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Bring HK-55 back in Cartel or something

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I'm down for a Vet Reward thingy, especially if it was retroactively applied (i.e. people who subbed since game's launch would get all those months added to their "level" or whatever, while people who newly sub get 1 month, and people who come-and-go like me would get varying levels for our subbed months, etc.)


Nope, no retro-actively. You don't get a pay rise for your job retro-actively paid back to when you started with them, why should you get it here?

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I get that, I really do, and I wish I had a good solution for it (the one I had for Nico was that people subbed on the original date could still summon him at Lv 1 and everyone else would have to wait for Ch 9 of KotFE). But honestly, that's a way better argument for Bioware putting more thought into what they choose as sub rewards than anything.


Companions (or at least ones with dialogue)? Story content? BAD IDEA!


Armor sets? Mounts? Weapons! GOOD IDEA!


That Personal Warbot or the Akk Dog actually would have made a WAY better sub reward than Nico or HK.


As others ahve said, make it more of a vet reward. Instead of sub now and get rewards, give it for subbing for X period of time. This gives incentive to stay subscribed vs, subbing jsut for an upcoming month.


if you are subbed for 6 months straight with no lapse, get HK mission. (regardless of the sub start/end date.


Then they are more rewards for staying subscribed vs subscribe for an upcoming month. Also, anyone can then "earn" those rewards.

Edited by Jamtas
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You can get HK-51 by doing the quest. Do that instead. HK-55 should not be given on the Cartel Shop if you didn't sub by the date.


I have a friend that didn't get Nico nor HK-55 but you don't see her throwing a fit to get something that was or is a sub exclusive. Life isn't fair and I am sorry if it seems I being sarcastic but not everything in a game does everyone get. Yes there are things you miss if you were not subbed by a certain date but that happens a lot of time and that is something that people need to accept.

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I don't agree with the Cartel Market idea but as a future sub reward okay. See for me what makes no sense is for them to give out these companions and then put them in the Legacy as part of achievements of those, like me who didn't get Nico, as a shared companion alongside companions such as HK-51, Treek and the two ship droids. Companions like Nico and HK-55 should not appear in the Legacy of people who were not subscribers at said dates. Honestly if you're gonna put them there then have the intention of bringing them back out otherwise get them out of those who didn't sub in time Legacy's as an achievement. Edited by DarthEnrique
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Nope, no retro-actively. You don't get a pay rise for your job retro-actively paid back to when you started with them, why should you get it here?


When CoH started it's loyalty rewards program it was retroactive. I never saw anyone complain about that.

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I don't agree with the Cartel Market idea but as a future sub reward okay. See for me what makes no sense is for them to give out these companions and then put them in the Legacy as part of achievements of those, like me who didn't get Nico, as a shared companion alongside companions such as HK-51, Treek and the two ship droids. Companions like Nico and HK-55 should not appear in the Legacy of people who were not subscribers at said dates. Honestly if you're gonna put them there then have the intention of bringing them back out otherwise get them out of those who didn't sub in time Legacy's as an achievement.

"That's So Wrong!" is in the achievements list for Tatooine, and many, many players (including me) will never be able to do it. It's a total non-issue.

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When CoH started it's loyalty rewards program it was retroactive. I never saw anyone complain about that.


Exactly, same thing with when Final Fantasy 14 started theirs up, and a few other places. It's only retroactive for people who had subs at all, and like I said, it'd vary depending on how long they subbed and whatnot.


Example 1:


Jimmy has subbed every day the game servers have been active from day one. He has... for lack of actual numbers here, let's say he has 36 months of sub-time on his account (3 years.) He meets criteria for a speeder (3-month sub), a special saber crystal color (6-month sub), an armor set (1-year sub), a rancor mount (2-year sub), and HK-49 (3-year sub.)


Example 2:


Billy has subbed off and on since the game came out. Comes for a few months, leaves for a few months, comes back for a month, leaves for another, etc. He has 14 months on his account that he's been subbed off-and-on. He'd qualify for the speeder, saber crystal color, and armor set. If he subs for another 10 months at some point - consecutively or spaced-out - he'll earn himself the Rancor mount, and 12 subbed months after that, the HK-49 companion.


Example 3:


Frankie has subbed for 3 months total - he paid for one month at game's launch, then came back and subbed for the last two months. He'd only qualify for the speeder (3-month sub) because he's only had three months where he was a subscriber on his account.




Now, with these examples, they'd be able to work in some things and space them out to keep people playing for the rewards if they're good enough. In the case of FF14, for example, your rewards come fairly quickly at the start of your sub accrual rate, but a lot of it isn't terribly impressive compared to the later rewards you get for having more subbed months under your belt. The earlier months give the subscriber a feeling of added worth, and the later months both reward long-time subscribers as well as entice people who might otherwise think of unsubbing to "hang in there one more month!" because they really want that next reward or something. Thus, they get spread out further and further - what was a one- or two-month break between rewards is now a 6-month break between rewards, but a really nice reward after those six months of not getting a bonus.



Now, I could see them not going the way of providing a bunch of smaller things at the onset since every subber gets... what, 500 cartel coins a month as part of the sub? So I could see them extending it sooner than later - your first three or six months would see a few rewards, but then it drops down to maybe one reward every six months or so.


Anyway, just a thought.

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Give me HK-55! Give me Nico! Gi Give ME a break!


How many times does this have to be hashed over and beaten to death?


The point of sub rewards is to be subbed by a certain date to get the reward.


It's no different to going to buy a car and missing a special sale that ended just days before. THE SALE IS OVER!


I don't agree with sub rewards, but hey, we take what we get. I'd much prefer vet rewards. That way EVERYONE has an equal opportunity to get the reward items. All you need to do is meet the requirements as a vet.


Examples could be (just things off the top of my head):

  • 6 month - Statue of your class's mentor.
  • 12 month - Holo-Trainer.
  • 18 month - Random Mini Pet (key storyline characters, the Jedi Council, the Dark Council and KoTFE characters).
  • 24 month - Free Image Designer Token.
  • 36 month - Choice of select armor skins - something with a combat aura would be nice.
  • 48 month - 1 Companion from select list.


Hell yes.

This would be awsome :cool:


Also it would be nice to add some UNIQUE (i mean TRULY unique not just re-painted) mounts, maybe some exclusive decorations. And of course unique titles.


There's SO MUCH potential.


Unfortunatly BW will never do such thing... :(

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