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Game has died, Nowhere to go


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I have laid out countless un refutable evidence for the claims I make. Provable and demonstrable evidence that can be tried and tested to be proven accurate. That's a lot more than you can say for yourself while you scream and yell about how having 1 instance of fleet is better than having 4 and that the fact that we are down to 1 means nothing. Pulling your head out of the sand makes it a lot easier to see. Pull your head out and take a look. Its real easy to see once you do that.


First of all I never said what you claim I said. That is entirely made up by yourself. So you are a liar by saying I ever said such a thing. I will repeat. I never said that having 1 instance of fleet is better than 4. Not once. You lie.


Secondly, I was replying to someone else and not you. He decided populations were down simply because of the number of fleet instances he reported. That is objectively not enough information for such a claim and I gave plausible alternative reasons. However, I never said the alternatives were the truth, I just said there are alternative explanations.


And I would've been happy to have a look at your "evidence", but since you are lying about what I said, clearly you have no grasp of what evidence means, so there is no way that I will waste my time on that.

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While this topic is being debated I thought I'd point out these two threads even though they are anecdotal. Nonetheless I think it's fair to say at least some servers are quite alive and maybe doing very well. I'd rather see these threads than dying threads any day. Before anyone jumps on me I have no dog in this fight and I think that there are some servers that do have low population but that alot of servers "seem" fine.






EDIT: This could be a server malfunction who knows I just wanted to point this out cause I found it ironic.

Edited by squirrelballz
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While this topic is being debated I thought I'd point out these two threads even though they are anecdotal. Nonetheless I think it's fair to say at least some servers are quite alive and maybe doing very well. I'd rather see these threads than dying threads any day. Before anyone jumps on me I have no dog in this fight and I think that there are some servers that do have low population but that alot of servers "seem" fine.






EDIT: This could be a server malfunction who knows I just wanted to point this out cause I found it ironic.


I haven't tried logging in Shadowlands today, but when I've been playing on low level planets this week they have been packed.

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personally i avoid the fleet as much as humanly possible... i wonder how many others do the same while the doom-sayers use fleet numbers as their be-all-end-all evidence... all low fleet numbers tell me is people aren't hanging out on fleet and are out playing the game... Edited by Elly_Dawn
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personally i avoid the fleet as much as humanly possible... i wonder how many others do the same while the doom-sayers use fleet numbers as their be-all-end-all evidence... all low fleet numbers tell me is people aren't hanging out on fleet and are out playing the game...


I don't use fleet as a tell all. I use WHO tab as a tell all. And the WHO tab is telling me that Harbinger numbers are plummeting in a downward spiral on all PVP, GSF, and PVE instances as well as ALL planets. So fleet is only one small tool to use. And YES fleet is still an awesome indicator of game population health. Whether you avoid it or not, it is still very accurate.

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EDIT: This could be a server malfunction who knows I just wanted to point this out cause I found it ironic.


The EDIT is right, both when this happened and when the same happened to The Ebon Hawk last week, http://www.swtor.com/server-status and Torstatus showed them as Light while folks were getting the queue.


It wasn't abandoned-dead, it was mechanically-dead. Different dead-context.


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Well, my personal experience on my server is that that there are more people on leveling planets than a couple of years ago and having guild ships also makes a difference. However, all this "evidence" is anecdotal at best.


He decided it's all the proof he needs to substantiate his opinion on the population. My stance is that if that's the only "evidence" you have (assuming that it's true to begin with), then it's not very conclusive. I cannot say whether the population on your server is healthy or not, but I can say that the "evidence" presented is insufficient.


You see if there are two possibilities, A and B. And then someone says A is true because of reason 1. Now I then look at it and see that reason 1 is not conclusive, so I mention that. For some odd reason people then think that I am defending possibility B. But I am not, I am just saying that the reason 1 isn't conclusive so it could go either way still.


Apparently, that's something he can't wrap his head around.


I tend to take a more simplistic approach to population in regards to the game from my perspective. Can I find a pug group to do the content I want to do when I want to do it?


On Harbinger the answer is generally yes though it can get a bit of wait sometimes during later APAC hours.


However this time last year I could almost never find a group on fleet during APAC hours to run with ... it was actually horrible to the point I completely gave up trying after repeated times of spending over an hour during the weekends APAC "primetime" trying to wait for a group and instead being subjected to the mundane, tedious chat as I waited.


So the contention is that fleet was 2-2.5 times more populated on Harb 1 year ago than it is now which from experience ( again based around using fleet to actually find people to run content with ) is just utter nonsense and not even worth considering without some form of evidence to support it.


This would mean that there were double the amount of people on fleet but far less actually wanting to run group content meaning what ... they were there for the stunning intellectual conversation? I guess it MaximumBad was a representation of the group it wouldn't actually surprise me though I doubt this to be the case.

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Guildships are counted as fleet. So again your trying to hard. The servers have deflated considerably.


How sure are you about this in terms of instances? Yes it puts you to fleet chat, yes it shows you as being in fleet from /who but how can you content that when on fleet the people in the listed instances are also including people on guildships and the guild ship instance isn't it's own instance you don't see when you are on fleet?


