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Why is Ashara so popular? She makes no sense.

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I agree, Cedrax is awful...I mean he hits on the lady JC...gets a FTB with her, and then turns around and drops her for the hologram. He still doesn't learn his lesson either, because if memory serves, isn't there a conversation where Nadia complains that he was hitting on her too?


Definitely Holiday is a reflection of the sort of person Cedrax is, and it's pretty skeevy. While some might argue about Doc being as bad, I don't recall him hitting on Kira, and he hasn't gone as far to create an ego stroking program, that is about as repulsive to behold as its creator.


Doc only hits on Kira if you're male and don't immediately say ''She's mine, back off'' along with a sabre threat.

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I think Doc is worse. He's standing there hitting on you while his ex is on the holo ranting about how he ditched her at their wedding. Kira finds Doc repulsive. Even Kaliyo says he's a bad lay. I don't know why the devs thought a man that every female character despises in-game would be attractive to a player. It just makes him look pathetic, like Anomen. He gets no respect from others, why should I like him? Pity? :confused:


Doc even tries to make a move on Kira, after she's hooked up with the Jedi Knight.


N/M, missed your other post.

Edited by Aeneas_Falco
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Doesn't she start as the SW's literal slave?


The SW does have the choice to take the collar off and treat her as something other than a slave (partner in crime, friend, whatever) almost immediately, even if he can't openly advertise it to other Sith from the start.

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The SW does have the choice to take the collar off and treat her as something other than a slave (partner in crime, friend, whatever) almost immediately, even if he can't openly advertise it to other Sith from the start.


Fair enough - and I did know that she could be freed; I just forgot how early she could be freed.

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As for Doc, at least he gets some "points" back for repeatedly risking his life offering medical aide in hot warzones in lieu of a lucrative and famous and cushy career on a "core world" doing high-end research or curing hangovers for the rich and famous, so it's pretty obvious that he's not entirely a skeeve from early on in the story. Edited by Max_Killjoy
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As for Doc, at least he gets some "points" back for repeatedly risking his life offering medical aide in hot warzones in lieu of a lucrative and famous and cushy career on a "core world" doing high-end research or curing hangovers for the rich and famous, so it's pretty obvious that he's not entirely a skeeve from early on in the story.

He's on Balmorra to help the rebels there. Cedrax is on NS because that's where the comforts of life are.

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Doc only hits on Kira if you're male and don't immediately say ''She's mine, back off'' along with a sabre threat.


Doc definitely does hit on her if you're a male JK (my JK had fun saying she's taken), and later Kira complains about him in a companion conversation too I think. I might be harsher on Tharan if he was the designated romance like Doc is.


Ahh ok, I haven't played my male Jedi Knight all the way up yet. I did have one up to about lvl 30 I think before I deleted him, but I think that's before you get Doc. Okay, good to know, I stand corrected! :D

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As for Doc, at least he gets some "points" back for repeatedly risking his life offering medical aide in hot warzones in lieu of a lucrative and famous and cushy career on a "core world" doing high-end research or curing hangovers for the rich and famous, so it's pretty obvious that he's not entirely a skeeve from early on in the story.


I think Doc is sort of like Lando Calrissian. There's a lot of similarities between Doc's shtick and how Lando acts when he's first introduced on Bespin, particularly when Leia's around. Like Lando there's also a decent person once you get past the rogueish casanova act.


I like the scene where you walk in on Doc seemingly randomly reminiscing about his past loves. It's because he tried to hit on Kira (again?) so she mind-tricked him :)


I did get a laugh out of that scene. She should have took it a step further though...


*waves hand*


"Sgt. Rusk is the droid you're looking for."

Edited by Aeneas_Falco
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As for Doc, at least he gets some "points" back for repeatedly risking his life offering medical aide in hot warzones in lieu of a lucrative and famous and cushy career on a "core world" doing high-end research or curing hangovers for the rich and famous, so it's pretty obvious that he's not entirely a skeeve from early on in the story.


The only reason he does that is to look good, as he explains in his story. He'll make a disease to cure if he needs to (Which he actually does unless you tell him not to) to simply look better.

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A lot of characters get screwed in the companion department.


Female JK gets Doc who's not overly horrible, he's a bit of a manho but he also seems to genuinely care about the JK. Though I'd never expect him to be the kind of man a Jedi, or at least my Jedi, would straight up go for if she were to defy the code. She'd pick uh, other options.


Female JC gets Iresso who I found to be a complete drag and there's some Theran action iirc which.. well he's downright pathetic. I don't even wanna imagine how lowly and pathetic my Jedi would have to feel to even contemplate letting that man touch her.


