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Dread Master Strength Order?


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In the game Brontes is the toughest due to her being the end boss of DF. Her "tentacles" has quite powerful force ability along with physical strength.


Bestia probably is the best lightsaber fighter. Raptus is good at destroying others' mind. Tyrans is a tactician. Styrak's skill is mostly about Force manifestation. Calphayus is a prophet.


Who is the strongest overall?

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Bestia codex entry hints she could be the most powerful. I don't think there's a strenght order, they each have their roles among themselves but that's it.

Raptus is the smooth talking leader

Bestia the one woman army

Tyrans the genius strategist

Brontes is the mad scientist

Calphayus the dark prophet

And Styrak is some kind of necromancer/sixth ranger of the band


From that you assume whatever you want for how they rank in strenght except for Bestia who's probably the strongest on her own.

Edited by Lazproperty
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Bestia codex entry hints she could be the most powerful. I don't think there's a strenght order, they each have their roles among themselves but that's it.

Raptus is the smooth talking leader

Bestia the one woman army

Tyrans the genius strategist

Brontes is the mad scientist

Calphayus the dark prophet

And Styrak is some kind of necromancer/sixth ranger of the band


From that you assume whatever you want for how they rank in strenght except for Bestia who's probably the strongest on her own.


Brontes is supposed to be the most rational one according the codex, but in the game her insanity is only next to Raptus.

Edited by Slowpokeking
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IMO,Dread Master Raptus,since he can create an alternate dimension where he basically controls everything and challenges you,followed by Calphayus who is capable of creating the time illusion,then by brontes for her tentacles,then by bestia for her capabilities of sith alchemy,followed by tyrans who is capable of producing a force lightning that really hurt,not mentioning his capability of making an inferno,and styrak who IMO is the worst,bad voice actor,bad quotes,the fight never felt as funny as the other ones.
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Madness Order:


Raptus>Brontes>Styrak >Bestia>Tyrans>Calphayus


Seems legit, considering


the Republic ending to Oricon.



Strength? I think they're on par with each other, but have different strengths. Brontes and Styrak were the scientists in different fields(Styrak was an alchemist, while Brontes seemed big on tech). Raptus was the leader and main manipulator. Tyrans probably planned attacks, while Calphayus was the prophet and could warn them of ambushes. That makes Bestia the main sword arm of the group.

Considering the spoiler above, I think that's why their union worked, aside from delaying the inevitable sanity slippage. They didn't fight like the Dark Council, so they each applied their gifts in a way that benefited the Empire while Vitiate was still popular, and later themselves before Styrak was killed.

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Seems legit, considering


the Republic ending to Oricon.



Strength? I think they're on par with each other, but have different strengths. Brontes and Styrak were the scientists in different fields(Styrak was an alchemist, while Brontes seemed big on tech). Raptus was the leader and main manipulator. Tyrans probably planned attacks, while Calphayus was the prophet and could warn them of ambushes. That makes Bestia the main sword arm of the group.

Considering the spoiler above, I think that's why their union worked, aside from delaying the inevitable sanity slippage. They didn't fight like the Dark Council, so they each applied their gifts in a way that benefited the Empire while Vitiate was still popular, and later themselves before Styrak was killed.


Brontes was described as a rational scholar in the codex, she was supposed to be the "sane" one. But in the game she was quite different.


I think Bestia is the best saber fighter of them all, not sure why did she keep the Dread Seed rather than Brontes.

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Brontes was described as a rational scholar in the codex, she was supposed to be the "sane" one. But in the game she was quite different.


I think Bestia is the best saber fighter of them all, not sure why did she keep the Dread Seed rather than Brontes.


Well, who in their right mind would put tentacles on their back? Of course, my friend and I have a headcanon that goes with our continuity, but that's not relevant.


Doesn't her codex entry mention that she studied the Phobis devices at the risk of losing her mind?


Also, I'd think a tactician and a prophet would have to keep most of their sanity to use their abilities to the full extent.

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Well, who in their right mind would put tentacles on their back? Of course, my friend and I have a headcanon that goes with our continuity, but that's not relevant.


Doesn't her codex entry mention that she studied the Phobis devices at the risk of losing her mind?


Also, I'd think a tactician and a prophet would have to keep most of their sanity to use their abilities to the full extent.


I know in the game her madness was only next to Raptus, but the codex showed that she was the rational one even after becoming the Dread Master. It also didn't mention her being a mad scientist.


Long ago, when the Dread Masters began their investigation of the Phobis devices, Brontes led the research, risking her own sanity in the process. She is a consummate scholar and Force adept, generally accepted as the wisest of the Dread Masters in lore and ancient secrets. Much about Brontes has been forgotten by the other Dread Masters–and even Brontes herself. It is known, however, that Brontes had been a major contributor to the Sith Academy archives, and her insights into the nature and purpose of sacred artifacts led to the construction of the Dark Temple.


