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Game has died, Nowhere to go


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I'm rarely in fleet, mostly I use the strongholds as a quick travel point, I have all I need there and its decorated to my liking and closer together. A lot of the people I know do the same, so I can't agree the population in fleet is an indication of anything other than the population in fleet. This post is not debating anything else said here, except that point.


If you re-read my post you'll notice I mentioned, "That is across Ops, Warzones, planets, Fleet and strongholds."


I by searching the actual planet it takes the stronghold into account as well since the stronghold is "part of the planet" for databasing and categorization purposes.

Edited by RiVaN_
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verb (used without object), died, dying.


1. to pass gradually; fade or subside gradually (usually followed by away, out, or down):


2. to become weaker or fainter and then cease:


3. to die only after a bitter struggle. to give way or surrender slowly or with difficulty:


Nope actually the definition works perfectly for what I was referring to.


Dude, You started this thread with a very strong point that I could support, no questions asked. Then you began engaging in straight up Forum PvP, then you delved into total b-baggery. Give it up man, go find another game where you can have fun.


I swear this younger generation is so combative, they must always pit themselves against others in anyway they can. More of them should join the Army or Marines that is where these angry attitudes thrive, get nurtured, then broken down and transformed into decent, respectful human beings.

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Dude, You started this thread with a very strong point that I could support, no questions asked. Then you began engaging in straight up Forum PvP, then you delved into total b-baggery. Give it up man, go find another game where you can have fun.


I swear this younger generation is so combative, they must always pit themselves against others in anyway they can. More of them should join the Army or Marines that is where these angry attitudes thrive, get nurtured, then broken down and transformed into decent, respectful human beings.


If the game isn't and has not been dying, then why did I have to be shuffled from 4 different servers, and then spend 1800 cartel coins on each toon I moved from POT5 to move to Harbinger?


I am just clarifying a statement someone made about how terribly wrong I was saying the game is dying.


If you don't like it, then lump it. I don't know what to tell you. I made this thread because of a serious issue. If you don't like the way I handle myself or defend my position then don't read my post.


Reading your response, you sound like a d-bag and troll. You went full rage attack on me because I said that the game is dying? Wow bro, you need to get over it man. You talk about transforming attitudes. You should practice what you preach bro.

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If the game isn't and has not been dying, then why did I have to be shuffled from 4 different servers, and then spend 1800 cartel coins on each toon I moved from POT5 to move to Harbinger?


I am just clarifying a statement someone made about how terribly wrong I was saying the game is dying.


If you don't like it, then lump it. I don't know what to tell you. I made this thread because of a serious issue. If you don't like the way I handle myself or defend my position then don't read my post.


Reading your response, you sound like a d-bag and troll. You went full rage attack on me because I said that the game is dying? Wow bro, you need to get over it man. You talk about transforming attitudes. You should practice what you preach bro.



You know server moves are 90 cc right now, right?

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Active? Please explain...I'm from POT5 as well...the server has been dead for at least a year now...closer to 2.


TUX don't take the bait he is casting. He has been trolling this thread since it started. We are talking about serious issues and he is running around screaming and yelling about how active POT5 is. Ignore him and it will do you good.

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Active? Please explain...I'm from POT5 as well...the server has been dead for at least a year now...closer to 2.


When I look up POT5 on TORstatus, it shows on the list, with light server load, and steady at that level for the last 60 days.


I don't think we're all using the same definition of "dead". I use the term quite literally, some use it to mean "population consistently too low to do group content", and some use it to mean "it's dead to me so it's just dead no matter what anyone else is experiencing, and you're a troll if you won't jump on my self-important rage-wagon."


When someone has been saying "this game is dead" for years now, and yet is still logging in and playing the game, and still paying their subscription fee in order to come here and rage-post again about how the game is "dead"... I can't take them seriously as anything other than a self-absorbed dudebro.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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Acknowledging that different people want different things from a game, I just look at it this way: I log in after I get home from work. There are usually between 20-30 people from my guild online. Coruscant has nearly 100 people present, as low as 40 at about 11:00pm last night. While it isn't "hundreds", I think it's just enough people to feel like there are things happening on the realm (I'm on Begeren Colony).


