to spam tracer missle on me out of anger, one of the most priceless moments. Then you come here and complain that your spec is so susceptible to interrupts. Maybe if you guys used range to your advantage.... Edited by alienwareguy
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OP damage...rather tanky...out performs specs like deception assassin, concealment operative, fury marauder, Marksmanship sniper in terms of raw damage potential...Defensive wise, mercs are right where they should be


You seriously need to start a stand-up career. The quote mining I did from your post has left me absolutely howling with laughter. Please, don't ever stop with this delusional drivel. It's entertainment at its finest.

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The only people commenting on this post are Mercenary's and Commandos, trying to defend their OP damage. Thats the absolute truth. Mercs have arguably the strongest offensive ability in the game = Electronet, and in Arsenal spec they are rather tanky. Arsenal out performs specs like deception assassin, concealment operative, fury marauder, Marksmanship sniper in terms of raw damage potential. You mercs just wanna be able to 1 shot everything you see, while using your hydraulic overrides and pressing s key. Skilled players can destroy just about anything with Arsenal, aside from maybe a vengeance juggernaut, and concealment operative in a 1v1 situation. Even then they can still give them a run for their money. Defensive wise, mercs are right where they should be. They just need to lose that 30% critical damage like the other burst specializations. There is nothing in the game that can do in 2 GCD's what an Arsenal Mercenary can currently do. Maybe if you Mercs learn how to kite instead of backpedal and facetank you would see how powerful this class really is. I love when a Merc comes up to me in melee range to spam tracer missle on me out of anger, one of the most priceless moments. Then you come here and complain that your spec is so susceptible to interrupts. Maybe if you guys used range to your advantage....


Depends on team support. Depends on match type.


What you say is hyperbole inflating how powerful mercs are, even in regs they aren't that powerful.


Stick them in solo ranked and you should see how fast they get eaten up. It's hilarious.


All those powerful defensives you believe they have don't seem to help them much when a team coordinates to kill them.


You are exaggerating mercs and only considering how they seem to perform when they are facing uncoordinated players who honestly don't know what they are doing.

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Arsenal merc is not overpowered. Between IO and Arsenal, IO is the better dps but really poor heat management. Arsenal is only OP if you let it be. Against a Jugg, they fall so fast. If you really want to play IO in PvP, you'll need to sacrifice crit rating for alacrity to balance the heat gen where as Arsenal you can lose alacrity and stack crit. Getting a 24k HSM is rare, but can be pulled off as well as a 17k rail shot. If you know how to use your skill procs, its easy.


I main an Arsenal merc. I also play all 3 classes on it and can say that I feel strong enough as arsenal to deal out dmg, but if I get more then 3 people on me, it becomes much harder to handle. IO is harder to handle with all that heat, but in PvP can really deal out dmg once your dots are spread and your heat is low enough again to spread them.

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Could be a good troll post but he is right so OP we would like you in ranked arena with your over powered arsenal merc. and tell us which server you are gonna queue so i will make 2 toons there will queue as sage or guardian and you can show us how OP it is against my underpowered classes. I can go as assassin as well yea they lack arsenal mercs burst damage and survivability (since they dont have kolto overload LMAO) but it would be ok :)


But worst part is since BW combat team will really think this class is OP and nerf it since they are so out of touch from this game.

Edited by omeru
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The only people commenting on this post are Mercenary's and Commandos, trying to defend their OP damage. Thats the absolute truth. Mercs have arguably the strongest offensive ability in the game = Electronet, and in Arsenal spec they are rather tanky. Arsenal out performs specs like deception assassin, concealment operative, fury marauder, Marksmanship sniper in terms of raw damage potential. You mercs just wanna be able to 1 shot everything you see, while using your hydraulic overrides and pressing s key. Skilled players can destroy just about anything with Arsenal, aside from maybe a vengeance juggernaut, and concealment operative in a 1v1 situation. Even then they can still give them a run for their money. Defensive wise, mercs are right where they should be. They just need to lose that 30% critical damage like the other burst specializations. There is nothing in the game that can do in 2 GCD's what an Arsenal Mercenary can currently do. Maybe if you Mercs learn how to kite instead of backpedal and facetank you would see how powerful this class really is. I love when a Merc comes up to me in melee range to spam tracer missle on me out of anger, one of the most priceless moments. Then you come here and complain that your spec is so susceptible to interrupts. Maybe if you guys used range to your advantage....


Yes, arsenal damage is so OP it created an underflow and it now seems (!) as if they're the second worst in damage! Outrageous!



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Time to bring this FOTM spec into the light. Warzones are now nothing but electronets, 4 mercs per team average most games with the rest being sorcs. This spec is totally over performing right now and it needs to be brought down to Marksmanship dps numbers. There is absolutely no reason Arsenal spec should be doing more dps than most DoT specs in sustained damage. Why has BW not nerfed the surge on this spec, down to 10% like all the other specs. Trying to play a melee spec while being killed by 7k ticks from electronet, and 8k ticks of blazing bolts is just ridiculous. Not to mention the other totally insane burst hits they have, capable of achieving well over 35k in 2 global cooldowns with crits from HSM and rail shot.