Edited by Slowpokeking
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Hum, wise isn't rational, even less so when that supposedly rational person can't remember her own past self. She can very well be beyond mad and also be the wisest about the ways of the Force and such subjects a scholar would know but it doesn't have much to do with her sanity. Edited by Lazproperty
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Hum, wise isn't rational, even less so when that supposedly rational person can't remember her own past self. She can very well be beyond mad and also be the wisest about the ways of the Force and such subjects a scholar would know but it doesn't have much to do with her sanity.


Or could it be an act to let you feel uncomfortable in DF? She wasn't that mad during your previous conversation with them, including Oricon.

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Or could it be an act to let you feel uncomfortable in DF? She wasn't that mad during your previous conversation with them, including Oricon.


It wouldn't surprise me, after all she's a Dread master so she should know how to strike fear and confusion into someone's heart. :D

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But still, the tentacle on her back is quite creep even for a Sith.


True, but just like The Emperor, they weren't just any sith. In fact I sincerely think the Dread Masters were something else entirely at that point, way above the simple title of 'Sith'. More of an abomination of the Force or a near deity/mystic figures.

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They obviously were...changed somehow, because they are said to be thousands of years old. According to my friend, they were around before Revan showed up. So something must have been done to them to make them live so long. Styrak is the alchemist, so he could have done it himself. Obviously, it was for an extended lifespan, not immortality.

That being said, I'm not sure if they're abominations on the scale of Vitiate. Perhaps more sentient corruptions of the Force?

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They obviously were...changed somehow, because they are said to be thousands of years old. According to my friend, they were around before Revan showed up. So something must have been done to them to make them live so long. Styrak is the alchemist, so he could have done it himself. Obviously, it was for an extended lifespan, not immortality.

That being said, I'm not sure if they're abominations on the scale of Vitiate. Perhaps more sentient corruptions of the Force?


Ah yes, corruption might be the key word here, I believe Calphayus himself said they had normal lives before becoming what they were, on the contrary Vitiate was never corrupted by the Dark side, he embodied it since birth.

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Ah yes, corruption might be the key word here, I believe Calphayus himself said they had normal lives before becoming what they were, on the contrary Vitiate was never corrupted by the Dark side, he embodied it since birth.


Even before they became Dread Masters, they were top Sith.

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Even before they became Dread Masters, they were top Sith.


Yeah probably, although it could be considered normal in SW universe and in TOR timeline lol. Still, they were even more corrupted than most Sith and I think that's what made them special (by that I mean something else entirely), they somehow manage to dive way too far into the Dark side, further than anyone before them except Vitiate.

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This is a fun thread! I would say look at the way each one fights, the powers one would need to harness in each fight and assess the relative strength it would take to accomplish those feats.


I will go one by one. In order of battle appearance.


Styrak controls his Kell Dragon and thus may have power to control breasts, a useful power. His lightsaber skills are not remarkable. He has a powerful force lightning ability. He can create phantoms of himself to attack others. His most important attack causes an instant death to the entire group unless his concentration is broken.


Brontes relies heavily on technology. Most of her combat centers on the use of mechanical fingers and hands, the device on her back is of a mechanical construct and does not appear to be a testament of her force abilities. She has the power to maintain constant levitation, while not the most important thing in combat, it should be noted. She has a powerful direct lightning attack that does significant damage. Her most powerful attack is sustained and sizable force lightning that results in the instant death of those caught in it.


Bestia's main power is to control the minds of beasts and bend them to her will. She has middling powers with a lightsaber. She can summon deadly pools of toxic energy that quickly ebbs the life from those in the vicinity. None of her other attacks are notable.


Tyrans has middling skills with a saber like the rest of Masters. He has three notable powers. The ability to force objects to break and fall and will. The ability to engulf a spot in pure flames. He also places an affliction on individuals that can consume their life over time.


Calphayus has saber abilities like the others, but also has some potent offensive and defensive talents. He does have the ability to transform the perception of reality, but not substantially change interaction with matter. Things look different, but it is largely illusion. However, he does have incredible power to perform a complex ritual, that if completed, will result in several blows that ultimately bring death. The manner this ritual is performed varies somewhat, but a crystal is at the crux of it. He also has the ability to divide reality in the minds of different individuals and maintain a presence in both. No small feat. He also has the ability to project a powerful protective shield that acts like a deflector shield similar to the gungan shields, nullifying long-distance attacks, but not stopping the movement of slow, organic forms.


