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Consular Sage Leveling Difficulty


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Anyone else having an atrocious time leveling? i went healing at first simply bc its easier to find groups. now im level 32 and was struggling again basic groups of mobs so i switched to telekinetics for leveling purposes. im on balmorra and can hardly kill mobs there my disturbance does about 350 damage which is absolutely pathetic.


i have a bounty hunter who is level 20 who could out dps my sage right now.


am i doing something wrong or should i just get 4 levels higher than the content like i see a lot of people doing.

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Anyone else having an atrocious time leveling? i went healing at first simply bc its easier to find groups. now im level 32 and was struggling again basic groups of mobs so i switched to telekinetics for leveling purposes. im on balmorra and can hardly kill mobs there my disturbance does about 350 damage which is absolutely pathetic.


i have a bounty hunter who is level 20 who could out dps my sage right now.


am i doing something wrong or should i just get 4 levels higher than the content like i see a lot of people doing.


A.) The game gets a major bump in difficulty at Alderaan (lvl 30).


B.) Disturbance is a gap-filler bridging ability used to plug the holes in your rotation. It is by no means your most dmging ability. It also gets a bad wrap from people ignoring the insane crit rate and secondary follow up dmg proc later on, when citing dmg numbers.


Your priority on mob packs should be to lead with TKwave and dot/project/disturbance spam from there to keep them under control. At 34 you'll get Force Quake which will turn mob packs into a joke (especially since it can also proc tidal force).


On elites, you want weaken mind and mind crush rolling the whole time. Make liberal use of your cooldowns, CC, and interrupts. Then just spam disturbance until you get a tidal force or psychic projection proc.

Edited by Khadroth
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I am level 44 (almost 45) full heal and I kick butt at leveling. I solo'd an Area 4 quest including the final champion boss - I don't think any other class could have.


Equip your companion properly. I have Qyzen decked in custom armor and he is a beast of a tank.

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In my 30's a Sage seer specced and no trouble leveling at all. Keep your Force Armor up on you and companion, use your stun and force wave whenever you can, and use a tank companion with up to date equipment (just by doing quests) and you should be fine. In between the 1 sec gap when doing project/gap I usually cast Force Armor or Rejuvenate. I usually don't even use Force Lift because I'm lazy and wanna get it over quickly.
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Anyone else having an atrocious time leveling? i went healing at first simply bc its easier to find groups. now im level 32 and was struggling again basic groups of mobs so i switched to telekinetics for leveling purposes. im on balmorra and can hardly kill mobs there my disturbance does about 350 damage which is absolutely pathetic.


i have a bounty hunter who is level 20 who could out dps my sage right now.


am i doing something wrong or should i just get 4 levels higher than the content like i see a lot of people doing.


Yes its bad and it gets worse later on. Force quake is a great help when you get it for regular npcs, but you will notice your single target damage is pathetic even using correct rotations. Basically procced tele throw(reduced cast time), procced instant tele wave and empowered turbulance(auto crit) are your damage dealers with distubance only to proc other things and project whenever its off cd and you need to move. Also don't forget to keep weaken mind up to empower your turbulance(auto crit)


Voss is a beast for class missions and others. They are just to brutal for a sage to survive and qyez isn't much help as he doesn't survive that long even healing him.

Edited by Shatterstorm
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I find leveling rather easy as a sage, and I have (at various stages) use all 3 trees. They are all good and viable if you use your abilities properly, as some people above me pointed out.


1) Use your CC abilities, they're there for a reason.

2) Keep Qyzen's gear up, and yours as well. He can wear the moddable commando gear, so get some for him after you've geared yourself.

3) Pre-bubble Qyzen and yourself. Note that if you're about to talk to someone who you think you'll end up fighting, you can bubble before you interact with the NPC and the bubble will still be up when the cinematic ends.

4) Use stims and medpacs.

5) Be prepared to switch quickly between healing and dpsing on hard fights. I wouldn't let Qyzen drop below 40%. It is hard to recover after that point.


It is actually the easiest character to level that I have played, throughout the beta up until now. We have heals, good cc, and the damage is quite good if you set your abilities up (IE: keeping Weaken Mind up for the TT procs, using Disturbance for the Tidal Waves procs, etc).


If you are still having trouble you might consider going Seer... they are EXTREMELY solo friendly.

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Anyone else having an atrocious time leveling? i went healing at first simply bc its easier to find groups. now im level 32 and was struggling again basic groups of mobs so i switched to telekinetics for leveling purposes. im on balmorra and can hardly kill mobs there my disturbance does about 350 damage which is absolutely pathetic.


i have a bounty hunter who is level 20 who could out dps my sage right now.


am i doing something wrong or should i just get 4 levels higher than the content like i see a lot of people doing.


