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Producer Livestream Recap 3/9


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I see no mention if or when we will be able to customize the armor of the new companions. Also, now 2 more chapters have passed and not a word from any of the companions with romantic ties after chap 9. So what was the point of entering into a romance with the companion if they just turn into a robot with canned answers. All of the companions with the option to romance should at least have a few lines of personal dialogue with each new chapter to keep the story and immersion flowing. This last chapter? Talk about an epic fail!
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I'm curious. Was one of those social window improvements the ability to only need to ignore someone once per Legacy? :D


How about this feature? Option to ignore account once per account, so I can ignore a player on Jedi Covenant and never hear that person again on any of their toons from that account on any server.

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I'm curious. Was one of those social window improvements the ability to only need to ignore someone once per Legacy? :D


I hope not especially since it can affect group finder and wz queues. There are players who only bother one of my toons.

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Also, during the live steam today, I thought that I heard you guys say that the next producer's live stream will be on April 5, which is also the release of the next update/chapter. Do you think it's wise to have the live stream and release on the same day?I really don't want to have to choose between watching the stream and playing the new content. Would you please consider moving the live stream up one or 2 days?
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Questions about Jaesa Willsaam:


Sith Warriors can choose to have either light side or dark side Jaesa Willsaam, when they first get her. Will that option be given to all classes when we get to recruit her?


If Jaesa Willsaam gets to be the main companion for a chapter will there be two versions to preserve both versions of Jaesa Willsaam? I love darkside Jaesa Willsaam! She has some fun lines.

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After watching today's livestream I am left with a couple of questions . . .


1 ) What will happen with Khem Val now since we get a new dashade, is Khem dead or just not going to be

returning at all.


2) Why no HK inspired lightsaber to go along with the other weapons, I think a lightsaber would be sweet.


3) Will we have a full set of HK themed gear by the end of the season, because I would personally like to have a

complete outfit as I'm sure others would too.


4)This one has nothing to do with the livestream but has had me confused since the early access patch notes came

out, why did the Kallig lightsaber that comes from the sorc story become a legacy item, its cool that it is now

legacy but I'm just curious as of why ?[/left]

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Is Chapter 16 still the end of KOTFE?


I'm afraid that the remaining 4 chapters arent enough time for an exciting and deep ending if you plan to introduce more companions. Which brings me to my next question..


Are popular companions like Jaesa and Ashara going to get a proper introduction (like a chapter committed to them)?

I honestly feel a bit annoyed that you wasted the last 2 on Aric and Kaliyo. And those Alert Missions won't do those popular companions justice, imo. (due to the limited interactions in those Alert Missions)


Those questions might be more directed to the Story VLOG.

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Hey folks,


Thank you to everyone who tuned into the Livestream this afternoon. Here is a recap of what we talked about:

Community Topics

  • Eternal Championship - As many of you know we have decided to delay EC, more on this later.
  • Chapter XI Launch - Yesterday was our Early Access launch, tomorrow is the full launch. We know that there were a few pretty nasty bugs present with launch. We will be doing a patch tomorrow to correct some of them, with more changes likely incoming next week.
  • Community content - Just a shout out to all of you great content makers out there. Blogs, podcasts, youtubers. streamers, and more!

Chapter XI: Disavowed

  • Chapter XI is live as of tomorrow.
  • Venture deep into enemy territory and change the course of the war on the Eternal Throne.
  • Disavowed Cartel Market pack is also live.

Odessen Proving Grounds & Rishi Arena

  • Both will launch April 5th
  • Thank you to everyone who tested and provided feedback in making Odessen a great Warzone.

Quality of life improvements coming with Chapter 12 in April

  • Stronghold limit and decoration limit changes
  • Guild Improvements, including a raised cap to 1,000
  • Updated naming which allows spaces
  • PvE and PvP Instance types
  • Updated server select UI
  • Social window improvements

Eternal Championship

  • We will announce the new launch date on the next Producer Livestream
  • PTS planned for the end of March
  • Blog planned for the same time

Chapter XII: Visions in the Dark

  • New information leads to a potentially deadly mission for the Alliance
  • Valkorion, the Eternal Emperor, has brutal plans for the Outlander
  • Special return appearance from some fan-favorite characters!
  • Akghal Usar Recruitment Mission

Thank you everyone for tuning in!




