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Game has died, Nowhere to go


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Yeah I often have difficulty comprehending stuff that doesn't make any sense. Looks like we're at the part where you type something else that doesn't make any sense and claim victory. Congrats in advance!


BTW congrats on the 1100s post in this thread. It is obviously a hot topic for a lot of people.

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BTW congrats on the 1100s post in this thread. It is obviously a hot topic for a lot of people.


Sure is, well done OP. It's a shame some are trying to derail it by getting personal with you instead of just accepting that it's OK for others to care about stuff they might not care about.

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I just came back after taking a 2 month break, and after running through the 2 new chapters. and being told by many that the game is dead. I would have to somewhat agree, at least on the server that I am on. And no I wont transfer servers, I have put way to much time and money into a game just to lose the names i have along with the guilds and so on. If they do a server merger fine, I would accept that. But from what they have said there is not one in the works so when my 3 months are up I will be leaving again. I really miss the way this game was when it was in its hay day.


I have played since day one on and off. I have been away for about 14 - 15 months and have just re - subbed. The planets I have been on always seem full, there are plenty of guilds and always something to do. I love the quality of life changes that have been made, from the multi-spec companions all the way to the fast-pass items to heroics.


One thing that NEVER changes is the doom and gloom brigade quoting random made up statistics about the game not being profitable all the way to the number of active players. Of course if one dares to disagree with the moaning minnys you are branded a `fan boy` or are told you are deluded. I for one do not miss the `hay day` of SWTOR... crappy non adaptive armor, No strongholds, very few speeders or vanity items, truly ugly PvP consular gear, class locked armor, no dye modules.. yeah thanks, but no thanks.


I will tell you when the game is dead. When the servers shut down for good and the game is dead, buried and forgotten. Until then I for one intend to have fun and be happy that the game is still active, whatever form that may be in.


Of course I am not sure some people remember that games are supposed to be `fun`....

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Sure is, well done OP. It's a shame some are trying to derail it by getting personal with you instead of just accepting that it's OK for others to care about stuff they might not care about.


That's... ironic when said in defense of someone who has spent the entire thread pretty much telling anyone else who doesn't live and breathe PvP like he does to FOAD.


Since this is the thread for quoting terms and definitions, here's one that comes to mind more and more in this thread...

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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That's... ironic when said in defense of someone who has spent the entire thread pretty much telling anyone else who doesn't live and breathe PvP like he does to FOAD.


Yet you feel compelled to keep filling it up with posts. Like it's a personal crusade for... what exactly? Proving someone wrong who disagrees with you? Proving your point to strangers on the internet? Weird.


If you don't like the thread or OP's responses you can always shove off matey.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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Yet you feel compelled to keep filling it up with posts. Like it's a personal crusade for... what exactly? Proving someone wrong who disagrees with you? Proving your point to strangers on the internet? Weird.


If you don't like the thread or OP's responses you can always shove off matey.


It's a public thread on Bioware's forum. Each of your posts fills or bumps it as surely as any other post. You could also just as easily "shove off", and yet, here you are, posting in it, along with everyone else posting in it.


Posting posts to tell other posters to stop posting is also posting. If you want the thread to stop, then stop posting post haste.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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It's a public thread on Bioware's forum. Each of your posts fills or bumps it as surely as any other post. You could also just as easily "shove off", and yet, here you are, posting in it, along with everyone else posting in it.


Posting posts to tell other posters to stop posting is also posting. If you want the thread to stop, then stop posting post haste.


Max I think you are gonna need a spponful of medicine. You made me do it again.


Definition of DENIAL

1 : a psychological defense mechanism in which

confrontation with a personal problem or with reality is avoided by denying the existence of the problem or reality

2 : refusal to admit the truth or reality

3 : refusing to admit the truth or reality of something unpleasant

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Max I think you are gonna need a spponful of medicine. You made me do it again.


Definition of DENIAL

1 : a psychological defense mechanism in which

confrontation with a personal problem or with reality is avoided by denying the existence of the problem or reality

2 : refusal to admit the truth or reality

3 : refusing to admit the truth or reality of something unpleasant




Is that you, Holden?