Had no problem at all leveling. Persoanlly, I think Sage has it easier than other Jedi Ac's. But, why would you spec into Telekinetics?

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I honestly have no idea how people find leveling as a Sage/Seer "hard". The game itself promotes overleveling through the endless bonus objectives, rested xp and space combat. Someone who exhausts the quests in a area/planet, including bonus series whenever possible, will soon find himself overleveling the next planet/area/phase by at least 2 to 3 levels, maybe more if he does warzones. That being said, gearing up companions, especially Fess, Theran and later on Nadia is a no brainer.
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Telekinetics isn't as leveling-friendly as some claim. If you stay away from the "OMG, if you are not TK you are a n00b"-idea and try the Seer or Balance trees you should do just fine.


It's perfectly fine for lvling. It's also faster than balance's FiB, tab dot, TKthrow spam rotation. Haven't seen anyone calling someone a noob for using one spec over the other. Sure both have an edge in their respective areas, but it still comes down to preference. You lvl just fine as balance just like you can PvP just fine as TK spec.

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Levelling sage isn't hard (if you're finding it so btw, get a couple more levels under your belt with some space and pvp and *always* keep your and particularly your companions gear up to date); what it is, is sloooooow :p You'll notice all the people who dinged 50 in week 1 were DPS running with DPS groups and DPS companions.


Worry not though, when you get to 50 there'll be planets filled with DPSers *begging* you to do runs with them ^^



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Keep your companion geared up, get 5 in telekinetics , and you will be fine:). The big Q can handle most things if he is geared appropriately:)... if not, you spend too much time keeping him up, and miss your dots and spot dps:).....


Also, dont be afraid to jump in after he starts, knockback, choke....kick....I usually take to mobs while he is on other mobs...spot heal after pack and good to go:).

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Levelling sage isn't hard (if you're finding it so btw, get a couple more levels under your belt with some space and pvp and *always* keep your and particularly your companions gear up to date); what it is, is sloooooow :p You'll notice all the people who dinged 50 in week 1 were DPS running with DPS groups and DPS companions.


Worry not though, when you get to 50 there'll be planets filled with DPSers *begging* you to do runs with them ^^




Not really actually. Of the first 7 50's on our side on our server, 1 was a tank, and 2 were healers. That's a pretty good ratio, one more tank and it would have been perfect. We also didn't all faceroll with dps companions, myself included. :rolleyes:


It really just came down to leveling efficiency and having a lot of time to play.

Edited by Khadroth
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I find it very easy tbh, use your tank until you get Tharan then use him. Put 2 points into pinning resolve if you're having trouble and between you and your companion you can cc 4 targets.


This is very true. Proper use of CC is your friend.

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I find Disturbence useless.


I rotate Telekinetic Throw, and Project.

Im also Spec'd for Balance which lets me insta-cast Mind Crush. And my Telekinetic throw has no cooldown time in Balance tree... Constant dmg.


I only started having trouble at Quesh/Hoth because im same-level and it significantly gets harder.

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Anyone else having an atrocious time leveling? i went healing at first simply bc its easier to find groups. now im level 32 and was struggling again basic groups of mobs so i switched to telekinetics for leveling purposes. im on balmorra and can hardly kill mobs there my disturbance does about 350 damage which is absolutely pathetic.


i have a bounty hunter who is level 20 who could out dps my sage right now.


am i doing something wrong or should i just get 4 levels higher than the content like i see a lot of people doing.


Just wait until you get Force Quake at I believe it's level 34. Killing mob groups becomes so easy it's laughable.


I use this build for leveling purposes: http://db.darthhater.com/skill_calc/jedi_consular/sage/#::f5e3f2efef2e2fe3fefe3fe5fedef20:


Telekinetic Wave + Force Quake + Force in Balance + proc for instant Tele Wave makes the entire group dead in a few seconds.

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Just got forcequake.


It's crazy good. The main problem is arranging your pulls so that you can fit all the mobs into the casting area, not always possible with ranged mobs.


Not only is the damage excellent, but it more or less incapacitates all normal mobs for the duration.


My only complaint is it comes so late in the game. Really could have used this a lot earlier.

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Just got forcequake.


It's crazy good. The main problem is arranging your pulls so that you can fit all the mobs into the casting area, not always possible with ranged mobs.


Not only is the damage excellent, but it more or less incapacitates all normal mobs for the duration.


My only complaint is it comes so late in the game. Really could have used this a lot earlier.


Yea, It should be given at 30 to compensate for the increase in difficulty when heading into Alderaan.

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