Any news on the Build your own alliance contest? It's been more than a month.

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One question I'd really like to have answered is: Is there any chance of the companion cap for strongholds being raised with the influx of all these new companions? (My Secret Yavin Base can't hold everyone right now, shh!)
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Why was Chapter 11 so short? Or is this the standard length of the new chapters and we shouldn't be surprised when they can be completed in 30 minutes?


What is on the table for end game content?


Are there any plans to make more robust areas that have multiple levels and therefore more options to progress passed opponents or get the drop on them?


Linked to the 3 previous points, are you aware that a large number of guilds are leaving, if so is anything being done to address this?


What if anything is being done to allow smaller guilds (should any survive) be relevant to conquest with the new 1000 character limit?


Was there really such demand for 1000 character limit guilds? It seems to be a massive focus of the quality of life changes yet it seems hard pressed to say that many servers have 1000 on at any time. How many of these are made up of F2P accounts that may not even be active?


Are there any plans to improve or balance combat. It seems gear is vastly the most important factor and must be a contributing factor in why some people find the new content so boringly easy and others are dying against trash? Skill seems to have nothing to do with it as its easy to basic attack on my merc through most everything. This sought of game play may have seen its day.


The last two chapters has seen the outlander recruit a known terrorist who is one step down form trash and a die hard Republic commando. This makes for some implausible writing and seriously undermines much of the excellent work done in the first 50 levels of establishing a personality and therefore attachment to the character. Will future chapters continue to shoe horn the outlander into absurd situations or will they offer some choice in an either or capacity so an Imperial will be approaching a loyal imperial to assist with a mission rather than following someone round that can countermand every dialogue option and there is nothing you can do about it?


Why Akghal Usar instead of Khem Val? It sounds like he has the same back story having been frozen in time, is it because of the multiple personality of Khem Val? If this is the case does it mean Khem Val is never returning?


Can we get a list of companions that are never returning?


Following from above, if the companion is never returning can we get them restored separately to out roster in their own section so we can use them. Rather than waiting for their scripted return which will never happen?


As Jaesa has two possible personalities, is it fair to say she will be treated in the same way as Khem Val?


Everything this guy said times 10.


Spot on post Costello.

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You guys don't even have the courtesy to spend 30 seconds discussing the future (if any) state of Operations in this game.




Why they already said months ago that none would be worked on until kotfe is finished, unless told otherwise its best to assume that's still the case.

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Live stream notes : #choicesmatter? #whatisPvP/PvE? #wedon'thearyou. Btw amazing communicate devs, just ignored a lot of question and answers what actually players wants to hear. 10/10 communicate - IGN. Soon u will get dead servers. Edited by helpmewin
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Its not like Ive had many reasons to play this game lately..


I hear you. They mentioned it a few weeks back, forget where. And yes, it is an awesome change (though I personally suck at making up names). It's good if you're blessed with even a little creativity :) Imo, anyway.

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How much do you want to bet that May's rewards will be HK-inspired:

- Double-bladed sword

- Cannon

- blaster rifle


Can we get some rewards that are useful? Things like

- vendor (similar to Revan statue)

- craft vendor

- unique armor set (e.g., Valk's)


Also, please don't make them HK-inspired. I am sick of HK everything. Do something new. Please. This guy has the right idea -

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Few story questions for Charles Boyd as he made an appearance.


Why was Vitiate brought back to become Valkorian, when to quote Marr, New Name, New Face, New Personality, New Back story, New Goals could it be said completely new person. I'll run it down in spoilers for those that may not have played through the 1 to 50 game.



1) Emperor Vitiate leads the Sith Empire (more or less) for 1000 years. Guiding them from one city to a galaxy spaning empire.

2) He sends Revan and Malak to the republic to weaken it before his invasion, fairly successful, but then no invasion.

3) The Revan novel happens and the emperor starts using voices etc to avoid assassination.

4) The Emperors children are sent out into the republic along with any number of other spys, agents ect.

5) The Empire invades war, war war.

6) There is a Truce

7) Game starts cold war, Baras etc etc

8) The Jedi Knight story occurs and it turns out Vitiate is utterly insane. -(This makes him a poor enemy as only the insane could support him and therefore loses anything of interest as his just a big bad who can't be reasoned with)

9) Children are defeated, Voice on Voss is killed, JK kill Vitiate. (Foe the best he no longer showed any of the promise of this master leader that got him to this point)

10) Marr and Satale confirm on Makeb Vitiate is dead.

