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Why is Ashara so popular? She makes no sense.

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I think the issue many people have is that being gray, she's going to be in conflict with the player at least half the time if they play straight LS or DS.


I thought the issue was just her continuous whining. I hear her romance is sweet, but nothing is worth that nail-on-a-chalkboard voice. I swear, half of her convo's is either her being an idiot, her preaching or her hating on you for agreeing with her. There's only so much whining I can take before I leave you in the naughty corner of the ship...

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Yeah, I personally think she's stupid and whiny... but at the same time I loved how I could turn her away from the jedi and make her kill republic npcs while she continues to mumble nonsense such as "there is no emotion".


But yeah I did absolutely hate her till 4.0 when it was almost impossible to get her affection as a dark side sith.


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She seems a little confused about what she wants, but I'm okay with her.


Perhaps it's because my Darth Occlus was Neutral rather than light or dark sided. She seemed to agree with a lot of what I did and continued to do, so we clicked quite well as far as philosophy went.

Edited by Lanria
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Who told You Ashara is so popular? I don't like her. My all mates in game love T7, Kira and Nadia.

So it is only Your opinion. Another useless topic.


Ignoring you being an *** for no reason, it's obviously not my opinion. I don't like her either, I said she was popular because so many people were requesting that she return along with Nadia, Kira, and Jaesa, who are fan favourites.

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Ignoring you being an *** for no reason, it's obviously not my opinion. I don't like her either, I said she was popular because so many people were requesting that she return along with Nadia, Kira, and Jaesa, who are fan favourites.


Oh god... everyone just want their main class companions, thats natural.

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Makes no sense to me either. She is a vile disgusting creature that I want to strangle with her own lekku.


In case I wasn't clear enough, I hate her guts. I hate her nasal high pitched whinging voice, and the way she's always yapping...'don't make me go against my teachings.' I asked my hubby, 'what is that thing she says that irritates me all to hell?' and without missing a beat he says, 'Everything.' And that about sums it up.


I hope I get a chance to either shoot her out an airlock, cut her down, or get rid of her in some way. She's as vile as Kaliyo, Skadge and Holiday all rolled into one.

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You will go against your teachings ... and like it!


Honestly, I'm not an Ashara fan. None of the customization options energize my light saber.


LOL, cute. That made my day, loved the way you stated that. :D Thanks for the chuckle. :p

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In case I wasn't clear enough, I hate her guts. I hate her nasal high pitched whinging voice, and the way she's always yapping...'don't make me go against my teachings.' I asked my hubby, 'what is that thing she says that irritates me all to hell?' and without missing a beat he says, 'Everything.' And that about sums it up.


I was about to post that I hate her nasally voice and her high-and-mighty attitude. Glad to see I'm not alone. "Don't make me go againtht my teachingth!" She acts like I'm a light-sided Sith even when I'm dark. She keeps talking about how we're "changing the Empire from within" and I'm thinking, "I never said I was doing that!"

Edited by Tamyn
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The only reason people like her is because she's a female Togruta. But her face isn't even unique. Like Kira Carsen, she has the generic female face for her race. Back when I played the Inquisitor story, she reminded me of Strong from Fallout 4, in that nothing she does makes any sense at all. She says she's a Jedi, yet she has no problem cutting down hundreds of Jedi alongside Nox. Then she rejects the way of the Sith, yet recites their code alongside the Jedi one while she's cutting down Republic and Jedi forces.


Point being, it's clear they were trying to have a grey Jedi-like companion, but it really makes no sense. The whole point of the Grey Jedi was that they didn't take sides, Ashara is clearly siding with the Sith no matter what she say. There should've at least been an option to fully turn her to the dark side, her hypocrisy is both odd and annoying.

is there a reason why you start a thread every single day?
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Friendly reminder that Jolee Bindo was a Grey Jedi, that was fueled by emotions but not driven by the dark side.


And special mention to Kyle Katarn (not canon™) and the Imperial Knights of the Fel Empire (not canon™)


So a "Light Side" (more like, not a goofy evil character but more of a pragmatic one) Sith is not that far fetched

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I have to go with cause she Ashoka Tanon, and for some reason people seemed to like her.


I don't get it myself but even when the species became available we saw a lot of body type 1 female Togruta with similar names, now it may be interesting to know how many of those people were female players though I suspect that would go into a very dark place....


I don't get it myself, for a male inquisitor its your only romance option and it does make gift giving a lot easier as it bumps something up to favourate. Other than this I'm with you, she didn't make sense while at the same time we never saw the character development so that she started being more than opposing statements.

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Makes no sense to me either. She is a vile disgusting creature that I want to strangle with her own lekku.


In case I wasn't clear enough, I hate her guts. I hate her nasal high pitched whinging voice, and the way she's always yapping...'don't make me go against my teachings.' I asked my hubby, 'what is that thing she says that irritates me all to hell?' and without missing a beat he says, 'Everything.' And that about sums it up.


I hope I get a chance to either shoot her out an airlock, cut her down, or get rid of her in some way. She's as vile as Kaliyo, Skadge and Holiday all rolled into one.


Umm....what's your issue with Holiday? I'm struggling to see what makes her (it) vile.

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