Female Smuggler, enter Corso. Do I need to say much else here? Honestly my Smuggler woulda loved to space Corso and replace him with Skavak. Sure he's an arse but he's a fun arse. I may be biased, sweet wholesome innocent naive farm boys don't make me tingle, period.


Female Trooper.. Aric. I love Aric so nothing bad to say there.


Now the females on the Imperial side get a little luckier. Yes Quinn is a youknowwhat but there's still something strangely attractive to him. I love the built up of the SW's romance with him, the teases to bring him off balance and get him to crack, the gut wrenching betrayal and then the option to either stick with him or tell him all he's good for is supplying offspring. It works somehow. For me. I'm enthralled by Vector, yes the weird bug boy. There's something really unique and interesting about him and my Agent always feels like he's her anchor and sense of serenity amidst all the crazy they go through. Torian is simply cute and I like it when he talks mando to my BH. He could tell her "I'll rip your heart out and feed it to you" in mando and she'll still give him puppy dog eyes.. and he makes sense for a BH. Andronikos.. not sure how much sense he makes for a SI but he's fun to fool around with and has this sorta cavalier attitude I enjoy on my SI. Not often will you find a LI who'll watch you walk off to bed another NPC (duder in Alderaan) and then go "Oh well I had some fun of my own with this girl in the barn" (or w/e the line is) and then just shrugs and moves on without throwing a hissy fit about it.


In short, the Imperial side at least for females in my opinion has far better LI's than the Republic side. In general though I feel the romance option should be available with ALL class companions so you can choose from the five instead of getting a default one. My JK would go for Scourge, my JC.. maybe Zenith though likely she'll still wait for Theron. My Smuggler.. well she doesn't really have much else within her crew unless she's gonna lez it up. Or enjoys hairballs. Still, more options would be better rather than "This is who you shall be with or you'll never get any! .. until SoR!"


Can't say much for males as I never played any.. I imagine Risha to be a reasonable option, Vette's not bad, Ashara and Jaesa are horribad in my opinion, Nadia is a waste but Kira's enjoyable. I hate Elara, Mako might be interesting but I haven't paid much attention to her.


And I know I got kinda carried away and off topic upon seeing all the "Theran and his holosqueeze" comments and how much he sucks.

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Can't say much for males as I never played any.. I imagine Risha to be a reasonable option, Vette's not bad, Ashara and Jaesa are horribad in my opinion, Nadia is a waste but Kira's enjoyable. I hate Elara, Mako might be interesting but I haven't paid much attention to her.


And I know I got kinda carried away and off topic upon seeing all the "Theran and his holosqueeze" comments and how much he sucks.


To reply to this. Far as the female options go, both Akaavi and Risha are fun in their own ways. If you liked Torian, you'll like Akaavi. Not so much on the Mando part early on, more of the Avenging angel, but as you get closer together, you get more Mando speak.


Risha is the rogue princess devil may care. Think of Risha as Leia with a mean streak.


Dorne, how can you hate Dorne. Sure she at first with her Dogma to regs drives you nuts, but she is really sweet and committed to doing the right thing and once you get her to let her hair down some, she's fun.


Mako is fun and slightly annoying at the same time. It's amazing how they pull it off.


Kaliyo. She's just the psychopathic girlfriend with a blaster. Lives for the moment and doesn't look back.


Raina is the one who I wonder how she survives in the Empire. She's so sweet it's a wonder her mouth isn't full of cavities.

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Dorne, how can you hate Dorne. Sure she at first with her Dogma to regs drives you nuts, but she is really sweet and committed to doing the right thing and once you get her to let her hair down some, she's fun.


That's the thing, as a female Trooper in a romance with Aric, she never really opened up. It was all "sir this sir that" regime/paperwork blah blah. Drove me bonkers. Perhaps my own dialog choices kept her at bay as even a friend, I just hated sitting through them so began picking the easiest way out. "Affirmative and shut up".

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After thinking about it some, I kinda like Ashara because of how she handles her situation. The entire thing on Taris was basically her making a bad decision and her whole life crashing down around her as a result. People she cared about are dead and it's her fault, and she knows it, and-- she accepts it, she owns it. Rather than wallowing in self pity, she realizes the Jedi really weren't for her, and makes the most out of her current situation by trying to find like-minded Jedi who are willing to put pragmatism over dogmatic teachings.


In a way, she's like a younger, proto-Lana Baniko, but on the Jedi side and who only lacks the real world experience and practice that Lana has. It's actually be interesting to see what those five years on her own have taught her.

