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Game has died, Nowhere to go


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No, it's just that you seem to think that there are going to be mergers. I know there are about 4 or 5 people on the forums think that it's the only way to save the game, but haven't ever heard anything from anyone, you know, official like.


I just transferred a fully geared PVP toon to TRE. Cracked open a lvl 60 token so I would have both imperial and republic toons there. That server I have to say is more active during peak times than Harbringer. I will be moving more toons there over the next month or so.


I have put another bandaid on a wound again. I have been PVPin all weekend there. I have been playing on TRE since 8 am EST and while Harbringer is slow that server is booming. I am pretty happy now and I know I squeezed some more life out of this game. I am glad bioware has the EUs available for transfer now.


Anyone who likes a lot of PVP and ranked I strongly suggest you make at least 1 toon there. The ranked community is thriving more than any server in my past (bastion,POT5, etc etc). I only moved one of my toons because I really need my legacy anywhere I go. I don't mind grinding a new toon or using a lvl 60 token, but I will not re grind legacy.


On a side note, that server is begging for some good PVP guilds. Tons and tons of PVP but not a lot of larger PVP guilds. Just seems to be a lot of smaller tight knit PVP guilds but not a whole lot of numbers per guild. I will be seeking an active PVP guild there over the next few weeks so if anyone has any suggestions, let me know.


TRE is the Harbringer of EU. I would have to say based on what I have seen so far it is a larger population server than Harbringer.

Edited by MadCuzBad
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I just transferred a fully geared PVP toon to TRE. Cracked open a lvl 60 token so I would have both imperial and republic toons there. That server I have to say is more active during peak times than Harbringer. I will be moving more toons there over the next month or so.


I have put another bandaid on a wound again. I have been PVPin all weekend there. I have been playing on TRE since 8 am EST and while Harbringer is slow that server is booming. I am pretty happy now and I know I squeezed some more life out of this game. I am glad bioware has the EUs available for transfer now.


Anyone who likes a lot of PVP and ranked I strongly suggest you make at least 1 toon there. The ranked community is thriving more than any server in my past (bastion,POT5, etc etc). I only moved one of my toons because I really need my legacy anywhere I go. I don't mind grinding a new toon or using a lvl 60 token, but I will not re grind legacy.


On a side note, that server is begging for some good PVP guilds. Tons and tons of PVP but not a lot of larger PVP guilds. Just seems to be a lot of smaller tight knit PVP guilds but not a whole lot of numbers per guild. I will be seeking an active PVP guild there over the next few weeks so if anyone has any suggestions, let me know.


TRE is the Harbringer of EU. I would have to say based on what I have seen so far it is a larger population server than Harbringer.


I'm happy that you've finally found a happy place (hopefully you will stop with your agenda, but I'm guessing it won't be enough for you). I am confused why you quoted my message, though. What did it have to do with this post?

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I'm happy that you've finally found a happy place (hopefully you will stop with your agenda, but I'm guessing it won't be enough for you). I am confused why you quoted my message, though. What did it have to do with this post?


My point is that EU and NA have enough players to create 2 separate mega servers. You do not need to merge everyone into one server. You can hold that off until both EU and NA are dying off and then create one mega server for the entire game. EU has a "go to" server and so does NA.


If they merge all remaining servers in one NA and one EU you could once again have 5 to 6 instances of fleet and a very healthy queue system. Rather than wait till 1000s of people leave frustrated, if they implement this now it will keep people playing and keep what's left of this game nice and healthy.

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I have played on Harbringer for 2 years now. I was forced to server transfer off of POT5 (PVP) server because it became a ghost town. 30 minute que times during peak time. After peak time (mornings and late evenings) no que pops at all.

At the time I had a choice. Goto a populated server with que pops and leave my current server. At the time and still is the most populated server TheHarbringer was really the best choice.

The past 3 to 4 weeks on Harbringer has been the longest que waits in the 2 years I have been playing here. And in the past month has been getting slower each week. I play everyday at the same times so I have my finger on the pulse of Harbringer and know it well.


TLDR: Harbringer is heading down the same road as POT5 and has an eroding population. Only difference is this time for me is that when Harbringer dies off (and it is rapidly heading that way) there is no "GO TO" server like there was in the past. Harbinger dies, where do people run to? As I see it, there is nowhere to run anymore. We have reached the end of the rope.