I know there is a ton of merc fan boys out there that are gonna be upset about this post, but I really think people have just been afraid to come out and say how OP arsenal spec is, because mercs were garbage for so long. There is currently nothing in the game that can burst like an arsenal merc, and almost nothing aside from marauder that can match its sustained dps. IO is supposed to be your high dps spec, currently we see NONE of them. Why? because arsenal is so OP its totally unreal. And don't even say that they have weak defensive cooldowns. Its way harder to kill an arsenal merc than it is a Sorc, don't kid yourself.


The only reason this spec is sliding by right now is because they are overshadowed by Sorc healers. But I assure you once sorc heals get neutered into uselessness arsenal is next in line.


This is by far one of the biggest cry baby posts in swtor history. Merc/Mando has never been op. You just suck or play a class that needs to be netted immediately. Get over it or get out of the wz que. Don't even try to argue because you know I'm right.

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I have to think that this nonsense boils down to some butthurt sorc that got electronetted at the wrong time and, as a result of that vastly distorted view of the relative power of mercs/mandos, has decided to start screaming into the void that mercs and mandos are ultra-powerful. The reality is that they are undeniably the easiest class to kill in the game (by a long, long stretch), and having mediocre sustained damage and an electronet every 90 seconds does nothing to change that fact.
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I have to think that this nonsense boils down to some butthurt sorc that got electronetted at the wrong time and, as a result of that vastly distorted view of the relative power of mercs/mandos, has decided to start screaming into the void that mercs and mandos are ultra-powerful. The reality is that they are undeniably the easiest class to kill in the game (by a long, long stretch), and having mediocre sustained damage and an electronet every 90 seconds does nothing to change that fact.



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To Original Poster:


I posted this before if you missed it i want to make it clear, if you think arsenal merc/gunnary mando is FOTM along with sorc healer i have a suggestion to you. Queue in ranked arena as merc or mando and i will queue as non FOTM Jugg, or Deception assassin (I am not claiming these are non-FOTM you are) or rep mirrors depending on you faction. Sure these classes will have survivability issues unlike arsenal merc but i think they are playable LMAO.


Just because most of the mercs are playing arsenal doesnt makes it FOTM this is PVP not dummy parsing and a video while you are free casting and having a pocket healer doesnt justify your point, just enter ranked arena and see it is not ranked arena for mercs it is ganked arena. You wont have your chance to use you burst like in regs since you will be stun locked and burned like you are wearing PVE gear, Without healer and a tank it is really hard for mercs. So my offer stands to play against your FOTM arsenal merc in ranked arena show us how OP it is.


And numbers you are writing if you crit i wish i ha that numbers everytime that would be OP :)

Edited by omeru
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The OP is correct no matter what the apologists say.


I've always been objective about this game and called attention to a few of my favorite classes in the past. Now, after all this time, they're all my favorite classes and I now have 20 characters in full optimized exemplar gear, and I play them all on both sides.


So, I fully agree about arsenal mercs. At a time where nearly every discipline got nerfed to no more than an extra 10% crit multiplier, arsenal somehow kept not 30% but 40% extra crit multiplier. This is insane. Why wouldn't the whole premade play merc? My guildies do, they run teams of four commandos, call it Havoc Squad, and absolutely rape people. Combine ENet with the highest crit multipler in the game, and it's a no brainer.




Edited by Monterone
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My Merc experience is similar to most Ego-Shooters:

You kill ONE player, who will definitely get angry. Then you are immediately killed by another player.

Then you meet that ONE player again (maybe because he was an easy target - btw. mercs are easy prey for other mercs) and kill him again.


This process usually repeats itself.


Then comes the aftermath on the forums, where people start complaining.


Honestly, I had better a experience with...


My assassin:

1. uncloak

2. kill

3. re-cloak

-> I can't get out of a fight with a merc.


My sorc:

1. shoot lightning / heal

2. swiiiiiiish away

3. get caught

4. bubble and wait for heal or help

-> can't do that with merc.


My Veng-Jugg:

1. attack

2. be attacked

3. use aaaaall the nice self-heals and dirty tricks

-> yah...mercs have those. Do they work ? No.


My Marauder:

1. attack and kill

2. if no kill -> cloak and get out to try again

-> again ... no way to get out for a merc


I dont play a sniper, so finally it leaves the merc:

1. Shoot & Kill

2. Die

-> That's it ! It has a lot of burst. So what ?!


Why I like to play merc ?!

I love the armor and the animations :D

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The OP is correct no matter what the apologists say.


I've always been objective about this game and called attention to a few of my favorite classes in the past. Now, after all this time, they're all my favorite classes and I now have 20 characters in full optimized exemplar gear, and I play them all on both sides.


So, I fully agree about arsenal mercs. At a time where nearly every discipline got nerfed to no more than an extra 10% crit multiplier, arsenal somehow kept not 30% but 40% extra crit multiplier. This is insane. Why wouldn't the whole premade play merc? My guildies do, they run teams of four commandos, call it Havoc Squad, and absolutely rape people. Combine ENet with the highest crit multipler in the game, and it's a no brainer.





I make same offer to you queue solo ranked as OP arsenal merc and destroy us with your incredible burst damage, and be last standing guy with your incredible survivability since this is FOTM you can easily do that since it is a known fact this spec is easy to play. So are you willing to take my offer, or just gonna be a keybord hero sorc/sage who is butthurt since he is getting globalled because of electronet? If this class is really FOTM you should kill us without any problem.

Edited by omeru
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