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But there isn't really anything on Taris that suggests the Jedi as a whole aren't for her. She only goes with the Inquisitor because she (incorrectly) feels the Jedi won't have her back after the Inquisitor killed her masters. It wasn't even her fault. Edited by OldVengeance
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But there isn't really anything on Taris that suggests the Jedi as a whole aren't for her. She only goes with the Inquisitor because she (incorrectly) feels the Jedi won't have her back after the Inquisitor killed her masters. It wasn't even her fault.


Not entirely true. As you observe her Jedi training you can see she feels out of place and somewhat defiant, has questions that are frowned upon. Has a sense of pride that's disapproved of (when she wants to be on the front line to fight and instead is encouraged to be supportive to a weaker fellow Jedi) and so on. Her divide from the Jedi starts there, without the Sith's involvement and then later the SI plays in on it.

Edited by JennyFlynn
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That's the thing, as a female Trooper in a romance with Aric, she never really opened up. It was all "sir this sir that" regime/paperwork blah blah. Drove me bonkers. Perhaps my own dialog choices kept her at bay as even a friend, I just hated sitting through them so began picking the easiest way out. "Affirmative and shut up".


You're not alone Jenny, I felt that way about Dorn too. I know a good many adore her, but she irritated me to no end. I just got to the point where I didn't want to give in to anything she wanted (just like Ashara). I was actually gunning for negative points at one point and didn't care. If she had left my command to go off on her errand with her family member, I'd have declared her AWOL, had her court martialed and sent away (If I had anything to say about it, but plot armour).


Female trooper again, was not a story I particularly enjoyed...no interesting love interest (I'm not into Jorgan, great VA, don't care for the character). I felt that the male trooper had a lot more interesting plot nuances with more interesting choices to make along the way.

Edited by Lunafox
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Female trooper again, was not a story I particularly enjoyed...no interesting love interest (I'm not into Jorgan, great VA, don't care for the character). I felt that the male trooper had a lot more interesting plot nuances with more interesting choices to make a long the way.


Plus you dont even get anywhere with him til almost the end of chapter two! 2/3s of the "vanilla" game hes giving you the Grumpy Cat treatment...

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You're not alone Jenny, I felt that way about Dorn too. I know a good many adore her, but she irritated me to no end. I just got to the point where I didn't want to give in to anything she wanted (just like Ashara). I was actually gunning for negative points at one point and didn't care. If she had left my command to go off on her errand with her family member, I'd have declared her AWOL, had her court martialed and sent away (If I had anything to say about it, but plot armour).


Female trooper again, was not a story I particularly enjoyed...no interesting love interest (I'm not into Jorgan, great VA, don't care for the character). I felt that the male trooper had a lot more interesting plot nuances with more interesting choices to make along the way.


I haven't played any female characters, but I don't think you gave her any real chance to be liked. At least on my male trooper, yes, at first she only cared about regulations and rules, but later on she starts bending them, and if you get to truly know her, you realize she is a very kind and caring person and will do what she believes is right. She breaks off from the republic to try to find you in the KOTFE letter which is completely out of her usual character, so it shows a lot about how much she cares for you. You even at one point tried to get on her bad side, of course you're going to dislike someone if you don't give them a chance. Maybe you should re roll and give her another chance.

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Plus you dont even get anywhere with him til almost the end of chapter two! 2/3s of the "vanilla" game hes giving you the Grumpy Cat treatment...


LOL, yeah, I remember he was attempting to flirt with me and I shut him down. Can't say I'm too sorry about it, don't really feel like I missed out on much. I like his voice actor though, shame they can't get Timothy Omundson to voice another character. Trooper and JC were the only classes where I didn't partake of the romances...and probably another reason I thought they were, as Zash would say, "Dull, dull, dull, dull dull." :p

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Plus you dont even get anywhere with him til almost the end of chapter two! 2/3s of the "vanilla" game hes giving you the Grumpy Cat treatment...


I kinda liked that about him though. It wasn't wham bam 2 chats and we're in love! It's extremely gradual and takes a lot of 'time spent together' to grow into something loving and romantic. Much much prefer that over Corso who starts picking out wedding rings the moment you say hi to him.

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Not entirely true. As you observe her Jedi training you can see she feels out of place and somewhat defiant, has questions that are frowned upon. Has a sense of pride that's disapproved of (when she wants to be on the front line to fight and instead is encouraged to be supportive to a weaker fellow Jedi) and so on. Her divide from the Jedi starts there, without the Sith's involvement and then later the SI plays in on it.


But that never gets beyond mild dissatisfaction. There's no big moment where she realizes she can't do this anymore or that she trusts the Sith Lord more than her Jedi Masters, like there is with LS Jaesa. She's loyal to the Jedi Order when the Inquisitor shows up, then her masters are killed and she goes with their killer.

Edited by OldVengeance
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