Here's a definition you should probably pay more attention to.

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It's a public thread on Bioware's forum. Each of your posts fills or bumps it as surely as any other post. You could also just as easily "shove off", and yet, here you are, posting in it, along with everyone else posting in it.


Posting posts to tell other posters to stop posting is also posting. If you want the thread to stop, then stop posting post haste.


Mentioning an option isn't telling. No need to make your lower lip all puffy about it.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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Its excuses, coz Division, coz WOW new expansion, coz B&S, coz BDO, coz TESO new expansion, coz GW2 release and so on, so on.


It is not only the Servers that are getting pretty screwy but the Guilds that are messing up the Game Maps that solo Players have to get in groups so they can even complete missions! The Darn Assassins Temple is an example of this that solo Players going there cannot complete missions because of them expecting only 6 spawned Battle Droids when they discover they have to fight 9 without any HP Healing at all and we get our arses kicked back to the Darn Outpost Base for our troubles while the Guild Players that control Hoth laugh their guts out.

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It is not only the Servers that are getting pretty screwy but the Guilds that are messing up the Game Maps that solo Players have to get in groups so they can even complete missions! The Darn Assassins Temple is an example of this that solo Players going there cannot complete missions because of them expecting only 6 spawned Battle Droids when they discover they have to fight 9 without any HP Healing at all and we get our arses kicked back to the Darn Outpost Base for our troubles while the Guild Players that control Hoth laugh their guts out.



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I have to agree with calling it Epic - it's about as exciting to read as Beowulf

"Playground" would seem a more apt descriptor of this thread. Substantive discussion waned scores of pages ago, leaving only "Playground Rhetoric" to "entertain" us:


I know you, but what am I?

I'm rubber and you're glue ....

Nuh uh!

Uh huh!

He who smelt it ....

Why are you hitting yourself?

Let's face it, this thread is a few good "Yo Momma" attacks from completing the Playground Debate Society heptathlon.

Edited by Thoronmir
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"Playground" would seem a more apt descriptor of this thread. Substantive discussion waned scores of pages ago, leaving only "Playground Rhetoric" to "entertain" us:


I know you, but what am I?

I'm rubber and you're glue ....

Nuh uh!

Uh huh!

He who smelt it ....

Why are you hitting yourself?

Let's face it, this thread is a few good "Yo Momma" attacks from completing the Playground Debate Society heptathlon.


I have played on Harbringer for 2 years now. I was forced to server transfer off of POT5 (PVP) server because it became a ghost town. 30 minute que times during peak time. After peak time (mornings and late evenings) no que pops at all.

At the time I had a choice. Goto a populated server with que pops and leave my current server. At the time and still is the most populated server TheHarbringer was really the best choice.

The past 3 to 4 weeks on Harbringer has been the longest que waits in the 2 years I have been playing here. And in the past month has been getting slower each week. I play everyday at the same times so I have my finger on the pulse of Harbringer and know it well.


TLDR: Harbringer is heading down the same road as POT5 and has an eroding population. Only difference is this time for me is that when Harbringer dies off (and it is rapidly heading that way) there is no "GO TO" server like there was in the past. Harbinger dies, where do people run to? As I see it, there is nowhere to run anymore. We have reached the end of the rope.


I don't see anything at all of what you just said there. I think you are exactly what you are accusing others of being and doing.

It might be time to look in the mirror. You might get a better picture of what you are talking about.

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I have played on Harbringer for 2 years now... [insert more red text]


I don't see anything at all of what you just said there. I think you are exactly what you are accusing others of being and doing.

It might be time to look in the mirror. You might get a better picture of what you are talking about.


You should re-read what he said, Mad.


"Playground" would seem a more apt descriptor of this thread. Substantive discussion waned scores of pages ago, leaving only "Playground Rhetoric" to "entertain" us:

He's not attacking your original post/complaint, he's commenting on all the childish back and forth bickering that's had the overtone in the past few pages.

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