11) Revan Brings him back to defeat him finally cause his insane and the emperor is reborn as a force cloud.

12) Said force cloud devours all life on a planet and there is nothing that can stop him

13) He returns to the eternal empire, and sends his children into the galaxy who win war after war.

14) Marr takes 8 ships to hunt down a planet killer, and Valkorian sends 100 ships and destroys him.

15) Valkorian kills Marr and then dies.



A lot of time and effort i.e. Shadow of Revan and Ziost were used to bring back Vitiate only for him to become someone completely different. Why wasn't Vitiate just allowed to stay dead at the end of the JK story? Which would have avoided many inconsistences between Valorion the family man and the insane Vitiate the world eater.


Why was the Eternal fleet made to be so vast and better than everything else in the galaxy? By adding the Reapers from Mass Effect it sets the stage where you simply can't win. This alters the story from a war story to a horror story as rather than galactic battle its about running and hiding from the big bad. A possible soultion would be for the eternal fleet to be destroyed quickly and to find the resources taken from the core worlds was to build a fleet for Zakuul but one that isn't this mythical impossible to defeat uber fleet.


Tied with this why on earth didn't Vitiate use the fleet previous? it clearly wasn't because he didn't want to invade cause he did invade,


In relation to the love interests, why would finding someone wife/partner/significant other require it to be tied into the Story? Most of the Alerts are about finding people (ex companions) to aid the war. How could it be said that finding any of these people not be equally as useful as finding Xalek

who you might end up killing

or any of the other non remoanceable companions that have come back. Let alone recruiting Firebrand, who would my trooper see as more useful to the war effort some terrorist scum or Dorne.


Why do so few choices matter? if we take chapter 11




1) Exiles being hunted by droids. choice 'good they will cover our escape' result you save them cause Jorgan tells you to.

2) Homes are under attack, choice 'we don't have time for that' Jorgan tells you that his going to save them and you can follow him like his ***** or make you own way back to camp. You become Jorgans *****,

3) You save the exiles and then tell them they are on their own, Jorgan tells you that your his ***** and your going to escort them back to camp, you then clear a path for them

4) You tell Jorgan that you don't like his attitude, he thanks you for saving all those lives today!




As the commander of an Alliance it seems people come to us with their problems we say how high and then follow them round. Is this it for the commander of the Alliance? Kind of ties back the point above, will the commander ever get to say you know what rather than do what you lot want and worrying about your feelings or someone will try and run away hows about 'you find my wife/partner/significant other , even if just to get an e-mail to them to tell them I'm alive. Is that too much to ask for you bunch of parasites?


Finally why is Vaylin such a psycho, Arcann has so far murdered his brother,

father (or set it up) and half his knights

and his the sane one out of the two. They some how control the greatest empire ever, have more force users at their command than the rest of the galaxy combined and once again this is achieved by insane people. Seriously you kill 3 knights cause you don't like odd numbers, who the hell signs up to be a knight. Will we ever see the Grand Admiral Thrawn of bad guys where the person can believe in what they are doing and be smart about it without being insane?

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So, many people asked about development of new operations during the stream but no answer was given. Is BW developing new Ops? I mean actively developing, not just some intern in a corner doodling maps on napkins at lunch.


I ask because my guild is down to 4 ops groups from 15 before 4.0. These people have left for GW and WoW. What is BW doing to address this issue?

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So, many people asked about development of new operations during the stream but no answer was given. Is BW developing new Ops? I mean actively developing, not just some intern in a corner doodling maps on napkins at lunch.


I ask because my guild is down to 4 ops groups from 15 before 4.0. These people have left for GW and WoW. What is BW doing to address this issue?


Per George Smith back in July 2015


"We know that many players love our Operations and look forward to the introduction of new challenges, however with Knights of the Fallen Empire there will not be any new Operations". from Article http://dulfy.net/2015/07/09/swtor-operations-and-flashpoints-in-fallen-empire/


Thats why Bioware gave no answers we already had one last year. In the absence of Bioware saying anything different I think its safe to say that there will still be no new ops during kotfe.

Edited by Jedi_riches
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