You are wrong. Let me guess your in Australia? Peak time means for the server not whatever country you are in.

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You are wrong. Let me guess your in Australia? Peak time means for the server not whatever country you are in.


Negative on that one ghost rider. I am from USA. And sorry to inform you but what I said is completely accurate. I have played this game since launch and been thru this many times. This is not rocket science and honestly isn't even debatable to anyone who has been around and played this game long enough. The only people who are blind to this are Johnny come latelys who are clueless of what I talk about or self seeking trolls who want to suppress the truth for their own personal agenda. Other than that what my opening statement says is plain and simply common knowledge.

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Negative on that one ghost rider. I am from USA. And sorry to inform you but what I said is completely accurate. I have played this game since launch and been thru this many times. This is not rocket science and honestly isn't even debatable to anyone who has been around and played this game long enough. The only people who are blind to this are Johnny come latelys who are clueless of what I talk about or self seeking trolls who want to suppress the truth for their own personal agenda. Other than that what my opening statement says is plain and simply common knowledge.


I have also played this game from the start but you are the one making up facts to fit your personal agenda. You have an opinion but not facts, not truth. The same as everybody else here. I just find your reasoning flawed because you present opinions as facts and that's bull.


It's simple, you may be from the USA, but that doesn't mean you own the truth or get to make it up. What you call self-evident and completely accurate is in fact not accurate at all and false reasoning for the most part.


We don't want to hide the truth, we just want you to stop making it up and claiming it based on false premises. That's all. I do agree that some servers should get merged, but there are more people on the bigger servers than you think, they just don't use those precious queues you worry about. The GF is a piece of crap and most people on my server (TRE) use it not to find a group but as a taxi to the operation. PvP is crap, FP's are currently crap. You won't solve that with server merges.

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Negative on that one ghost rider. I am from USA. And sorry to inform you but what I said is completely accurate. I have played this game since launch and been thru this many times. This is not rocket science and honestly isn't even debatable to anyone who has been around and played this game long enough. The only people who are blind to this are Johnny come latelys who are clueless of what I talk about or self seeking trolls who want to suppress the truth for their own personal agenda. Other than that what my opening statement says is plain and simply common knowledge.


Yeah, because watching my guildmates on Shadowlands get their dailies done on multiple characters in a couple of hours a night means that I'm uninformed about how the population is. In my own experience, a Founder title means that I'm dropping group, immediately, because the vast majority of people with that title that I've played with apparently bought their accounts on ebay, because there's no way, in this game, that anyone could play that long and be that bad.

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Other than that what my opening statement says is plain and simply common knowledge.
Your use of the phrase "opening statement" intrigues me. While I realize you probably didn't intend to use it thusly, in my profession, "opening statement" has a special meaning. An "opening statement" is a promise. A lawyer promises the jury that he will produce evidence to support each and every assertion in his "opening statement". That's why so many statements in an opening statement begin with, "The evidence will show ...." It's also why a very popular and effective strategy for closing argument is to revisit your adversary's opening statement and remind the jury of any assertions that lawyer failed to prove ... to remind the jury of promises broken.
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Your use of the phrase "opening statement" intrigues me. While I realize you probably didn't intend to use it thusly, in my profession, "opening statement" has a special meaning. An "opening statement" is a promise. A lawyer promises the jury that he will produce evidence to support each and every assertion in his "opening statement". That's why so many statements in an opening statement begin with, "The evidence will show ...." It's also why a very popular and effective strategy for closing argument is to revisit your adversary's opening statement and remind the jury of any assertions that lawyer failed to prove ... to remind the jury of promises broken.


Your way over thinking this comrade. You do realize that we are in a Star Wars kiddy video game forum talking about a little kiddy video game right now don't you? This isn't a real life murder trial, its a kiddy Star Wars game. Just sayin. Relax a little and take a deep breath sir.

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Or...does it have more to do with the players who can no longer post because they quit?


Obviously most us are content enough to keep paying/playing, so our sampling on the forums will be extremely biased...but there are 100x's our number of players who no longer play the game who weren't content.


Exactly. I can not count the number of friends I have who are long gone from this game and never came back. For guys like us who were here from launch, we know how amazingly HUGE this games population was. These Johnny Come Lately folks have no clue what it was like having 188 US servers alone plus EU having about the same, plus Asian, plus Aussie servers.


We are down to 8 US servers and most of them are wrecked and desolate. The new people have not a clue what this game was like at one point.


