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Alpha Company


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So is Alpha Company really moving servers, or is that some troll post? If so that sucks for Jung Ma since you guys were one of the main forces keeping the wpvp alive on the server, anywho wish you all the best on Ebon Hawk
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Just like the other guilds that left Jung Ma now Alpha Company contributes to the dwindling population on Jung Ma. Why leave and make thing worse for the rest of us? Bioware wants as much server transfer money as they can before they do merge low pop servers together. When transfers stop then they most likely would merge them.
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Just like the other guilds that left Jung Ma now Alpha Company contributes to the dwindling population on Jung Ma. Why leave and make thing worse for the rest of us? Bioware wants as much server transfer money as they can before they do merge low pop servers together. When transfers stop then they most likely would merge them.


If they just wanted transfer cash, they wouldn't have dropped the price of transfers to 90cc (approximately $1). Your argument is non-sense anyway because we get cartel coins for free just by being subscribers. Honestly, levelling up is so fast and easy now that I would never transfer except to copy my legacy to another server. Transfers are their solution to their inability to deliver on cross-server queues. If this was a money making scheme, then this is the worst scheme they've ever come up with. They're working on a multi-million dollar budget and 90cc transfers are worth a dollar. Any money from transfers is just sand in the desert.


Alpha Company is probably leaving because the logged onto Jung Ma's republic fleet in the evening and saw 11 people there. I transferred my main to Ebon Hawk as well because I wanted to play this MMO with other people. When it takes hours to get a pop for TACTICAL flash points, it's time to move on.


Good luck, Alpha Company. I hope to see you on the other side someday soon.

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Good luck to the Legion ^^


And it is not a troll rumour. If anyone here is aware of the Jung Ma community Enjin or Enjin in general you would have confirmed this yourself lol.


Thank you for leaving an RP story re-cap on the Enjin Acoy, We will try to keep it as part of our server Lore :)


Also, for anyone outside of Acoy who thinks that the population is downgrading, well it may be true its low pop and the Force knows, that EH has a huge player base and lots of content, that their Enjin alone can tell you about lol -- but try to see it as ...since Jung Ma is still a server, then we take the lower pop as an advantage; we can begin a huge work of increasing communication. Talk to every players that understands/speaks english and establish a relationship with their guild, or invite them to yours.


It only seems impossible because we don't do it. If we do it, it will work.


Alpha has done a lot to make Jung Ma great, and guilds that supported them are still here :) so let's celebrate, a toast to Acoy's future, and to Jung Ma <3

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