While I understand that for some people, an MMO is "all about the endgame", The Old Republic is ultimately a story-action game. BioWare tracks tons of metrics through the game client, and those metrics are obviously (to me, at least) telling them that the content people are most consistently engaging with is story content, which is why Knights of the Fallen Empire is so focused on story instead of new raid content.


This isn't particularly surprising to me, to be honest. Since World of Warcraft launched in late 2004 and introduced the wide world (and not just dedicated "gamers") to group-oriented endgame content (which isn't to say it wasn't around beforehand, because it was), there's been a constant balancing act between difficulty, accessibility, and managing the inevitable heartache and griefing (intentional or otherwise) that comes with introducing virtual strangers to the same space where they have to work together to accomplish something.


Then when new tiers of content are introduced, all that previous work is largely for naught; the gear all gets replaced. It's a continuous hamster wheel. I've been out of WoW since before the first major content patch for Warlords of Draenor hit, and the only reason I'm thinking about coming back when Legion launches is I'm really curious about the Demon Hunter. I'll play it, I'll go through the leveling content, and if there isn't enough there to keep me interested in SPITE of the raid content (which I already know is going to be yet another revolving door of learn the raid/farm the raid/get a new raid), then my sub won't last there (though I'm sure that if nothing else changes to keep me there longer, Blizzard will be happy to get another $15 a month from me for 2-3 months).


As far as TOR being "dead", it isn't. MMOs, in reality, take a LONG time to die (the only notable exceptions in recent history were EverQuest 2 and Matrix Online; hell, I think the original EverQuest is still going, and somehow Rift is still going). An MMO is not "dead" until the servers are shut down, and EA will keep funding these servers as long as doing so doesn't result in consistent quarterly revenue loss.


And that quarterly thing is meaningful: it means that we're going to get at least three months' notice before the game shuts down (if it ever does). Star Wars Galaxies went for an awfully long time despite not being a very good game. EVE Online continues to go. Despite losing over half its subscriber base in a relatively short span of time, WoW continues and remains subscription-only (though I personally predict that'll change in the next year or two).


Since we're in a new cycle of movies and licensed content, The Old Republic (despite not even being canonical anymore!) isn't going anywhere any time soon.

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When I look up POT5 on TORstatus, it shows on the list, with light server load, and steady at that level for the last 60 days.


I don't think we're all using the same definition of "dead". I use the term quite literally, some use it to mean "population consistently too low to do group content", and some use it to mean "it's dead to me so it's just dead no matter what anyone else is experiencing, and you're a troll if you won't jump on my self-important rage-wagon."

You're confusing "available" for "active".


Servers literally don't drop below "light"...so that steady trend you're noting means nothing more than the power to turn the server on is still running. POT5 is dead.


And no...we're not using the same definitions. You're pretending it's "active" because the power light is still lit up...that's cute and all, but it's not the type of "active" you know we're actually talking about.

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I have played on Harbringer for 2 years now. I was forced to server transfer off of POT5 (PVP) server because it became a ghost town. 30 minute que times during peak time. After peak time (mornings and late evenings) no que pops at all.

At the time I had a choice. Goto a populated server with que pops and leave my current server. At the time and still is the most populated server TheHarbringer was really the best choice.

The past 3 to 4 weeks on Harbringer has been the longest que waits in the 2 years I have been playing here. And in the past month has been getting slower each week. I play everyday at the same times so I have my finger on the pulse of Harbringer and know it well.


TLDR: Harbringer is heading down the same road as POT5 and has an eroding population. Only difference is this time for me is that when Harbringer dies off (and it is rapidly heading that way) there is no "GO TO" server like there was in the past. Harbinger dies, where do people run to? As I see it, there is nowhere to run anymore. We have reached the end of the rope.


jedi cov is pretty populous. so theres your go to server they have a refer a friend program find some gaming forums and advertise the game for them they refuse to fire the marketing person so we must do it for them if we care this much about this game. help them bring in people. if every person brought in at least one person that doubles the population and then they do the same it triples it everyone has to at least know ONE person they can get into playing this game. With the new movies out its bringing people back to play this game the new movie brought me back. And its coming out on dvd in april so more will come then to because some people never got the chance to see it in theaters so watch your server will be back maybe, and maybe not.