Raptus has slightly better saber skills than the other masters, but still not all that remarkable. He possesses a powerful, multi-angled lightning attack that harms any within reach. His greatest feat is in his ability to shift reality. Unlike Calph, his illusions strongly manipulate the sense of scale and mass. While he does not divide himself as Calph does, his illusions are vastly more complex, with sub illusions with the illusions happening simultaneously. While he does not have powers that kill instantly, those within his illusions must resist his challenges or he will grow stronger.


Seeing the strength of each I propose the following in regards to force mastery. With the use of force we have two things. One is the concentration and talent required to manipulate the force, but more importantly, particularly to a Sith, is what the EFFECT that manipulation has. Is the attack able to defeat an opponent? Or is it simply a display of manipulation? Sith care more about the result than the process. What is the point of being powerful if you cannot defeat an enemy?


In my opinion, Tyrans and Bestia are the weakest members. They both have the power to affect static areas and cause great damage, but beyond this, their lethality beyond these abilities is limited. Bestia relies on mind control of her pets to overwhelm her opponents. Tyrans ability to cause a tile to fall, while deadly, is not a unique power. It is just a manifestation of telekinesis, which is quite common. I would say Tyrans is the weakest with Bestia slightly stronger.


Brontes would be in the middle. Her instant kill power with force lightning and the duration she sustains this power would require massive power. Outside of this, she is quite weak. Her power mainly comes from machinery, but that one attack is enough to move her above Bestia and Tyrans.


I would place Styrak above Brontes. He appears to have control over beasts like Bestia and like Brontes can also use the force to cause instant death. His talent is better than Brontes in the sense that it envelopes the entire group and it can only be escaped by forcing Styrak to break his concentration. He also can project multiples of himself which is impressive. Now some would state that if mental manipulation is not an effective power, then he should be the most powerful. I leave that for you to decide, but to me he is not as strong as the next two.


Raptus was the hardest to determine. His ability to create illusions, very complex illusions, is supreme. His illusions are better than Calph. However, his illusions in and of themselves are not fatal. Once you get past this, he is not all that remarkable. It is a matter of how you define "strength" in how you would rank him. I would say this is a strength. The ability to manipulate the perception of reality of 8 or 16 people? To sustain this? That is damned impressive.


I propose that Calph is actually the strongest. Saber skills and basic force powers are middling. But his ability to shift reality, while not as intense in outward complexity as Raptus, is still very considerable. His ability to shift two groups of people into two realities and then project himself into those two realities, this requires divided attention and interaction with his opponents. Then we have his ritual. This ritual is absolute in that it cannot be escaped and causes instant death. You cannot break his concentration through normal means, but by actively disrupting the steps of the ritual itself. You are transported to his world and are subject to it and can only survive by beating him at his own rules. He is like the Freddy Krueger of Star Wars! He also has a rather nifty protective mechanism that he can employ that largely nullifies damage, that is unless you get close...close enough to be decapitated by his lightsaber.


So to summarize from strongest to weakest.


1. Calphayus

2. Raptus

3. Styrak

4. Brontes

5. Bestia

6. Tyrans.

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While their life span was greatly extended by the Phobis Devices' power, but their body might still get quite old like we saw from the unmasked Calphayus. So they would have to rely more on the Force/Technology than their lightsaber skills. Edited by Slowpokeking
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In my opinion they are all powerful on their own ways and hard to put in order. In my opinion thou Raptus and Brontes stand out in raw power.

Tyrans and Brontes seem most intelligent Masters, I'd consider that big merit of theirs as well.

Perhaps as whole I'd say Brontes is the most powerful. She intelligently utilizes all resources at her disposal, and is strong enough with the Force to levitate all the time, also she has her oneshotting Force Lighting on high range. Also her Hands and Reaches add a lot of power.

Bestia is propabky the least impressive Master, she never really stood out.

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Going by the codex, Bestia is the strongest. Whether that means overall force potential (my interpretation), physical strength, or lightsaber skill is up to debate. Its likely given Bestia's limited lightsaber abilities that she's simply so strong that she never had to learn how to fight. Keep in mind that on Nightmare, her force push is so strong, it insta-kills you if you hit a wall.


As for Brontes' madness in DF, remember that anything we see after SnV isn't reflective of their actual intellect. Styrak's death had driven them to madness and they were making mistakes. Lord Hargrev and his apprentices were also assaulting their minds via the Force. We never fought the Masters at full power. Its likely Brontes grafted those arms onto her back AFTER SnV, as she isn't seen with them in previous cutscenes.


Going by canon sources, we can probably assume the order is: Bestia, Raptus, Tyrans/Brontes, Calphayus/Styrak. Tyrans and Brontes share a space since they don't have the feats that the others do in the codex. Calph and Styrak are at the bottom since Styrak breaks from the group to go do his own thing like an idiot, and if Calphayus is so good at predicting the future, how did he let Master Kaedan sneak up on them?


You had one job, Calphayus!

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