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GSF School with Despon - NEW SESSIONS - check for details!


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Request: Would you come to The Harbinger some time and explain to people what is and is not a terrain exploit.


Yes, because apparently shooting through terrain is not an exploit in his/her eyes, even when you explain it with the analogy of a one-way mirror but with shooting.


When everyone disagrees with you and you refuse to even acknowledge that but begin to insult what's left of the small player base as "unskilled masses". Everyone you were arguing with performs better than you consistently yet despite this you still feel better qualified to speak on the matter.


"Summary - someone said someone was shooting through terrain, Lendul said it wasn't an exploit because you could fly through ship and get to said person - everyone else said that has nothing to do with shooting through terrain that's bugged and allows shots to go out but shots to be blocked coming in"


Side note - Mantaray and Yellow'Jacket graced us with their presence and it was nostalgic.

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Thanks to those who watched the stream and joined in on the discussion! Here's a link to the stream:



@Lendul & Roland: I don't know the specifics of the situation that has generated this verbal joust you have going on. There are a few places, mostly on LS TDM, where I have seen terrain exploits that involve jamming a ship down a pipe or something stupid like that. It is an annoyance when someone does it, and yes it's unfair, but it's also rarely a game-altering exploit. If some guy is stuck in one spot for a whole TDM, you can avoid that area pretty easily. It's very poor sportsmanship to engage in that sort of thing, and someone who does that isn't going to find a warm reception from the people who they're playing with or against. In the long run, it will only hurt them.


Note that it is not a terrain exploit for a bomber to find some largely-inaccessible nook to hide in after they have dumped out their railgun drone. It's just bad piloting. People who resort to tactics like that will not contribute much to the teams they're on and won't develop the skills to be competitive. They'll sure be good at sitting motionless in a hole, though.


If everyone concentrated more on learning how to fly more effectively instead of worrying about cheating or stooping to the sorts of tactics outlined above, we'd have much better matches.


- Despon

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Where will the flying stream Q&A be taking place? I'd like to be involved either with or against and want to watch as well.


@Roland and Lendul

Once I found a terrain exploit in Lost Shipyards TDM. It was LONG time ago, but I did use it for one match, not knowing the opposition couldn't get me. It was only after the match was over that I learned I was untouchable. I've never done it again or ever tried to find holes like that intentionally.

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Where will the flying stream Q&A be taking place? I'd like to be involved either with or against and want to watch as well.

Starting on Harb most likely. We will probably fly on there for a while.


/cjoin GSFschool pubside!


- Despon

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Here's a link to tonight's GSF School Streaming Edition session, whereupon Mikaboshi and I tried to answer questions and discuss various elements of strategy, ship builds, and tactics while flying a bunch of matches on Harbinger.



We'll be back next week with another episode or two, server and time TBA. Keep an eye out here for details.


I'll probably also run a chat Q&A on JC as well. I'm tentatively aiming for Wed. 4/20, 8-9pm EDT for that.


- Despon

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Streaming the sessions is a great idea, as well as being able to see the chat.


Would it be possible to request subjects on this thread? Seeing as many people can't make it to the actual stream.


Edit: maybe only the gsfschool chat might be a better idea.

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Here's a link to tonight's GSF School Streaming Edition session, whereupon Mikaboshi and I tried to answer questions and discuss various elements of strategy, ship builds, and tactics while flying a bunch of matches on Harbinger.


We'll be back next week with another episode or two, server and time TBA. Keep an eye out here for details.


I'll probably also run a chat Q&A on JC as well. I'm tentatively aiming for Wed. 4/20, 8-9pm EDT for that.


- Despon


I thought this was awesome. I didn't get the chance to watch a lot of it, but what I saw was great: plenty of advice & tips, and then actually watching said advice in action. Good work by both of you.

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I thought this was awesome. I didn't get the chance to watch a lot of it, but what I saw was great: plenty of advice & tips, and then actually watching said advice in action. Good work by both of you.


@Des - I think that the streaming can help people visualize concepts they're unfamiliar with and see it first hand - I know in one of the matches I forgot I had burned my barrel roll cd and was expecting to use it when jousting your flash but also showed a clear advantage as to when to hit a gunship straight on from your perspective as well.



What you do not understand is that your consistent negativity and cries of "Hax!!!" in GSF chat on a daily basis is far more discouraging to the moderately committed player base.


@Lendul - This is an exaggeration indicative of your dislike and hostility towards me. For someone who stated people disagreeing with you were the "unskilled masses", you have no right to talk about "discouraging" other pilots.


Cries of Hax? Another pilot mentioned someone shooting through a wall - people, including myself were merely clarifying the situation as if it was an exploit or misunderstanding of someone strafing in and out of cover. Instead of realizing that hey, maybe I'm wrong if several pilots are in agreement, you soon resorted to insults. Insulting regular pilots is not only hypocritical when someone feels it necessary to include their faith in their sig, but also completely unwarranted when people were discussing a "minor" issue that you specifically made into an unpleasant situation because no one else agreed with you on your perception.


But speaking of negativity - my piece has already been said. Yes, there was a time where I was vehemently upset and vented those frustrations openly. That train has passed and I just let the queue times speak for themselves.


