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Game has died, Nowhere to go


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Maybe this is a language misunderstanding. It's like you're not even reading the posts on the screen before replying.


I was pointing out, somewhat snidely, that BW is (arguably) investing more effort into PvP than they are into ops and FP; perhaps due to them seeing resources spent in Ops as wasted.


BW is spending the lion's share of their resources on "story." PvP and Ops are being sidelined

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I was pointing out, somewhat snidely, that BW is (arguably) investing more effort into PvP than they are into ops and FP; perhaps due to them seeing resources spent in Ops as wasted.


BW is spending the lion's share of their resources on "story." PvP and Ops are being sidelined


If only the KOTFE "story" was better it could have worked...I find it to be pandering, contrived, predictable and cliché featuring some of the most dull, forgettable characters introduced to the game...I remember NPC mission gives with more personality...

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If only the KOTFE "story" was better it could have worked...I find it to be pandering, contrived, predictable and cliché featuring some of the most dull, forgettable characters introduced to the game...I remember NPC mission gives with more personality...


I've called the KotFE story average at best a time or two, myself.

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If only the KOTFE "story" was better it could have worked...I find it to be pandering, contrived, predictable and cliché featuring some of the most dull, forgettable characters introduced to the game...I remember NPC mission gives with more personality...


Because Bioware gives half the characters the same personality half the time throughout their stories perhaps.

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If only the KOTFE "story" was better it could have worked...I find it to be pandering, contrived, predictable and cliché featuring some of the most dull, forgettable characters introduced to the game...I remember NPC mission gives with more personality...


You know there is truth in this.

I find most of the major players introduced with FE to be very much the case memtioned and i can think back to more minor characters from the original story that i still rmemeber to this day and would love to see back more than i could ever care to see Koth again.


And all the new companions are utterly lackluster without the back story... i would have preferred to have seen some of them back sooner over the lot of "who the hades is this friggin guy".

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You need to read a little before you go off on a full meltdown and then on top of it screaming at me to leave this game. I made it very clear. I like this game, but when the que times get to the point that have already reached ON 4 OTHER SERVERS I PLAYED ON BEFORE HARBRINGER then I am gone and gone forever unless they institute server to server ques or form a mega server.


Plain and simple. Read a little before you go off on a full meltdown mode.


We can only hope que times slow a liitle more...

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If only the KOTFE "story" was better it could have worked...I find it to be pandering, contrived, predictable and cliché featuring some of the most dull, forgettable characters introduced to the game...I remember NPC mission gives with more personality...


Meh, I found the story being up there with the best stories in SWTOR. The SW and Agent class stories being the best in my view. Though, I am the one who loved the ROTHC story (Excluding the rather bland Dread Master's arc), which everyone seems to hate...

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Meh, I found the story being up there with the best stories in SWTOR. The SW and Agent class stories being the best in my view. Though, I am the one who loved the ROTHC story (Excluding the rather bland Dread Master's arc), which everyone seems to hate...


The story itself is good, but it would have been better if it has some replayable value, especially for different classes.

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Please avoid comments like this from both of you... its causing nothing but personal attacks from both of you which are completely unrelated to the subject and adds no constructive arguments. I uh... I know lately in the other thread I haven't been the best example... but... but..... be better than meh!

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Yeah, but that what PVP is. Of course the atmosphere is more aggressive towards other players. That's what PVP is. Aggression towards other players.


I don't think PVP players are astonished when a PVE player accuses a PVP player of being aggressive towards other players. Just like I don't think people like you who don't like PVP because it is too rough and aggressive for you carebears. PVE only people are carebears. So what?


Lol, I was wondering how long until you'd resort to carebear. I'll tell ya' what, go roll Asmodian on any server in Aion. I think we'll find you're having to PvP in a Flashpoint *** right back here, crying about how you got ganked repeatedly. For myself? I have a 1 star officer that I PvP on all the time, when I play Aion. It's extremely possible that, if I lose enough, I could lose that rank, and the ability to equip the gear that earned along the way to attaining it. What's the penalty for losing here? Oh yeah, there isn't one. It's Asmodian, on an Elyos dominated server, and since I'm capped, I'm in the end game zones, where actual PvP happens, instead of crying about 1 2 3 go, not popping fast enough.


Ironically, all the PvPers that came here with me from Aion believe that the majority of PvPers here are exactly what you're calling others here: Carebears. You want to PvP where there are no consequences for failure, imagine that, eh?

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Who is "we"? You mean you and your carebear crusaders of PVE who run around screaming and yelling at everyone that everything is rainbows and flowers? Cheerleaders and Fanboi's are certainly an interesting specimen. They would just assume wreck the game and yell and scream at everyone who dares to point out any thing negative about the game and then wish those who want an active game would just leave.


Your logic is flawed and toxic to any MMO. As much as I might detest Fanboi's and Cheerleaders I don't want yall to leave. Unfortunately your presence makes this game possible.


We, as in myself....and probably 90% of the people in this thread. You are the type of player that destroys a MMO, and then call other people toxic?? seriously?? Why dont you go watch some more Bill Oreilly, that seems more your speed.


I mean seriously, in your deluded mind do you think that anyone else in this thread agrees with you? The irony is that anyone that calls me a cheerleader for this game, obviously has not done their homework. Move on little troll...


Or here, this is something you may understand:




the action of declaring something to be untrue.

"she shook her head in denial"

synonyms: contradiction, refutation, rebuttal, repudiation, disclaimer; More

the refusal of something requested or desired.

"the denial of insurance to people with certain medical conditions"

synonyms: refusal, withholding; More

a statement that something is not true.

plural noun: denials

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