That's why you and I know what's coming. This is all the same ole same ole for us. We have been thru many forced server mergers but this is all new to a lot of people who are clueless about this and the white knights will always be in full force denial. But for us seeing servers die off and become ghost towns is a frequent and common theme in this game since day 1. And now absent from a mega server this game will most certainly fizzle away. Harbringer is not even half of what it was a year ago, and the downward trend continues.

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Exactly. I can not count the number of friends I have who are long gone from this game and never came back. For guys like us who were here from launch, we know how amazingly HUGE this games population was. These Johnny Come Lately folks have no clue what it was like having 188 US servers alone plus EU having about the same, plus Asian, plus Aussie servers.


We are down to 8 US servers and most of them are wrecked and desolate. The new people have not a clue what this game was like at one point.


That's why you and I know what's coming. This is all the same ole same ole for us. We have been thru many forced server mergers but this is all new to a lot of people who are clueless about this and the white knights will always be in full force denial. But for us seeing servers die off and become ghost towns is a frequent and common theme in this game since day 1. And now absent from a mega server this game will most certainly fizzle away. Harbringer is not even half of what it was a year ago, and the downward trend continues.


Count me in on that too. I also have been thru the same things and know where we are headed if the development team doesn't step in and head this off. Like you said if Harbinger dies where will we go if they don't do a mega server? I mean Harbinger is not exactly at its peak health right now. Harbinger could use a little life added to it. It wasn't that long ago we had 4 full instances of republic fleet. Now it is mostly one and if it hits 2 it is usually only like 10 people on it. I've checked Shadowlands and they are at about 1/2 of Harbingers population. So they are not trending any better and as a matter of fact a lot worse.


Development team I hope you are paying attention to this thread because something needs to be done. And I hope you don't wait till the entire game is dead before you react to this. Be proactive not reactive. This needs to be addressed sooner not later.

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Count me in on that too. I also have been thru the same things and know where we are headed if the development team doesn't step in and head this off. Like you said if Harbinger dies where will we go if they don't do a mega server? I mean Harbinger is not exactly at its peak health right now. Harbinger could use a little life added to it. It wasn't that long ago we had 4 full instances of republic fleet. Now it is mostly one and if it hits 2 it is usually only like 10 people on it. I've checked Shadowlands and they are at about 1/2 of Harbingers population. So they are not trending any better and as a matter of fact a lot worse.


Development team I hope you are paying attention to this thread because something needs to be done. And I hope you don't wait till the entire game is dead before you react to this. Be proactive not reactive. This needs to be addressed sooner not later.


Should I thank Max for this post or should I thank myself? This is all so confusing :confused:

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There certainly aren't enough subs


I honestly think the reason why almost one hundred thousand views have taken place on this thread is that people realize that the "game" itself has died. People truly want answers of what the development team plans to do to breath life back into a game that has more dead ghost town servers than it does active ones. People want to know where to go from here now that we are down to only a few playable servers left in this game. That is why this thread went viral. People who still play this game like this game and want answers. I just wish the development team would provide some and address this issue discussed in this long and intensive thread about this game dying and what they plan to do.

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Impossible. The game is dead, there aren't that many people playing anymore.:rolleyes:


Please just stop replying ... he's so desperate now he is self bumping between his accounts ... everyone just let this topic die and the attention he so seeks go with it ( since any decent debate in here has long since gone ).


I was trying really hard not to make this post over the past few days to avoid bumping it myself but people just keep buying into his crap I just had to point it out. ;)

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Please just stop replying ... he's so desperate now he is self bumping between his accounts ... everyone just let this topic die and the attention he so seeks go with it ( since any decent debate in here has long since gone ).


I was trying really hard not to make this post over the past few days to avoid bumping it myself but people just keep buying into his crap I just had to point it out. ;)


I was just noticing that this thread is now on page 6 of the all time most viewed posts out of 1005 since launch. And while I was there I was reading this.




Very interesting nostalgia from 2012. I remember it like it was yesterday. It has almost the same exact flavor of this post and obviously the same exact concerns as we do today. The only difference I see from 2012 to this post here is that back then they had ALOT of servers to run to. And this post clearly points out that we have reached the end of the rope. And I believe the development team owes us some answers of what if anything they are planning to do to avoid this perfect storm this game is heading into. Very interesting read and I remember reading it in 2012 like it was yesterday.

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