Now there are just a select few who still choose to ride that notion that anytime I say anything short of praise I'm being negative like usual and hurting the community. One person spent 5 minutes venting about my venting. In your case you resorted to insults and insinuations that my ability to discern between cheating and not was because I did. If you hadn't choose to argue over the matter it would simply have gone like this:


Player from match - "I think pilot such and such was exploiting and should be reported"

Me (and others) - "What was going on?"

Player - "A pilot was shooting through a wall but couldn't be shot at"

Me (and others) - "Were they strafing in and out of cover?"

Player - "They weren't moving, just shooting through a wall and couldn't be hit"

Me (and others) -" Oh ok, there are bugs in the terrain in certain spots on maps that make that possible - it's an exploit but I wouldn't worry about it too much - there's only one game-changing exploit where someone teleports at will and there's like just one person that uses it on several names"




Instead of that simple explanation to this newer pilot, you chose to argue over the matter, tell people who disagreed with you that they were part of the unskilled masses and even insinuate that the reason I could tell the difference was because I must be a cheater too to be so familiar.


Now what was that about someone being negative and hurting the community?

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Where: JC pubside /cjoin GSFschool


When: Wednesday 4/20, 8pm-9pm EDT


Streaming the sessions is a great idea, as well as being able to see the chat.


Would it be possible to request subjects on this thread? Seeing as many people can't make it to the actual stream.

Actually that would be great! If people want to see particular builds demonstrated, or specific tactics employed, ask here and we'll put that into action in-game. Or just request that we talk about a particular topic that's been bugging you and we can do that, too.


A large part of the reason I was flying scout so much was due to forum and GSF-channel chatter. I wanted to show that scouts can be very effective against gunships and are the better choice in a lot of situations. Even in situations that aren't optimal they are still dangerous and force the enemy to react and move. The notion of 'oh there is nothing you can do against gunships' just isn't correct.


Roland and Lendul, can you move your discussion on cheating somewhere else so it doesn't overwhelm this thread? Maybe discuss cheating in the thread about a cheater who didn't even cheat. That thread needs some actual cheating, its thread title is false advertising as-is.


- Despon

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Actually, I think I'd like to see Mika fly more of the slow pike ;)


Seriously though, maybe you could discuss advanced team tactics - even map specific. That would be great!

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Where: JC pubside /cjoin GSFschool


When: Wednesday 4/20, 8pm-9pm EDT


Actually that would be great! If people want to see particular builds demonstrated, or specific tactics employed, ask here and we'll put that into action in-game. Or just request that we talk about a particular topic that's been bugging you and we can do that, too.


- Despon


I'd like to see more about quads and pods, actually. I know the build is really good but can't quite figure it out. I'm not exceptional in a scout I always get smashed by gunships. Frankly I need to learn more about timing DF and Running Interference.


I thought this was awesome. I didn't get the chance to watch a lot of it, but what I saw was great: plenty of advice & tips, and then actually watching said advice in action. Good work by both of you.


This. I haven't watched it yet cause again, my internet is so crappy I can't watch it. But this idea is great.


~ Eudoxia

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I enjoyed being the receiving end of some of those matches. lol So far there is only one pilot in this game I'm scared of and that's Mika. The two times my team your team ended up together though were not good and I tried my best to off queue so it didn't happen.
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So far there is only one pilot in this game I'm scared of and that's Mika.


Nah, Mika isn't scary. He's just a big teddy bear. With a tendency to leave a swath of destruction in his wake, and a preternatural accuracy with rails, BLCs, QnP...well, everything.


So, yeah, basically a big devastating teddy bear. Not scary at all.

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Unless your lessons go later, I'm not going to make it Wed :( Would like another streaming one though, that was neat.

I may well be around later if there's good participation, and I plan on having more streaming sessions, too!


I'm about log into JC for tonight's session. Anyone who has GSF questions come join in!


- Despon

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I stayed up and watched the play back. I have got some adjustments to make...lol.


Never saw myself from that perspective. It was eye opening.


Fun night on JC. Was popping to at least 1 AM when I left.


I guess Harbinger was popping up until about 6 or so.

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Hey Desponn, I've heard there are some imp players on JC looking to learn more. Maybe you should hold your next session Imp side instead of Pub side?

~ Eudoxia

Ok, I'll give it a shot. Pubside was bereft of knowledge-seekers last time, so I'll give JC Imp a chance before I head for greener pastures.




Where: JC Impside, /cjoin GSFschool


When: Wednesday 4/27, 9pm-10pm EDT


If you're on JC Impside and you have questions about GSF, I'll be there Wednesday for an hour of informative chat. Let's make it worthwhile. Let's discuss tactics and ship builds that will improve your game.


- Despon

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Hey I heard the last session on JC Imp side was a big success. When and where is your next session gonna be Despon?


~ Eudoxia

It went pretty well, I think we were able to disseminate some useful information.


I am not sure where will be next, probably Wednesday May 4th, though. I have been considering another Harbinger session. Might be a good time for that. Another one on JC imp seems likely, sooner or later.


- Despon

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