In fact I'm fairly sure you are wrong in just testing now.


Harb right now:


Instance 1: 86

Instance 2: 179

GS Instance: 56


There was nowhere to see that GS instance from on fleet.

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I don't use fleet as a tell all. I use WHO tab as a tell all. And the WHO tab is telling me that Harbinger numbers are plummeting in a downward spiral on all PVP, GSF, and PVE instances as well as ALL planets. So fleet is only one small tool to use. And YES fleet is still an awesome indicator of game population health. Whether you avoid it or not, it is still very accurate.


Your /who results cannot be trusted what so ever.


You made a topic for people to use /who to prove PVP was more popular than PVE yet got many instance names wrong to search for which yielded 0 results because your search criteria was wrong.


You never acknowledged nor remedied this error so it's safe to assume you are using the same flawed methodology to support your weak argument right now.

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Actually it can and not only that it is 100% accurate. Sorry to say, but the sky really is falling.


Hope you have a good umbrella then. Until such time as it actually happens I'll be enjoying the game. Enjoy your paranoia! :D

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Hope you have a good umbrella then. Until such time as it actually happens I'll be enjoying the game. Enjoy your paranoia! :D


The "sky" has been "falling" for years, and yet here we are, still playing the game... and chicken little is still posting on the forums for the game that's "dead".

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Hope you have a good umbrella then. Until such time as it actually happens I'll be enjoying the game. Enjoy your paranoia! :D


Sky seems to be taking an inordinate amount of time to fall, doesn't it. Sayers-of-things have been predicting the game's demise for years.


Seems to me that one can substitute "I don't like the game anymore" for "the game is dying" and be right most of the time. ;)

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Sky seems to be taking an inordinate amount of time to fall, doesn't it. Sayers-of-things have been predicting the game's demise for years.


Seems to me that one can substitute "I don't like the game anymore" for "the game is dying" and be right most of the time. ;)


So going from 4 instances of fleet to 1 and I mention it and am concerned and its because I don't like the game? Are you kidding me? I wouldn't be here if I didn't like the game. Ive been here since day 1 of launch. You really need to get in the real world. Your reality is flawed.

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So going from 4 instances of fleet to 1 and I mention it and am concerned and its because I don't like the game? Are you kidding me? I wouldn't be here if I didn't like the game. Ive been here since day 1 of launch. You really need to get in the real world. Your reality is flawed.


4 instances when? How long ago? What time? When did you only see 1? Stop talking crap about notes you've written down next to yourself and support it with something more substantial.

During October-December perhaps? Well duh ... of course it's going to depopulate since then it's old hat stuff now ... it happens every year then picks back up again for the next greatest/latest expansion etc. then dies off again and then picks up again ... you get the idea.


For someone who has supposedly been here so long you should know this by now.


On a side note ... there were 3 on Harb today which would have been around 12am GMT give or take I guess though 1 depopulated half an hour or so later.

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Ah yes.... the who list is very useful on Jung Ma, all you have to do is type "Jung Ma" in the search bar and you get less than 100 results so you can see where everyone is playing.


Hey, we had a second Fleet instance shortly after KotFE was released!


But seriously, we do sometimes get over 100 players. That's when you do /who 1-20, add it to /who 21-40, etc.

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So going from 4 instances of fleet to 1 and I mention it and am concerned and its because I don't like the game? Are you kidding me? I wouldn't be here if I didn't like the game. Ive been here since day 1 of launch. You really need to get in the real world. Your reality is flawed.


Vanjervalis Chain *never* had more than 2 instances - and in 90 % only 1.

The only exceptions were Makeb, Revan and KOTFE.


What's not normal in your view is normal in the view of others.

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Actually it can and not only that it is 100% accurate. Sorry to say, but the sky really is falling.


Anything you say has to be taken with a huge pinch of salt. I mean, you even make up yourself what other people supposedly said, so that it fits your opinion. If you blatantly twist the words of others like that, how can anybody you say be taken seriously?


That's right, we can't.


And when I called you on it, you were silent. You ignored it. So clearly you have no interest in facts and truth, but you've taken your opinion as truth and change everything in reality to fit your opinion. No one in their right mind will take that seriously.


And yes the sky is falling, just like the universe will implode eventually and a new ice age will come to this earth...but not in our life times. Everything dies or falls apart in the end. So whether the sky is falling or not is not a debate. Whether it will happen within the very near future...well that's an entirely different discussion. As it stands the game has been dying for years now and predictions by people like yourself have predicted the game would die "very soon". And yet, BW have stated they are already working on Season 2 of the new story lines. Why do that if the game is dying or going into maintenance mode? It just makes no sense. Reality is knocking but you won't answer the door I guess.

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I could see someone saying the game has died if they're stuck on a dead server, but Harbinger? You can't be serious.


That server is anything but dead.


Along with some others.


Of course, they can't seem to make up their mind whether every server other than Harby is dead, and everyone should move to Harby... or even Harby is dead and that means the game is doomed.

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