Edited by NakodaTheJedi
because i wana
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jedi cov is pretty populous. so theres your go to server they have a refer a friend program find some gaming forums and advertise the game for them they refuse to fire the marketing person so we must do it for them if we care this much about this game. help them bring in people. if every person brought in at least one person that doubles the population and then they do the same it triples it everyone has to at least know ONE person they can get into playing this game.


As far as I can tell - JC folks are mostly too busy playing the game to come on the forums and get salt shaken on them :)

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You're confusing "available" for "active".


Servers literally don't drop below "light"...so that steady trend you're noting means nothing more than the power to turn the server on is still running. POT5 is dead.


And no...we're not using the same definitions. You're pretending it's "active" because the power light is still lit up...that's cute and all, but it's not the type of "active" you know we're actually talking about.


Then maybe people should make a ACCURATE forum thread called "POT5 dead no where to go" rather then making a flame bait post, making a ridiculous assumption that the whole game is dying, when on other servers such as JC it is anything but?

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Then maybe people should make a ACCURATE forum thread called "POT5 dead no where to go" rather then making a flame bait post, making a ridiculous assumption that the whole game is dying, when on other servers such as JC it is anything but?

Maybe. I didn't start the thread but I can tell you that before switching servers from POT5, I didn't think there was much left of the game myself...it FELT dead...I couldn't have imagined the population I experienced on Harb.

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Then maybe people should make a ACCURATE forum thread called "POT5 dead no where to go" rather then making a flame bait post, making a ridiculous assumption that the whole game is dying, when on other servers such as JC it is anything but?


plus there are these things called character transfers.....i'm pretty sure everyone gets a free transfer for one toon. annnnd you can use that toon to make money on a new server to buy you more transfers on the gtn...theyre complaining over something that they themselves can easily fix

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plus there are these things called character transfers.....i'm pretty sure everyone gets a free transfer for one toon. annnnd you can use that toon to make money on a new server to buy you more transfers on the gtn...theyre complaining over something that they themselves can easily fix

This is one thing we differ on. I don't believe it's the players duty to pay to move servers...that rewards Bioware fiscally for killing servers off, intentionally or not.

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Maybe. I didn't start the thread but I can tell you that before switching servers from POT5, I didn't think there was much left of the game myself...it FELT dead...I couldn't have imagined the population I experienced on Harb.


Oh I know you didnt tux, should have made that clearer. I was just speaking about the flame baiting OP.

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plus there are these things called character transfers.....i'm pretty sure everyone gets a free transfer for one toon. annnnd you can use that toon to make money on a new server to buy you more transfers on the gtn...theyre complaining over something that they themselves can easily fix


Since when can we buy transfers on the GTN? I've never seen them in the store, or on the GTN. The only way I know you can transfer is to go to your account page and make the transaction from there.

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You're confusing "available" for "active".


Servers literally don't drop below "light"...so that steady trend you're noting means nothing more than the power to turn the server on is still running. POT5 is dead.


And no...we're not using the same definitions. You're pretending it's "active" because the power light is still lit up...that's cute and all, but it's not the type of "active" you know we're actually talking about.


Then dudebro needs to come up with a word besides "dead" that actually means what he's actually talking about, and stop applying his personal experience in one part of the gameplay on one server to the entire game.


Or at least stop treating people like something he stepped in when his self-important hyperbole is taken at face value and they say "wait a minute..."

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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TUX don't take the bait he is casting. He has been trolling this thread since it started. We are talking about serious issues and he is running around screaming and yelling about how active POT5 is. Ignore him and it will do you good.


I'm left wondering, which of these threads you have running is bait? In one, you're all over how PvP is dead, and hence the game is dead, and in the other you're all over how PvP is alive and well, so long as you use the specific set of guidelines you wanted to use to document it. Then, as it turns out, this is just more "Chicken Little, the Sky is falling" that you've been going on about for 4 years. Was the game even out of beta when you decided it was dead?


So far, with all these contradictions, and obvious troll posts to up your post count, I haven't seen you present any evidence of anything other than your pet whinge about PvP being both dead and doing just fine. Pick a side of the fence, and run with it, until then, you're really not convincing anyone of anything, that didn't want to ride your coattails already, anyway.

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